2018-2019 Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (Middletown Campus)

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Someone posted earlier they received a response and they interviewed the 15th hmmm
Saw that. I'm curious as well. Maybe they alphabetize things? Maybe they were ahead of schedule on decisions for September so they went a few names into October? Not sure.

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Should I send an update letter before I get the email regarding my interview last month? Or should I wait to see if I get wait listed, then send it?
Should I send an update letter before I get the email regarding my interview last month? Or should I wait to see if I get wait listed, then send it?

How pertinent is the letter? What would you be updating them on? If it's bull****, then it's just fluff. If it's test scores or grades... definitely send them in, especially if they're good.
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To everyone still waiting: September + October are big Jewish months, and given it's a Jewish school, we actually get a ton of time off in September (Obviously good time for studying, but you're watching lectures at home), so the school administration I'm sure is still making up for those 5 weeks of holidays
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Also, just some random words of encouragement for people: I was accepted to Touro early this year and am well underway in the first semester, coming up to finals!

I was very anxious waiting because it took the school well over the 6 weeks to get back to me. Surprisingly, I was denied by PCOM but then weirdly accepted later on (More people must have dropped than they wanted) - also I was accepted to UNECOM literally a week and a half before their classes would have began. I was already set on Touro when I heard back from PCOM and UNECOM, so it made the decision to deny them easy. BUT! I say this because, literally anything can happen, so keep your hopes up, keep improving your resume, and working hard!

Also keep in mind there is a MS program through Touro. The kids in my class who came from the MS program are very well prepared coming into the first year, so theres no harm in doing the program, or even applying as a backup. You don't need to re-do the MCAT if you score high enough in the class ranking in the MS program, you're offered automatic direct matriculation to the school.
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Just got acceptance letter from October 15th interview
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How pertinent is the letter? What would you be updating them on? If it's bull****, then it's just fluff. If it's test scores or grades... definitely send them in, especially if they're good.

new positions, hours, studies I'm on at work, presentation @ research conference, other than that, I guess it's hooplah. so should I wait to see if I get wait listed first?
Accepted!! interviewed 10/15!
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how many hours of OPP does Touro NY do again per week? I can't recall from my interview.
Does anyone know of a good source where I can ask some questions to current students? Is there a facebook group? Or is SDN the best bet?
Does anyone know of a good source where I can ask some questions to current students? Is there a facebook group? Or is SDN the best bet?

Specifically, good and safe places to rent in the area-- Dont think I can live in the dorms.
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new positions, hours, studies I'm on at work, presentation @ research conference, other than that, I guess it's hooplah. so should I wait to see if I get wait listed first?

Your research does seem to be the biggest thing here, that would be something I might say something about. Especially if there's pictures related to your project? Or some sort of article/publishment?
Specifically, good and safe places to rent in the area-- Dont think I can live in the dorms.

I would look into the Southgate Apartments. They're luxury, expensive, BUT, you will never shovel in the winter, you can have a garage for your car, very ample storage units, and very close (9 minute drive) to school
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I would look into the Southgate Apartments. They're luxury, expensive, BUT, you will never shovel in the winter, you can have a garage for your car, very ample storage units, and very close (9 minute drive) to school

Yea, they do look nice-- but a little out of my budget. Im hoping for something around 1400/month. Are you a current student? Do you live there?
Yea, they do look nice-- but a little out of my budget. Im hoping for something around 1400/month. Are you a current student? Do you live there?

Yes I live there and I am a current student.

There are many many apartments around Middletown right near the school. Regency Club is another popular spot.
I would recommend not being too close to the school, I like how Southgate is kind of a little outside of Middletown so the traffic right next to it is not so bad, it gets worse as you get closer to the school during rush hours because it is on the main street in Middletown. It gets rural really fast, so I would stay on the periphery of Middletown cuz its pretty away from the city. I would just google apartments, get some names, and spend a day coming into town and visiting them all. Also if you want, you can try to get a roommate and split the cost of a Southgate 2 bedroom
do the students have off for all the jewish holidays?
what do you guys say when you email frank rose? Like hey im getting antsy since my interview, can you let me know when i'll be given an answer?
what do you guys say when you email frank rose? Like hey im getting antsy since my interview, can you let me know when i'll be given an answer?

They seem to be giving out decisions in chunks rather than voting on someone and immediately sending them their decision. When I had emailed him, he informed me that they in fact already voted on me, but, they needed to make their way to the bottom the list before sending out the acceptance emails. This email was in week 4 since my interview and I finally got accepted in week 5. Although it is a little annoying, they did inform us that it would take 4-6 weeks. If it has passed your 4-6 week mark, then email him and explain your situation. He really wasnt bothered by my email at 4 weeks-- I just wouldn't email if you are only 2-3 weeks in.
They seem to be giving out decisions in chunks rather than voting on someone and immediately sending them their decision. When I had emailed him, he informed me that they in fact already voted on me, but, they needed to make their way to the bottom the list before sending out the acceptance emails. This email was in week 4 since my interview and I finally got accepted in week 5. Although it is a little annoying, they did inform us that it would take 4-6 weeks. If it has passed your 4-6 week mark, then email him and explain your situation. He really wasnt bothered by my email at 4 weeks-- I just wouldn't email if you are only 2-3 weeks in.

I can't figure out how to PM you, but would you mind if I asked like, what do you even say to him? "hey i know my interview packet says 4-6 weeks but can you give me an update?" really want to email him but not sure how i can make that sound good haha
I can't figure out how to PM you, but would you mind if I asked like, what do you even say to him? "hey i know my interview packet says 4-6 weeks but can you give me an update?" really want to email him but not sure how i can make that sound good haha

Hi Frank,

I hate to be a bother, but, could you please remind me of the Middletown’s timeframe for making acceptance decisions? I interviewed on October 15th.

There is a deposit deadline at another school due early next week and I was hoping to first hear the Middletown decision because I really liked it there and would really consider going.

Thank you

word for word.

( there actually was a deposit due. Unfortunately, the deadline came and went without hearing from touro.) It took them until the following week before I got my acceptance letter.
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Hi Frank,

I hate to be a bother, but, could you please remind me of the Middletown’s timeframe for making acceptance decisions? I interviewed on October 15th.

There is a deposit deadline at another school due early next week and I was hoping to first hear the Middletown decision because I really liked it there and would really consider going.

Thank you

word for word.

( there actually was a deposit due. Unfortunately, the deadline came and went without hearing from touro.) It took them until the following week before I got my acceptance letter.

you're awesome! thank you for your help! :) good luck with everything
anyone hear anything this week?
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can a current student speak about the preparation at touro for COMLEX and USMLE?
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Hi Frank,

I hate to be a bother, but, could you please remind me of the Middletown’s timeframe for making acceptance decisions? I interviewed on October 15th.

There is a deposit deadline at another school due early next week and I was hoping to first hear the Middletown decision because I really liked it there and would really consider going.

Thank you

word for word.

( there actually was a deposit due. Unfortunately, the deadline came and went without hearing from touro.) It took them until the following week before I got my acceptance letter.
May I ask what school you gave up to attend TouroCOM, and are you happy with your decision?
May I ask what school you gave up to attend TouroCOM, and are you happy with your decision?

Not a problem. It was Campbell University. There is nothing wrong with that school. I actually really liked it and I know someone who is a yr 3 there and they really like it. It was a tough decision and I really wish they would have put there deadline at DEC 15th-- like most other schools. I just wasn't ready to make a decision.

I still have a few other choices ( all which have the DEC 15th deadline) I think I am leaning towards TouroCOM for personal reasons ( closer to home, gf, etc...) I have been told by numerous people that the most important part of Med School is where you do your clinical rotations-- since that is where you actually learn how to be a doctor. You can technically prepare for your boards anywhere by just reading textbooks and supplemental materials. I thought Middletown had more promising rotation sites rather than the hit or miss small clinics in extremely rural areas at other osteopathic programs.
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can a current student speak about the preparation at touro for COMLEX and USMLE?
I’m a first year so I can’t really go into specifics but I know the second years get an allotted amount of time to study for boards. They encourage taking both USMLE and COMLEX, and they give out free board study material for both exams. During my interview last year, the first class to take COMLEX I had a pass rate that was #8 amount DO schools. They just graduated their first class so they didn’t have any data on COMLEX II but I know the Harlem campus has had low pass rates for that exam. No idea if that means anything for Middletown as I’m not familiar with the rotation sites. They do have a “pre-COMLEX” exam you have to pass before you can take boards. They only had to hold five students from taking boards (they said all five eventually took the exam.)
The Physiology professor that records the lectures actually wrote the Kaplan USMLE Step I books but oddly enough, Physiology is the only area were we rank below average on COMLEX.
I’m a first year so I can’t really go into specifics but I know the second years get an allotted amount of time to study for boards. They encourage taking both USMLE and COMLEX, and they give out free board study material for both exams. During my interview last year, the first class to take COMLEX I had a pass rate that was #8 amount DO schools. They just graduated their first class so they didn’t have any data on COMLEX II but I know the Harlem campus has had low pass rates for that exam. No idea if that means anything for Middletown as I’m not familiar with the rotation sites. They do have a “pre-COMLEX” exam you have to pass before you can take boards. They only had to hold five students from taking boards (they said all five eventually took the exam.)
The Physiology professor that records the lectures actually wrote the Kaplan USMLE Step I books but oddly enough, Physiology is the only area were we rank below average on COMLEX.
Hi, have you gotten any feedback from the 3rd and 4th year students about their clerkship experience?
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Just got the acceptance email! Woooo!
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Accepted! Interviewed 10/22, OOS, 504 MCAT 3.83 cGPA 3.96 sGPA

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2 things:

Current students: can you direct me to affordable yet nice pet friendly housing? I'm in the process of getting a small/medium dog (less than 35-40 ish pounds) and don't want to leave it at home when I leave for school next summer.

Anyone else: is there an interview/acceptance thread and/or FB page?

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2 things:

Current students: can you direct me to affordable yet nice pet friendly housing? I'm in the process of getting a small/medium dog (less than 35-40 ish pounds) and don't want to leave it at home when I leave for school next summer.

Anyone else: is there an interview/acceptance thread and/or FB page?

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Hi! I was a master's student last year and applying to the DO program this year! I know that Boulder Point apartments is pet friendly and is very affordable especially if you choose to live with a roommate.
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Hi! I was a master's student last year and applying to the DO program this year! I know that Boulder Point apartments is pet friendly and is very affordable especially if you choose to live with a roommate.

Do students live at Boulder Point? I was looking at that place, but, the google reviews really turned me off from there.
Do students live at Boulder Point? I was looking at that place, but, the google reviews really turned me off from there.
I actually lived there last year and there were other students living there as well both Masters and DO. It wasn't my favorite like tbh if I get in I would live somewhere else like sterling parc or southgate but im not sure that those are pet friendly. The apartment was pretty big especially for what you pay, its pretty comfortable, and 1 minute away from the school and 5 minutes from all the big plazas with grocery stores, walmart, gym, starbuck etc. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the apartments the only reason I wouldn't live there again is out of personal preferences, i just liked southgate better when i toured it last year because it was newer and a little nicer (although pricier. But they didn't have any apaprtments available because I decided on Middletown very late in the game so. If you have any questions about the apartments feel free to PM me :)
I actually lived there last year and there were other students living there as well both Masters and DO. It wasn't my favorite like tbh if I get in I would live somewhere else like sterling parc or southgate but im not sure that those are pet friendly. The apartment was pretty big especially for what you pay, its pretty comfortable, and 1 minute away from the school and 5 minutes from all the big plazas with grocery stores, walmart, gym, starbuck etc. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the apartments the only reason I wouldn't live there again is out of personal preferences, i just liked southgate better when i toured it last year because it was newer and a little nicer (although pricier. But they didn't have any apaprtments available because I decided on Middletown very late in the game so. If you have any questions about the apartments feel free to PM me :)
is there someplace for students to find other students they might want to live with like an acceptance group or something?
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is there someplace for students to find other students they might want to live with like an acceptance group or something?
I used the fb acceptance group last year to find my roommate. Not sure if there's been one set up yet for this year!
can any current students also speak about having exams every monday. I live about 5 hours from the school and am hoping to return home once a month for personal family reasons and i fear that getting in the way. but also i feel like an exam every monday is so overbearing
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can any current students also speak about having exams every monday. I live about 5 hours from the school and am hoping to return home once a month for personal family reasons and i fear that getting in the way. but also i feel like an exam every monday is so overbearing

Not a current student, but, apparently Touro Middletown gives every Friday off and reserves it as a study day. That means you could technically just shift your weekend back a day and leave after classes on Thursday. Every medical school has exams each week-- its medical school. Some of the schools I've been accepted to/ interviewed at have their exams set for Mondays, whereas other have their exams set for Fridays. They'll almost never alternate days.

At my interview, I asked students if they felt that the monday exams were a burden. They overwhelmingly said no and that they felt they were in fact able to do day trips, go see family, etc... Besides, if it were Friday exams, you'd be stuck in OMM lab , Anatomy , or Lectures all week and not be able to really sit down and look at the test material. Mondays exams give you that time to really digest the exam material.
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I honestly am a little disappointed about how inactive this Touro Middletown discussion board is. Some school's threads are into 12 pages already while we sit here at not even 3 complete pages. I want to hear prospectives student's concerns, questions, grievances. I also wish more students would throw their two cents in. Am I the only one who feels that way?
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I honestly am a little disappointed about how inactive this Touro Middletown discussion board is. Some school's threads are into 12 pages already while we sit here at not even 3 complete pages. I want to hear prospectives student's concerns, questions, grievances. I also wish more students would throw their two cents in. Am I the only one who feels that way?
Accepted student here. I also wouldn't mind seeing some more activity.

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can any current students also speak about having exams every monday. I live about 5 hours from the school and am hoping to return home once a month for personal family reasons and i fear that getting in the way. but also i feel like an exam every monday is so overbearing
Current first year. Most of the exams are on Monday but some are on fridays. Your typical week is exammonday morning and then class Tuesday-Thursday. Sometimes you have an exam on Monday and Friday, sometimes neither. First 4 weeks of the semester you just have class Tuesday-Thursday and there are 5 or 6 weeks in the semester where you don’t have any tests.
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has anyone from the 10/29 or 11/5 interview groups heard back yet, and if not, has anyone talked to Frank about when the next batch of acceptances might go out?
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I’m in my 4th week as of today. So nervous of checking my email.
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I’m in my 4th week as of today. So nervous of checking my email.

This is my fifth week as of today so I definitely relate! Even got nervous checking this thread because I assumed it was someone posting their admissions decision :scared: Keep your head up!
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This is my fifth week as of today so I definitely relate! Even got nervous checking this thread because I assumed it was someone posting their admissions decision :scared: Keep your head up!
I hear ya bud! My heart almost stop a beat each time my email notification goes off.
has anyone from the 10/29 or 11/5 interview groups heard back yet, and if not, has anyone talked to Frank about when the next batch of acceptances might go out?

I spoke to Frank last week and he said they are voting on the group that interviewed 11/29 tomorrow on 12/11. So I'm not sure when the 11/5 group will be voted on. I asked because I was accepted at another school where the deposit is due on 12/14 so I wanted to inquire about my status
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