2023-2024 TouroCOM-CA - Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine - California

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Interviewing on 2/12
Any tips for the interview?

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Interviewing on 2/12
Any tips for the interview?
Know your application as its open file and will cater questions to your application. Everyone said that the panel interview was interesting and I concur, they gave my group particularly difficult questions so be prepared for the unexpected! Hope you do well and don't get WL like I did lol
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IS WL, interviewed 1/30
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Anyone know if attending the weekly Touro Talks sessions would increase one's chances of getting off the WL?
Anyone know if attending the weekly Touro Talks sessions would increase one's chances of getting off the WL?
Hard to say, but it can only help you! If it's any consolation, I spoke to a current OMS2 who got off of the waitlist, and they mentioned that in his year, they went through pretty much the entire waitlist and then interviewed additional applicants into June and July to fill their class. So keep your hopes up!
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Just withdrew my interview from here with a heavy heart, hope it goes to one of you amazing people! ❤️
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Had my deposit due in about a week, and decided on a school in the midwest- i'm sure they'll send out IIs in the coming week, good luck everyone!
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Had my deposit due in about a week, and decided on a school in the midwest- i'm sure they'll send out IIs in the coming week, good luck everyone!
Doing the Lord's work, thank you! I wish you much success at your school <3
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For everyone waitlisted - TUCOM does not begin pulling from the waitlist until all interviews are complete. So mid-late May is the earliest you can expect to be taken off the waitlist. As you can see from past years threads - there is usually decent waitlist movement, but of course there are no guarantees.
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Is there an accepted students gc?
Traditionally an accepted students Facebook page has been created by the student section of the admissions team, around late February to March. When one is created, the link will be posted here to join. You will need to send a screenshot to be admitted into the group, since it will be private. Normally the class also creates a discord that is managed by volunteers from the class itself, but that is usually right before the school year when most of the WL movement has subsided.
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Also plugging our Touro Talks sessions that we mentioned much earlier in the thread. Its a great chance to ask any questions you like regarding admissions, or just about the school itself. Copied below:

Another amazing opportunity to ask questions regarding the School of Osteopathic Medicine is our WEEKLY TOURO TALKS, held on FRIDAYS on ZOOM, from 12-1pm (It is completely fine to come later or leave earlier). It is an informal Q&A session staffed by at least one medical student, usually from our admissions team, and Lynn Huckle, the COM admissions administrator. It also frequently features the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs when she has time. Anyone is welcome, and you do NOT have to turn on your video or talk if you do not want to. You can just use the chat or even just sit in and listen. It is a great place to ask your questions and get real answers from the people directly involved in admissions!
Link is here Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
You can also access the link here Touro Talks Info Session - Osteopathic Medicine
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Does anyone know if TUCOM accepts a letter of intent? The WL email stated to send updates to admissions beginning in April, but no clear mention of a LOI. Could we submit the LOI as an update once we are given the okay to submit one?
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Does anyone know if TUCOM accepts a letter of intent? The WL email stated to send updates to admissions beginning in April, but no clear mention of a LOI. Could we submit the LOI as an update once we are given the okay to submit one?
yes they accept one, email it to admissions :)
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Hey everyone! I will be starting at Touro-California this fall, and I hope to find some current students to get to know/learn more about the school and curriculum. Feel free to respond to this message so I can provide my email or phone number. Looking forward to meeting you all.
Hey everyone! I will be starting at Touro-California this fall, and I hope to find some current students to get to know/learn more about the school and curriculum. Feel free to respond to this message so I can provide my email or phone number. Looking forward to meeting you all.
sure i can answer your questions
Hey everyone! I will be starting at Touro-California this fall, and I hope to find some current students to get to know/learn more about the school and curriculum. Feel free to respond to this message so I can provide my email or phone number. Looking forward to meeting you all.
Hi! I can answer your questions too, a current OMS1 here too :)
Oos Wait-list. LM 72 nontrad, interviewed Feb 16.

does this school have a lot of wait-list movement?
IS waitlist. Interviewed 02/20. It's quite sad because this is my top school. Do any current students know what we can do to continue showing our interest?
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IS waitlist. Interviewed 02/20. It's quite sad because this is my top school. Do any current students know what we can do to continue showing our interest?
Email said something about updating them with a two page letter in April
IS waitlist. Interviewed 02/20. It's quite sad because this is my top school. Do any current students know what we can do to continue showing our interest?
Hi current student here! Keep showing interest by attending Touro Talks sessions, as well as other sessions on Zoom. If you have any relevant academic or service updates, send them as well to add to your profile (try to submit no more than one altogether). Good luck and hoping all the best for you!
Oos Wait-list. LM 72 nontrad, interviewed Feb 16.

does this school have a lot of wait-list movement?
Historically, waitlist movements have happened up until Orientation time, but can vary year to year and depending on how filled the class is at that point in time and if any space open up. It is definitively difficult to say for sure
Historically, waitlist movements have happened up until Orientation time, but can vary year to year and depending on how filled the class is at that point in time and if any space open up. It is definitively difficult to say for sure
Looks like the waitlist doesn't open up until May. I wonder what percent of students are accepted from it, I know the average is 30% though the std for that value is high.
Hey everyone! I will be starting at Touro-California this fall, and I hope to find some current students to get to know/learn more about the school and curriculum. Feel free to respond to this message so I can provide my email or phone number. Looking forward to meeting you all.
Congrats!! There’s an informal accepted students GroupMe, and some current DO students are helping to moderate and answer our questions on there. Feel free to PM me if you’d like the link (and ofc same goes to all accepted folks!)
Anyone else still waiting for a decision today? The wait is killing me! 😭
Hey everyone! I will be starting at Touro-California this fall, and I hope to find some current students to get to know/learn more about the school and curriculum. Feel free to respond to this message so I can provide my email or phone number. Looking forward to meeting you all.
feel free to DM
Does anyone know if all the feb post-interview decisions were sent out today? I was told during my interview that’d I’d hear back today, but I haven’t gotten anything… just trying to gauge whether or not it’s too early to send an email about my app. Hopefully it doesn’t mean I caught the R… I was just really looking forward to hearing back from touro.
Does anyone know if all the feb post-interview decisions were sent out today? I was told during my interview that’d I’d hear back today, but I haven’t gotten anything… just trying to gauge whether or not it’s too early to send an email about my app. Hopefully it doesn’t mean I caught the R… I was just really looking forward to hearing back from touro.
what day did you interview? did you check your spam or junk?
Still hoping for an interview invite. This is my top choice (I'm from norcal and went to college in the area as well) and I feel like I fit the overall mission of the school pretty well. I sent a letter of continued interest with updates around 3 weeks ago
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Still hoping for an interview invite. This is my top choice (I'm from norcal and went to college in the area as well) and I feel like I fit the overall mission of the school pretty well. I sent a letter of continued interest with updates around 3 weeks ago
Have u attended the touro talks? It helps u get noticed
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I've heard in the past that there was a way to check your estimated waitlist placement. Does anyone know if this is still a thing for TUCCOM?
I've heard in the past that there was a way to check your estimated waitlist placement. Does anyone know if this is still a thing for TUCCOM?
they dont look at the waitlist or start ranking it until May 1st I think
Hey there, I was also WL back in January. I hope we're able to get overcome this and get picked off the WL!
Tough spot to be in especially after getting so far. Seems like they went through their entire waitlist and did some more interviews last year so I think we will be okay!
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I will be withdrawing my WL spot here, hoping it frees a spot for one of you!
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Traditionally an accepted students Facebook page has been created by the student section of the admissions team, around late February to March. When one is created, the link will be posted here to join. You will need to send a screenshot to be admitted into the group, since it will be private. Normally the class also creates a discord that is managed by volunteers from the class itself, but that is usually right before the school year when most of the WL movement has subsided.
Hi, I was wondering if the Facebook group has been created.