2023-2024 Washington University in St. Louis

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+1 WL - also doesn't see a spot to accept the waitlist position on the portal
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WL, kinda sucks bc I'm literally finishing my senior year there now lol
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+1 WL. Anyone know if they reject post-II or do they WL everyone?
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+1 WL. 4th one this cycle. Delay my gratification daddy 🤭
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FAFSA says my profile was processed on March 15, but Net Partner has yet to receive it. Anybody else in the same boat?

Also, my non-custodial parent did a CSS profile on March 15, but Net Partner has yet to receive it.

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Do you mind sharing the name of the FB group or where you saw the link? I was also having trouble finding it
They sent an email link for it back in February. So if you were accepted after February maybe they will send it later via email?
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Does anyone know anything about the preclinical exams here? E.g., frequency, day of the week. Thanks!
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FAFSA says my profile was processed on March 15, but Net Partner has yet to receive it. Anybody else in the same boat?

Also, my non-custodial parent did a CSS profile on March 15, but Net Partner has yet to receive it.

Mine also hasn't been received yet but FAFSA says they sent it.
Hi friends, I made a GroupMe for admitted students and linked it below :) I will be cross-referencing with the Facebook group to check if you are an admitted student before I let you into the chat, so please please make sure you are a member of the Facebook group before requesting access to the GroupMe

You're invited to my new group 'WUSM Entering Class of 2024' on GroupMe. Click here to join: GroupMe
Thanks so much for making one. I don’t have a Facebook but can I still be added to the chat? I really don’t want to make one for the purposes of med school apps
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Thanks so much for making one. I don’t have a Facebook but can I still be added to the chat? I really don’t want to make one for the purposes of med school apps
Of course, I totally understand :)
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Does anyone know anything about the preclinical exams here? E.g., frequency, day of the week. Thanks!
About 1 test every 3-5 weeks in pre-clinical, usually Friday, not always though.
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Can any students also tell us how stressed they feel at WashU :)
Low stress, P/F pre-clinical, tests are pretty straight forward. Support from administration, tons of opportunities for whatever you are interested, definitely can make it more stressful if you want by adding of ton of things, but I would say at baseline, I am much less stressed than my friends at medical schools elsewhere.
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Thanks! Are the exams still virtual/take home? Also have you heard good things or any feedback about the clerkships being P/F?
Exams are still at home as far as I know, I’m actually on clerkships now. So far they have also been pretty low stress, cumulative honors does exist, at the end if you score above 85% on 5/6 shelf exams you can get one type of honors, there are also honors for communication and patient care that are based on your evals. I would say the clerkships are structured pretty well, you get an intro week of didactics before starting, then have 6 weeks on rotation, then a week with your Shelf and Standardized patient exam and repeat.
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Anyone have any idea when the next round of scholarships are coming out? Unfortunately without a scholarship I will have to go elsewhere.
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Anyone have any idea when the next round of scholarships are coming out? Unfortunately without a scholarship I will have to go elsewhere.
They said they are still discussing for the next round. Not sure when to expect release though. Would hope in the next week or so
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Another one of those troll invasions that happen to groupmes posted on this site
Guys, seriously stop posting your chat group links on a public message board, even one like SDN that requires a login.
Rampant issues with unauthorized members on the GroupMe’s
See this post by our Chief Accepted student Group Me/Facebook/etc
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I got my call on 3/22 and tried to join the facebook, but I still haven't been let in. Is this happening to anyone else? I really want to connect with the future students. I emailed the admissions email, but I haven't gotten a response.
Any suggestions?
Same here and it happened w multiple schools. Just wait it out. Eventually they’ll let u in
Has anyone gotten a merit scholarship from the March 4th wave? Am I still eligible at this point?
If I haven't received any aid info at all yet, should I expect that I'm getting nothing? The RSVP deadline for SLW is today and I'm trying to decide between two schools where to go that weekend.

ETA: I was accepted in the December wave
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Has anyone gotten a merit scholarship from the March 4th wave? Am I still eligible at this point?
Was admitted in the 3/4 wave and just got a merit scholarship call today! Apparently there will be a portal update on Monday with the scholarship tab so potentially worth checking even without a call?
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Was admitted in the 3/4 wave and just got a merit scholarship call today! Apparently there will be a portal update on Monday with the scholarship tab so potentially worth checking even without a call?

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Anyone know when WL movement typically starts here? Assuming May...?
From last year's thread - it appears final week of April was when WL movement began, with the first week of May being a big movement period, and continuing throughout May. Nothing was reported after the first week of June.
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