2023-2024 Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (Harlem Campus)

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General question... what are some of your favorite things about going to touro harlem?
First and foremost I'm from NY. City isn't for everybody but imo its a great place to be. Generally, the student body is pretty good at helping each other with studying material (or at least it was in my year). The professors here are really good and knowledgeable. I guess my answer would be the location and the people.

Would you also be to speak on the quality of clinical rotations?
So our sites are spread out across NY, and NJ and now we have a site in Montana and Pennsylvania (which is new this year so I have no idea bout that). For my site (Coney Island Hospital), it's pretty good in that the residents there are generally helpful and want to teach when they have time. It's not too busy where you are overworking yourself, but you can do a lot if you have an interest in the rotation. Attendings are all very nice so far. You see a decent variety of cases as you move along the different rotation blocks. You have an elective block which gets you more exposure to your area of interest (doing mine back in Coney because generally its easier to get an elective in the affiliated sites).

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First and foremost I'm from NY. City isn't for everybody but imo its a great place to be. Generally, the student body is pretty good at helping each other with studying material (or at least it was in my year). The professors here are really good and knowledgeable. I guess my answer would be the location and the people.

So our sites are spread out across NY, and NJ and now we have a site in Montana and Pennsylvania (which is new this year so I have no idea bout that). For my site (Coney Island Hospital), it's pretty good in that the residents there are generally helpful and want to teach when they have time. It's not too busy where you are overworking yourself, but you can do a lot if you have an interest in the rotation. Attendings are all very nice so far. You see a decent variety of cases as you move along the different rotation blocks. You have an elective block which gets you more exposure to your area of interest (doing mine back in Coney because generally its easier to get an elective in the affiliated sites).
Why do most students at TouroCOM go into primary care? Does TouroCOM actively promote it, or does it just typically attract people who want to go primary care?

Also, how does TouroCOM help students prepare for USMLE and COMLEX? Do the majority of TouroCOM students take USMLE in addition to COMLEX?

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Why do most students at TouroCOM go into primary care? Does TouroCOM actively promote it, or does it just typically attract people who want to go primary care?

Also, how does TouroCOM help students prepare for USMLE and COMLEX? Do the majority of TouroCOM students take USMLE in addition to COMLEX?


I think its a bit of both though more so the latter than the former. Most people come in wanting to go to IM (most are also thinking of fellowship afterward) and FM. Thats the reason why the match list is filled with IM and FM matches. This also differs between classes. My class is full of IM, FM and EM hopefuls mixed in with a group of surgery and anesthesia (which is my goal).

For me, I felt like the lecture videos from second year gives u the entirety of the material that u will need for step and level 1. So I didnt end up doing dedicated board studying til actual dedicated time (which was about a month and a half). Touro also provides BB, sketchy and truelearn (question bank; more useful for shelf and comlex level 2), though they dont provide uworld (which sucks since its an extra 600 bucks for the year). Theres also is *cough* unofficial *cough* material through the student drive that is handed out during orientation.
I think its a bit of both though more so the latter than the former. Most people come in wanting to go to IM (most are also thinking of fellowship afterward) and FM. Thats the reason why the match list is filled with IM and FM matches. This also differs between classes. My class is full of IM, FM and EM hopefuls mixed in with a group of surgery and anesthesia (which is my goal).

For me, I felt like the lecture videos from second year gives u the entirety of the material that u will need for step and level 1. So I didnt end up doing dedicated board studying til actual dedicated time (which was about a month and a half). Touro also provides BB, sketchy and truelearn (question bank; more useful for shelf and comlex level 2), though they dont provide uworld (which sucks since its an extra 600 bucks for the year). Theres also is *cough* unofficial *cough* material through the student drive that is handed out during orientation.
Just to clarify, there are no in person interviews correct? Is there any way to request a tour of the school? I live in NYC and would love to see the campus in person.
It was really chill. Quick recap: presentation by admin, then Q&A session with multiple deans, then Q&A session with a student, then a presentation and Q&A session with the OMM director. All the students had their cameras on and the faculty were very nice were very open to questions and comments. i don’t think it was a pre-interview, it was very casual and you didn’t have talk if you didn’t want to except for when we were asked to introduce ourselves.
is there a dress code for the admissions presentation?
Just finished my interview today, lasted about 30 mins and it was straight to the point and not very conversational. I mostly just got asked questions directly and got to ask questions. It was quick and now I'm wondering if that's bad? After I finished asking my questions they just said it was nice to meet me and I logged off. Now I'm left wondering if I missed something. Anybody have insight on how their interview went?
was the interview 1 on 1?
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OMS-3 here. Congrats to everyone who has been accepted so far. Hoping for the best for everyone who are still waiting or on the WL. If anybody has questions, I can try answering some of them.
1. Are the clicker/discussion days mandatory? Do you find these days a productive use of your time-do you feel like you have enough time to study?
2. Does tourocom rank students?
3. What is the exam schedule like? On avg, around how many exams per week?
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OMS-3 here. Congrats to everyone who has been accepted so far. Hoping for the best for everyone who are still waiting or on the WL. If anybody has questions, I can try answering some of them.
Also how are rotation sites determined like is it based on lottery alone or is location preference also factored in? I live in NYC so I would prefer a hospital in the city.
1. Are the clicker/discussion days mandatory? Do you find these days a productive use of your time-do you feel like you have enough time to study?
2. Does tourocom rank students?
3. What is the exam schedule like? On avg, around how many exams per week?

1. Clickers are graded so they are mandatory. I think its pretty productive if you followed the material. I think there is enough time to study but eventually at some point everyone is playing catch up. Thats when going to class becomes a chore.

2. They do rank students. If two students have the same GPA at the end, they will both be the same rank (i.e 2 students have a 4.0, they will both be ranked 1 and the next student up is ranked 3rd)

3. For first year, there was an exam every week as each class had their own exam. For second year, there was a exam every month which was system based and consist of material from 4 classes (micro / immuno, path, pharm and clinical system). I heard they might be changing up the way the first years worked so it become more like the second year style exam and schedule.

Also how are rotation sites determined like is it based on lottery alone or is location preference also factored in? I live in NYC so I would prefer a hospital in the city.

We ranked all the spots in March of 2nd year (spring semester). Its lottery based I believe but is it exactly random, Im not sure. I know that for my site, the preceptor let on that she chose us, so I guess its not exactly random.
OMS-3 here. Congrats to everyone who has been accepted so far. Hoping for the best for everyone who are still waiting or on the WL. If anybody has questions, I can try answering some of them.
What is the average debt that TouroCOM students accumulate?

Where do students typically live? Do many students rent their own apartments or do many have roommates?
What is the average debt that TouroCOM students accumulate?

Where do students typically live? Do many students rent their own apartments or do many have roommates?
I believe it's about 60k per year. Students typically live in the area around Harlem or along the A/B/C/D/1/2/3 line (lines that are a block from school). Some students live in Brooklyn and Queens and have a longer commute. Most of my classmates had roommates for preclinical. I was lucky to be from the city, so I just stayed at home for preclinical years. This year I moved out (to be closer to my clinical site) and am living with a roommate. There is a spreadsheet that is shared with incoming students that has other students looking for roommates.
I believe it's about 60k per year. Students typically live in the area around Harlem or along the A/B/C/D/1/2/3 line (lines that are a block from school). Some students live in Brooklyn and Queens and have a longer commute. Most of my classmates had roommates for preclinical. I was lucky to be from the city, so I just stayed at home for preclinical years. This year I moved out (to be closer to my clinical site) and am living with a roommate. There is a spreadsheet that is shared with incoming students that has other students looking for roommates.
I believe it's about 60k per year. Students typically live in the area around Harlem or along the A/B/C/D/1/2/3 line (lines that are a block from school). Some students live in Brooklyn and Queens and have a longer commute. Most of my classmates had roommates for preclinical. I was lucky to be from the city, so I just stayed at home for preclinical years. This year I moved out (to be closer to my clinical site) and am living with a roommate. There is a spreadsheet that is shared with incoming students that has other students looking for roommates.
Last question: did you utilize any 3rd party resources to go along with the curriculum? If yes, how did you fit it with the recorded lectures and clicker sessions? Thanks!
hi, has anyone who received the email about interviewing with the montana campus heard back about anything? or has anyone chosen to interview at the montana campus?
Last question: did you utilize any 3rd party resources to go along with the curriculum? If yes, how did you fit it with the recorded lectures and clicker sessions? Thanks!
I used sketchy, board and beyond, uworld, true learn and some of amboss. I know ppl also used things like osmosis and Anki (never got into it myself). School provides sketchy, osmosis, true learn and BB. I think it fits better with second year due to it being in system blocks. Sketchy is useful (almost required) in remembering the bugs and drugs for spring semester of 1st year micro and pharm class
Hi! I have my interview at the end of this month - any tips on how to prepare for my interview?
Hi! I have my interview at the end of this month - any tips on how to prepare for my interview?
Very basic questions. Review the SDN interview questions bank and you will have a good idea of what to expect. Make sure you can answer why osteopathic, questions on specific ECs, future goals, ethics questions, etc.
did anyone have a harsh interview experience and how did it turn out w your decision?
I did, and I got the acceptance! Try your best and don't let it ruin your interview performance!!
my interviewers came in late and I felt like they were rushing me / they asked me to stop talking in the middle of what I was saying bc they didn’t have enough time 🙁
my interviewers came in late and I felt like they were rushing me / they asked me to stop talking in the middle of what I was saying bc they didn’t have enough time 🙁
Ahh ok. Yea, that sucks. I remember with mine, I entered when another interview was going on. Then, when they called me to get in, the interview experience felt more like an interrogation than a conversation. Well, it's a thing in the past, and all you do is wait. I hope you get the acceptance though!!
hello!! I've been looking at the interview Q bank on here and apparently they really grill you on the difference between DO and MD - any thoughts on how to address this other than OMM and holistic perspective on care?
hello!! I've been looking at the interview Q bank on here and apparently they really grill you on the difference between DO and MD - any thoughts on how to address this other than OMM and holistic perspective on care?
Didn’t happen in my interview. Asked “Why Osteopathic medicine” and then we moved on after I answered it.
hello!! I've been looking at the interview Q bank on here and apparently they really grill you on the difference between DO and MD - any thoughts on how to address this other than OMM and holistic perspective on care?
I got asked the difference and also why lol its different for everyone. In any case, it's important to know and be confident in your knowledge about
Hey y’all OMS-1 here wishing you the best of luck! Feel free to PM with any questions!
Hello all- just curious when they stop sending interview invites. Got the email about the Montana campus but applied for Harlem, haven't been rejected and wondering if they send invites out further into March
After sending me three interview emails for the Montana campus which I didnt respond at all, they finally decided to send me the invite for the Harlem campus so dont lose hope.
When did you receive the Harlem II? And did you send any updates? Currently received their 2nd Montana interview invite 😪