Back to the Basics? WW Game Thread

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Okay just got one of them, I am going to close, but last person who hasn't pmed me has about 30 minutes to pm me while I get everything typed up.

Night Closed... Results Pending...
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Okay just got one of them, I am going to close, but last person who hasn't pmed me has about 30 minutes to pm me while I get everything typed up.

Night Closed... Results Pending...


Yeah...never would have been able to keep up with this game. Do all of you people live in the same timezone??? This is mind boggling with the deadlines.

I'm thinking it's a first person lynched thing...seems like something STL would do. Dead advisor type thing.

We won't know for sure until we catch a clear wolf, I don't think.
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hell no

I like where I am.... have no need to move to the states

also I am sorry I have a life outside WW

Oh man....I won't be a part of the UK crew as of June...I can't even....

The city has officially become a mixture of paranoia, fear, and mass confusion. Why are the undead coming back? What in the world happened with SV88? How come we lynched our previous mayor? And most importantly, why has no one died yet? These questions will be answered during tonight's journey.

We once again follow our man of Lousiana to figure out most of these questions. This time, he is smart enough to not return to his old, booby trapped house, and instead goes to SV88's house. He walks in, plops down on the couch, and opens a beer this time. He hears the movement behind him and doesn't think twice about it. He turns on the television and yells behind him, "Should I get you a beer?" Chuckling to himself the entire time.

"Haha, very funny. Just because I am now an undead creature doesn't mean I get to be the butt of your livest jokes." SV88 pauses for a second. "Do you think he'll leave you alone now?"

"He'd be stupid not to. He should now appreciate my power."

"I should?" The man in black's voice is now audible to @BlackBox but this does not seem to phase him.

"You killed me once last night, and almost messed up my plans of starting to resurrect my skeleton army. How dare you come to my house again? Don't you know, I CAN'T DIE. You cannot kill me. If chopping me up into tiny pieces yesterday didn't work, what do you possibly think can? Or do you just have a death wish?"

"I am leaving with you an offer, leave this city, and I won't have to kill you." The man in black's voice was tense, but showed no signs of fear. "If you do not leave, you will be dead before the night is over."

"I am not going anywhere. Why would I? You killed my girlfriend, all I have left in this world is my quest to take over this city. And that quest shall not fail."

Immediately, SV88 rushed at him. He dived under his right arm, and immediately grabbed his head from behind. He quickly snaps it off, leaving just a body of bones. The corpse swings a fist at him, which the man in black easily blocks and breaks one arm clean off. Slowly but surely, the man in black breaks each of SV88's bones, leaving him as a useless pile of bones.

Blackbox stands up now clapping. "Congratulations, you dismantled my little puppet. I can make MANY, MANY more of those. But alas, you still can't kill me. Leave now, and maybe I will forget this transcendence and be merciful when my puppets come to kill you."

"No." Says the man in black. "Instead..." He stabs a cross shaped knife into the area where his heart should be. Blackbox lets out a loud groan, which slowly fades away as the life drains out of him. Dead is Blackbox, the necromancer, a chaos character who was able to resurrect the innocent when lynched by a jury of their peers. Having used his 1 resurrection already, he will no longer be able to enact his plan of skeleton based domination of New York City. With his death, Sv88, Head Skeleton, is able to rest peacefully.

But the night does not end there. MDreamaker decided to meet up with some shady people in an alley last night. Someone mutters, "Do you got the stuff?" "yeah, I have it in my bag, let me just get it out for you." The man goes into the bag and pulls out a pistol. The man shoots several times, but only 1 bullet comes out. The man ditches the gun and sprints out of the alley. MD steps up, rubbing his chest. "Man, they never tell you how much it hurts to get shot" he thought. He walks back to his car and drives back to his apartment.

Still, the activities of the night have not finished. Next we follow @wolfspeaker, who decided to stay over at the district attorney's office last night. She was getting ready a closing argument that could be used to really shut this case for a suspected member of the family. She had it just perfect when she heard the door open. She didn't think anything of it, probably just that pesky intern @evilsquirrel poking around some old cases. But then there was a scream. WS runs out of her office to find Evilsquirrel dead on the floor, with a dagger straight through her back, severing her spinal chord. "You know, when they told me you were going to be working my case, I couldn't help but smile. As I knew the DA working my case would have to die, and die a horrible death you shall. WS kicks the man in the groin and runs straight into her office, locking the door. It takes 2 bullets for the man to break down the door, and when he kicks it wide open, she throws the phone at his face, making his nose pour out blood. While he is stunned, she tackles him to the floor and tries climbing over him, but he grabs her ankle. With his other hand, he grabs his gun that had fallen to the floor, and let's several bullets fly, all of which hit wolfspeaker. Dead is WOLFSPEAKER, District Attorney, who would have been able to manipulate the result of several lynches.

We are now on DAY 3. Tentative Day deadline will be 12:30 pm tomorrow, unless a clear consensus is reached before then.

There are 23 Players remaining in the game:
1. @dyachei
2. @LetItSnow
3. @kaydubs
4. @devyn

1. @Escalla
2. @Chillbo Baggins
3. @WildZoo
4. @hedgiehog
5. @Mad Jack

1. @Gwenevre
2. @swingnsave
3. @allieh8607
4. @Cyndia
5. @equineconstant
6. @MDreamaker


1. @epivetlove
2. @magbags

Staten Island

1. @JaynaAli
2. @UFprevet12
3. @VetAshley2117
4. @98cats
5. @Jamr0ckin
6. @thedrjojo

Wolfspeaker - District Attorney
Blackbox - The Necromancer
SV88 - The Ex-Mayor Turned Head Skeleton

***Note that groups have been changed! Please fix your pm rosters accordingly!***
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My response to this write-up is the same as my response to the previous one :wtf:
I guess it's good the chaos character is dead...
Does this mean the wolves killed one of them and someone else with a night kill ability killed the other?:boom:
Holy crap. Manhattan got screwed. :/
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My response to this write-up is the same as my response to the previous one :wtf:
I guess it's good the chaos character is dead...
Does this mean the wolves killed one of them and someone else with a night kill ability killed the other?:boom:

Seems like the wolves took out WS for sure.

Not totally sure about the other....
My response to this write-up is the same as my response to the previous one :wtf:
I guess it's good the chaos character is dead...
Does this mean the wolves killed one of them and someone else with a night kill ability killed the other?:boom:

You're guess is wrong. I was awesome.
Wow...what happened to simple, huh?
You're guess is wrong. I was awesome.
Nope, you're chaos, we want you dead. :cool: (although the necromancer mechanic does seem pretty cool)
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This game has made me a sad panda

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But, as a side note, thanks for whomever killed BB.

And that answers my question about SV88 having been resurrected not based on their role, but just by being lynched.

I'm sure STL is pissed his little distraction is eliminated from the game N2
But, as a side note, thanks for whomever killed BB.

And that answers my question about SV88 having been resurrected not based on their role, but just by being lynched.

I'm sure STL is pissed his little distraction is eliminated from the game N2
Well, not pissed about it... Just didn't think it that likely that the role would be gone so quickly.
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Confused.. But Um Geeze thanks for shooting me :(
Haha thank goodness for that bullet proof vest, that was traumatic!

I guess I was wrong to lynch sv88..
I tried. Does it need to be the person who created the conversation?

Yes. Though it's a good idea for whoever creates the convos to check the box allowing anyone to add.
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Yes. Though it's a good idea for whoever creates the convos to check the box allowing anyone to add.

Oh well then it needs to be someone else. I don't remember who started it.
Alright guys, I will be out for the majority of the rest of the night. The days (and most nights) are going to start being spaced out more on 12 hour intervals (rather than crunched intervals), so please be aware of that.
But the night does not end there. MDreamaker MD steps up, rubbing his chest. "Man, they never tell you how much it hurts to get shot" he thought. He walks back to his car and drives back to his apartment.


Haha I am a SHE by the way.