2023-2024 Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine (ARCOM)

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Can anyone tell me what to expect with the virtual interview?
Treat it as a normal in-person interview by staying engaged and asking questions. I'd also review the sdn interview questions and make sure you are able to talk about fort smith and how you fit ARCOM's mission

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I was offered an in person interview, which I'm super grateful for, but has anyone ever tried to switch their interview from in person to virtual?
I was offered an in person interview, which I'm super grateful for, but has anyone ever tried to switch their interview from in person to virtual?
I haven’t yet but I did see they’re available on the portal. I plan on emailing them first to confirm
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How long after your application was received from AACOMAS did you get notification it was reviewed?? Thanks
For those who get waitlisted, don't give up hope! I didn't get off the waitlist until late June last year. If anyone has any questions about the school, feel free to reach out.
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For those who get waitlisted, don't give up hope! I didn't get off the waitlist until late June last year. If anyone has any questions about the school, feel free to reach out.
Was there anything you did while you were on the waitlist to help? I just got waitlisted and I’m not sure what to do in the meantime. Also, was it late in the cycle when you got waitlisted or was it earlier on?
Was there anything you did while you were on the waitlist to help? I just got waitlisted and I’m not sure what to do in the meantime. Also, was it late in the cycle when you got waitlisted or was it earlier on?
Interviewed February. Waitlisted in March. I didn't do anything other than start prepping to re-apply and take MCAT again.
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for those who are current students or interviewed this cycle, how likely is it to get accepted after interviewing? What would be reasons for a rejection vs WL vs acceptance?
for those who are current students or interviewed this cycle, how likely is it to get accepted after interviewing? What would be reasons for a rejection vs WL vs acceptance?
Its March so at this point many schools including ARCOM are going to be doing either 2 things: Increase the waitlist offers and decrease the acceptances or maintain the same ratio for acceptance:waitlist:rejections at this point.

I know for one of the schools they used a model where they offered a 30 to 30 to 30 ratio for acceptance/waitlist/rejections up until the end of interviewing. They start pulling from waitlists that way.
waitlisted post-II, interviewed 3/8.

luckily, I have an A elsewhere, but this was one of my top choices
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waitlisted and feeling very defeated :( especially after dropping a lot of $$ to go in-person for the first available II date. Interviewed on 3/12.
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waitlisted and feeling very defeated :( especially after dropping a lot of $$ to go in-person for the first available II date. Interviewed on 3/12.
being this late in the cycle, they may just have limited seats. i thought my interview went really well. I'm struggling to understand what went wrong.
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being this late in the cycle, they may just have limited seats. i thought my interview went really well. I'm struggling to understand what went wrong.
same also thought mine went v well. someone at my session asked if we were just interviewing for the waitlist but Dr. Jimenez said any response is possible at this point (A, R, WL) just frustrating regardless though :(
same also thought mine went v well. someone at my session asked if we were just interviewing for the waitlist but Dr. Jimenez said any response is possible at this point (A, R, WL) just frustrating regardless though :(
yeah at this point I'm sure they're limited with the amount of As they give out. it does hurt though...especially after meeting everyone in-person.
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interviewed 3/12, got WL. really liked the school and they said A, WL, and R was an option. not sure what went wrong or if there is any hope of getting off WL :(
Is anyone attending the anatomy or biochemistry bootcamp? Or if you’re a current OMS, would y’all give any advice for these bootcamps?
I plan on attending the boot camp online and the in-person one as well because I want to move in earlier (gotta come from MD lol)
I plan on attending the boot camp online and the in-person one as well because I want to move in earlier (gotta come from MD lol)
i’ll also be attending the in person one - coming from tx but went to undergrad in MD :)
Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone who’s been accepted has already filled out the necessary paperwork on Exxat? If you have, how long did it take you? Also, is there a deadline coming up in June for this? Hope I’m not running too late on this!
Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone who’s been accepted has already filled out the necessary paperwork on Exxat? If you have, how long did it take you? Also, is there a deadline coming up in June for this? Hope I’m not running too late on this!
There is a july deadline for it. Idk if u have access to the exxat website yet with your school email, but that has all the due dates. Start doing everything as soon as possible it may take a while depending on your vaccinations.
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Does anyone know when they make acceptance calls? like if you were waitlisted is there like certain days of the week they make the phone calls or emails?
There is a july deadline for it. Idk if u have access to the exxat website yet with your school email, but that has all the due dates. Start doing everything as soon as possible it may take a while depending on your vaccinations.
Thanks for the response! Will do :)
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sitting on the WL, but this school is my top choice. If anyone gives up a seat pls update us!!! im sure many of us on the WL are going stir-crazy with the waiting game...
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sitting on the WL, but this school is my top choice. If anyone gives up a seat pls update us!!! im sure many of us on the WL are going stir-crazy with the waiting game...
don't lose hope. last year they admitted 60% of people off of the WL.
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Current student at ARCOM, I interviewed late last year, in April, was waitlisted, and got off the waitlist in June! Don't give up hope, there are probably 5+ people I interviewed with that are currently in my class! The waitlist just doesn't move until late here.
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Current student at ARCOM, I interviewed late last year, in April, was waitlisted, and got off the waitlist in June! Don't give up hope, there are probably 5+ people I interviewed with that are currently in my class! The waitlist just doesn't move until late here.
When do they stop sending out interview invites?
Forfeited my seat/deposit today, hope it goes to one of you guys, waitlist movement should be starting soon
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I just interviewed on 4/2 and have a letter coming today in the mail according to informed delivery. Any ideas on if this could be an admissions decision?
I just interviewed on 4/2 and have a letter coming today in the mail according to informed delivery. Any ideas on if this could be an admissions decision?
its probably a thank you note from admissions
Withdrawing from this school! Hope it goes to one of you guys
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are they anticipating WL movement to start May 1 or not until May 15 earliest?
They just said may when I called but I’ve heard other people say mid-May so I’m not sure
are they anticipating WL movement to start May 1 or not until May 15 earliest?
There most likely should be some movement on May 1st if there's anyone that is dropping to follow the AACOMAS traffic guidelines. Especially if they got in somewhere else that they had ranked higher on their list. I think people say May 15th because the schools must give students with multiple seats 15 days to make a decision before withdrawing their seat. My understanding is that people who are proactive would've probably dropped by May 1st, but others that havent made a decision yet essentially have until May 15th.
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There most likely should be some movement on May 1st if there's anyone that is dropping to follow the AACOMAS traffic guidelines. Especially if they got in somewhere else that they had ranked higher on their list. I think people say May 15th because the schools must give students with multiple seats 15 days to make a decision before withdrawing their seat. My understanding is that people who are proactive would've probably dropped by May 1st, but others that havent made a decision yet essentially have until May 15th.
Thank you! That makes a lot more sense!
I got this email yesterday!

"Greetings from ARCOM. As we enter the end of April/beginning of May, we plan to start seeing increased movement on the waitlist. We want to make sure our records are accurate, assuring available seats in the class of 2028 are offered to those who are indeed interested. We will always assume interest, unless we hear from you otherwise. Letters of intent are taken into consideration but not required to be offered a seat from the waitlist."

Has anyone sent in a letter of intent and is it worth it to send one now?
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I got this email yesterday!

"Greetings from ARCOM. As we enter the end of April/beginning of May, we plan to start seeing increased movement on the waitlist. We want to make sure our records are accurate, assuring available seats in the class of 2028 are offered to those who are indeed interested. We will always assume interest, unless we hear from you otherwise. Letters of intent are taken into consideration but not required to be offered a seat from the waitlist."

Has anyone sent in a letter of intent and is it worth it to send one now?
I got the same email. I sent an LOI and asked around early-mid April about WL movement. They said:

"We re-review each application when selecting someone from the waitlist to offer a spot in the ARCOM class. This means there are no rankings, but we will consider any updates or letters of intent you have added to the application. You are head of the game with your letter, so great job!

We usually start offering admission from the waitlist in May (closer to mid or late May) since our interviews continue through the end of April. However, we have made calls off the waitlist as close as the week before orientation. Just know, anyone called off the waitlist will be offered additional support through the transition as we know you are on a much shorter timeline."
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What's the average turnaround time for the post II decision? I know they said 2-3 weeks during the interview, but didn't know if decisions have been delivered on average before this timeframe.
I am wondering if there are any scholarships offered or to apply for? Thanks.
What's the average turnaround time for the post II decision? I know they said 2-3 weeks during the interview, but didn't know if decisions have been delivered on average before this timeframe.
I was interviewed on Thursday and received a call the following Tuesday.
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What's the average turnaround time for the post II decision? I know they said 2-3 weeks during the interview, but didn't know if decisions have been delivered on average before this timeframe.
Interviewed on a Friday and heard back 10 days after on a Monday.
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