2011-2012 University of Louisville Application Thread

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Well, I never heard anything from U of L. I have received emails telling me that they have received my FAFSA information, but that is it - no update emails from admissions or anything, so I'm assuming I have been silently rejected. Don't mind it too much, but how difficult is it to send out a form email to a list of people letting them know that they are rejected?

It's fine you don't want me - just invest the 16 seconds it would take to add my name to a pre-crafted email and click send. The work I've done warrants at least that consideration.

Good luck to everyone else. Would have loved to have gone to Louisville.
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was anybody else really impressed by the pre-orientation meeting on Feb. 18th? I went fully expecting to be confirmed in my desire to attend UK, but now i find myself favoring UofL over UK!
was anybody else really impressed by the pre-orientation meeting on Feb. 18th? I went fully expecting to be confirmed in my desire to attend UK, but now i find myself favoring UofL over UK!

I learned a lot talking with the students, but I've been pretty set on U of L since the interview.
U of L definitely was impressive! I'm on hold at UK but I think I am definitely leaning toward U of L no matter what. They seemed to have a much closer knit community among their students.
Yeah! It totally surprised me that a school with a class size of 160 would have a better community than one of only 100. there were a number of other perks about Louisville over UK, but it ultimately came down to two factors. Which prepared you best for the boards, and which gave you the best clinical experiences. I always knew that UofL would have the better clinical experiences, but it wasn't until the informational meeting that I knew they would also prepare me better for the boards (especially considering the curriculum change at UK). I think I can say with pride that I'm going to Louisville in the fall!
Does anyone know if the med students can use the undergrad workout and swimming facilities? I understand there's a gym for just the health sciences campus, but I don't know how good it is. Is it just a couple stationary bikes and some treadmills with a nautilus thrown in? Or is it more comprehensive than that?
Does anyone know if the med students can use the undergrad workout and swimming facilities? I understand there's a gym for just the health sciences campus, but I don't know how good it is. Is it just a couple stationary bikes and some treadmills with a nautilus thrown in? Or is it more comprehensive than that?

Med students are allowed to use those facilities, but you have to be enrolled in classes to use the facilities during the summer. A new recreation center is also being built on Belknap campus.

The HSC gym is more than that:

Does anyone know if the med students can use the undergrad workout and swimming facilities? I understand there's a gym for just the health sciences campus, but I don't know how good it is. Is it just a couple stationary bikes and some treadmills with a nautilus thrown in? Or is it more comprehensive than that?

I think it's a decent gym. Small-ish, but not crowded at all and it's just so dang convenient to the med school that it'd be a shame to go anywhere else unless you lived near the other campus.

Careful with the rhetoric UofL gives on board prep though . . . all schools say that stuff. They're also doing very, very similar curriculum changes compared to UK, but they're not talking about it as much. They sprung a huge change in the neuro course on everyone (students and lecturing professors) in the middle of the year. The students happened to like it, but it was not well planned. It's almost like they're doing the same things as UK but with less reasoning (personally I think doing something good doesn't have to be for the right reason if it's still good though) . I think in 5 years the two schools will have almost identical course plans, again!

And keep in mind that they don't have a Dean right now (unless I'm not up on the latest gossip?). Remember how the Dean was absent the day we were there? The guy in charge muttered something about an "illness in the family"? Yeah, the dean resigned that Monday. I have serious reservations about the leadership and administrators at UofL compared to UK. That's my biggest hang up right now. The professors and students seem fantastic though.
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as far as leadership goes, let's talk about the kind of leadership that comes into a school and in his first year as dean forces an unpopular curriculum change in one year that was intended to take place over the course of several years, prompting several faculty members to leave that institution. from what i heard uk has a sort of revolution. maybe that will be good for them in the long run, but i can't see it as a good thing for the next couple of classes that roll through there. if anything, i'd say the fact that ul's dean is leaving is a good sign, since it means other schools are recruiting from our staff.
Top third of the waitlist! Fingers crossed!! Anyone have any idea what the waitlist movement typically looks like at UofL?

Top third as well! OOS. I'm hoping for even better news soon.
Where do you see what level you are on of the Wait list? I have looked on the secondary application check status tab and it doesn't say anything new.
Where do you see what level you are on of the Wait list? I have looked on the secondary application check status tab and it doesn't say anything new.

I think you have to call the admission office and inquire about it if i'm not mistaken...
Where do you see what level you are on of the Wait list? I have looked on the secondary application check status tab and it doesn't say anything new.

Go to the secondary application website (https://webapp.louisville.edu/coldfusion2/webs/somaps/default.cfm), log in, click "check status" tab, and then click "application status." It will show the dates for secondary requested and secondary received, committee decision, and wait list rank.

Best of luck to you!
Top third of the waitlist! Fingers crossed!! Anyone have any idea what the waitlist movement typically looks like at UofL?

I know of people that got in off the middle-third last year. I think some may have even gotten in off the bottom-third.
Top third IS and hopeful! I'll post if I hear anything concerning movement and hoping others will do the same. Anyone have any direct info on typical ULSOM waitlist movement? Thanks and best of luck to all.
Accepted 5/16 :) Top 1/3 IS

Btw, when I interviewed in Nov, I believe the lady told us that in 9 of the past 10 years, they took everybody from the top 1/3 IS. Best of luck to everybody waiting to hear!
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Has anyone from Top Third OOS heard back yet? Or does anyone else know if Top Third OOS usually gets an accept? Good luck to everyone waiting.
Accepted off the waitlist!! IS Top third. I got my email on Wednesday, May 16th around noon! I greatly look forward to attending UofL this August!

Good luck to all those still waiting!
Yo incoming first years,
If you're looking for a place to live that is close to school and the bars on Bardstown Road, send me a message. Rent is 450. You'd be living with two MS2s who could help you with all with the transition into medical school. Place has been completely renovated. New hardwood floors. Walk in closets. 2 bathrooms. Water is included in the rent. It's an awesome place. Let me know if you're interested. Rent starts in July. Thanks.
I just withdrew from the top third of the OOS waitlist. Good luck to everyone waiting!
Still waiting in the top third IS... Really hoping for some movement this week! :xf:
Withdrew my OOS acceptance today! Hope one of you guys gets my spot! Good luck!
Accepted off the waitlist (top third, IS) yesterday afternoon! Very thrilled to be moving back to my home town.
Is anyone else having trouble with the ULink website? Everytime I click I the link my browser says that the page failed to load. I've tried in both FireFox, IE, and Google Chrome. Thanks!
Does anyone know if the top third has been exhausted? Looking/Hoping to hear that there has been some movement on the middle third :D
Does anyone know if the top third has been exhausted? Looking/Hoping to hear that there has been some movement on the middle third :D
I'm top 1/3 OOS, and I have yet to hear back. Still hoping for the best!
OOS or IS? I think both are still in top 1/3...
I just found out yesterday that I got accepted!! Top 1/3 OOS -- Good luck to everyone!
No more progression with the alt list?? I'm middle third and starting to think chances are shot for this cycle.
Anyone hear of recent movement off the waitlist? I know orientation starts next week.
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