2023-2024 UC San Francisco

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Got off the WL lads!!! OOS!!
Congrats bro!!! Glad to see the homies out here winning hahah

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Do y'all think there will be more movement? And is it wise to send a letter of intent if I don't have any significant updates?
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Hi! I was wondering if there was any lurking med students/ residents who can shoot me a DM for how they found off-campus housing! Thanks!
Got off the WL on Thursday by email OOS!
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For those of you who received your financial aid package - did it also include costs of housing (and the aid to cover it)? Or perhaps in general, did your aid package include what's being covered (like health insurance, tuition, housing, etc.)?
My heart sunk when I saw the +14 new members in the fb group and that the group me went up to 150 🥲 I have no self control, the number of times I’ve checked the fb and refreshed SDN is insane but I can’t get myself to stop 😭 I still have hope though since last year there were 5 days of reported movement on SDN, once each week in May. Fingers crossed for more movement this week!
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Group me is 164. Someone just left. There are some M1s in there, though. Facebook is at 191.
Not sure if these are perfect estimates. The Facebook does have at least 11 M1s/admins and seems kinda outdated.
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Hey I don't suppose you're cooking up a Sankey, are you? 18 IIs is nuts and I'd love to see the breakdown
Haha appreciate the love. I might release one in June. Waiting for some buddies of mine to hear back from WLs so we can make them together 🙂
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Crossing my fingers there is still more waitlist movement 😣
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To qualify for in-state resident tuition next year, do people know if we have to get a California drivers license/ register to vote in California this Fall? Excited to meet everyone!
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do we think WL movement is done? any accepted students in the fb/group me have any insight?
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do we think WL movement is done? any accepted students in the fb/group me have any insight?

Two people joined the GroupMe on the 2nd and someone left that day as well. I also know someone who was accepted recently and hasn’t been let into the GroupMe yet. So there’s still some movement happening
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Two people joined the GroupMe on the 2nd and someone left that day as well. I also know someone who was accepted recently and hasn’t been let into the GroupMe yet. So there’s still some movement happening
thank you!
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