2022-2023 Louisville

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Nothing. See y’all next Monday I guess lol

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Got the call today! OOS- I am very happy, and all I can say is don’t lose hope 🙌🏻😭
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For those who have been accepted from the WL how long do they give you to accept or decline your offer? Trying to see if there’ll still be movement :,)
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For those who have been accepted from the WL how long do they give you to accept or decline your offer? Trying to see if there’ll still be movement :,)
I actually have been on the WL since February, and I heard back until yesterday. I think it’s 50/50 shot because UofL seeks more instate students also.

But don’t lose your hope. Typically they are giving us 5 buisness days to respond back.
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I actually have been on the WL since February, and I heard back until yesterday. I think it’s 50/50 shot because UofL seeks more instate students also.

But don’t lose your hope. Typically they are giving us 5 buisness days to respond back.
congrats on getting accepted!! :) and thanks i'm really trying to keep up my hope 🥲 hoping to hear good news next week
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Got an acceptance yesterday afternoon! OOS, non-trad.

I hope there's more good news coming to others soon! And to anyone who needs to re-apply: as draining as it is, I think that in the end, most people who get some real life experience before starting medical school feel really fortunate to have had it. I sure do (several years in my case).
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Not all those who get off the WL are participants of a school’s SDN thread.

Please keep posts to new information regarding the WL or other questions/information about Louisville as a program.
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Just withdrew from the wait list. Don't lose hope! youre all going to make wonderful Doctors! Im OOS by the way.