2023-2024 Mayo Clinic - Arizona

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Newbie question here (for '24-'25): Is there any IS advantage as an AZ resident indicating a preference for the Mayo-AZ campus on the secondary? I couldn't find any information on AZ campus's class profile specifically, there's only one class profile for all campuses combined.
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Newbie question here (for '24-'25): Is there any IS advantage as an AZ resident indicating a preference for the Mayo-AZ campus on the secondary? I couldn't find any information on AZ campus's class profile specifically, there's only one class profile for all campuses combined.
From how the group chat looks I would say yes
Hi Mayo-AZ gurus. How does the ranking of campus location tracks work? Do applicants who rank Mayo-AZ as their #1 and Mayo-MN as their #2 sometimes get admitted to the #2 ranked campus instead of the #1? Are there different admission standards and criteria for each, in terms of favoring those who are AZ or MN residents for the applicable campus? I understand there are different Mayo admissions committees for each of its campuses, so I guess my question is, is it plausible to get declined by AZ but admitted by MN even though the applicant ranks them in the opposite order, or does ranking a particular campus #1 mean that the person won't really be considered for the other locations however they're ranked?

Sorry, just a little lost on how they do this. Thanks in advance for your wisdom!
Anyone on the AZ waitlist gotten a highly interested email from MCASOM recently? Any AZ waitlist movement with the CTE deadline tomorrow?
Sorry I didn't report this earlier, I got an A off the waitlist on 5/28. I got an interest gauging email back in the middle of April.
Anyone know if the AZ class is filled yet after yesterday's CTE deadline? I couldn't get a hold of admissions