2008-2009 U Penn (University of Pennsylvania) Secondary Application Thread

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I just called and was told that decisions will not be released today and that they don't have an exact date for it either.

Anyways, no CBC e-mail for me, so I guess I'm out. :(

Nooooooo! I was, like everyone, really hoping for today. I do not know if I could even put words to how happy I'd be if Penn accepted me. Looks like it'll be at least another day until we hear news though....

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Quaker, if you don't mind me asking, have you been accepted to other schools on the CBC list?
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Yea it seems confusing. I received one a week after being accepted to a school on that list. Did people who got into Northwestern last week get one?

I didn't get one today :(
But I did get 2 CBCs from Northwestern (but was accepted back in December).
If this is AMCAS and NU messing up again...grrrrr :mad:
ebuni, here are the schools on the CBC list...

  • University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine
  • University of California Los Angeles David Geffen SOM
  • University of California Irvine College of Medicine
  • University of California San Diego School of Medicine
  • University of Colorado School of Medicine
  • University of Connecticut School of Medicine
  • Georgetown University School of Medicine
  • Howard University College of Medicine
  • University of South Florida College of Medicine
  • University of Central Florida COM
  • Florida International University COM
  • University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine
  • University of Illinois College of Medicine
  • University of Kentucky College of Medicine
  • Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans
  • Tulane University School of Medicine
  • Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport
  • Boston University School of Medicine
  • University of Michigan Medical School
  • University of Mississippi School of Medicine
  • University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School
  • University of New Mexico School of Medicine
  • University at Buffalo State University of New York School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
  • University of Rochester School Medicine and Dentistry
  • University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
  • Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
  • The University of Toledo College of Medicine
  • Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine
  • Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
  • Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University
  • Temple University School of Medicine
  • Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
  • Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine
  • University of Utah School of Medicine
  • University of Virginia School of Medicine
  • University of Vermont College of Medicine
  • Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Morehouse School of Medicine
  • Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
  • Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
  • University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Guys, I wouldn't buy into this CBC crap too much. I just checked and all the schools I got the CBC e-mail from sent it AFTER I had been notified of my decision by the school first. Granted, for one of them it was timestamped 3 hours after the acceptance e-mail came, but for another it was 2 weeks after my acceptance. I really don't think Penn would release the AMCAS background check before notifying us. :xf::xf:
Guys, I wouldn't buy into this CBC crap too much. I just checked and all the schools I got the CBC e-mail from sent it AFTER I had been notified of my decision by the school first. Granted, for one of them it was timestamped 3 hours after the acceptance e-mail came, but for another it was 2 weeks after my acceptance. I really don't think Penn would release the AMCAS background check before notifying us. :xf::xf:

Also, I can personally vouch for having been accepted at more than one school on that list, yet never receiving more than one CBC email.

Seems to me like there are kinks in their system, and that associating this email with an admissions decision is unwise.
I second that notion. I only received one for the first school.
I only received one from the studentedition people who actually run the background check. However, I did receive one from AMCAS for every school. Still, I'm sticking to my guns -- this doesn't mean anything. Only person that can tell you if you got into Penn is Penn.
ebuni, here are the schools on the CBC list...

  • University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine
  • University of California Los Angeles David Geffen SOM
  • University of California Irvine College of Medicine
  • University of California San Diego School of Medicine
  • University of Colorado School of Medicine
  • University of Connecticut School of Medicine
  • Georgetown University School of Medicine
  • Howard University College of Medicine
  • University of South Florida College of Medicine
  • University of Central Florida COM
  • Florida International University COM
  • University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine
  • University of Illinois College of Medicine
  • University of Kentucky College of Medicine
  • Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans
  • Tulane University School of Medicine
  • Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport
  • Boston University School of Medicine
  • University of Michigan Medical School
  • University of Mississippi School of Medicine
  • University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School
  • University of New Mexico School of Medicine
  • University at Buffalo State University of New York School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
  • University of Rochester School Medicine and Dentistry
  • University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
  • Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
  • The University of Toledo College of Medicine
  • Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine
  • Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
  • Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University
  • Temple University School of Medicine
  • Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
  • Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine
  • University of Utah School of Medicine
  • University of Virginia School of Medicine
  • University of Vermont College of Medicine
  • Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Morehouse School of Medicine
  • Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
  • Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
  • University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine


Of those schools, the only ones that could have sent the CBC to me are Northwestern and Penn. I was accepted to NW back in November but never got a CBC (until now, perhaps). However, I also withdrew from NW last week, if that means anything. But probably not, since I got an invitation to attend their second look weekend yesterday, despite having withdrawn.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's almost definitely NW. A bunch of people got CBC emails from them last week and it glitched and sent 2 to some people. I'm sure your's glitched and didn't send until now.

But, you're no worse off than you were. You still have a high chance of getting into Penn because you interviewed!! Good luck everyone!
Of those schools, the only ones that could have sent the CBC to me are Northwestern and Penn. I was accepted to NW back in November but never got a CBC (until now, perhaps). However, I also withdrew from NW last week, if that means anything. But probably not, since I got an invitation to attend their second look weekend yesterday, despite having withdrawn.

Morozovo - Didn't you say you got one from NU a few pages back on this thread? When I was saying how I got one from them on a Sunday morning?

I know firsthand that these CBC emails can be off but I'm still reading into it and I can't help it! Trying to stop over-analyzing!
Morozovo - Didn't you say you got one from NU a few pages back on this thread? When I was saying how I got one from them on a Sunday morning?

I know firsthand that these CBC emails can be off but I'm still reading into it and I can't help it! Trying to stop over-analyzing!

Yeah I got like a pre-CBC thing from AMCAS last Sunday, which I realize now was probably a warning that I would get the thing I got today, with instructions on how to actually do the CBC. So, my conclusion is it's meaningless. But I still think it's kinda fun to speculate. Which is why I keep posting. Sorry if I've upset anyone.
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Yeah I got like a pre-CBC thing from AMCAS last Sunday, which I realize now was probably a warning that I would get the thing I got today, with instructions on how to actually do the CBC. So, my conclusion is it's meaningless. But I still think it's kinda fun to speculate. Which is why I keep posting. Sorry if I've upset anyone.

Don't apologize! You're just sharing some info. Now if only Penn would share some info...
He may have gotten one last week and the 2nd one this week. Who knows?

I don't think today's going to be the magic day. Someone said Thursday but I have a feeling it's going to be Friday. If I worked in the admissions office, I'd want to release decisions and then pack up and go home for the weekend, let it sink in for everyone. If they released in the middle of the week, phones and e-mails would be blowing up non-stop and we know how much secretaries hate dealing with those things :)

Anyone have ideas for things to keep your mind off this...tv and facebook not working for me anymore
I don't want to create false hope, but last year someone posted that they had just called the office and was told "sometime in the next few days," yet literally 4 minutes later someone's status page was updated. However, in this case, "not today" sounds so strong and definite...sigh.
Yeah I got like a pre-CBC thing from AMCAS last Sunday, which I realize now was probably a warning that I would get the thing I got today, with instructions on how to actually do the CBC. So, my conclusion is it's meaningless. But I still think it's kinda fun to speculate. Which is why I keep posting. Sorry if I've upset anyone.

I don't know ... I find the speculation kind of fun. After all, this wouldn't be SDN if we didn't read into everything waaay too much and overanalyze every piece of correspondence. :) It's like a big game to dissect this long and random application process.

I think more people would be reporting getting a CBC today if it was related to Penn. Since only a couple of people seem to have gotten one, I'm going to agree with other people and say it doesn't mean anything at the moment.

I've gotten accepted at two other schools on the CBC list and my CBC emails for both of them came days to weeks after the school had announced their decision. Also, both were announced by snail-mail instead of online, creating an even larger delay between the decision being made and me finding out.
I don't want to create false hope, but last year someone posted that they had just called the office and was told "sometime in the next few days," yet literally 4 minutes later someone's status page was updated. However, in this case, "not today" sounds so strong and definite...sigh.

Haha, I guess I won't openly give up on today (though I would have not so secretly been checking my status anyway)!
It would be cruel if they did it 5 PM EST on Friday. Like all the staff gets together near a computer, someone clicks "post" and they all grab their stuff and book out.
Sooo anyone want to talk about something else? Any Lost fans here? :)
I have a question that is completely unrelated to Penn or any other medical school.

Why on earth does my screenname have a red circle under it while everyone else's has a green circle? Is this something only I can see as a way to differentiate which posts are mine? Or did I get, like, reported for something somehow? It looks like a red stoplight!
I'm in!! :D

MSTP so I heard early :)

Congrats!!! and :scared::scared::scared: because that means MD only decisions are soon to follow.

Sorry to bring this up again but did you get a CBC email this morning?

And nope no CBC. But I figure I wouldn't need another one done since I had one done for a school previously.
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I'm in!! :D

MSTP so I heard early :)

gl everyone!

My heart rose and sank in a matter of 2 seconds.

Was this a phone call (I don't know how MSTP works) or the status page thinger or email?

Oh yeah, and congratulations!
I'm in!! :D

MSTP so I heard early :)

gl everyone!

Congratulations! I'm guessing you heard by some means other than a status page update?

It would be cruel if they did it 5 PM EST on Friday. Like all the staff gets together near a computer, someone clicks "post" and they all grab their stuff and book out.

That would be really cruel. But not as cruel as actually waiting until like, midnight on Sunday night/Monday morning. Now that would be deliberately cruel.

I'm so glad I have stuff to do outside of work this week! I've been watching How I Met Your Mother by myself and The Big Bang Theory with my boyfriend, and I'm about to start Battlestar Galactica on my own. And I'm hanging out with people Thursday and Friday, so I'll either be celebrating with people or being distracted from being depressed.
Congratulations on the MSTP acceptance!

This has precipitated yet another round of obsessive status page refreshing for me! :oops: I know MD decisions aren't supposed to come out today, but if they've finalized the MSTP decisions, I dont' see why they wouldn't be done with MD only too ...

Anyone else hoping for tomorrow morning?! :luck:
didn't somebody call and say that MD and MSTP decisions come out on the same day?

That's no fair if they changed their policy now

:( ... ahh just tell us already
Word from an SDNer (not DerrickRose) is that Skip is calling the accepted MSTPs before the official decisions go out. I've heard this from some second lookers in previous years as well. Who knows if everyone to be accepted will get a call.
Word from an SDNer (not DerrickRose) is that Skip is calling the accepted MSTPs before the official decisions go out. I've heard this from some second lookers in previous years as well. Who knows if everyone to be accepted will get a call.

Thanks, Neuronix. Hopefully this means decisions will be coming out tomorrow sometime. :xf:
but if the class has already been picked, then do they really need to sleep on it before they release the official results?
Yeah I didn't find out through status page. Personal correspondence from Dr. Brass. In fact my status page still isn't updated.

He did say to expect a crapload of info coming my way in the next 24 hours though. So hopefully that's everyone else too.
Yeah I didn't find out through status page. Personal correspondence from Dr. Brass. In fact my status page still isn't updated.

He did say to expect a crapload of info coming my way in the next 24 hours though. So hopefully that's everyone else too.

Thanks for the info. I hope he really said "crapload" too.
Yeah I didn't find out through status page. Personal correspondence from Dr. Brass. In fact my status page still isn't updated.

He did say to expect a crapload of info coming my way in the next 24 hours though. So hopefully that's everyone else too.

Yay! :D :luck::xf:

Neuronix, your avatar is mesmerizing. It almost makes me wish I still had my bunnies.
Congrats Derrick....I need to try to sleep now, hopefully good news is coming our way tomorrow! :luck:
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Sorry, what does MSTP mean? And does anyone know if people who get scholarships find that out in their initial acceptance letter? Thanks, and good luck everyone!
Sorry, what does MSTP mean? And does anyone know if people who get scholarships find that out in their initial acceptance letter? Thanks, and good luck everyone!

Medical Scientist Training Program, the official MD/PhD program sponsored by the NIH.
Sorry, what does MSTP mean? And does anyone know if people who get scholarships find that out in their initial acceptance letter? Thanks, and good luck everyone!

Yes, it'll be written on your status page. I think that's what has probably taken them the last 2 weeks or so to decide (who is going to get the scholarships)
Waitlist Tier 1. And so it begins! Time to work on my LOI (yeah... I already have a draft). :luck: :xf:

Says: The Committee on Admissions has a continuing interest in your application and we hope you remain interested in Penn.
tier 1. what a surprise ((( rolls eyes )))
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WL - Tier 1 as well.

They mention that there is no ranking for the WL so I wonder how it really works then.

I would like to know if I have any chance at all still or if I should close the book on it.
They mention that there is no ranking for the WL so I wonder how it really works then.

I would like to know if I have any chance at all still or if I should close the book on it.

I told myself that if I were waitlisted, I would not wait around until August trying to get in (esp. with the unranked list). Now, I guess that I need to take my own advice.

Congrats everyone that was accepted, and good luck to everyone!!! :luck:
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