2013-2014 University of Massachusetts Application Thread

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J to the J
Moderator Emeritus
15+ Year Member
Apr 27, 2007
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If you are reapplying to UMMS, please describe how you have strengthened your credentials since your last application. Limit your answer to 200 words.

Have you ever worked/volunteered or otherwise participated in any UMASS Medical School or UMASS Memorial Health Care sponsored activities/programs (Example: Area Health Education Center (AHEC), Pipeline Program, Summer Enrichment Program (SEP), Research) If Yes, please describe. A letter of recommendation from your program supervisor is strongly encouraged. Limit your answer to 200 words.

What are your future medical career plans? Please describe your hopes for your chosen medical specialty, type of practice, and size/type of practice community. Limit your answer to 200 words.

Please explain any grades:
o Lower than a 'B' in any prerequisite or science course
o Any semester where you feel your academic performance was not representative of your true abilities

Limit your answer to 200 words.

How did you study for the MCAT exam? Limit your answer to 200 words.

Please provide a description of a personal dilemma relating to ONE of the nine following personal compentencies that are important to success in medical education and physician practice. Limit your answer to 500 words. Any additional information beyond one page will not be evaluated.

Please check the competency of your choice:

Integrity & Ethics Competency

Behaves in an honest and ethical manner; adheres to ethical principles and follows rules and procedures; resists peer pressure to engage in unethical behavior and encourages others to behave in honest and ethical ways.

Reliability & Dependability

Consistently fulfills obligations in a timely and satisfactory manner; takes responsibility for personal actions and performance.

Service Orientation

Demonstrates a desire to help others and sensitivity to others' needs and feelings; demonstrates a desire to alleviate others' distress.

Social & Interpersonal Skills

Demonstrates an awareness of others' needs, goals, feelings, and the ways that social and behavioral cues affect peoples' interactions and behaviors; adjusts behaviors appropriately in response to these cues; and treats others with respect.

Capacity for Improvement

Sets goals for continuous improvement and for learning new concepts and skills; engages in reflective practice for improvement; solicits and responds appropriately to feedback

Resilience and Adaptability

Demonstrates tolerance of stressful or changing environments or situations and adapts effectively to them; is persistent, even under difficult situations; recovers from setbacks.

Cultural Competence

Demonstrates knowledge of social and cultural factors that affect interactions and behaviors; shows an appreciation and respect for multiple dimensions of diversity; recognizes and appropriately addresses bias in themselves and others; interacts effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.

Oral Communication

Effectively conveys information to others using spoken words and sentences listens effectively; recognizes potential communication barriers and adjust approach or clarifies information as needed.


Works collaboratively with others to achieve shared goals; shares information and knowledge with others and provides feedback; puts team goals ahead of individual goals.

The information below provides instructions on how you should write your description.

Step1: Review each competency

Carefully read each competency definition to be sure you understand what is important. Carefully reflect on each competency and think about a dilemma you encountered in your activities, experiences, or accomplishments and relate that to it.

Step 2: Choose what you will write about for ONE competency

Choose one dilemma that best describes your demonstration of your chosen competency. The dilemma may be specific, such as a challenging person, situation or assignment. Alternately, it may be an example of a dilemma you witnessed, in which case your relay what your response would have been.

Step 3: Provide a narrative description of the dilemma

Carefully describe the dilemma you have selected. Your response should clearly reflect your individual experience or understanding of this dilemma related to that competency. Your description must reflect the quality of your understanding of the dilemma including how it relates to the specific competency and its scope and impact. Specifically, you should describe:

a) the situation in which the activity, experience or accomplishment occured;

b) actions you took and the resulting consequences of those actions;

c) what you learned from the experience

GL to all.

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From the sounds of last year's (and the past few years) class thread, it sounds like the secret's out on UMASS... And here I was hoping that people wouldn't realize how awesome the school is until after this cycle. Oh well, I'd be thrilled to get in here. Love me tenderly UMASS.

Good luck all!
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Our apps, if verified, won't be released to med schools until this Friday. That's the earliest possible to receive secondaries at any school.
Just got the secondary! Last question is wicked hard... (this is my fourth secondary today, ya feel?)
Hey guys, incoming MS1. I will follow this thread if there are any major questions. UMass traditionally reviews apps slower than most schools (long waits will be a continuous theme with UMass), so I would recommend putting this secondary on the burner if you have schools that gets things rolling faster.
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anyone know if MD/PhD applicants have the same questions?
This secondary is proving harder than anticipated. I have one experience I really wanted to write about, but it's not really fitting in well with any of the provided prompts...

Also, any current UMASS students out there willing to share insight into the school? Why you chose it, pluses and minuses (besides the sloooowwww admissions process) and anything like that?
Do you get a completion email or any type of notification when they receive the application fee by mail?
When they ask to explain any grade lower than a "B" in any prerequisite, does this include a B-?

I recieved a B- in organic chemistry, but I would rather not bring attention to it if I don't have to.
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What are people's impressions towards writing about depression? I wanted to talk about my personal experiences with depression as well as later helping my best friend through his more serious bout and coming out with a more wholesome understanding for the need to improve mental health. I think it'd fit under resilience and adaptability. Is it a big no-no to write about mental illness? (which is part of the problem that needs to be fixed) but i really love umass and don't want to write a risky essay
What are people's impressions towards writing about depression? I wanted to talk about my personal experiences with depression as well as later helping my best friend through his more serious bout and coming out with a more wholesome understanding for the need to improve mental health. I think it'd fit under resilience and adaptability. Is it a big no-no to write about mental illness? (which is part of the problem that needs to be fixed) but i really love umass and don't want to write a risky essay

It's absolutely a no-no to write about mental illness, for this or any other essay. Do your best to paint a wholesome, happy picture of yourself. It's unfortunate that a prior history of mental illness is still seen as taboo, but it's the game you need to play to get in somewhere. I get occasional fits of anxiety, and for a while I wrestled with including this in my secondary essays... ultimately I decided not to, and I think it was a prudent choice.
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What are people's impressions towards writing about depression? I wanted to talk about my personal experiences with depression as well as later helping my best friend through his more serious bout and coming out with a more wholesome understanding for the need to improve mental health. I think it'd fit under resilience and adaptability. Is it a big no-no to write about mental illness? (which is part of the problem that needs to be fixed) but i really love umass and don't want to write a risky essay

While writing about your own mental illness is probably not a good idea, I think writing about how you helped a friend cope has the potential to be a really thoughtful exploration of what resiliency and adaptability mean. I think you can get across the same point (that you know good coping strategies, warning signs, etc) without talking about yourself per se. Hope that helps!
This sytem is so ****ty. I thought I would never have to see it again after an undergrad at amherst
after we finish the secondary do we just leave it? can't find the submit button..
Its in the student center section under admissions, below secondary application button.
I don't see the button either, but the instructions email says:

"There is no formal 'SUBMIT' button. You can make edits and each time you click 'Save' the most recent information is submitted to us. You can keep making/saving edits until your application is complete."

So I guess that means until you're complete, you can make changes. Seems confusing though.
God, this thing is a mess.

1) Where do I submit my residency requirement form or is just filling out that page with my license and registration, tax return addresses etc. enough?

2) For the Parent or Guardian question, do I just fill that in if I'm emancipated minor? I'm not dependent anymore.

3) Anyone know how long it is going to take for my LoE to update if I just changed the toggle in AMCAS?

4) Where are my MCAT scores?

5) Seriously, UMass? I need to MAIL a CHECK?!?! :laugh:

1) I think the residency form is just all those questions (drivers license, high school info, etc)

2) No idea, I would call and ask.

3) Nope!

4) On your AMCAS most likely. I don't think they'd just show up on the supplement, would be kind of redundant.

5) As much as I love the school, the web interface is from 1995 and so is the payment. I could literally set up a paypal account for the school in 15 seconds...

I don't see the button either, but the instructions email says:

"There is no formal 'SUBMIT' button. You can make edits and each time you click 'Save' the most recent information is submitted to us. You can keep making/saving edits until your application is complete."

So I guess that means until you're complete, you can make changes. Seems confusing though.

+1. Based on past years' threads, there's never been a submit button. They just go in and manually gray out your application when they receive your check (assuming your MCAT scores and letters are already in).
1) I think the residency form is just all those questions (drivers license, high school info, etc)

2) No idea, I would call and ask.

3) Nope!

4) On your AMCAS most likely. I don't think they'd just show up on the supplement, would be kind of redundant.

5) As much as I love the school, the web interface is from 1995 and so is the payment. I could literally set up a paypal account for the school in 15 seconds...

+1. Based on past years' threads, there's never been a submit button. They just go in and manually gray out your application when they receive your check (assuming your MCAT scores and letters are already in).

Sorry maybe mine was different/had a button since it was for MD/PhD
Currently an MS2 here. Now, full digression: obviously I've never attended any other medical school, and I'm a pretty easy-to-please person education-wise (I've always thought that it's not really the place so much as what a person makes of their time there that makes for a good or bad experience anywhere).

But that being said: I love UMass!

Zero regrets about coming here, zero regrets about turning down places like Vandy and WashU to do it.

Great new facilities, AWESOME sense of community, and lots of faculty willing to reach out to mentor you (I'm the type of person who's gun-shy about reaching out to profs/mentors and I have at least four docs who are there for me as go-to mentors, some as formal mentors through school programs and others who I've gotten to know through interest groups, volunteering, etc).

Not to mention that with the learning contract and the cost of living in Worcester, it's like half the cost of what I would have paid at the schools I turned down.

Best of luck to all of you. It's a long process, but I hope to see you all around UMass for interviews this season!
has anyone else not received the secondary yet? I was verified on 7/30 but I still haven't received any sort of email from UMass! 🙁
has anyone else not received the secondary yet? I was verified on 7/30 but I still haven't received any sort of email from UMass! 🙁
I got the secondary email more than a week after I was verified...don't worry, they are just slow
This is my state school, but I just submitted my application. I had started it, but totally forgot to input some info on the application, and the lack of submit button allowed me to miss it. Hope I didn't kill my chances...
This is my state school, but I just submitted my application. I had started it, but totally forgot to input some info on the application, and the lack of submit button allowed me to miss it. Hope I didn't kill my chances...

I submitted my secondary to UMass last year in mid September and was interviewing a little over a month later... then I proceeded to wait 7 months for a decision. I am learning that many of my classmates had a similar ordeal. Admissions timeline is wonky here so I think you will be EXTREMELY early by UMass standards.
Anyone successfully marked as "complete" yet? Or other updates?

Also, does anyone have information about Early Decision? Is there a specific place to mark your app as ED or is it just that you have your app complete by the deadline?

Thanks and hopefully we'll start hearing about IIs soon!
Did you mark UMass as EDP on your AMCAS primary application?

In case you're not aware, "Early Decision" for medical school requires that you only apply to a single school, and you indicate the EDP preference on the AMCAS primary application. If you applied to multiple schools and/or did not select EDP on the primary, you are being considered for regular decision. Hope that helps!
I received a request on Friday from UMass for extra information to verify my in-state status. I hope they don't consider me out-of-state and thus don't consider my app.
Nothing has happened to my application since I filled out all of the info about ten days ago. Still marked as incomplete, nothing greyed out...
ii!!! complete sometime after July 10 (when I sent off my app fee check)
Boo interviews are MMI format this year, not traditional like last year. Only reason why I don't like it is because there's less info about MMI format than traditional.
Woo! II! They probably got my check around 7/29. 3.6/40. UMass is probably my first choice
Got the II today. Complete about one month ago.
I got an email today from the Dean of Admissions. They aren't going to consider me In-State and thus I am not eligible for interview.


Goodluck all. This is the end of the ride for me.
They got the check ~8/8. No II. I am guessing they hate me already. 🙁
This interview format is terrifying! There isn't very much information out there to prepare well for it. Seems like we're the guinea pigs.
I agree, eek! Just gotta stay loose and act natural. I've had interviews for jobs that are of similar basic format- I had no idea what i was walking into back then! It turned out okay. There's something to be said for interacting with many different people instead of one or two because it's less likely to result in a personality clash that might work against ya.