2022-2023 Kansas

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Thank you to @reapplicant2021 for sharing this year's questions!

2022-2023 Kansas Secondary Essay Prompts (1000 character limit each)

1 ) Describe your health care experiences that involved direct exposure to physicians' clinical duties and how they have shaped your desire to apply to medical school.

2 ) Describe examples of leadership experience in which you have significantly influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.

3 ) Beyond academics (grades and MCATs), describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to address this challenge.

4 ) Give an example of what you have done to make your community a better place to live.

5 ) Please tell us about your identity. How has your identity impacted the development of your values and attitudes toward others, particularly those with values different from your own? Please include how your values and attitudes will foster a positive learning environment during your training, and benefit your future patients through the practice of medicine.

6 ) If you are not a Kansas resident, what is your specific interest in applying to the University of Kansas School of Medicine?

7 ) Please use this space to elaborate on any positive or negative impact from the COVID-19 pandemic you want us to be aware of when reviewing your application.

8 ) If there are discrepancies in your application that have not been explained in your personal statement, use this space to clarify. Examples may include unexplained gaps in time, multiple undergraduate institutions attended, multiple course withdrawals, inconsistent academic performance, inconsistency between academic performance and MCAT scores.

9 ) If you are currently enrolled, or plan to be enrolled during the next academic year, in a graduate or professional degree program, please describe your status within the program and your intention to complete the program. You must also request a letter from your graduate program advisor or from the dean of your professional school. This letter must include acknowledgement of your application to medical school and a description of your status in the program.

10 ) If you are no longer a full-time student, briefly describe your current employment, community, and/or educational activities.

11 ) For Repeat Applicants Only: Since your last application, note any relevant academic, employment, and personal experiences that enhance your ability to be a better physician.

12 ) For Combined MD/PhD Program Applicants: Do you also want to be considered as an "MD-only" applicant?

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Well looks like I'm first this year. Got the secondary. Essays all 1000 characters max.
1 ) Describe your health care experiences that involved direct exposure to physicians' clinical duties and how they have shaped your desire to apply to medical school.

2 ) Describe examples of leadership experience in which you have significantly influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.

3 ) Beyond academics (grades and MCATs), describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to address this challenge.

4 ) Give an example of what you have done to make your community a better place to live.

5 ) Please tell us about your identity. How has your identity impacted the development of your values and attitudes toward others, particularly those with values different from your own? Please include how your values and attitudes will foster a positive learning environment during your training, and benefit your future patients through the practice of medicine.

6 ) If you are not a Kansas resident, what is your specific interest in applying to the University of Kansas School of Medicine?

7 ) Please use this space to elaborate on any positive or negative impact from the COVID-19 pandemic you want us to be aware of when reviewing your application.

8 ) If there are discrepancies in your application that have not been explained in your personal statement, use this space to clarify. Examples may include unexplained gaps in time, multiple undergraduate institutions attended, multiple course withdrawals, inconsistent academic performance, inconsistency between academic performance and MCAT scores.

9 ) If you are currently enrolled, or plan to be enrolled during the next academic year, in a graduate or professional degree program, please describe your status within the program and your intention to complete the program. You must also request a letter from your graduate program advisor or from the dean of your professional school. This letter must include acknowledgement of your application to medical school and a description of your status in the program.

10 ) If you are no longer a full-time student, briefly describe your current employment, community, and/or educational activities.

11 ) For Repeat Applicants Only: Since your last application, note any relevant academic, employment, and personal experiences that enhance your ability to be a better physician.

12 ) For Combined MD/PhD Program Applicants: Do you also want to be considered as an "MD-only" applicant?
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+1 OOS received.
Given the email, I am wondering if I should still apply. Their mission aligns with my values but it seemed to almost discourage out-of-state applicants. (I have average stats and 3 years of clinical experience showing my dedication to the field).
Any advice?
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+1 OOS received.
Given the email, I am wondering if I should still apply. Their mission aligns with my values but it seemed to almost discourage out-of-state applicants. (I have average stats and 3 years of clinical experience showing my dedication to the field).
Any advice?
I'm IS but I know of OOS students going here. So I would still try applying, especially if you are really interested in KU.

I would say it's like majority of medical schools in the US. They will still accept OOS students but would prefer Kansas residents/close-ties.

Hopes this helps!
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For the prompt labelled repeat applicants (#11) - Does this only refer to applicants who have applied to KU twice? This is my second app, but I didn't apply to KU on my first go around. And my essay would essentially be the same for question 10, which is why I'm hesitant to answer 11.
For the prompt labelled repeat applicants (#11) - Does this only refer to applicants who have applied to KU twice? This is my second app, but I didn't apply to KU on my first go around. And my essay would essentially be the same for question 10, which is why I'm hesitant to answer 11.
I think I would ask someone about that! I can see how that can be kind of tricky!
So, I don't have any family members living in Kansas and don't have any significant ties to the state. But I am a MO resident, and KC is less than 3 hours from where I'm at. Does this seem like a valid reason to apply to KU? Don't want to waste $ but just am thinking of other schools to add since I'm caught up on secondaries. Stats above median for both MCAT and GPA.
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So, I don't have any family members living in Kansas and don't have any significant ties to the state. But I am a MO resident, and KC is less than 3 hours from where I'm at. Does this seem like a valid reason to apply to KU? Don't want to waste $ but just am thinking of other schools to add since I'm caught up on secondaries. Stats above median for both MCAT and GPA.
I would go for it if you like the school, shoot your shot
So, I don't have any family members living in Kansas and don't have any significant ties to the state. But I am a MO resident, and KC is less than 3 hours from where I'm at. Does this seem like a valid reason to apply to KU? Don't want to waste $ but just am thinking of other schools to add since I'm caught up on secondaries. Stats above median for both MCAT and GPA.
I believe you are still considered OOS. But they do accept OOS so might as well apply if you’re interested :)!
Anyone else struggling to think how they made their community a better place to live?? LOL that's a tough question. Idk if this would be valid but... Working in the ER, I prioritize doing little things for patients - bringing them a blanket, offering them and their families food and comfortable chairs, ensuring they know even their small needs are valuable to us. And it certainly improves people's ER experience I'm sure. Worth mentioning?
Anyone else struggling to think how they made their community a better place to live?? LOL that's a tough question. Idk if this would be valid but... Working in the ER, I prioritize doing little things for patients - bringing them a blanket, offering them and their families food and comfortable chairs, ensuring they know even their small needs are valuable to us. And it certainly improves people's ER experience I'm sure. Worth mentioning?
I think if you can tie it to the community level from the individual level then yes I think it will be fine
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Has anybody received an application complete email yet?
Has anybody received an application complete email yet?
I didn't ever receive one, but a day or so after I submitted my secondary the portal said "File Complete"
I didn't ever receive one, but a day or so after I submitted my secondary the portal said "File Complete"
Hm, I think all of my stuff is there (secondary, LORs, app fee/no app fee confirmed) but I don't see "File Complete" anywhere.
Hm, I think all of my stuff is there (secondary, LORs, app fee/no app fee confirmed) but I don't see "File Complete" anywhere.
How long has it been since you submitted the secondary? It took a day or so for my "File Complete" to show up. Maybe it'll also take some time because it's the weekend?
How long has it been since you submitted the secondary? It took a day or so for my "File Complete" to show up. Maybe it'll also take some time because it's the weekend?
It's been close to two weeks...I should probably just shoot them an email to see if there's anything else that they need from me. Thank you!
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Anyone get an II from regular decision cycle yet?
This thread isn't super active, but I'm surprised that no one here has gotten one yet. They usually start interviews very beginning of October which makes me think they would've sent out IIs this week or last week.
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This thread isn't super active, but I'm surprised that no one here has gotten one yet. They usually start interviews very beginning of October which makes me think they would've sent out IIs this week or last week.
I know they JUST started interviewing EDP

And yeah, that’s why Ive been getting concerned 😂
I know they JUST started interviewing EDP

And yeah, that’s why Ive been getting concerned 😂
Are you IS? If so I’m 95% sure KU is required to interview all IS applicants above a certain GPA and MCAT so I wouldn’t stress.
Are you IS? If so I’m 95% sure KU is required to interview all IS applicants above a certain GPA and MCAT so I wouldn’t stress.
Yep Im in-state! I know they have 500+ MCAT and 3.5 GPA automatic interview so I shouldnt worry 😅
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Received II today OOS (though with very strong ties to state)
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Emailed the ADCOMS about the "automatic interview" for Kansas residents/ Kansas-ties today. They told me I meet the requirements for an interview, and I'll receive an II soon! (OOS, but current KU student)
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OOS II! App marked complete 8/24
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Should I be concerned? I’m IS and my file was complete 8/17 😭😅 and still havent had an II
Should I be concerned? I’m IS and my file was complete 8/17 😭😅 and still havent had an II
I don't have one either, and I'm IS and was complete 7/22 I think.
If you’re over the 3.5 gpa and 500 MCAT, then you’ll get one, just be patient. I know they’re mostly an IS school, but they do interview some OOS applicants earlier in the cycle as well, especially if they have ties. They tell you about 3 weeks before your actual interview, so you still have all of October and part of November before I’d start stressing about it.
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IS II, complete 8/10
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Still haven't heard anything. Neighboring-OOS complete 8/30.
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I live in the metro area, just on the MO side, so if they consider that a strong tie, then yes. Other than that, no.
I guess that’s better than mine.. I said I’ve taken patients to their hospitals before (as a medic) so we’ll see.. they didn’t R me yet
OOS II received yesterday afternoon! No ties to the state whatsoever. Sometimes I even forget where Kansas is (I'm bad at geography in general don't stone me 😅)
I guess that’s better than mine.. I said I’ve taken patients to their hospitals before (as a medic) so we’ll see.. they didn’t R me yet
I’m pretty sure that they send II to OOS with no ties later in the cycle, so there’s still time!
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I’m pretty sure that they send II to OOS with no ties later in the cycle, so there’s still time!
I don't remember why, but on my cycle tracker, I wrote that KU would probably contact me sometime in January.