2022-2023 Einstein

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I think last years applicants concluded that this is high priority waitlist. I think it’s probably best to email them like they said

can someone screenshot the email please??

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can someone screenshot the email please??
Here’s the email copied and pasted:

“I am happy to inform you that the Committee on Admissions has completed its review of your application, and was very impressed with your academic strengths, and your service to your school and community. At this time, we are now in rolling admissions status.

We appreciate how important this status may be to you, and we want to be able to answer your questions, and support you through the remainder of the application process as much as we can. Please let us know if you would like to remain on our wait list by checking the appropriate box on this webpage.

We are eager to hear how you feel about possibly attending Einstein, in a separate email, to Ms. Mary Pace at mary.pace@einsteinmed.edu with ROLLING ADMISSIONS on the subject line.

We look forward to hearing from you within the next two weeks, by March 15. If we do not hear from you by then, we may assume that you are no longer interested in Einstein, and will withdraw your name from the roster of candidates. If you answer, "yes," on the webpage that you would like to hold your place, and then change your mind in the future, you may log back in and change your selection to "no." At that point, you will be removed from further consideration.

If you have any problem logging into the system, please let us know via email at: mary.pace@einsteinmed.edu with a copy to linus.surgeon@einsteinmed.edu prior to the deadline.

Whatever you decide, it was our pleasure to meet you. We hope that you will attain your goal of attending a school that is well suited for you, and that we will have the opportunity to meet you at some point during your medical career.

Thank you and all best wishes,
Dean Kerrigan”
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So they do have rolling admissions. Does this mean I’m interviewing for a waitlist position?
Here’s the email copied and pasted:

“I am happy to inform you that the Committee on Admissions has completed its review of your application, and was very impressed with your academic strengths, and your service to your school and community. At this time, we are now in rolling admissions status.

We appreciate how important this status may be to you, and we want to be able to answer your questions, and support you through the remainder of the application process as much as we can. Please let us know if you would like to remain on our wait list by checking the appropriate box on this webpage.

We are eager to hear how you feel about possibly attending Einstein, in a separate email, to Ms. Mary Pace at mary.pace@einsteinmed.edu with ROLLING ADMISSIONS on the subject line.

We look forward to hearing from you within the next two weeks, by March 15. If we do not hear from you by then, we may assume that you are no longer interested in Einstein, and will withdraw your name from the roster of candidates. If you answer, "yes," on the webpage that you would like to hold your place, and then change your mind in the future, you may log back in and change your selection to "no." At that point, you will be removed from further consideration.

If you have any problem logging into the system, please let us know via email at: mary.pace@einsteinmed.edu with a copy to linus.surgeon@einsteinmed.edu prior to the deadline.

Whatever you decide, it was our pleasure to meet you. We hope that you will attain your goal of attending a school that is well suited for you, and that we will have the opportunity to meet you at some point during your medical career.

Thank you and all best wishes,
Dean Kerrigan”
Congrats! I think this is the high priority waitlist that a lot of people get accepted from. I would email them back with your interest. When was your interview??
Has anyone on rolling admissions/HPWL who emailed explaining interest gotten a response/confirmation it was received?
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For those of you on the HPWL who emailed, was it like a long email that also talked about what you are doing now or was it short and just about your interest to the school? I was not sure how to word it lol
For those of you on the HPWL who emailed, was it like a long email that also talked about what you are doing now or was it short and just about your interest to the school? I was not sure how to word it lol
I focused on my interest towards the school - my letter was one page.
I want to check and see if there are any earlier interview slots than the one I scheduled. If I hit reschedule, would I then lose the slot I currently hold? Dont want to take any chances...
@KennyPickett yes they actually rescind your interview invite if you do that.

Sike. I did this for thomas jefferson, and when you do it your spot opens back up so you can choose your spot really quickly again if you don't see anything 🥵🥵🥵
Who do we email to confirm our interview the day before? I remember seeing we had to do it somewhere but can’t find the instructions now
Who do we email to confirm our interview the day before? I remember seeing we had to do it somewhere but can’t find the instructions now
I believe you’re supposed to email Ms.Pace. I think she’s the person that emails you the name of your interviewer. It’s just a quick email to say that you’re confirming your attendance.
Interviewed beginning of February and still haven’t heard back. I know historically I won’t hear back until at least April but waiting is driving me insane.
It seemed someone interviewing in early January heard back late February, so maybe well hear back in March? Who knows
Besides Merit scholarships being sent out, has anyone received their financial aid package?
WL just now! Interviewed late January. Not over yet I suppose
HPWL just now. Interviewed mid February. I knew it was impossible to get an A at that point of the cycle so HPWL is as good as it gets <3
Anyone know if this is WL or HPWL?

I am happy to inform you that the Committee on Admissions has completed its review of your application, and was impressed with your academic strengths, and your service to your school and community. Your application has been wait-listed, and we will reach a final decision in the coming months, hopefully by the first week in May. If you would like to retain your place on the wait-list, please respond here within two weeks, by March 31

Please feel free to stay in touch with us through Ms. Mary Pace at mary.pace@einsteinmed.edu

Whatever the outcome, we sincerely hope that you will attain your goal of attending a school that is well suited for you. We are most grateful that you chose to apply to Einstein.
Anyone know if this is WL or HPWL?
Mine was pretty much word-for-word what yessijessi posted earlier: (except different dates)

Here’s the email copied and pasted:

“I am happy to inform you that the Committee on Admissions has completed its review of your application, and was very impressed with your academic strengths, and your service to your school and community. At this time, we are now in rolling admissions status.

We appreciate how important this status may be to you, and we want to be able to answer your questions, and support you through the remainder of the application process as much as we can. Please let us know if you would like to remain on our wait list by checking the appropriate box on this webpage.

We are eager to hear how you feel about possibly attending Einstein, in a separate email, to Ms. Mary Pace at mary.pace@einsteinmed.edu with ROLLING ADMISSIONS on the subject line.

We look forward to hearing from you within the next two weeks, by March 15. If we do not hear from you by then, we may assume that you are no longer interested in Einstein, and will withdraw your name from the roster of candidates. If you answer, "yes," on the webpage that you would like to hold your place, and then change your mind in the future, you may log back in and change your selection to "no." At that point, you will be removed from further consideration.

If you have any problem logging into the system, please let us know via email at: mary.pace@einsteinmed.edu with a copy to linus.surgeon@einsteinmed.edu prior to the deadline.

Whatever you decide, it was our pleasure to meet you. We hope that you will attain your goal of attending a school that is well suited for you, and that we will have the opportunity to meet you at some point during your medical career.

Thank you and all best wishes,
Dean Kerrigan”
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does anyone on the HPWL see Einstein on the CYMS tool?
Nope. Should be there by tonight according to AMCAS’s rules (after March 15, schools have 48 hours to notify them of any acceptances) but who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

update: it is there now
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