2022-2023 Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine (Provo, UT) Noorda-COM

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Congrats to all that have been recently accepted. Im an OMS-I and im happy to answer any questions. see you all in July
Not sure if you personally use anki but I am trying to learn how to set it up for the pre-matriculation A&P course. Did you set it up flashcards for this course or did you wait until class actually started in July?

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Hi all- waitlisted here- do you think there will be more movement and possible admissions? TIA!
Also waitlisted. I think there will be some movement. I’ve emailed them a few times and they kept reiterating that they expected movement, but didn’t know how much or when. Stay strong 💪 ! There’s still hope!
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Also waitlisted. I think there will be some movement. I’ve emailed them a few times and they kept reiterating that they expected movement, but didn’t know how much or when. Stay strong 💪 ! There’s still hope!
Also waitlisted. It looked like last year they had movement again May 26th. Hoping we will hear around then.
WL in like sept or oct. got off rn.
will be declining as I have already matriculated to another school and started classes for MPH lol
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Has anyone on here gone through the HPSP. If so could you speak on your experience with the application process?
How do current students feel about the teaching curriculum? Is anyone nervous about having trouble matching?
I enjoy the curriculum and there have been growing pains with feedback given and taken.
I get somewhat nervous about matching since I don’t want to go into primary care, but I believe Noorda is trying to help make sure we are unique in good ways. I will likely feel better after this next match as the classes of 2024 are the first to apply with a P/F on Step/Level 1.
Hi all! I’m fist gen immigrant, greencard holder, but I don’t have a co-signer in states. Want to apply to Noorda, but is that even possible to get loan without cosgner? Hear that some people couldn’t get loan without co-signer for ICOM?
Hi all! I’m fist gen immigrant, greencard holder, but I don’t have a co-signer in states. Want to apply to Noorda, but is that even possible to get loan without cosgner? Hear that some people couldn’t get loan without co-signer for ICOM?
you'll be able to get a loan with the two vendors noorda is working with- Sallie Mae and Zuntafi. but without a co-signer, it'll be hard to get a good interest rate on the loan
you'll be able to get a loan with the two vendors noorda is working with- Sallie Mae and Zuntafi. but without a co-signer, it'll be hard to get a good interest rate on the loan
Thank you for your reply! I understand that rate will be high, don’t you know any approx? I mostly worrying that they can not give the loan, since read on Reddit someone can’t attend ICOM because of that.
Thank you for your reply! I understand that rate will be high, don’t you know any approx? I mostly worrying that they can not give the loan, since read on Reddit someone can’t attend ICOM because of that.
From what I've seen, the average was around 10% without a cosigner. You can try applying online on Zuntafi- it'll tell you right away if you're eligible for a loan and what the interest is if you are
Hi everyone! A friend of mine was just accepted to Noorda off waitlist and she is very excited. She wanted me to ask how everyone was planning on paying for school since the school can not offer federal loans at the moment. Any suggestions for private loans to apply for or scholarships? And does Noorda offer any scholarships? Also she was wondering if there is any point in filling out her fafsa application.
Hi everyone! A friend of mine was just accepted to Noorda off waitlist and she is very excited. She wanted me to ask how everyone was planning on paying for school since the school can not offer federal loans at the moment. Any suggestions for private loans to apply for or scholarships? And does Noorda offer any scholarships? Also she was wondering if there is any point in filling out her fafsa application.
Read right above this comment for some good advice! Noorda right now only works with Sallie Mae and Zuntifi for private loans. Federal loans will not be available until they graduate their first class. If Noorda is the only school she’s accepted to, FAFSA wouldn’t be necessary
How necessary is the otoscope/ophthalmoscope set? Can I get away with the basic set or do I need to get the “recommended” one with the panoptic ophthalmoscope? I don’t want to fork over >$600 if it doesn’t matter that much 😆
How necessary is the otoscope/ophthalmoscope set? Can I get away with the basic set or do I need to get the “recommended” one with the panoptic ophthalmoscope? I don’t want to fork over >$600 if it doesn’t matter that much 😆
I read you can buy a cheap one and get away with it. Someone in the previous class said they used it once
for current students: are any of you receiving accommodations for testing (disabilities).
Hi everyone! Recently got accepted off the WL here, and I'm SO excited. Are there any current students on here that I can DM? I have some questions!
Hey, I'm late to the game replying to this, but DM me and ask away if you still have any questions.
Hi everyone! A friend of mine was just accepted to Noorda off waitlist and she is very excited. She wanted me to ask how everyone was planning on paying for school since the school can not offer federal loans at the moment. Any suggestions for private loans to apply for or scholarships? And does Noorda offer any scholarships? Also she was wondering if there is any point in filling out her fafsa application.

Your friend will have an appointment with the financial aid coordinator soon! It’s a requirement unless that has changed in recent weeks. Congrats to them!
Thank you for your reply! I understand that rate will be high, don’t you know any approx? I mostly worrying that they can not give the loan, since read on Reddit someone can’t attend ICOM because of that.

Have you been able to establish credit in the U.S.? It may be worth reaching out to the financial aid office to ask if there are any other potential solutions!
Also accepted off the waitlist today, but I have already accepted a seat somewhere else, so I let the school know. I am truly humbled to have been accepted, and I hope the seat goes to one of you hopeful folks still waiting. Noorda had been in my top 3 (as is the school I will be attending), it really seems like a great school. Best of luck!
I just withdrew my spot, so it looks like someone else will be coming off the WL!

For clarity's sake, I chose Noorda over 2 other programs because, despite the private loans and being pretty new, I felt I would be supported at Noorda when life inevitably happens and complicates things. But that's just my $0.02. Congrats in advance to those who get off the WL! And for anyone who doesn't, know there is hope! I had zero IIs in my first cycle.

A few people asked about my timeline, so this was mine: submitted primary 6/14, secondary invite 9/17, submitted secondary 9/29, received II on 10/4, accepted 10/21! I was a reapplicant but did not apply to Noorda my first cycle.
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I'll preface this by saying WOO congrats everyone that got in, Noorda or elsewhere! And for WLers, the WL in and of itself is an accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. I know the feeling sucks but I'm really hoping you can get a spot secured at the program you want, wherever.

Now for my silly little question I'm too shy to email admissions about:

Is our student ID our AACOMAS ID or 🤔
I'll preface this by saying WOO congrats everyone that got in, Noorda or elsewhere! And for WLers, the WL in and of itself is an accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. I know the feeling sucks but I'm really hoping you can get a spot secured at the program you want, wherever.

Now for my silly little question I'm too shy to email admissions about:

Is our student ID our AACOMAS ID or 🤔
I remember when I submitted that form, I put my AACOMAS ID but IIRC you can leave it blank
Since Noorda is not fully accredited, can I still do HPSP? Any current HPSP students attending Noorda?
Since Noorda is not fully accredited, can I still do HPSP? Any current HPSP students attending Noorda?

Hey, this is last year’s thread btw! And yes, there are many HPSP students at Noorda. I would recommend checking the website or sending an email! I am a current student so feel free to PM me as well if you have any questions!