2022-2023 Oakland (Beaumont)

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Low stats w/ SMP - complete on 9/10. I expected silence so far.

Am I actually still in this? Love the school and mission.

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safe assume no one really knows their post-II acceptance rate?
on their interview day website, they say they expect to interview about 500 people for a class of 125. Usually I assume they would accept maybe less than a double of their class size, so about ~250. So maybe a 40-50% post II acceptance rate? of course, the likelihood of receiving an acceptance will change after time because of rolling admissions
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out of curiosity, how many interview dates have passed by for this school so far? do they have interview dates weekly?
Anyone know if OUWB likes to ask current issue/political questions during the interview?
I am a current M1 at OUWB. If any of you have any questions about the school/application process feel free to either post on here or shoot me a DM and I would be more than happy to answer and questions that you may have! Good luck with this cycle!
Do you think we will hear back on the 15th or 17th?
I went to their preview day a couple weeks ago and they said that they review apps at random, not in the order the that they're submitted. I've been complete since late June and haven't heard anything either.

The admin that day said that OUWB communicates with applicants throughout the entire process and doesn't ghost people or hand out soft Rs. They also said that no news is good news.
why in the world would a school review applications at random?
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