2023-2024 Uniformed Services (USUHS)

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Got an II the other day (yay!!) and I was wondering if anyone else who got an II is having issues with the applicant gateway? When I login the screen is blank and there is no way for me to submit my interview form.
When did you submit your secondary?

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Got an II the other day (yay!!) and I was wondering if anyone else who got an II is having issues with the applicant gateway? When I login the screen is blank and there is no way for me to submit my interview form.
I was having issues, then they emailed me and said "Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine Regular M.D. program invites you to take the next step with your application" with a link to the gateway and it was working then!
I completely missed the 3-week deadline and submitted about 6 days too late... would I still have any chance/would they still consider my application?
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I was having issues, then they emailed me and said "Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine Regular M.D. program invites you to take the next step with your application" with a link to the gateway and it was working then!
ahh thank you that worked! I just had to email my app advisor for the right link to that google form!
I completely missed the 3-week deadline and submitted about 6 days too late... would I still have any chance/would they still consider my application?
Same here by like 1 day. Did anyone else receive issues because of this? I didn't even know they send the invite before the application processes and found out through my spam folder sigh.
Hey all. I'm and MS1 here. If anyone has any questions about the school (the school, the culture, the application process, being new to the military) let me know. It's a cool journey and everything from DCC to orientation and starting school has been a new and interesting experience.
Does anyone affiliated with the school know how commissioning requirements work? Unfortunately the coordinator is on an extended vacation at the moment.

My main question is, when do I have to meet physical requirements surrounding height/weight? I have been in long-term weight loss and should reach the requirements by the end of the year. I understand that you need a physical scheduled before the interview but I'm unsure of what happens if you fail it etc.
HI! I am an MS1. There is no need to worry about the height and weight until you receive an interview. If you do get interviewed, you will get a bunch of paperwork underlining the service preference, security clearance, and DoDmerb health screening. That is when height and weight will matter. There are regulations with height and weight but even if you don't meet the weight you can be tapped and still pass. Tapping is quite lenient but continue the healthy weight loss! Finding healthy ways of keeping your weight low as opposed to fast and quick methods will keep you ready for staying healthy in school as well.
Re-applying this year after applying too late last year 😬 Question about re-writing the secondary: how different does it need to be? Do I need to have a complete idea written or can I just re-write the ones I have better?
I will be honest with you... I reapplied and I didn't realize that they needed COMPLETELY different essays. Soooooo I ran it back with super super similar essays and got accepted hahahaha. However I did get an interview before with those essays and I did get on the primary wait list before as well.
Hi ya’ll just joined SDN to follow this thread. Does anyone know if you are currently in the military do you still have to do the DODMERB physical or would you just do a regular commissioning physical. I’m currently in the National Guard.
I do believe you have to do a physical again. However, it is super different from the MEPS physical. You will do general screening with DoDmerb and do a slightly more intensive physical at DCC (if you have a gap in service longer than 5 years). If not, I believe you will report to USUHS a few days earlier than others and get medical in processing at that point.
Nope- wondering if anyone else had a major delay between their secondary submission and confirmation? Pretty sure I received secondary on first day and submitted in the same day, but my confirmation didn't come until the 24. Wondering if my medical condition I listed delayed me until they could confirm it is not disqualifying... does anyone know about this?
I am not sure if you know this but things in the military go at their own speed. Some people will get cleared immediately but there is a lot of paper work and sometimes things take time because there is just a massive number of files that an individual has to process before getting to yours. Applying to this school more than anything will make you wait for a long time. I had to wait till May to get my acceptance. Even if you are qualified it will take that long. Additionally, the army (for me) is all about waiting so be ready.
I do believe you have to do a physical again. However, it is super different from the MEPS physical. You will do general screening with DoDmerb and do a slightly more intensive physical at DCC (if you have a gap in service longer than 5 years). If not, I believe you will report to USUHS a few days earlier than others and get medical in processing at that point.
Thanks for the response man, I saw all your posts in the previous years threads so I’m glad to hear you got in!
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HI! I am an MS1. There is no need to worry about the height and weight until you receive an interview. If you do get interviewed, you will get a bunch of paperwork underlining the service preference, security clearance, and DoDmerb health screening. That is when height and weight will matter. There are regulations with height and weight but even if you don't meet the weight you can be tapped and still pass. Tapping is quite lenient but continue the healthy weight loss! Finding healthy ways of keeping your weight low as opposed to fast and quick methods will keep you ready for staying healthy in school as well.
hello- i was told the height and weight requirements mostly were needed for your final unconditional acceptance… i will probably not meet them in the next few weeks because I interview soon… is this where “tapping” would apply?
Hey all. I'm and MS1 here. If anyone has any questions about the school (the school, the culture, the application process, being new to the military) let me know. It's a cool journey and everything from DCC to orientation and starting school has been a new and interesting experience.
Hey do you know how strict the admissions committee is about that 21 day deadline rule for their secondary return? The invite got send to my spam for some reason and I did not know it was sent before my AMCAS processed so I got it in at like 22 days. I am very interested in doing military medicine and working on my HPSP app as well incase USUHS doesn't work out, although I have no military background (LM 71).
hello- i was told the height and weight requirements mostly were needed for your final unconditional acceptance… i will probably not meet them in the next few weeks because I interview soon… is this where “tapping” would apply?
I am not good at spelling lol I meant to say a tape test (taping I guess). So I am sure you are aware of the DoDmerb physical and all that (maybe you have done it already?) I remember when I did my physical I was above the number a few weeks prior and was able to lose just enough to meet regulations. However, if you are above the limit they will likely send you to a recruiter to do the tape test after. You are interviewing early so it should not prevent you from getting at least a conditional if they accept you.
Hey do you know how strict the admissions committee is about that 21 day deadline rule for their secondary return? The invite got send to my spam for some reason and I did not know it was sent before my AMCAS processed so I got it in at like 22 days. I am very interested in doing military medicine and working on my HPSP app as well incase USUHS doesn't work out, although I have no military background (LM 71).
Yo, so I would maybe tell your admissions advisor (based on your last name, the point of contact with admissions). I think they are usually fairly responsive and I think they would understand if you told them. However, I really can't speak for them and so I would definitely try and email them.
I am not good at spelling lol I meant to say a tape test (taping I guess). So I am sure you are aware of the DoDmerb physical and all that (maybe you have done it already?) I remember when I did my physical I was above the number a few weeks prior and was able to lose just enough to meet regulations. However, if you are above the limit they will likely send you to a recruiter to do the tape test after. You are interviewing early so it should not prevent you from getting at least a conditional if they accept you.
Good to know! Ty. Yes- I am hoping that since I am pretty early I’ll have time after the physical to lose more for a conditional acceptance. Thankyou
Has anyone with a II received instructions from DoDMERB to create an account? I got a II on the 28th and still have not received any information to create a medical appointment.
Silly question. Do we have to pay for the appointments? Recently recieved the DoD email and I haven't called to make them yet.
Has anyone had issues with submitting the interview form through the Applicant Gateway? Liaison Internal said it was a Mac issue. However, I am trying it on a PC, and the site is still blank.
Has anyone had issues with submitting the interview form through the Applicant Gateway? Liaison Internal said it was a Mac issue. However, I am trying it on a PC, and the site is still blank.
Did you try alternative browsers? I had the best luck with Chrome and was able to submit on a Mac. Best of luck!
Has anyone had issues with submitting the interview form through the Applicant Gateway? Liaison Internal said it was a Mac issue. However, I am trying it on a PC, and the site is still blank.
when you open the link to the gateway, open it through the link you initially received for your secondary. when I tried to open the gateway through the link in the II email, I was having issues.
Has anyone with a II received instructions from DoDMERB to create an account? I got a II on the 28th and still have not received any information to create a medical appointment.
I received my II on the 28th as well and received my information to create an appointment on friday 9/1. My advice would be to give it 1 week, so until tom, and if you don't receive communication, on Tuesday reach out to the DoDMERB Helpdesk or to your assigned advisor.
Can someone clarify this- If you are conditionally accepted to the school but do not pass the medical examination for one branch and hypothetically waivers are denied, are you automatically considered for your second choice branch?
Can someone clarify this- If you are conditionally accepted to the school but do not pass the medical examination for one branch and hypothetically waivers are denied, are you automatically considered for your second choice branch?
DoDMERB has one exam qualification for USUHS. Unlike the service academies, where you would be qualified individually for USNA/USAFA/USMA, the USU qualification is general and covers all branches. So as I understand it, you are either qualified for USUHS or not. Not super familiar with the waiver process.

Might be worth sending an email to the commissioning coordinator to check, though.
Same 😢 Do they give out interviews every month?
I believe every week starting with Aug 21. For example, I received my invite on 8/21 for the week of 9/11. A friend received his 8/28 for the week of 9/18, and just yesterday another friend got one for the week of 10/2.
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I believe every week starting with Aug 21. For example, I received my invite on 8/21 for the week of 9/11. A friend received his 8/28 for the week of 9/18, and just yesterday another friend got one for the week of 10/2. View attachment 376540
Thank you so much for this! I’m assuming Jan 29 will the last interview day?
Does anyone have any insight on the DoDmerb exam if you had asthma? Mine was a problem when I was a kid and I haven't had any problems with it since elementary school. Should I disclose this or is the waiver process easy enough to just get it done through that? How does the waiver process work for something like this?
Does anyone have any insight on the DoDmerb exam if you had asthma? Mine was a problem when I was a kid and I haven't had any problems with it since elementary school. Should I disclose this or is the waiver process easy enough to just get it done through that? How does the waiver process work for something like this?
When I was filling it out for HPSP they told me not to disclose it if you were younger than 14
I would use DoDI 6130.03 as a guide. See paragraph 6.10.e. You should still disclose, but you don’t need a waiver if the asthma resolved prior to your 13th birthday. Keep in mind that with the advent of the EHR, the military will see prior conditions if they search.

Please know that this does not constitute official advice, this is just my two cents and an attempt to point people towards the documents with the answers. Best of luck!

DoDI link: https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/.../613003_vol1.PDF?ver=7fhqacc0jGX_R9_1iexudA==
Does anyone know historically when all interviews are pretty much given out my USUHS? I was marked complete mid August wondering if this was too late (no military ties, 3.97/511 LM 71)
Does anyone know historically when all interviews are pretty much given out my USUHS? I was marked complete mid August wondering if this was too late (no military ties, 3.97/511 LM 71)
They started sending out II 3 weeks ago, so I don't think you are too late. also the secondary is free! I'm in no position to give official advice, I'm an applicant like you, but I would say send it if you are interested in military medicine.
They started sending out II 3 weeks ago, so I don't think you are too late. also the secondary is free! I'm in no position to give official advice, I'm an applicant like you, but I would say send it if you are interested in military medicine.
Thanks for the advice I have sent out the secondary and LORs a while ago but no II yet which got me somewhat worried. I do have a deep interest in military med though which hopefully shone through my secondary responses.
This is my first II received Friday 09/08! Primary verified mid July and submitted secondary here July 24th.

Currently filling out the google form required to reserve my interview spot and was surprised that we are already ranking our preferred branches. Anybody else feeling unsure how they're going to rank the branches?
Thanks for the advice I have sent out the secondary and LORs a while ago but no II yet which got me somewhat worried. I do have a deep interest in military med though which hopefully shone through my secondary responses.
Sorry I misunderstood, I was thinking AMCAS Verified for some reason. Based on your stats you are a competitive applicant, and they are very early in the interview process so don't lose hope.