2022-2023 LSU - New Orleans

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How long did it take for you to be emailed complete? I submitted my 50$ fee via mail but it has not been checked although its been recieved. I wrote my name on the check, and hope they got it
It was somewhere around a week for me from the time I mailed it to the time I received an email just stating that they received the money (not the actual complete email).

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It was somewhere around a week for me from the time I mailed it to the time I received an email just stating that they received the money (not the actual complete email).
Oh okay thanks! Yes, its been a week so Im hoping it didnt get lost somewhere.
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Should we receive an email stating our file is complete? I received an email a while back stating there was something outstanding, but that was submitted last Monday and I haven’t yet received an email stating my file is complete.

Anyone know if there is a significant lag between being complete and receiving an email confirming that?
Should we receive an email stating our file is complete? I received an email a while back stating there was something outstanding, but that was submitted last Monday and I haven’t yet received an email stating my file is complete.

Anyone know if there is a significant lag between being complete and receiving an email confirming that?
i got an email saying my file was complete. took about a week for my application fee to get processed. if you dont hear from them i would reach out.
People who interviewed today - this email is talking about pre recorded practice questions and idk what they're talking about. What is that?
Interviews were chill but kinda weird tbh. They were strict 20 minute intervals that would cut you off. I think the interviewers used the 10 minutes in between to discuss the applicants, but I'm not sure.
Interviews were good - they definitely had specific questions ready to ask but nothing technical and nothing particularly difficult. Fairly conversational!
totally agree! mine were all conversational with some specific questions that gave rise to more questions, so the flow was good. had one question that was super unexpected but it was difficult to answer
Interviews were chill but kinda weird tbh. They were strict 20 minute intervals that would cut you off. I think the interviewers used the 10 minutes in between to discuss the applicants, but I'm not sure.
I was thinking the same thing re: 10 mins between!! Soooo curious!
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Hello, I am a Canadian non-trad applicant I just received an invitation to fill in the secondary application. I was wondering what are the chances for II after secondary invitation since they screen OOS/Canadians before sending a secondary request?
Anyone receive II RD after 9/1 posts I don’t see any posts about II RD
For those RD applicants that have already interviewed - do you remember what they said about when we'd hear anything? I remember them saying not to expect a decision until February, but I'm wondering if we'll get any type of correspondence before then. Of course I'm being neurotic and stalked the SDN page from last year and saw RD As start to go out Oct 6th... So I'm holding out (probably) false hope (especially considering I'm OOS)

Would love to know y'alls thoughts... even if just to commiserate on this brutal waiting game we're all in.
For those RD applicants that have already interviewed - do you remember what they said about when we'd hear anything? I remember them saying not to expect a decision until February, but I'm wondering if we'll get any type of correspondence before then. Of course I'm being neurotic and stalked the SDN page from last year and saw RD As start to go out Oct 6th... So I'm holding out (probably) false hope (especially considering I'm OOS)

Would love to know y'alls thoughts... even if just to commiserate on this brutal waiting game we're all in.
They said it usually takes about 4-6 weeks, but they can't release acceptances until 10/15 per traffic rules I think. They also said that the majority of interviewees are placed on a waitlist and taken off at the beginning of 2023. I'm oos as well and expecting a waitlist tbh.
They said it usually takes about 4-6 weeks, but they can't release acceptances until 10/15 per traffic rules I think. They also said that the majority of interviewees are placed on a waitlist and taken off at the beginning of 2023. I'm oos as well and expecting a waitlist tbh.
I thought the same thing re: traffic rules but then I saw As go out first week of Oct for RDs last year... like I said, giving me false hope I'm sure. Traffic rules are technically a suggestion... but yeah, I need to get my mind prepared to not hear til 2023. I am keeping myself so dang busy but still can't get my mind off of it.

Good luck everyone!
For those of you who have received interviews (or rejections), when were you complete and when were you notified of an interview?
Honestly I don’t think so. Even though most schools follow this, the committee is meeting tomorrow and I think decisions could go out next week, similar to last cycle.
how did you hear that the committee is meeting tomorrow?
Everyone some how knows someone that knows someone on the committee. Take everything on here lightly and you’ll have less anxiety
I interviewed Wednesday (9/28) and they said in the orientation that they will be meeting today (Friday) to discuss applicants. Most get No Further Action (NFA, or their WL), then people will get picked off as they select who gets the A.

Interview went good imo. Lots of down time between orientation and the actual 1-1 interviews.
does LSU send A’s via snail mail or do you get an email?
In the interview I heard mixed responses. As far as I know, snail mail has been their go to. But during the orientation they mentioned that they are "trying to go green", so maybe they're changing it to email? I would be curious if those who get As later to chim in.
my file was marked complete 8/19 - does anyone know if this is late to submit per lsu standards? I have yet to hear anything so feeling the anxiety
the NFA isnt bad. it just means nothing was decided yet and they send out a majority of As and Rs betweens Jan-June. They said in the interview that pretty much everyone who applies gets this email first.
the NFA isnt bad. it just means nothing was decided yet and they send out a majority of As and Rs betweens Jan-June. They said in the interview that pretty much everyone who applies gets this email first.
Thank you for reply. Jan-June wow
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Looking for some assistance, I feel pretty stupid but I wasn't expecting LSUs secondary app format to be different from so many other schools. I am a canadian pre-med. I am little confused as to how I access the portal to upload the parts of the secondary application. The email doesn't really explain this. Maybe I am missing something very obvious idk lol, but any help is appreciated 🙂