2022-2023 Ohio State

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what was the date they told you if you don't mind sharing? Thanks!
I am pretty sure their website says they release decisions 2 weeks after the interview date on the portal. The decisions were three weeks for interviews that happened this week, and I am guessing that's due to spring break next week.

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I am pretty sure their website says they release decisions 2 weeks after the interview date on the portal. The decisions were three weeks for interviews that happened this week, and I am guessing that's due to spring break next week.
oh ok, thanks! my interview is next week so i just wanted to know what the estimated timeframe is. i wonder if spring break will affect the timeline for next week interviews too
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Also, check your CYMS Tool on AMCAS a day before the date they send you! I saw my decision at approximately 9:30 am on CYMS a day before vitals updated.
That stresses me out, ngl. Like if I don't get an acceptance offer on CYMS the day before Vitals releases their decision, it's a bad omen for my app. Either an R or WL.
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Does anyone know if interviews here at this point are still for seats in the class or for waitlist?
They said everyone in the cycle applies for an actual spot and not the waitlist. But what they don't say (and what I think is the case) is that at this point there are going to be less seats available, so it's probably a lesser chance.
You should have gotten a Zoom link for the interview at least a day in advance. Maybe it's in your inbox, social, promotional, spam, or junk mail somewhere.
I got the zoom link for the morning sessions! I was asking about the invitation for the afternoon interviews
when does the postcard that tells you when to check vitals appear? I interviewed today and they didn't tell us anything about what day we will hear back haha
when does the postcard that tells you when to check vitals appear? I interviewed today and they didn't tell us anything about what day we will hear back haha
You'll likely get it shortly sometime today or tomorrow by email and then later in the week via letter mail in an envelope.
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Also, check your CYMS Tool on AMCAS a day before the date they send you! I saw my decision at approximately 9:30 am on CYMS a day before vitals updated.
Did you get notified by email about changes to your CYMS tool or did you have to login to AMCAS regularly to see any changes?
does it have something to do with whether or not you've already been accepted into medical school? or does it appear for people that don't have any acceptances yet?
Is it possible to get outright rejected post-II? Or almost everyone who doesn't get accepted usually gets deferred?
+1, also worried about if it's likely looking like a deferral/WL or an R for tomorrow.
+1, i do not see anything in my CYMS
+1, I’ve been wondering this as well.
+ 1, I'm also worried! please advise...
If somebody was to be waitlisted or deferred AMCAS requires them to put it in choose your medical school. I am waitlisted at one school, and it shows that in the portal. We had a really good cohort on interview day, and I am convinced that osu decision was NOT sent to the AAMC for the rest of us. I hope this post helps ease some anxiety or worries. I truly am wishing everyone good luck tomorrow. Will be praying hard for all of y’all. Cant wait to hear about the As when we check our vitals tomorrow 🍀.
If somebody was to be waitlisted or deferred AMCAS requires them to put it in choose your medical school. I am waitlisted at one school, and it shows that in the portal. We had a really good cohort on interview day, and I am convinced that osu decision was NOT sent to the AAMC for the rest of us. I hope this post helps ease some anxiety or worries. I truly am wishing everyone good luck tomorrow. Will be praying hard for all of y’all. Cant wait to hear about the As when we check our vitals tomorrow 🍀.
Thanks for sharing this, much appreciated🙏. Let's see how things turn out tomorrow. Keeping St. Patrick's Day-inspired charms around my house🍀🪄✨.
I got deferred, interviewed 3/6, submitted secondary 8/15. OOS, ORM, LM 70, WARS 71
Do people deferred this late in the cycle still have a chance of an A? Looking at threads from previous years it seems like people deferred earlier are in a better position no?
From what I can tell it isn’t better at this point. They review deferred applicants randomly every once in a while. So if you were deferred earlier, you have more chances to be reviewed again before April 30th when it turns into a waitlist. But at this point in the cycle, if you’re still deferred, it’s likely that you’re on even ground with others regardless of your deferred date.
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Is there already a lot of deferral -> accept movement this cycle? I do not see a lot of people posting here.
Been complete since early august and nothing since. Planning to send in an update this week. Is silence with no pre-II hold a good sign and would a minor update help? I’m on the waitlist for 1 other MD program.
Been complete since early august and nothing since. Planning to send in an update this week. Is silence with no pre-II hold a good sign and would a minor update help? I’m on the waitlist for 1 other MD program.
I am wondering the same thing, I really hope there is still a chance and I do not see why sending an update can hurt at this point. My app was complete later in early October but have not heard anything. However, it looks like on last year's thread they sent all of their rejections in early April like on April 11.