2011-2012 Creighton Application Thread

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Is Creighton receptive to pre-interview update letters?

they took mine! but i haven't heard from them since july so i don't know if that's a good thing

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Is Creighton receptive to pre-interview update letters?
Did you even bother to research this question for yourself?

The 'complete' email that they send clearly answers this question. Maybe you should do some research before spamming all the school specific threads for all the schools you applied to
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Did you even bother to research this question for yourself?

The 'complete' email that they send clearly answers this question. Maybe you should do some research before spamming all the school specific threads for all the schools you applied to

Sounds like someone need to go run 10 miles...

really though, people are busy, maybe he missed it on the email, it happens.
Did you even bother to research this question for yourself?

The 'complete' email that they send clearly answers this question. Maybe you should do some research before spamming all the school specific threads for all the schools you applied to

I can feel for sector9's frustration. The different city/transportation/lodging/interview questions I can understand, but a lot of the basic application questions can be answered by reading the e-mails from the schools, by calling the school, or the FAQs on the school website. Also, the questions may have been answered in previous posts, and it's a bit grating if your future colleagues seem to lack initiative/independence.
Just curious if anyone OOS w/ <30 MCAT has received an II?
I haven't had any updates since 7/28. I just wondering whats up - I'm OOS and just wondering if anyone knows if this is abnormal or should I just keep waiting ? thanks.
I haven't had any updates since 7/28. I just wondering whats up - I'm OOS and just wondering if anyone knows if this is abnormal or should I just keep waiting ? thanks.

If it makes you feel any better I'm int eh same boat... all we can do is wait it out, it's still relatively early in the season.
Would anyone mind sharing their interview day experience? I have to fly in on Thursday for the interview on Friday but not sure if I should schedule to leave on Friday night or Saturday.

Should I just stay for two nights with the hosting program? Are there things I should do/explore before leaving? :)

Complete late July and recently got II
I haven't had any updates since 7/28. I just wondering whats up - I'm OOS and just wondering if anyone knows if this is abnormal or should I just keep waiting ? thanks.

I hadn't heard anything from Creighton since early August and just got an interview invite so just keep waiting and hopefully you'll hear something soon. I'm OOS, 3.7/33.
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Interview invite! Yes!

+1. I am in shock - I did not think that I would get one! Ah trying to decide if I should go!! Can anyone who has already interview provide some insight on the school. Thank you guys... I'm so happy right now!
Interview invite!!! First of the season. SO HAPPY!!!! I applied here last year and didn't hear from them, but I love love love this school! I'm so excited to be able to see the school.

Complete mid sept, 3.87, 31, OOS.
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question: Is Creighton big on research? I know that there's some research going on at Creighton, but how much, and how easy is it to be involved in research as a medical student here? Are there structured programs for research, or do we have to take it upon ourselves to find research opportunities? also, how does basic science research compare to clinical research with respect to funding and recognition?

also, I read in the 2010-2011 thread that UNMC has much better research opportunities? Is this really true, cuz for some reason, I thought it was the opposite...

sorry for the overload, but any and all responses are greatly appreciated!
Creighton is not really research-focused. There is research being done there, but if your main focus is a top research school you should probably look elsewhere.
Interview Invite! Complete on Sept 21st, Invite came yesterday on Oct 4th (Loving the fast turnaround time!). I have a lot of family in the area so really juiced for this school. From this thread it sounds like the Creighton family lives up to its name.
So how long is it taking everyone to hear back from Creighton? I got the complete email on Sep 9th but on on my letters didnt go in until the 20th so Im a bit confused as to which day I really was complete. Hopefully i hear from them sometime soon.
So how long is it taking everyone to hear back from Creighton? I got the complete email on Sep 9th but on on my letters didnt go in until the 20th so Im a bit confused as to which day I really was complete. Hopefully i hear from them sometime soon.

I was complete on August 2nd and haven't heard a peep!
+1. I am in shock - I did not think that I would get one! Ah trying to decide if I should go!! Can anyone who has already interview provide some insight on the school. Thank you guys... I'm so happy right now!

Interviewed last year and had an excellent time. Admissions staff, faculty, and the Dean of admissions were all extremely kind and welcoming. I would recommend the student hosting program if it is offered to you. I stayed with a Med 2 and he was awesome. The students there were probably the most incredible part, they all seem to help each other out and really have the same vision as far as working cooperatively to solve problems etc. I got wait-listed and didn't get in so I'm applying again this year. The hospital tour was good, gave you a feel of where you'll be spending time 3rd and 4th year but I couldn't get over how many doors we went through, every 20 feet it seemed like! Otherwise seemed pretty quiet the day I went. Overall I had a great time during my interview, but like I said, check out the student hosting program if you can!
yea just had an interview yesterday..same sentiments as gozags. extremely nice students. non-competitive environment mostly because grading is honors/high pass/pass/fail and the staff works really hard to make sure you don't fail. only a couple of downsides: will be in the same classroom 4-6 hours a day; and, selective process for going to Phoenix for third/fourth year (42 out of 152). otherwise, it's great...
I know this is late, but can someone please post the secondary essay prompts? PLEASE
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what's usually the turn around time for getting the "complete" email after submitting the secondary?
I'm curious whether Creighton will do 10/15 or 10/17 acceptances this year. I'm really hoping to get a call from them either Saturday or next Monday. :xf:
I'm curious whether Creighton will do 10/15 or 10/17 acceptances this year. I'm really hoping to get a call from them either Saturday or next Monday. :xf:

I'm wondering the same thing. I stalked last year's thread and it seemed that they made calls the following Monday. The anticipation of waitng for this news makes waiting for the MCAT seem like child's play!
I'm wondering the same thing. I stalked last year's thread and it seemed that they made calls the following Monday. The anticipation of waitng for this news makes waiting for the MCAT seem like child's play!

:laugh: I hear that. I didn't get a chance to stalk, but I have heard from people that Creighton has been good about getting back to early interviewees in October.
so i guess we have to wait until monday

ALRIGHT, who's gonna break the ice here? :D In the past, they have made afternoon/evening calls...but I might give them a ring on my lunch break to see if they will be releasing information...
ALRIGHT, who's gonna break the ice here? :D In the past, they have made afternoon/evening calls...but I might give them a ring on my lunch break to see if they will be releasing information...

I was thinking about calling them too...but patience is a virtue :cool:
I was one of the first batch, so if they haven't gone over my app yet, I will tear my heart out, no exaggeration...
I just logged in and it says my last updated date is 10 am this morning. Anyone else???
I just logged in and it says my last updated date is 10 am this morning. Anyone else???

I got that as well (9:54 CDT). Hopefully it's a good update? Do they usually call/e-mail? Or are we just waiting for an envelope?
Updated this morning as well. Phone call on its way? I hope so :).
I have been complete since 7/28 and haven't heard anything so I sent them an update letter today. Has anyone else had success with an update letter? Thanks
I haven't done that but Creighton loves updates, so I think it's a good idea, to show them your interest. It is a great school.
I was updated this morning as well. Hopefully that is good news. Good luck everyone! :)
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