2008-2009 USC-Keck Secondary Application Thread

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Does anyone know if Keck requires a PC for first years? I have a Mac but I know some schools have a computer requirement. Anyone have any idea?

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Does anyone know if Keck requires a PC for first years? I have a Mac but I know some schools have a computer requirement. Anyone have any idea?

I've been to a few first year classes and seen people with Macs. They aren't the majority, but if a dozen people have them, then I would assume there is no requirement for a PC.
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Does anyone know if Keck requires a PC for first years? I have a Mac but I know some schools have a computer requirement. Anyone have any idea?

I remember talking to students during one of my interviews, though I'm not sure if it was at Keck, about the programs that you use on a laptop. They are almost all made for PC, but if you are familiar with those PC emulating programs for your mac you can use them.
I remember talking to students during one of my interviews, though I'm not sure if it was at Keck, about the programs that you use on a laptop. They are almost all made for PC, but if you are familiar with those PC emulating programs for your mac you can use them.

i have heard that the programs used in class are made for PC. I have also heard stories about how KECK will buy you XP or VISTA so you can install it on your mac (if you have the newer macbook) so that you can use the programs.
Anyone get a letter yet today or phone call from Dr. Quinn? I'm waiting for either -- preferably a phone call!
Anyone get a letter yet today or phone call from Dr. Quinn? I'm waiting for either -- preferably a phone call!

I feel like today should be the day for you. It's been exactly 6 weeks + a few days for mail. That's EXACTLY what they took to get my letter to me...so hopefully you have something lovely in your mailbox.
I just got the most pathetic financial aid package I've ever seen. It's nothing but the max in federal loans with roughly $30,000 missing from the COA and a note saying I can apply for a grad PLUS loan to fund the extra. Why oh why did I waste my time including my parents' information on their application if they were only going to offer me aid that I would have been eligible for without it? They apparently aren't very good in the need-based aid category. You would think a school as rich as USC could at least have some institutional subsidized loans! I'm sorry, but Keck is not worth $300k+ in debt to me. Even the broke state schools have offered me better aid (and a lower COA). I'll be withdrawing today.

Good luck to the waitlisters and those of you awaiting decisions!
I'm on the alternate list, but I think my chances are very good. Dr. Quinn hand wrote a message at the bottom of my letter saying they would be in touch as soon as space was available. Maybe the class was already full by the time I interviewed. Regardless, I would be thrilled to attend, if and when that happens.

Did anyone from this batch get accepted? Did any other wait listers get hand written notes on their letters?

Best of luck to everyone! And PS -- if you know you're going to go somewhere else, just drop your spot now and make room for the people who REALLY want to be Trojans ;)
I'm on the alternate list, but I think my chances are very good. Dr. Quinn hand wrote a message at the bottom of my letter saying they would be in touch as soon as space was available. Maybe the class was already full by the time I interviewed. Regardless, I would be thrilled to attend, if and when that happens.

Did anyone from this batch get accepted? Did any other wait listers get hand written notes on their letters?

Best of luck to everyone! And PS -- if you know you're going to go somewhere else, just drop your spot now and make room for the people who REALLY want to be Trojans ;)

amen to that!! im on the edge of my seating hoping to get off the waitlist! :xf: please and thank you! :D
Hey waitlisters, as of today, based on the 2nd Look invite, there have been 301 people accepted. Last year, I believe there were around 350 accepted in total, so if they have stopped accepting outright, I would expect a fair amount of waitlist movement.

That sounds like a really good sign CreativeScience. I don't think Dr. Quinn would lead you on. I bet you're anxiously awaiting late May. I sincerely hope you get in!!!
uggg. no cali love. waitlist :(

hopefully the obscene cost will drive people away during the recession?

i called today and they said something was in the mail. went home to check it and wham.
uggg. no cali love. waitlist :(

hopefully the obscene cost will drive people away during the recession?

i called today and they said something was in the mail. went home to check it and wham.

Did your letter have any hand written stuff from Dr. Quinn like CreativeScience's had?
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Hi everyone. I've been reading for a while but just decided to post. I was wondering if the crime statistics are bothering anyone else. I found some #s that look scary. In that area in 2008 there were 381 murders, 786 rapes, 13,554 robberies, and 11,993 aggravated assaults! Woah. Anyone else as worried as me about this?

Here is the police crime report link: http://www.lapdonline.org/year_in_review/content_basic_view/32918
Then click on 2008 Crime Statistics Summary
Hi everyone. I've been reading for a while but just decided to post. I was wondering if the crime statistics are bothering anyone else. I found some #s that look scary. In that area in 2008 there were 381 murders, 786 rapes, 13,554 robberies, and 11,993 aggravated assaults! Woah. Anyone else as worried as me about this?

Here is the police crime report link: http://www.lapdonline.org/year_in_review/content_basic_view/32918
Then click on 2008 Crime Statistics Summary

:laugh: Good luck getting in from the wait list!
Hi everyone. I've been reading for a while but just decided to post. I was wondering if the crime statistics are bothering anyone else. I found some #s that look scary. In that area in 2008 there were 381 murders, 786 rapes, 13,554 robberies, and 11,993 aggravated assaults! Woah. Anyone else as worried as me about this?

Here is the police crime report link: http://www.lapdonline.org/year_in_review/content_basic_view/32918
Then click on 2008 Crime Statistics Summary

Those numbers are lower than I would've guessed. The area around USC is notoriously bad. Good luck!
Hi everyone. I've been reading for a while but just decided to post. I was wondering if the crime statistics are bothering anyone else. I found some #s that look scary. In that area in 2008 there were 381 murders, 786 rapes, 13,554 robberies, and 11,993 aggravated assaults! Woah. Anyone else as worried as me about this?

Here is the police crime report link: http://www.lapdonline.org/year_in_review/content_basic_view/32918
Then click on 2008 Crime Statistics Summary

I think most students don't live in the immediate area. Sounds like they go for nearby suburbs like Monterey Hills of South Pas for example.
Hi everyone. I've been reading for a while but just decided to post. I was wondering if the crime statistics are bothering anyone else. I found some #s that look scary. In that area in 2008 there were 381 murders, 786 rapes, 13,554 robberies, and 11,993 aggravated assaults! Woah. Anyone else as worried as me about this?

Here is the police crime report link: http://www.lapdonline.org/year_in_review/content_basic_view/32918
Then click on 2008 Crime Statistics Summary

I think most students don't live in the immediate area. Sounds like they go for nearby suburbs like Monterey Hills of South Pas for example.
I got a letter in the mail yesterday... on the waitlist. I interviewed 2/27... my letter also had a handwritten note from Dr Quinn "We promise to be in touch as soon as space becomes available. Be patient. Dr Quinn"
I got a letter in the mail yesterday... on the waitlist. I interviewed 2/27... my letter also had a handwritten note from Dr Quinn "We promise to be in touch as soon as space becomes available. Be patient. Dr Quinn"

anyone wailisted awhile back have a hand written note? i was waitlisted back in Dec with no note...you guys are starting to freak me out... :scared:
Sacramento's slow mail system is about to drive me mad...although I assume if I didn't get a call I'm on the waitlist.

Having worked at Keck USC, I can say that while it is more dangerous than Beverly Hills, you shouldn't base your decision on that - you should be way more concerned about the spartan food options in the area. You can only go to the Greek taco truck so many times.
anyone wailisted awhile back have a hand written note? i was waitlisted back in Dec with no note...you guys are starting to freak me out... :scared:

same situation. waitlisted back in Dec. no note. kind of freaks me out.
I got waitlisted in early March (with no note). My guess (actually, my hope) is that the only waitlisters with notes are those that came at the end of the cycle-- after the school had reviewed all the interviewees and had a better idea of who has a better chance of getting of the waitlist. Or maybe that is just what I am telling myself.
Hi everyone. I've been reading for a while but just decided to post. I was wondering if the crime statistics are bothering anyone else. I found some #s that look scary. In that area in 2008 there were 381 murders, 786 rapes, 13,554 robberies, and 11,993 aggravated assaults! Woah. Anyone else as worried as me about this?

This is the reason why LAC-USC is a phenomenal place to learn medicine, and one of the largest reasons why I'm going to Keck. We get to treat these people!!!! I see this as a huge plus. Where else are you going to get the chance to take out bullets or suture stab wounds? For all you adrenaline jockeys out there, just ask upper classmen about LAC-USC experiences. It's going to be AMAZING!
I got waitlisted in early March (with no note). My guess (actually, my hope) is that the only waitlisters with notes are those that came at the end of the cycle-- after the school had reviewed all the interviewees and had a better idea of who has a better chance of getting of the waitlist. Or maybe that is just what I am telling myself.

i'm convincing myself of the same...
The area really isn't all that bad. I grew up in the area and never had any bad experiences. However, I wouldn't advise walking around the neighborhood in the middle of the night. Just use common sense and there won't be any issues with safety. All that being said, there are definitely much safer places to live. As for me, I've decided to move to Monterrey Hills.
This is the reason why LAC-USC is a phenomenal place to learn medicine, and one of the largest reasons why I'm going to Keck. We get to treat these people!!!! I see this as a huge plus. Where else are you going to get the chance to take out bullets or suture stab wounds? For all you adrenaline jockeys out there, just ask upper classmen about LAC-USC experiences. It's going to be AMAZING!

I agree. Like some of you I am juggling USC and, as I will put it, a more prestigious but less hands on East Coast school. Ultimately I think I will choose USC because of the patients that I will get to work with. My two roommates graduated from Keck and said that the moment they got their Med Student ID badges that they had full access to the hospital and that they saw cases that they still haven't seen in their residencies elsewhere. I guess I would prefer to have access to patients that (a) are glad to have my help even though I am “just” a med student, or (b) don’t know to ask for the attending even if it means my surrounding area isn’t ideal.
This is the reason why LAC-USC is a phenomenal place to learn medicine, and one of the largest reasons why I'm going to Keck. We get to treat these people!!!! I see this as a huge plus. Where else are you going to get the chance to take out bullets or suture stab wounds? For all you adrenaline jockeys out there, just ask upper classmen about LAC-USC experiences. It's going to be AMAZING!

I interviewed with a 4th year going into Emergency Medicine...she definitely had a great experience at USC :D
That crime report was from the Monterey Hills area. I guess west LA is safer but a terrible commute.
That crime report was from the Monterey Hills area. I guess west LA is safer but a terrible commute.

If you do decide to live on the westside, the commute traffic is going the other way, so it shouldn't take you more than 45 min to get to school. Most of the time it'd probably be like 30 min. I personally am going to live in the miracle mile area, which ends up being a 20-25 min drive to campus (I already drove it at times I'd be going to school). I hear a fair amount of people live in Silverlake, which is just north of downtown off the 101. Pasadena is another option, but I'm not sure about commute traffic on the 110.
Like n3opologist said, there are a lot of places on the westside that are great, with very safe neighborhoods, easily accessible grocery stores/restaurants/nightlife/museums, and with reasonable commutes. I work at County right now and live close to Cedars Sinai/the Beverly Center and my commute is 35 minutes from the time I start my car 'til I clock in at work. Not bad IMO, especially since the air is a little fresher and the summers are a bit cooler too.

Also, regarding County being in a bad area: No, this isn't the best part of town, but I have never felt unsafe. Don't walk around by yourself at night and you'll be fine. Besides, this is, like others have said, what makes this place unique. I work in the ER, and I can't tell you all the things I see every day. Patients with diseases you will never see at other hospitals, with gun shot wounds requiring thoracotomies, with open femur fractures, and extremity amputations from machines at the downtown factories. There is nothing like this place!!
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heading out for second look!!! see you all there :)
I have a hunch that they ran out of seats for outright acceptance, and those of us with notes would have been accepted had we interviewed earlier. We're probably going to get in from the WL relatively soon (I hope!!!!).

I'm about an ounce sad that I can't go to Revisit Day and meet all of my (hopefully) future classmates -- but I'd honestly be happy to just get accepted, whenever that happens.

Keep dropping out people!!!
Well I dropped out on Friday so I hope that frees up a spot for somebody that wants it. I actually really loved Keck but It just is too expensive for me. Best of luck to all you Trojans next year.
I will be dropping out come Monday. $72,000 estimated cost a year just isn't something I can afford with 0 financial aid. I hope someone from SDN gets my spot and that they'll get a better aid offer than me.
I will be dropping out come Monday. $72,000 estimated cost a year just isn't something I can afford with 0 financial aid. I hope someone from SDN gets my spot and that they'll get a better aid offer than me.


Seriously? A smiley face because someone dropped their offer b/c they didn't get enough financial aid? I kind of got the impression the person in question felt his/her hands were tied and couldn't go to a school he/she wanted to attend.

Some thoughts are kinder to keep to yourself.
I think it was more a response the original person saying that she hopes his/her spot goes to and SDN person that wants it...Doubt it was to reflect happiness with the fin aid decision.
I think it was more a response the original person saying that she hopes his/her spot goes to and SDN person that wants it...Doubt it was to reflect happiness with the fin aid decision.

Jfasten is correct.

also to show appreciation that the person was so nice to withdraw early rather than wait till may 15.

I guess i could been a little more thorough in my post, but i thought everyone would get the gist. but thanks for thinking so badly of me.
I guess i could been a little more thorough in my post, but i thought everyone would get the gist. but thanks for thinking so badly of me.

You're welcome?

I'm also waiting, and the same thoughts and emotions are probably running through my head. Regardless of intent, the gist was very clear and simple with nothing much to read into. It was a smiley face in response to a withdrawal of application. In context, the mono-emoticonic response was from someone who could personally benefit from each withdrawal. The reaction was innocent without intent of spite or callousness, though it was also was with complete obliviousness to the possible feelings of those who have to withdraw.

Criticism to the emoticon response was responded to in a similar simple, sincere manner: with backpedaling and turning it into a personal attack with unnecessarily snapping sarcasm: "thanks for thinking so badly of me".

... just my opinion.
Now which one of you waitlisters was the one who created the new SDN account (or two) just to make posts about high crime in the neighborhood, in an attempt to scare off acceptees?! That was a hilariously clunky ploy.
Anyone with the luxury of turning down Keck because it's too expensive must have more than one acceptance -- so I can't feel TOO bad for you. That means you're in a way better situation than most people.

Let's not let this thread turn bitter again like a few months ago with the whole legacy discussion.
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