2023-2024 George Washington

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2023-2024 George Washington Secondary Essay Prompts (character count for GW is unusual because they don't count spaces/punctuation)
*** GW is adding a second campus location this year (in Baltimore). All students will start in Washington DC for pre-clinical years.***
Read about it here:

1. Have you ever registered at an institution under a different name? (Y/N)
If Yes, please enter the name and institution

2. Select the campus you prefer (main campus preferred, regional medical campus preferred, main campus only, regional medical campus only)

3. If you selected regional medical campus preferred or regional medical campus only, please explain in detail your interest in regional medical campus and how it will be a good fit for your clinical education? (1750 characters)

4. Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. 30-40 hours/week) from the point of application through matriculation in 2024. (750 characters)

5. The MD Program includes substantial content in Clinical Public Health (population health, health systems science, health policy, and community health) to prepare GW graduates for an expanded scope of practice required to be successful 21st century physicians. What are your specific interests and experiences related to that aspect of the MD Program? (350 characters)

6. What makes you a unique individual? What challenges have you faced? What have you learned from your experiences? (750 characters)

7. What is your specific interest in the MD Program at GW? What opportunities would you take advantage of as a student here? Why? (1750 characters)

8. Have you previously interacted directly with the MD Admissions Office through events, tours, fairs, webinars, or interviews? (Y/N)
If Yes, please explain (250 chars)

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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OOS secondary received (i didn't include some of the standard questions about felonies, institutional action, etc.)
  1. Have you ever registered at an institution under a different name? (Y/N)
    1. If Yes, please enter the name and institution
  2. Select the campus you prefer (main campus preferred, regional medical campus preferred, main campus only, regional medical campus only)
  3. If you selected regional medical campus preferred or regional medical campus only, please explain in detail your interest in regional medical campus and how it will be a good fit for your clinical education? (1750 characters)
  4. Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. 30-40 hours/week) from the point of application through matriculation in 2024. (750 characters)
  5. The MD Program includes substantial content in Clinical Public Health (population health, health systems science, health policy, and community health) to prepare GW graduates for an expanded scope of practice required to be successful 21st century physicians. What are your specific interests and experiences related to that aspect of the MD Program? (350 characters)
  6. What makes you a unique individual? What challenges have you faced? What have you learned from your experiences? (750 characters)
  7. What is your specific interest in the MD Program at GW? What opportunities would you take advantage of as a student here? Why? (1750 characters)
  8. Have you previously interacted directly with the MD Admissions Office through events, tours, fairs, webinars, or interviews? (Y/N)
    1. If Yes, please explain (250 chars)
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+1 OOS secondary received, verified 6/29
  1. Select the campus you prefer (main campus preferred, regional medical campus preferred, main campus only, regional medical campus only)
Does anyone have stats for the competition between the two campuses (main vs regional)? My preference is just to get into the school personally.
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Does anyone have stats for the competition between the two campuses (main vs regional)? My preference is just to get into the school personally.
This is the first year they’ve had the regional campus, so there’s not much previous precedent to go off of.
Lol. #6 is 3 questions people could write individual dissertations on all combined into one 750 character prompt. Really dislike when they do that
NYU had a similar question and i agree. is the entirety of my primary (and now my secondary) not enough to give you an answer to these questions?
Does anyone have more info about the regional campus?
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this is reaching an extra level of neurosis, but if anyone cares to know, it appears the character limit does not include spaces.
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Anyone else receive a secondary without verification? My amcas app says it's still in the queue
uhhh i just submitted my application and even though i'm certain i selected main campus preferred, the proof they show after submission says regional campus preferred...
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uhhh i just submitted my application and even though i'm certain i selected main campus preferred, the proof they show after submission says regional campus preferred...
Ran into the same problem. I thought I had accidentally hit regional but glad to know I actually didn’t lol . I already sent a message to them in the portal to let them know that I preferred main campus
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Ran into the same problem. I thought I had accidentally hit regional but glad to know I actually didn’t lol . I already sent a message to them in the portal to let them know that I preferred main campus
same here
i just got a response from their admissions office saying the campus choice error was a bug. according to them they see the correct choice on their end
NYU had a similar question and i agree. is the entirety of my primary (and now my secondary) not enough to give you an answer to these questions?
I mean in many cases, what makes a person unique and what challenges they have faced are two totally different responses, and there is certainly not room for both, especially when they want an impact takeaway. Therefore, are you reading it/treating it as essentially asking for a challenge we have faced that gives us a unique perspective?
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Did you guys get an email after submission of the secondary?
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OOS secondary received 7/11. Primary submitted 6/18 but isn't verified yet. Secondary submitted 7/12.
Could anyone give insight on what GW is looking for in applicants/what its mission focus is? I.e. is it community service, global health, etc.?
Also, can anyone confirm if the character count for the secondaries includes spaces? Thank you!
Does George Washington School of Medicine have an abbreviation that works? Trying to save as many characters I can with the 350 limit.

I'm currently writing GWSOM
Could anyone give insight on what GW is looking for in applicants/what its mission focus is? I.e. is it community service, global health, etc.?
You can take a closer look at their website, but they put a lot of emphasis on advocacy I think. You'll find plenty of info there.
Hey everyone,

Can someone please help me clarify this question in the secondaries? Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. 30-40 hours/week) from the point of application through matriculation in 2024. (750 characters)

Does it mean to only discuss specific activities that you work 30-40h a week for that particular activity or is it asking about the multiple activities you do every week you spend 30-40h total and to discuss them?
Hey everyone,

Can someone please help me clarify this question in the secondaries? Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. 30-40 hours/week) from the point of application through matriculation in 2024. (750 characters)

Does it mean to only discuss specific activities that you work 30-40h a week for that particular activity or is it asking about the multiple activities you do every week you spend 30-40h total and to discuss them?
It is asking how you will be spending your time from now until matriculation, basically what you will be doing over the next year. The question wants you to account for 30-40 hrs per week until then (like if you're working full time, a full time student, or whatever else you are doing to fill 40 hrs of the week)
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It is asking how you will be spending your time from now until matriculation, basically what you will be doing over the next year. The question wants you to account for 30-40 hrs per week until then (like if you're working full time, a full time student, or whatever else you are doing to fill 40 hrs of the week)

Thank you so much for taking the time to clarify! I appreciate it!
logged in to check status on the portal. says that my app is complete and has been reviewed by AdCom but no final decision has been made and it is on hold for re-review at a later date. just wondering if this is what everyone’s says until receiving either R or II. anyone else in the same boat?
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logged in to check status on the portal. says that my app is complete and has been reviewed by AdCom but no final decision has been made and it is on hold for re-review at a later date. just wondering if this is what everyone’s says until receiving either R or II. anyone else in the same boat?
This is typical, they are going to read more apps as they come in and decide whom to interview :)
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