2009-2010 University of Pennsylvania Application Thread

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wow, Penn is creeping up on folks. I wonder if Harvard is feeling the heat. :D

haha I doubt it considering the difference in research score b/w penn and harvard is the same difference in research score b/w penn and mt. sinai...

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Also, Penn is at #7 for primary care!! The only other school that's in the top ten for both Research and Primary Care categories is UCSF (#4 for research and #5 for primary care).

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Also, Penn is at #7 for primary care!! The only other school that's in the top ten for both Research and Primary Care categories is UCSF (#4 for research and #5 for primary care).


You missed University of Washington my friend (#1 in Primary Care and #6 in Research). Just saying... Still a pretty cool group to be in nonetheless :cool:

I certainly don't call anything south of south street "center city". You can call it Southwest Center City if you like. I like "South of South" or So-So. You can call it Graduate Hospital District--though Graduate Hospital folded years ago and is now Penn Med at Rittenhouse. But note that the Wikipedia entry on the neighborhood sits in the "Neighborhoods of the South Philadelphia section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" section of Wikipedia. South of south street is technically South Philadelphia. For more info, see:


I'd agree that from 24th and South it's about 1/2 hour walk to the med school over the Walnut St bridge (Google Maps says 28 mins). Add additional time for each additional block further south or east. Whether you consider that walking distance is up to you. Biking from there is possible, but the crowded narrow streets before you get to Walnut make me nervous just thinking about it.

But hey, what do I know. I've only lived in Philly in numerous places for 7 years and lived right around here my whole life.

I live at 26th and South, between South and Lombard. That is Center City, lol. That's what I was referring to.

I also have biked from that area of the city everyday for 2 years. It's simple. Walnut street is WAY, WAY scarier to bike on than any street south of there. There's infinitely less traffic as you head further south. I use my bike as my main mode of transportation in the city, with the exception of grocery shopping trips. Spruce and Pine are the express routes to either end of the city. I'd never rely on Chestnut/Walnut. Too much traffic, no bike lanes, angry drivers. Further south you go, even roads without bike lanes become fine because of the lack of substantial traffic.

Bike theft can be an issue. But, you'll rarely find a problem parking during the day around Penn Med's campus (especially near the research quad...no one would steal a bike in broad daylight from there). I've had my back wheel/gears stolen, but this was from leaving my bike overnight at my SO's place (in the Italian Market). If you bring it inside, you don't have anything to worry about.

Yes! A discussion on the neighbourhoods based on people's experiences!! My plan worked! :smuggrin:

Have had some crazy times going back and forth from Philly - seriously getting a condo (translation - parents do it for me)... monthly mortgage payments are equal to (actually less than for an equal) apt's rent.

I'm kinda looking at Riverwest (21st and chestnut) or Locus Point - although LP is freakin expensive as hell so maybe not... I think the rittenhouse area is a pretty nice place to be - right neuro/mdE?


:highfive: Did USnews just update their rankings for this year? Well I guess so.. they always do it in mid april duh :smack:

PennMed = bad ass. That is all
Yes! A discussion on the neighbourhoods based on people's experiences!! My plan worked! :smuggrin:

Have had some crazy times going back and forth from Philly - seriously getting a condo (translation - parents do it for me)... monthly mortgage payments are equal to (actually less than for an equal) apt's rent.

I'm kinda looking at Riverwest (21st and chestnut) or Locus Point - although LP is freakin expensive as hell so maybe not... I think the rittenhouse area is a pretty nice place to be - right neuro/mdE?

:highfive: Did USnews just update their rankings for this year? Well I guess so.. they always do it in mid april duh :smack:

PennMed = bad ass. That is all

Rittenhouse is great. I think there are advantages to living in an condo, but don't forget that a mortgaged condo also has monthly condo fees. Which, in some rare cases, are the same as rent (in addition to the mortgage). I sort of have looked into this before. You also have to start dealing with property taxes, etc.

I'd personally suggest (at least for your first year) just getting an apartment (two bedrooms are usually more affordable, so find a roommate). This gives you flexibility to live in Philadelphia, find out which areas of the city you like most, and then from there get a more permanent place. Or alternatively, make some really great friends your first year and move in together with them after your first summer. There are condos on the Delaware waterfront (near the Market-East Line that goes to Penn). There are some very affordable loft apartments near Logan Square that a lot of Drexel/Temple med students live in (gorgeous places for as low as $1200/month). There are some cute apartment in Washington West, Midtown Village, Queen Village, etc. that you may end up liking...and not really caring that your commute in the morning may be a bit longer.

If you like living on your own, you can find very affordable studio apartments for under $1000 in very nice areas of Rittenhouse. The more people you live with, generally...the nicer the place you can get at a reasonable price. It's only a year, so it's not a permanent investment. And to be honest, if you live in Rittenhouse, you should be out and about enjoying (studying in cafes, etc.) rather than being cooped up in your room all the time.

Good luck! :) Tell Gaye to let me in off the waitlist when y'all visit next week.
Rittenhouse is great. I think there are advantages to living in an condo, but don't forget that a mortgaged condo also has monthly condo fees. Which, in some rare cases, are the same as rent (in addition to the mortgage). I sort of have looked into this before. You also have to start dealing with property taxes, etc.

I'd personally suggest (at least for your first year) just getting an apartment (two bedrooms are usually more affordable, so find a roommate). This gives you flexibility to live in Philadelphia, find out which areas of the city you like most, and then from there get a more permanent place. Or alternatively, make some really great friends your first year and move in together with them after your first summer. There are condos on the Delaware waterfront (near the Market-East Line that goes to Penn). There are some very affordable loft apartments near Logan Square that a lot of Drexel/Temple med students live in (gorgeous places for as low as $1200/month). There are some cute apartment in Washington West, Midtown Village, Queen Village, etc. that you may end up liking...and not really caring that your commute in the morning may be a bit longer.

If you like living on your own, you can find very affordable studio apartments for under $1000 in very nice areas of Rittenhouse. The more people you live with, generally...the nicer the place you can get at a reasonable price. It's only a year, so it's not a permanent investment. And to be honest, if you live in Rittenhouse, you should be out and about enjoying (studying in cafes, etc.) rather than being cooped up in your room all the time.

Good luck! :) Tell Gaye to let me in off the waitlist when y'all visit next week.

Yea that's the part that's taken me forever to figure out - taking into account all of the expenses of owning a condo and comparing it to renting (since the latter is much more straightforward).

I actually didn't expect it - but if done right (i.e. if you can afford the downpayment), the monthly expenses for the condo (mortgage + condo fees + taxes etc.) come to something comparable to an apt of equal "value" - my numbers show +/- 50-100$ difference between the two. Even if it's 100$ more per month for a condo I'm ok with that since I will theoretically recoup more from flipping the condo after 4 years - since the $ for mortgage interest (money down the drain) << $ for rent (which all goes down the drain... sortof). This isn't a crack at renting at all - I've been renting for the last 2.5 years :D.

And also - I really really don't want to deal with roommates (again). The only roommate I'll deal with is a female; who is sharing my bed :laugh: I'm not really anti social at all; but I just want to know when I come home that it's my home you know? With a roommate it always felt shared and I couldn't really call it home. (Yes I know I'm weird)

And yea - I've been commuting for years now. Hate it. I've wasted enough of my life commuting - I want to live close! Definitely paying a price premium for it (renting or condo wise) - but such is life. I'll just have to figure out a way to sell the condo to some rich MBA kid 4-5 years down the road :smuggrin:

And that's also one of the reasons I want to live in rittenhouse sq - it is really a BEAUTIFUL neighbourhood! I really wanted to get a studio condo - but those are going to be impossible to turn around and sell :(

On a side note - really hoping I win the mega millions lottery because life would be a lot easier with an extra $54 million :laugh:
And yea I'll tell gaye "hey let in MDeast he's awesome!" Except I can see her next question:

"what are you smoking? Who's mdeast?!"
Yea that's the part that's taken me forever to figure out - taking into account all of the expenses of owning a condo and comparing it to renting (since the latter is much more straightforward).

I actually didn't expect it - but if done right (i.e. if you can afford the downpayment), the monthly expenses for the condo (mortgage + condo fees + taxes etc.) come to something comparable to an apt of equal "value" - my numbers show +/- 50-100$ difference between the two. Even if it's 100$ more per month for a condo I'm ok with that since I will theoretically recoup more from flipping the condo after 4 years - since the $ for mortgage interest (money down the drain) << $ for rent (which all goes down the drain... sortof). This isn't a crack at renting at all - I've been renting for the last 2.5 years :D.

And also - I really really don't want to deal with roommates (again). The only roommate I'll deal with is a female; who is sharing my bed :laugh: I'm not really anti social at all; but I just want to know when I come home that it's my home you know? With a roommate it always felt shared and I couldn't really call it home. (Yes I know I'm weird)

And yea - I've been commuting for years now. Hate it. I've wasted enough of my life commuting - I want to live close! Definitely paying a price premium for it (renting or condo wise) - but such is life. I'll just have to figure out a way to sell the condo to some rich MBA kid 4-5 years down the road :smuggrin:

And that's also one of the reasons I want to live in rittenhouse sq - it is really a BEAUTIFUL neighbourhood! I really wanted to get a studio condo - but those are going to be impossible to turn around and sell :(

On a side note - really hoping I win the mega millions lottery because life would be a lot easier with an extra $54 million :laugh:

Good luck with the lottery ;)

Try and avoid the loft style ones if you do get a condo. Philly gets cold in the winter and the heating bills can be outrageous.
I'm not a big fan of loft architecture. I like the classic one br layouts :)

Besides, from what I understand, if I own a condo it is automatically considered a "pimp pad". The choice is clear (just sayin)
Yea that's the part that's taken me forever to figure out - taking into account all of the expenses of owning a condo and comparing it to renting (since the latter is much more straightforward).

I actually didn't expect it - but if done right (i.e. if you can afford the downpayment), the monthly expenses for the condo (mortgage + condo fees + taxes etc.) come to something comparable to an apt of equal "value" - my numbers show +/- 50-100$ difference between the two. Even if it's 100$ more per month for a condo I'm ok with that since I will theoretically recoup more from flipping the condo after 4 years - since the $ for mortgage interest (money down the drain) << $ for rent (which all goes down the drain... sortof). This isn't a crack at renting at all - I've been renting for the last 2.5 years :D.

And also - I really really don't want to deal with roommates (again). The only roommate I'll deal with is a female; who is sharing my bed :laugh: I'm not really anti social at all; but I just want to know when I come home that it's my home you know? With a roommate it always felt shared and I couldn't really call it home. (Yes I know I'm weird)

And yea - I've been commuting for years now. Hate it. I've wasted enough of my life commuting - I want to live close! Definitely paying a price premium for it (renting or condo wise) - but such is life. I'll just have to figure out a way to sell the condo to some rich MBA kid 4-5 years down the road :smuggrin:

And that's also one of the reasons I want to live in rittenhouse sq - it is really a BEAUTIFUL neighbourhood! I really wanted to get a studio condo - but those are going to be impossible to turn around and sell :(

On a side note - really hoping I win the mega millions lottery because life would be a lot easier with an extra $54 million :laugh:

Not weird AT ALL. I feel the same way!! Which is why I'm starting to feel frustrated with finding an apartment. I can only look at apartments on the weekend so I know i'm missing out. As for the condo, winning the Mega Millions would be the ONLY way i could do that. Ha. Hoping for some serious clarity after next weekend!!
Not weird AT ALL. I feel the same way!! Which is why I'm starting to feel frustrated with finding an apartment. I can only look at apartments on the weekend so I know i'm missing out. As for the condo, winning the Mega Millions would be the ONLY way i could do that. Ha. Hoping for some serious clarity after next weekend!!

hey d14 - if you are looking for apts - don't even worry about it. You've got lots of time. From what I heard looks like most places only open up in june (60 days before - even more 30 days before aug). I picked up some stuff from the rental/leasing companies at the rental fair... it'll probably be useless to me so if you want that info let me know and I'll bring it to second look and I can give it to you :)
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hey d14 - if you are looking for apts - don't even worry about it. You've got lots of time. From what I heard looks like most places only open up in june (60 days before - even more 30 days before aug). I picked up some stuff from the rental/leasing companies at the rental fair... it'll probably be useless to me so if you want that info let me know and I'll bring it to second look and I can give it to you :)

Don't worry about it. Summer is the rocking apartment hunting time... that's when most grad students/undergrads who live in Philly move out. June, July, August are the apartment shopping months. Most want you to move in quickly anyway. I found my place on a Saturday. Moved in the following Friday. That's how it works most of the time.

You'll have lost of options to look at, in different areas of the cities/price ranges. So maybe think about taking a week off this summer to do apartment hunting. You'll definitely find something in that time period. Check out Craiglist...or even post a craiglist ad that you're looking for an apartment when the time is right. I ended up getting landlords/real estate agents contacting ME and arranging tours for me without me having to do any searching of my own.
Don't worry about it. Summer is the rocking apartment hunting time... that's when most grad students/undergrads who live in Philly move out. June, July, August are the apartment shopping months. Most want you to move in quickly anyway. I found my place on a Saturday. Moved in the following Friday. That's how it works most of the time.

You'll have lost of options to look at, in different areas of the cities/price ranges. So maybe think about taking a week off this summer to do apartment hunting. You'll definitely find something in that time period. Check out Craiglist...or even post a craiglist ad that you're looking for an apartment when the time is right. I ended up getting landlords/real estate agents contacting ME and arranging tours for me without me having to do any searching of my own.

What he said! :thumbup:

Bank of America mortgage specialists are slow as hell to get back to me :thumbdown: Although they are very clearly interested in handing out more mortgages... Ugh I'll never understand banks. First it was medical school acting like women you are trying to date... now it's bank mortgages.
I agree with everything else that's being said. Condos are not a great investment for just a couple years. The market here is flooded with them. If you buy who knows if you're going to turn a profit. The condo fees tend to be in the hundreds of dollars per month, then tack on taxes, maintainence, extra assessments, all the fees for buying and selling... I guess if you're playing with your parents money it's fine. My parents haven't given me a cent in about 12 years, so I don't know what that feels like myself and as such I'm pretty frugal.

Generally Riverwest's stuff is crappy. It used to be the lowest end apartment building in the area, and they converted it to condos and just let the individual owners fix the units up. The rents went way up and the assessments have been massive.

2400 Chestnut is better, but expensive.

Again, any time before June is too early to be looking for apartments for August unless you really want to reserve a place in 2400 Chestnut or one of the other high dollar buildings that do 90-120 day move out notices. Just remember you'll get ****ed in the *** when you move out if you don't give them the ridiculous 3 months notice later.

I live in a brownstone and that's what I recommend for the best price/quality ratio. I can't tell you what I pay, because the price is very good for what I have and I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. I like the Rittenhouse area for the most part. It's a little boring, the restaurant choice is blah, and parking is the worst in the city, but overall I live close to several parks, the area is pretty, usually quite safe, and there's a cool young professional feel.
I agree with everything else that's being said. Condos are not a great investment for just a couple years. The market here is flooded with them. If you buy who knows if you're going to turn a profit. The condo fees tend to be in the hundreds of dollars per month, then tack on taxes, maintainence, extra assessments, all the fees for buying and selling... I guess if you're playing with your parents money it's fine. My parents haven't given me a cent in about 12 years, so I don't know what that feels like myself and as such I'm pretty frugal.

Generally Riverwest's stuff is crappy. It used to be the lowest end apartment building in the area, and they converted it to condos and just let the individual owners fix the units up. The rents went way up and the assessments have been massive.

2400 Chestnut is better, but expensive.

Again, any time before June is too early to be looking for apartments for August unless you really want to reserve a place in 2400 Chestnut or one of the other high dollar buildings that do 90-120 day move out notices. Just remember you'll get ****ed in the *** when you move out if you don't give them the ridiculous 3 months notice later.

I live in a brownstone and that's what I recommend for the best price/quality ratio. I can't tell you what I pay, because the price is very good for what I have and I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. I like the Rittenhouse area for the most part. It's a little boring, the restaurant choice is blah, and parking is the worst in the city, but overall I live close to several parks, the area is pretty, usually quite safe, and there's a cool young professional feel.

It's definitely not my parents money - the downpayment's coming out of my pocket.

The problem w/ the condos is that huge upfront costs associated with it. From what I can see - if you can get through that, the investment eeks out just ahead of renting for 4-5 years (I might end up doing an MD/MBA). The condo fees are annoying as hell - but my parents own a house... and when you own a property there's a lot of costs associated w/ it. Having all that bundled up into an even distributed condo fee is actually kinda economical (which is why I'm rolling for a condo vs. a townhouse).

But I hear ya on it - there's ups and downs to both.

And yea I'd love to be @ 2400 Chestnut... or locust point. But GOD those two are expensive!!! Now THAT's an insane amount of money / sq feet! I mean you get what you pay for - don't get me wrong. But damn I ain't that rich :laugh:

And I really liked the rittenhouse sq area! Feel more in tune w/ me than west philly / univ city. Then again - my favorite area is where my house is out in Princeton... kinda hard to compete with that area
btw side note (or actually I guess more to the point) - Penn moved up in primary care rankings too! 12 --> 7! Nice :)
Does anyone know what the dress code is for the revisit?
Does anyone know what the dress code is for the revisit?

casual... look on the whole "penn preview details" info on your status page. They went all in on everything. Cant wait!:D
Did anyone hear back about housing for PennPreview yet?
Yes just got the housing email as well. Excellent :) Now I just have to figure out if I'll take the train down or drive down and park at the campus park and ride place. Hmm.
Yes just got the housing email as well. Excellent :) Now I just have to figure out if I'll take the train down or drive down and park at the campus park and ride place. Hmm.

Penn Preview weekend is the same weekend as Penn Relays. It's kind of a mess. I'd recommend not driving if you can help it.
Yes just got the housing email as well. Excellent :) Now I just have to figure out if I'll take the train down or drive down and park at the campus park and ride place. Hmm.

What's so excellent about the housing email (didnt get one....staying with a friend)?

Also, has anyone heard any financial aid info (other than merit awards)?
Penn Preview weekend is the same weekend as Penn Relays. It's kind of a mess. I'd recommend not driving if you can help it.

Do you think we'll get a chance to watch some of the meet?
What's so excellent about the housing email (didnt get one....staying with a friend)?

Also, has anyone heard any financial aid info (other than merit awards)?

Excellent because it's free housing (I don't have any buddies in philly). Other than that, nothing really exciting in the email

Fin Aid Office says if you filed all your fin aid forms by april 9th, you'll get your award info @ penn preview. Don't think anyone will hear before that; but if you didn't file the need access form by april 9th, you may have to wait till later before you hear back about the fin aid package
Penn moved up in primary care rankings too! 12 --> 7! Nice :)

This is further evidence that USNews rankings are absolutely worthless. I waited a few days on this because I wanted to ask a few 3rd and 4th years what they thought about this. We all had a good laugh about it together. It's not that you couldn't do primary care from here, it's just that we're not a big primary care oriented place and very few of the students plan to go into primary care. A top ranking on the research side is a more accurate reflection, though I put zero worth on USNews rankings in general and whether that should be #2 vs. #10 I don't really know or care. I think USNews just jumbles the rankings around randomly every year to sell more magazines.

I dunno if you'll have time to go to Penn Relays during Penn Preview. I mean, everything is pretty much optional, including your attendance, so why not?

If you're really curious you can feel free to line up schedules:
Also, it says "Dress for Penn Preview is casual."
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Also, this is a stupid question... but does a dress code of "casual" = jeans and t-shirts are ok?
Also, this is a stupid question... but does a dress code of "casual" = jeans and t-shirts are ok?

:laugh: If you're accepted, they aren't gonna withdraw the acceptance. I mean, they might if you come naked or something. Don't do that.

If you're trying to get off the waitlist or jockey for more scholarship money, I really don't know :laugh: Use your own intuition on that one.
I dunno if you'll have time to go to Penn Relays during Penn Preview. I mean, everything is pretty much optional, including your attendance, so why not?

If you're really curious you can feel free to line up schedules:
Also, it says "Dress for Penn Preview is casual."

That's not the right schedule. It's a link to last year's preview, I believe. A lot is the same, but some stuff, especially in the evening, has been changed.
I mean, they might if you come naked or something. Don't do that.

hahah now you are just giving me ideas :laugh:

Eh i guess I'll be safe and do the whole jeans and a nice (button up) shirt thing. Figure that puts me half way between casual and business casual. Makes it easy to do the night life activities too...

And yea I looked up info on the penn relays... hot damn :eek: no way in hell I'm taking my car then!
They put the money in the bag for me today ladies and gentlemen. ($46,000 to be exact). UPenn... here i come!! :soexcited: :love:
I think I heard of people losing their acceptance by making some interesting comments to a female faculty member. I wouldn't do that, unless you are trying to give me your spot.
I think I heard of people losing their acceptance by making some interesting comments to a female faculty member. I wouldn't do that, unless you are trying to give me your spot.

?? i dont get it??:confused:
You got a scholarship? Congrats!

Yup!! Full tuition. I guess they're starting to get out all of the rest of the scholarship notifications before Penn Preview. :luck: to everyone waiting to hear back!!
Yup!! Full tuition. I guess they're starting to get out all of the rest of the scholarship notifications before Penn Preview. :luck: to everyone waiting to hear back!!

That's great! How did you find out?
I just meant there was a thread once before about someone losing their acceptance because they were rude to one of the female faculty at the preview weekend.
Just saw my financial aid package too and I'm pleasantly surprised. Higher than I expected. I will still try to negotiate though. :D
They put the money in the bag for me today ladies and gentlemen. ($46,000 to be exact). UPenn... here i come!! :soexcited: :love:

omg congratulations d14!! I'm totally jealous - but I'm so happy for you that it completely wins out. Yay! Tell me you are celebrating!

Edit: I just checked my status... don't have any information on the financial aid package. Guess I'm waiting till Penn Preview to hear about my $ support (or lack thereof)
i felt just lucky to get in here in the first place, but 43K!!!!!

This is one of the most amazing feelings ever. Penn, you are amazing.
Yup!! Full tuition. I guess they're starting to get out all of the rest of the scholarship notifications before Penn Preview. :luck: to everyone waiting to hear back!!
I have been mostly lurking in this thread and the ones for the other schools in Philly, since I'm not applying til this cycle, but holy crap! Congratulations!

Penn seems more generous with financial aide than the other Philly schools. Does that seem to be the case or am I way off here?
So I've never written on any thread before, but I was hoping someone could comment on if these numbers stay the same all four years. If you get a scholarship for 2010 - 2011, is it likely to stay the same next year?
So I've never written on any thread before, but I was hoping someone could comment on if these numbers stay the same all four years. If you get a scholarship for 2010 - 2011, is it likely to stay the same next year?

Actually I would really like to know this too. Is it like college where there can be massive fluctuations to your financial aid year by year? Or will it guaranteed for 4 years?
Penn financial aid is awesome. Literally make dreams come true.
omg congratulations d14!! I'm totally jealous - but I'm so happy for you that it completely wins out. Yay! Tell me you are celebrating!

Edit: I just checked my status... don't have any information on the financial aid package. Guess I'm waiting till Penn Preview to hear about my $ support (or lack thereof)

Thanks sentinel!! Keep your head up because i'm sure you'll hear soon!! And yesss!! i'm celebrating like crazy!! now i can focus on the housing search ;)

So I've never written on any thread before, but I was hoping someone could comment on if these numbers stay the same all four years. If you get a scholarship for 2010 - 2011, is it likely to stay the same next year?

i'm not sure about everyone else's letter, but mine says "All scholarships are 4 year commitments based on satisfactory academic progress and continued financial need"
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