2023-2024 Washington University in St. Louis

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Got the A call on Friday, are scholarships released after the initial acceptance? Also, does anything need to be done for financial aid apart from the FAFSA?
Hi, I had a missed call and a voicemail on Friday from admissions just saying the would call me back, but they have not yet. I'm hoping it was an acceptance call:shy: Has anyone who got the A on Friday received an email or portal update?
I'm a November interviewee that hasn't heard anything since, worth sending a letter of interest this late? I haven't really had any updates or changes to my activities so that's why I haven't thus far (I figured sending nothing was better than sending fluff, and I didn't want to send a letter of intent since I am leaning towards another school for now).
I'm a November interviewee that hasn't heard anything since, worth sending a letter of interest this late? I haven't really had any updates or changes to my activities so that's why I haven't thus far (I figured sending nothing was better than sending fluff, and I didn't want to send a letter of intent since I am leaning towards another school for now).
Interviewed in Jan and wondering the same thing, except I am thinking about writing a letter of intent and don’t know if I should wait to be WLed first
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Does any know whats the difference between Discovery Days and Second look?
Has anybody gotten in touch the Core and heard back? I wanna get started on securing a place for the fall. I've only emailed, not called
For people who sent update letters or LOIs, did you email it to admission or upload it to the portal?
Has anyone that is still waiting for decision submitted css profile to this school? Don't want to seem presumptuous unless this is something they'd maybe like to see
Has anyone that is still waiting for decision submitted css profile to this school? Don't want to seem presumptuous unless this is something they'd maybe like to see
If you haven't already filled out the CSS and don't have other schools you have been accepted to that require the CSS, then do not waste your time on it. If you have already filled it out or have been accepted to another school that requires it, then it cannot hurt to fill it out and send it to washu as well. That being said, it is $25/school so if it presents a financial hardship do not send it to schools you have not been accepted to OR you can ask the school to give you a waiver code for the CSS profile. Hope this helps! Filling out the CSS profile just sucks so unless you have to I wouldn't;t waste my time.

*Edit*: I also highly doubt the admissions department would place any weight on if you have completed the CSS profile already
If you haven't already filled out the CSS and don't have other schools you have been accepted to that require the CSS, then do not waste your time on it. If you have already filled it out or have been accepted to another school that requires it, then it cannot hurt to fill it out and send it to washu as well. That being said, it is $25/school so if it presents a financial hardship do not send it to schools you have not been accepted to OR you can ask the school to give you a waiver code for the CSS profile. Hope this helps! Filling out the CSS profile just sucks so unless you have to I wouldn't;t waste my time.

*Edit*: I also highly doubt the admissions department would place any weight on if you have completed the CSS profile already
Yeah it would be very very strange if they did
Has anyone that is still waiting for decision submitted css profile to this school? Don't want to seem presumptuous unless this is something they'd maybe like to see
The CSS profile bears absolutely no weight on admissions. Also, WashU actually provides admitted students a fee waiver for the CSS!
For anyone accepted on March 4th, have you received the welcome email from the financial aids office with your log-in info?
Anyone knows what are the half-ride/full-ride merit scholarships based on? Are they only distributed to US-citizenship applicants or International too? Thanks
Mission fit in a way the school's communications department likes to promote

For example
Mission fit in a way the school's communications department likes to promote

For example
Thanks. Found the answer on the website:
  • All accepted applicants, regardless of citizenship or state of residency, are considered for merit-based scholarships without additional applications"
I wonder what % of As have been given out...any educated guesses?
FB page is currently at 179 members, although at least some of them are current students. A decent fraction of people also probably haven't joined the FB
Is this the first interview date they will not include people who recently interviewed? Meaning has everyone in this decision date been passed over at least once?
I assume so. My guess is that this is the last wave of acceptances and not hearing means a WL/R on or before April 15th
I assume so. My guess is that this is the last wave of acceptances and not hearing means a WL/R on or before April 15th
So last year the late March wave was when everyone heard back A, R or WL, though I don’t know if the school had announced an April 15 date that year. Given the AMCAS deadline to narrow down to 3 schools is on April 15, I think they may try to let us know sooner than that. We’ll see. Fingers are crossed for everybody 🤞🏼
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Is this the first decision date they will not include people who recently interviewed? Meaning has everyone in this decision date been passed over at least once?
From what I saw it seemed like the previous waves included people who recently interviewed as well. As in, everybody seems to be considered at every wave
What I mean is were there any interviews held between the early March date (or shortly before it I guess) and the final one so that some of the A’s will be people only considered for the first time or is every A this time going to be for someone who has been passed over at least once (meaning they could have heard a decision on an earlier date and did not).
Oooo I see. I feel like its probably the latter but who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️