2021-2022 Einstein

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Hm I also received the survey email but mine didn’t say anything about decision timeline, interesting.
I didn’t get the survey, I got a WL email.

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What is the 2nd interview? never heard of such a thing. do most schools do this?
Einstein apparently sometimes invites some applicants for a second interview to "get to know them better" or something. I think you're even allowed to request a second interview if you feel like your first interview went poorly for reasons beyond your control. ***I might be confusing this rule with another school's policy though...
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Has anyone not heard anything back at all? I was complete 7/14 and no R or II... Not sure if I should contact them or just take it as an R at this point lol
It seems that last year they sent out the first "still interested" email in early May, and the year before in mid April. The post-interview process here is pretty chaotic!
It seems that last year they sent out the first "still interested" email in early May, and the year before in mid April. The post-interview process here is pretty chaotic!
is the "still interested" email the same as the hpwl email confirming the waitlist position?
is the "still interested" email the same as the hpwl email confirming the waitlist position?
No apparently in the past they have sent an email to people on the waitlist (both HPWL and normal, but more often HPWL), to confirm that they are "still interested" in attending Einstein. This seemed to almost always lead to an offer within like 2 weeks, given of course that the person said they were still interested.
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sooo anyone hear anything? lmao
(specifically those rolling admissions/HPWL people like myself who haven’t heard since beginning of feb)
sooo anyone hear anything? lmao
(specifically those rolling admissions/HPWL people like myself who haven’t heard since beginning of feb)
it looks like in 2019 they sent a "still interested" email to some on April 1st, but its been later each year since, so I think there's still some waiting to be had on this waitlist
Has anyone heard of someone who got an A after requesting a second interview?
has anyone else received the post interview survey email literally 22 times in the past 2 weeks? idk if it's a glitch or if Einstein just really values my opinion
What is the post-interview email? I just recently interviewed, so when should I expect to get that and what does it entail?
What is the post-interview email? I just recently interviewed, so when should I expect to get that and what does it entail?
I got the email about 3-4 days after my interview. It's just a survey asking about what you thought of the interview process, what you think about the school, and if you learned anything new about the school through the student panel thingy
What is the post-interview email? I just recently interviewed, so when should I expect to get that and what does it entail?
it's just a basic post interview survey. the only thing odd was that they sent it to me 22 different times haha
Has anyone not heard anything back at all? I was complete 7/14 and no R or II... Not sure if I should contact them or just take it as an R at this point lol
Radio silent , complete in Aug/1
Does Ms. Nardi reply when you send her an update letter? I just had my interview recently so I'm finally able to submit updates haha
I just emailed asking about the general decision timeline (in interviewed mid early/mid March) and they told me that they are still interviewing through mid April
Thanks for checking with them!! Did they mention when we March interviewees might hear back? Or just that they're still interviewing?
I just emailed asking about the general decision timeline (in interviewed mid early/mid March) and they told me that they are still interviewing through mid April
did they say anything about when they are releasing their next round of decisions?
That’s what I was trying to ask in the email but they didn’t really answer haha, just said that they’re still interviewing and that they’re rolling
That’s what I was trying to ask in the email but they didn’t really answer haha, just said that they’re still interviewing and that they’re rolling
thanks dude. you're doing god's work
Didn't send a thank you note post-interview...regretting it
I really wouldn't worry about this at all.

Full disclosure, I sent Thank You's to all but 1 of my interviewers (or rather I uploaded them to the portals, where I'm sure they'll never be seen), but I digress... I was told by a former student interviewer that it has absolutely no effect in the vast majority of cases, since almost all interviewers send their comments to the committee directly after the interview. However, it's weird to send a Thank You email 10 min after your interview, since you just said thank you...so most wait until that night or the next morning, at which point it wouldn't matter anyway. FWIW, N=1, but she said she wishes we wouldn't send them since she feels guilty ignoring them but never has anything to say in response. Again, I still sent them to most lol but my point is, don't worry and never think about this again.
just got a rolling admissions "financial aid" email
Is this the first email you've gotten from them following your interview, save for post-interview survey email(s)?

Also, did you send out the financial aid form?
Is this the first email you've gotten from them following your interview, save for post-interview survey email(s)?

Also, did you send out the financial aid form?
I got the "rolling admissions email" back in early feb and I interviewed in dec. I actually did already send them my financial aid form since i had to fill it out for another school
just got a rolling admissions "financial aid" email
Also got this. I have not yet done the financial aid forms. Regardless, I don’t think it means anything in terms of being a good sign - being in rolling admissions status is already a good sign as we have a good chance at getting accepted in May!
has anyone else received the post interview survey email literally 22 times in the past 2 weeks? idk if it's a glitch or if Einstein just really values my opinion
Lol I just got it for the 2nd time. Wonder if I'll get it again
Hey guys, Einstein is working to fix the issue with multiple emails being sent for the survey. If you feel comfortable either reaching out to me in PMs with your name or reaching out directly to Dean Kerrigan ([email protected]) and Mary Pace ([email protected]) just letting them know that you got multiple emails that would be very helpful!