2020-2021 Midwestern University (Chicago, Illinois) CCOM

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The Real PG
Staff member
10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback:

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How is everyone approaching the two secondary essays? I'm struggling differentiating between the two prompts, it's basically a "Why us?" vs "Why you?" - basically I don't know how to answer "Why you?" without talking about things that I like about the school, if that makes sense,
How is everyone approaching the two secondary essays? I'm struggling differentiating between the two prompts, it's basically a "Why us?" vs "Why you?" - basically I don't know how to answer "Why you?" without talking about things that I like about the school, if that makes sense,
Wow, what's your time line of application and secondary? I haven't gotten the secondary yet.
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Secondary received 15 minutes ago, verified 6/12
Secondary received 6/16, submitted/verified 5/11 - Submitted secondary 6/16!
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For attaching resumes, are you guys going for the standard condense everything down to 1 page? Or creating one that includes everything on their bullet list that maybe is more than 1 page?
Does anyone's portal say their physician letter is "expected"? Mine was sent with my AACOMAS app so I was wondering why it isn't complete. Unless if maybe they're still updating things on their end
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Does anyone's portal say their physician letter is "expected"? Mine was sent with my AACOMAS app so I was wondering why it isn't complete. Unless if maybe they're still updating things on their end
It says that it can take up to 2 weeks for them to update our portal with our AACOMAS letters so I wouldn't be worried
For attaching resumes, are you guys going for the standard condense everything down to 1 page? Or creating one that includes everything on their bullet list that maybe is more than 1 page?
I just attached my normal resume (about 2 pages)
Secondary received today. Verified 5/19. With everything they recommended including, I decided to submit my CV instead of a resume.
Secondaries received today, hoping to finish answering them tomorrow after my ER shift is over .

submitted/verified 6/1/2020
Got my secondary today! Curious if anyone knows anything unique about their curriculum or if they have academic "tracks" like some other schools? Just trying to find some additional things to write about!

Does it matter when you submitted and when you were verified? If we were all verified and completed by June 15 shouldn't we all have received a secondary if we met the min? Anyone know why some received secondaries today and some didn't?
Does it matter when you submitted and when you were verified? If we were all verified and completed by June 15 shouldn't we all have received a secondary if we met the min? Anyone know why some received secondaries today and some didn't?
They might be staggering them so their servers don't get stressed from a bunch of people logging on to submit
I’m waiting for a committee letter on July 1,2020. Should I wait until then? Or should I try to submit other recommendation letters? I already opened the secondary.
For attaching resumes, are you guys going for the standard condense everything down to 1 page? Or creating one that includes everything on their bullet list that maybe is more than 1 page?

I'm going for writing in everything!
It’s so exciting to be getting one step closer!

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Can someone post the secondary prompts? Or are they the same thing as last year?
I just got an email saying they have received all of my materials including secondary and my application is complete!!
verified by AACOMAS this morning 6/19, secondary received this afternoon 6/19, hoping to have it done within a few days. Does anyone know when interview invitations start going out?
Still waiting on them to mark my LOR as received (currently expecting).. submitted last week
verified 6/15, secondary received 6/16, sent my secondary today, and my LORs are marked received. hopefully we'll be seeing II soon!
verified 6/15, secondary received 6/16, sent my secondary today, and my LORs are marked received. hopefully we'll be seeing II soon!
Hey! How did you send in your LORs?? And also did you apply to MWU AZ?
Did you guys have to submit the secondary for the LORs to be received? Or were they received prior to payment?
Did you guys have to submit the secondary for the LORs to be received? Or were they received prior to payment?

I got my LOR's verified today, before I finished answering the questions and the CV. But I finished everything just now so I guess now we play the waiting game.
Hey! Were you all able to have individual paragraphs in your responses? Not sure if I should use another word processing program or if they just don't let you separate paragraphs
Hey! Were you all able to have individual paragraphs in your responses? Not sure if I should use another word processing program or if they just don't let you separate paragraphs
They don’t allow paragraphs and just condense it’s
My LORs are still marked as expected.. It's been 8 days since I've submitted the questions. All my letters were sent on AACOMAS. Think it's worth an email to ask about their status?
I spoke with an admissions counselor yesterday and she said to give them some time as they have a small group of people who are going through the verification of thousands of letters of recommendation by hand. I'm sure they will be up soon!
I got a confirmation email from Midwestern the day after I submitted the 2ndarys (which was the 22nd) that they received all my materials and that they send out interview invites on rolling basis. I freaked for a moment because my first thought when I saw the email was that I was rejected already lol.
Interview invites started to go out at the end of July according to last years thread, I wonder if covid-19 will push that back this year or maybe even keep it around the same time schedule if they decide to do virtual interviews, which might be easier to set up. Does anyone know if other schools have given indications of whether or not they will do virtual interviews for this cycle?
Interview invites started to go out at the end of July according to last years thread, I wonder if covid-19 will push that back this year or maybe even keep it around the same time schedule if they decide to do virtual interviews, which might be easier to set up. Does anyone know if other schools have given indications of whether or not they will do virtual interviews for this cycle?

LECOM sent out their first round of IIs yesterday, and they're doing virtual interviews.