2023-2024 Pittsburgh

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Update: just called the admissions committee. They told me that waitlist movement will continue on a rolling basis. The person I spoke with was unable to tell me how many people were in the class or how many spots were likely to still be filled from the waitlist.

Thanks for calling and letting us know!

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Withdrew my acceptance off the waitlist... hopefully one of my good friends from this thread will be offered my spot! Thank you all for commiserating and celebrating this journey with me it's been real!
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i’m also wondering the same thing

I emailed them this morning and they said they are still reviewing on a rolling basis so I’m taking that as the class isn’t full yet
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Just got off the waitlist. Email at around 9 AM. OOS.
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Just when I was about to commit to another school, I got accepted off the waitlist at Pitt. I can't believe it
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Do we think there might be more waitlist movement after today or is this it?
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does anyone know what the groupme size is looking like? am i cooked?
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does anyone know what the groupme size is looking like? am i cooked?
Three people joined yesterday and it's at 144 now. Not sure how many are current students, or how many people accepted may not be in there. But someone posted the other day that they were leaving bc they got off another waitlist, and there have been a few people in and a few people out about once a week for the last few weeks, so seems like things are still getting settled right now. The end of May is PTE for schools that extended their deadlines, so maybe there will be some movement next week too? I could be wrong ofc, only admissions can say if they are still reviewing or if they are at class size.
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Three people joined yesterday and it's at 144 now. Not sure how many are current students, or how many people accepted may not be in there. But someone posted the other day that they were leaving bc they got off another waitlist, and there have been a few people in and a few people out about once a week for the last few weeks, so seems like things are still getting settled right now. The end of May is PTE for schools that extended their deadlines, so maybe there will be some movement next week too? I could be wrong ofc, only admissions can say if they are still reviewing or if they are at class size.
Oh did pitt formally change their pte deadline to end of may? or do u mean other schools
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Oh did pitt formally change their pte deadline to end of may? or do u mean other schools
Other schools. Brown and Maryland are two that I know of, there are probably others that could cause a ripple effect with Pitt as people get off waitlists and drop multiple acceptances.
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Does anyone know what Pitts CTE deadline is? just want to gauge how much time there is to potentially get off the wl, altho my hopes are essentially gone now
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Does anyone know what Pitts CTE deadline is? just want to gauge how much time there is to potentially get off the wl, altho my hopes are essentially gone now
CTE is still a month out on July 7th, I hope you get good news soon!
has anyone recently asked admissions about whether or not they’re reviewing the WL still?