2021-2022 Oakland (Beaumont)

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Anyone who interviewed 12/3 hear back yet? I believe they said we would hear something by January first
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youā€™re tellin me 0% attendance with 95% in the course = honors? Thatā€™s great!

Would you say its easy to score well without going to class? Is everything recorded online?

Everything is recorded. I would say it's relatively easy to pass. Getting honors is a different story. Pretty difficult during the first semester with AFCP and BFCP but when you switch over to organ systems it gets much easier. Some blocks a fair chunk of the class getting honors.
When is the committee gonna meet again to review applicants?
I believe someone said they meet the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of the month. For those waitlisted, do they send an email/update the portal? Are only acceptances via phone call?
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I believe someone said they meet the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of the month. For those waitlisted, do they send an email/update the portal? Are only acceptances via phone call?
I got an email when I was placed on the waitlist. And yes I believe they only call for acceptances.
Only for certain lectures. Attendance is no longer required for honors during preclinical years.

In terms of OUWB, no news is considered good news and that you're still in the running.
Question - What are the kind of lectures that would require attendance - ex. anatomy/physiology? How many days a week would required lectures be?
Pre-II R received yesterday afternoon. Complete 8/23 and update letter sent about a month ago. GL everyone else!
Question - What are the kind of lectures that would require attendance - ex. anatomy/physiology? How many days a week would required lectures be?
I have this question as well.

Also wondering how significant of a factor professor-based exams should be in choosing OUWB over another school without those exam types?
Question - What are the kind of lectures that would require attendance - ex. anatomy/physiology? How many days a week would required lectures be?

It would be the TBL sessions and dissections for anatomy. The school is really good about grouping things that require attendance on the same day. I would say not more than 2 days a week usually. That being said, most people end up hanging around or studying on campus to build a sense of community.
Anyone know how many seats are left in the class?
What patient populations does OUWB serve? Like what is the patient population like, are the majority of patients underserved or from vulnerable populations?
MSAR says "OUWB provides a full-day interview program that includes two 30-minute individual interviews, medical school tour, hospital tour, a Team-Based Learning exercise, an overview of the school, and opportunities to speak with current medical students, faculty, and staff"

Do we do a TBL exercise during the interview day?
MSAR says "OUWB provides a full-day interview program that includes two 30-minute individual interviews, medical school tour, hospital tour, a Team-Based Learning exercise, an overview of the school, and opportunities to speak with current medical students, faculty, and staff"

Do we do a TBL exercise during the interview day?

You do not. I imagine that's a hold over from the pre-Zoom interviews.
Also just caught the Pre-II R. OOS, complete 8/13 with an update in October. They were about to get another tomorrow, but oh well.

Heard they have a med school intermural volleyball team! Can't wait to face them soon enough!!! šŸ˜‰
I think they just lost my application šŸ˜©.
I was complete in July and no II or R
Hi. For those that have already interviewed, does the "Start Virtual Interview" button next to your interviewers names in the portal not show up until the day of?