2009-2010 University of Pennsylvania Application Thread

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So, in a nut shell, Penn Preview was awesome. It was great to meet you oncdoc :hello:! I'm sad I couldn't find doc2014 or OwnTwin; I'm really bad at connecting online personas to the real person :(

But as for the preview itself - for those who missed it, couldn't wake up in the morning for it, etc etc (mainly this is for mdeast because he's awesome):

1. The backpacks are awesome. The MS1s told me apparently ours are upgraded versions - since ours has an additional zipper in the front! Although going to a club with the backpack on may seem cool, it is definitely not designed for dancing. After the barmaid at Vango ran off with my jacket to lost and found... I wasn't about to let her get her hands on my backpack! :smuggrin:

2. The students there seemed to genuinely like being there, and seemed to actually enjoy their time there! They definitely seem to follow the "work hard, play hard" scheme. First years seem to have a good chunk of free time - compared to second years anyway; especially when second years start clinics. We saw quite a few of the students - they seemed pretty down to earth.

- A slight addendum: you expect that kids @ penn med are going to be amazing students... and they are; but boy do they have some crazy experiences and backgrounds. Some of the stories of what students have done are really quite humbling (which is a good thing). [this is what I gathered from stories of current students - I'm sure the prospectives/M0s have similarly awesome backgrounds]

3. Supposedly 180 kids/prospectives/MS0s were signed up for PP (about 40 were for MD/PhD). I know for sure that not all of them showed up. Some of them were a bit odd and anti-social; and I'm pretty sure some of them are turdy too (which school doesn't have those) - but overall, I can honestly say I could really see myself hanging out with most of them for the next four years and having a blast. I was kinda crossing my fingers that that's how it would turn out, and I'm glad to see it came true! :luck:

4. Proportions of students coming here (this is really for you mdE) - it seemed like quite a few students were set on coming here / decided to come here by the end of it. I'd say 2/3 were set on the idea, with the other 1/3 deciding between this and another top-tier school, or a school that gave them a lot of money. I didn't really seem like PP convinced them to change their minds though... or maybe they just hadn't sat down and processed everything they'd seen yet? (either way, the 1/3 number is the general sense I got... I clearly didn't go around polling everyone. Yea... not everyone :laugh:)

5. The faculty / administration seems to really like working with the students. They were doing something obvious that irked me; but I guess it happens in every school... but I'm keeping that point to myself. One thing I will say is that the financial aid officers weren't really receptive to your comments unless you had a competing offer from elsewhere. They kinda bordered on being hostile actually. I can understand where they are coming from (this was the tail end of friday - so they'd already been bombarded by students asking for money for a day and a half)... but still. I'm not saying that I was upset because they kept saying "no"... my point is there's the Dr. House way to do it, and the Dr. Wilson way to do it.

Anyway; everything's never perfect right?

And for kids who want to do the MD/MBA program - apparently it's one of the more expensive double degree programs... yay for me :laugh:. And for those who missed it - the MD/MBE (bio ethics) prog seems to have some pretty good grant money floating around... making it one of the cheapest ones.

Er, let's see what else am I forgetting about PP? Dr. White (the anatomy professor) seems pretty awesome. The simulation center is sick... although the tour guide was a bit, er, interesting. CHOP is awesome.

Ok that's all I had. In general, I loved PP. It was a blast. I'm off to bed to catch up on lost sleep (totally worth it though). If I left something out correct me.

On another side note - I've been so tunnel visioned on living by myself that I didn't realize/remember what a big difference living with someone else can make (monetarily). If living in a particular 1br in a particular building would be $1500/mo, living in a 2 br w/ a roommate can cut that down to like $900 :eek:. Not 50% off or anything, but definitely nothing to sneeze at. So I guess I'm revisiting having a roommate :laugh:

I was totally looking for the long sleeve polo!!! :( But regardless... I 150% agree with EVERYTHING said!! And i had a great time at Vango!

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i'm gonna go ahead and agree with everything sentinel said. i definitely got the same sense about how many people had made their minds up, as well as how receptive the financial aid people were. all in all, it was a great experience and PP simply solidified my decision to go to penn.

on a side note, i think the learning team concept is neat and i really look forward to orientation when i'll find out who'll be in my team.

on another side note, that performance of "fix you" rocked and i'm bummed out it's not on youtube yet. somebody needs to get on that.

were there really 180 people there? That just sounds like too many.
i'm gonna go ahead and agree with everything sentinel said. i definitely got the same sense about how many people had made their minds up, as well as how receptive the financial aid people were. all in all, it was a great experience and PP simply solidified my decision to go to penn.

on a side note, i think the learning team concept is neat and i really look forward to orientation when i'll find out who'll be in my team.

on another side note, that performance of "fix you" rocked and i'm bummed out it's not on youtube yet. somebody needs to get on that.

Learning teams are awesome. It is really a great way to do group work. Also, when you work on interviewing, which will without fail have awkward moments, it does make a difference to only be in front of people you are really, really comfortable working with.

If you're talking about the Ultrasounds, here's a link to the their spring performance (I'm not a member, so this is not any form of self promotion)

Now I must return to not studying repro. Glad everyone enjoyed preview!
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on another side note, that performance of "fix you" rocked and i'm bummed out it's not on youtube yet. somebody needs to get on that.

Yea, the ultrasounds!! I forgot to mention them!!

The ultrasounds rock - I mean, they are seriously freakin awesome.

It's times like that that I wish I could sing / beat box so I can be part of their group! I was kinda worried when they picked "Fix you" because it has a lot of electronic sounds / instruments in it - but damn their reproduction was bad ass. Also, their original ovulation song had me in stitches!

I was totally looking for the long sleeve polo!!! :( But regardless... I 150% agree with EVERYTHING said!! And i had a great time at Vango!

Boooo :( Oh well, we'll get to meet each other in august eh? :)

were there really 180 people there? That just sounds like too many.

Def not 180 people there. Ballpark would be around 100, maybe 120. Problem is counting unique people across the different days is... difficult :)
You guys were blessed to have ridiculously good weather for Preview as well. I was surprised there were that many people, cause I don't think I ended up seeing any of you on campus. I remember last year there being swarms of preview kids with their backpacks...all the time, I wanted to have one for next year. Le sigh. Congrats though, and I hope all that enjoyed it do attend. You'll love Penn and you'll love Philly.

Yea, for PP I definitely didn't see people wandering around outside. We were either in events (indoors) or in our free time, walking around the building, hanging out in the lobby or talking to fin aid people. Didn't see too many wandering around outside. I only saw us go outside for planned events - like the CHOP tour.

I think a lot of the people at PP were great, but I'm torn between hoping they come back to penn in august, and wanting them to drop out so you can get in mdE :(. But man I seriously wanted to drop a good word for you with gaye... then I realized I didn't actually know your name. So that failed :laugh:
My host sent me an email about housing, and I thought I'd post a small part of it. It isn't necessarily new information or anything like that... but it does consolidate the info in one spot, and it's got a couple of useful links:

1. Center City West (Skukyill River to Broad Street, Lombard to Market)

Best part of the city to live in for penn students. close to all the bars, restaurants, stuff to do, but close enough to penn to ride your bike or walk. Rittenhouse square is at the center, and this is the most expensive part of town. as you move further away things get cheaper.

2. Graduate Hospital (South to Washington, Skukyill to Broad)
As more people moved to the city Rittenhouse area needed to expand, and moved south. This part of the city is up and coming. Like I told you houses here are either gutted and totally brand new, or a little run down. It is really street dependent. If you find a nice street its probably worth it. Going below south street makes a big difference in price. Still close to all the good stuff, and once south street bridge opens back up (hopefully December?) it will be even close to penn.

3. Center City East (Broad to Delaware River, Lombard to Market)
Very cool neighbor, great houses, really cool streets. Unfortunately its a little far away from Penn. Not many people from my class live east of broad, but if it was closer to penn I'm sure that would be different.

4. South Philly (south of washington)
Not many people live down here. Neighborhoods are hit or miss. However, lots of fun stuff to go do aka Italian market, mexican restaurants.

5. Art Museum (north of ben franklin boulevard, close to the art museum???)
nice neighborhood, don't know much about it, a few people from my class live up here

6. West Philly
like i said unless your living right on top of campus, its not any closer than center city. price is the main reason why people live here. however, sometimes you get what you pay for.

prudential fox roach and remax have searchable databases.

www.trulia.com is a great place to look for properties.

craigslist is good for looking for apartments and brownstones (mainly rentals)

housingmaps.com puts craigslist onto google maps

Mind you, these are just his opinions; so these aren't facts written in stone... but I do agree with all the points he made (I think I made similar ones in my earlier housing post). I'm going to poke around those website a bit more tomorrow... but they look pretty promising! Again, if you are looking to rent apartments - the best time is to start looking in June [so not now]

Most of the apts don't open up till 60 days before = june / late may.

Hope that helps.

Ok now I really need to go to bed. Still need to catch up on sleep from PP since I had to wake up early today :(

Edit: Further addendum on housing regarding roommates:

The Penn Med acceptance site has an area where you can list yourself (along with a few preferences) if you are seeking a roommate. Looks like it has listings from all MSes (so MS0 - MS3s). They told us about this @ PP, but just to recap - to get to this section:
1. Log in
2. Click on Accept, and then scroll to the bottom; you'll see a link for "find a roommate".

Here there's a tab for roommate list (i.e. people who've listed themselves) and a tab for Add your Listing. Hope that helps you roommate seekers! Again, apartment hunting is probably not going to be too fruitful till June... but I guess you could always find a roommate now, go on "pseudo dates" with them to check for comparability and set all that up and search for a place together?
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Yea, the ultrasounds!! I forgot to mention them!!

The ultrasounds rock - I mean, they are seriously freakin awesome.

It's times like that that I wish I could sing / beat box so I can be part of their group! I was kinda worried when they picked "Fix you" because it has a lot of electronic sounds / instruments in it - but damn their reproduction was bad ass. Also, their original ovulation song had me in stitches!

*Googles*... Oooooooooooh.

I want to sing again! I would be all over this. Penn is seducing me.
Posting just because I feel bad the thread has fallen so low on the list of school specific threads :laugh:

I guess I'll throw in a "value add" part:

The "bookstore" doesn't have any Penn Med branded stuff. Well they've got 1 shirt that says "University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine" but that's it. During Penn Preview, there was another group that brought in quite a bit of Penn Med branded merchandise (comfy pants, shirts, shot glasses, pullovers etc). Looks like they took cash or checks only. The best part is they'll be back during Orientation. PP and Orientation are pretty much the only time you can snag this stuff apparently - so if anyone wants 'em - bring $ for 'em. As always... they are pricey.

The best thing they had by far was the shot glass. It had some gradations on the side and this is what they said:

| --- Pass Later |
| |
| --- Pass |
| |
| --- Honors |

It was pretty epic :laugh:
Is there a facebook group for the class of 2014? Also, what's the waitlist movement like here (if any)?
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Do you have more details for some of us waitlisters? Were these people regular tier 1, MD/PhD, tier 1 + preview invite, etc?

Thanks!! =]

This one particular person I know of wasn't invited to preview. But he was made aware that if he essentially committed to Penn his chances of getting off the waitlist were very good. He did that...and he's in now. So....do with that what you will.
For accepted folks, how goes the housing search?

Have many of you found where you are going to live? I've kind of been slacking, and hope I'm not the only one with no clue where I'll be.
Amadelphous, are you sure he is actually accepted? Or was just told that he will be most likely taken off the waitlist come mid-May?

I'm asking because I know a handful of people who got emails in the past day or so in response to their LOI saying that there has been no wait-list movement yet and will not be until a week or two (I am not one of those people -- I got no response -- but I did see the emails). It just would be odd if the admissions committee would be straight-up lying to people...

It would be nice for them to be more transparent regardless!

This one particular person I know of wasn't invited to preview. But he was made aware that if he essentially committed to Penn his chances of getting off the waitlist were very good. He did that...and he's in now. So....do with that what you will.
Amadelphous, are you sure he is actually accepted? Or was just told that he will be most likely taken off the waitlist come mid-May?

I'm asking because I know a handful of people who got emails in the past day or so in response to their LOI saying that there has been no wait-list movement yet and will not be until a week or two (I am not one of those people -- I got no response -- but I did see the emails). It just would be odd if the admissions committee would be straight-up lying to people...

It would be nice for them to be more transparent regardless!

What were the statuses of these "handful of people"? Did they attend Penn Preview?
Lol. No -- they just got a response to their LOI. I think it's random, depending on the volume of emails in the Penn Med Admissions inbox. Or that they specifically asked about when the waitlist movement will occur.

And by handful, I mean 3 people. Sorry to be vague.

What were the statuses of these "handful of people"? Did they attend Penn Preview?
I'm posting to give those on the waitlist some hope. One more spot opened up today as I withdrew from Penn. Baylor here I come! Penn was great but it couldn't beat the family/financial benefits of Baylor for me.
Amadelphous, are you sure he is actually accepted? Or was just told that he will be most likely taken off the waitlist come mid-May?

I'm asking because I know a handful of people who got emails in the past day or so in response to their LOI saying that there has been no wait-list movement yet and will not be until a week or two (I am not one of those people -- I got no response -- but I did see the emails). It just would be odd if the admissions committee would be straight-up lying to people...

It would be nice for them to be more transparent regardless!

Just an FYI...I emailed Gaye last week and she did get back to me. I think she checks her mail sporadically, but she replied within 30 minutes. She didn't say when the waitlist would move, just that she'd keep me in mind and she thanked me for letting her know I was still interested. I expect it should start about 2 weeks from now (maybe the Monday or Tuesday after the 15th).
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Amadelphous, are you sure he is actually accepted? Or was just told that he will be most likely taken off the waitlist come mid-May?

I'm asking because I know a handful of people who got emails in the past day or so in response to their LOI saying that there has been no wait-list movement yet and will not be until a week or two (I am not one of those people -- I got no response -- but I did see the emails). It just would be odd if the admissions committee would be straight-up lying to people...

It would be nice for them to be more transparent regardless!

Sorry my information isn't totally clear. I haven't seen this person's letters or anything I'm just going off of what he said...so maybe he's been accepted or maybe he is sure he will be based on some communication from Penn....but I doubt he would say "he's going" without official confirmation.
For accepted folks, how goes the housing search?

Have many of you found where you are going to live? I've kind of been slacking, and hope I'm not the only one with no clue where I'll be.

Officially withdrew from every place else. UPENN here I come!! I've been looking but only via craigslist. Looking for a single bedroom so my search is a little harder
Do anyone have an idea of when we would get our loan money? I was hoping to use some of it to move, but I'm not sure if I'll get it in time. If we get it a week before orientation, that would be greeeeaaaaaat.
For accepted folks, how goes the housing search?

Have many of you found where you are going to live? I've kind of been slacking, and hope I'm not the only one with no clue where I'll be.

eh you are alright, most apartments don't really open up till June (for August leases) anyway when tenants give their 60 day notices etc.

Just an FYI...I emailed Gaye last week and she did get back to me. I think she checks her mail sporadically, but she replied within 30 minutes. She didn't say when the waitlist would move, just that she'd keep me in mind and she thanked me for letting her know I was still interested. I expect it should start about 2 weeks from now (maybe the Monday or Tuesday after the 15th).

:xf: hope you get in dude!

Officially withdrew from every place else. UPENN here I come!!


Damn; I still have to withdraw from my other schools :ninja:
Do anyone have an idea of when we would get our loan money? I was hoping to use some of it to move, but I'm not sure if I'll get it in time. If we get it a week before orientation, that would be greeeeaaaaaat.

Great question, one I would love to know the answer to as well.

If no one can provide insight, I'm thinking I'll call financial aid and ask in the next week or so.
Great question, one I would love to know the answer to as well.

If no one can provide insight, I'm thinking I'll call financial aid and ask in the next week or so.

Here's the best answer I could find, from Penn's financial aid website

Q: What if I need cash now, but my student loans and other funding have not been applied to my bill?

A: Cash advances, charged against financial aid for the term, are granted on a student-by-student basis. Students must demonstrate a compelling need for the advance and have excess aid to cover the advance.

And then for info on the Direct Stafford Loan...

Disbursement Twice per loan period (once in the fall and once in the spring). All funds will be applied directly to your student account to cover any University charges. If the amount of your loan disbursement exceeds your charges, you will be issued a refund for the difference which you can then use to cover your living expenses.

So I'm guessing Penn probably won't disburse aid funds until after school starts. I'll either contact the office, and tell them I need money to move, or put moving expenses on credit card and pay it off when the aid does come through, hopefully in August.
So I'm guessing Penn probably won't disburse aid funds until after school starts. I'll either contact the office, and tell them I need money to move, or put moving expenses on credit card and pay it off when the aid does come through, hopefully in August.

I'll probably just do this. Thanks for all the info!
you guys have your status page revert back to "interview completed"?
you guys have your status page revert back to "interview completed"?

Ahhh! Yes. I am sure it is just because they are getting ready for next cycle's applicants, but I don't like it. I want the old status page back.
Mine didn't change, unless it changed back already. Unless it changes when you are getting re-reviewed or something.
Mine didn't change, unless it changed back already. Unless it changes when you are getting re-reviewed or something.

Mine is also the same as before. Eh, I'm probably going to withdraw soon anyway.
Man after your posts, I was half worried that Penn was going to be "jk! You weren't really accepted sorry" :smuggrin:

I don't know if mine changed, and changed back... but it has the regular "accepted" landing page....
Man after your posts, I was half worried that Penn was going to be "jk! You weren't really accepted sorry" :smuggrin:

I don't know if mine changed, and changed back... but it has the regular "accepted" landing page....

If I worked in an admissions office, I would be tempted to temporarily change things on people's status pages and then watch them freak out on the internet.
If I worked in an admissions office, I would be tempted to temporarily change things on people's status pages and then watch them freak out on the internet.

:laugh: Awesome april fool's day joke...

To be played on applicants AFTER we are all in and set as MS1's of course :smuggrin:
Hey guys, have you thought about which lender you'll choose to take out your Stafford loan? I wonder if one is better than another (if they all have to follow the government's rules) and which lenders want the sweet milk of your tears.
I thought the fed loans now came directly from the fed and the middle men were cut out.. no?
I thought the fed loans now came directly from the fed and the middle men were cut out.. no?

You're probably right. I just saw "choose your lender" on the website's financial aid timeline and assumed that's what it meant.
I was hoping maybe I could a sense of what people are thinking of doing in terms of housing for next year. Are most people think of living alone or with roomies? Also are people more interested in living in a high rise or finding a townhome for rent?
Does Penn recommend a specific type of laptop/offer a student discount?

I know there's an Apple Repair Service on campus. Not sure about Dell. I think it's the typical student discount program at either company (Dell EPP, Apple Education Discount).
Does Penn recommend a specific type of laptop/offer a student discount?

No. The on campus stuff is a rip off, and Dell's "Premier" account services with the Penn pricing doesn't cover students. That being said, it's pretty much the same prices you get with coupons or sales anyways.
I was hoping maybe I could a sense of what people are thinking of doing in terms of housing for next year. Are most people think of living alone or with roomies? Also are people more interested in living in a high rise or finding a townhome for rent?

It seemed like (and this is from a small sample), people seemed to be split down the middle - half wanted to live alone and half wanted to find roommates [this is from what I got @ PennPreview]. Although, after hearing about prices in philly, quite a few people decided to start thinking about roommates (myself included).

Personally I'd prefer a highrise - a bit more secure... but a townhouse usually means less noise from the neighbours upstairs (since there are none :laugh:... well usually). The other problem seems to be that townhouses are very hit or miss - it is a very individual thing - on top of the location consideration. But apartments seem more consistent in their quality...

Does Penn recommend a specific type of laptop/offer a student discount?

I haven't heard of it... and I didn't see students carrying a certain type over the other.
It seemed like (and this is from a small sample), people seemed to be split down the middle - half wanted to live alone and half wanted to find roommates [this is from what I got @ PennPreview]. Although, after hearing about prices in philly, quite a few people decided to start thinking about roommates (myself included).

Personally I'd prefer a highrise - a bit more secure... but a townhouse usually means less noise from the neighbours upstairs (since there are none :laugh:... well usually). The other problem seems to be that townhouses are very hit or miss - it is a very individual thing - on top of the location consideration. But apartments seem more consistent in their quality...

I haven't heard of it... and I didn't see students carrying a certain type over the other.

I feel so behind on the housing search. I'm not really going to be able to look until June. I want to move in by July though. Am i pushing it?
I feel so behind on the housing search. I'm not really going to be able to look until June. I want to move in by July though. Am i pushing it?

not at all. Most people i've talked to (including realtors and lender companies themselves) recommend you start looking in June because that's when most spots open up. That's what I'm going to do.

Also, since I'm a procrastinator; I'm planning to move in the first week of august :cool: I just live on the edge like that :laugh:
Also, since I'm a procrastinator; I'm planning to move in the first week of august :cool: I just live on the edge like that :laugh:

Me too! It seems like the smartest way to do things for me at least - I can work an extra week that way. Oh boy!
Does anyone know how the $100 deposit (to reserve our place in the class) works? I'm committed to going to Penn, and Penn just cashed my check.

I thought that they only cash it if you decide not to go? Are they giving us the $100 back once we start the year or something? Just making sure this wasn't a mistake. (Was surprised this afternoon when my bank account fell to $20... LOL)
Does anyone know how the $100 deposit (to reserve our place in the class) works? I'm committed to going to Penn, and Penn just cashed my check.

I thought that they only cash it if you decide not to go? Are they giving us the $100 back once we start the year or something? Just making sure this wasn't a mistake. (Was surprised this afternoon when my bank account fell to $20... LOL)

They cash your check and apply it towards your tuition if you decide to matriculate. You get your money back if you withdraw before May 15.

So to answer your question: You won't be getting the money back.
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