***Official Marquette University School of Dentistry Class of 2023 Interview/Acceptance Thread***

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Does anyone know if they are going to schedule more interviews? Or was the last interview date in January?? I have not heard anything from Marquette. I called last week to see what my status was and they said they were still reviewing my application. However, I still have not been invited for an interview.

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Does anyone know if they are going to schedule more interviews? Or was the last interview date in January?? I have not heard anything from Marquette. I called last week to see what my status was and they said they were still reviewing my application. However, I still have not been invited for an interview.

When I met with Mr. Trecek, the admissions director, he told me there would be 2 OOS interview dates in January so I would assume they are compiling the waitlist. I always look on their website under “what’s happening in admissions”
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Does anyone know if they are going to schedule more interviews? Or was the last interview date in January?? I have not heard anything from Marquette. I called last week to see what my status was and they said they were still reviewing my application. However, I still have not been invited for an interview.

I interviewed yesterday (02/15) and I was told that my interview group was the last group of the cycle. At this point their class is full with the exception of the remaining seats available for DSEP candidates.
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Did anyone from the Friday PSEP interviews receive an acceptance call? I'm on all stressed out...:(
Did anyone from the Friday PSEP interviews receive an acceptance call? I'm on all stressed out...:(

Yea I want to know too. Also, is anyone not going to accept the offer if given?
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Are you taking the spot? I got an email I am on the ranked alternate list.

Thanks. I am, but remember I'm just one of ten who got accepted yesterday so the other nine still have the potential to decline the offer. Also it's only February and a good number of schools actively interview and accept from their waitlists through March and April so any of those remaining seats could shuffle in the future.
Thanks. I am, but remember I'm just one of ten who got accepted yesterday so the other nine still have the potential to decline the offer. Also it's only February and a good number of schools actively interview and accept from their waitlists through March and April so any of those remaining seats could shuffle in the future.
Awesome! I feel like I have a good shot since I’m #1 on the alternate list so I may see you in July ! :)
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Thanks. I am, but remember I'm just one of ten who got accepted yesterday so the other nine still have the potential to decline the offer. Also it's only February and a good number of schools actively interview and accept from their waitlists through March and April so any of those remaining seats could shuffle in the future.

So do you think all acceptance calls went out yesterday?
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It was on the email I got. I believe Brian Trecek said that the #1-5 on the alternate list would be emailed with their rank, others wouldn’t be.
(@Abby_predent we're referring to DSEP candidates that were interviewed last Friday. The people on that waitlist were given a ranking. I'm not sure what the waitlist for the non-DSEP candidates looks like.)
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Ok I’m a bit lost. What’s DSEP?
Ok I’m a bit lost. What’s DSEP?
The Dental Summer Enrichment Program. It was offered to 10 DDS candidates this year. It's a 5-week academic support program that helps students transition from undergraduate studies to professional studies. There's additional support provided once the school year starts as well.
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so the person who got the acceptance was for the PSEP program, or was it for the people who interviewed for the alternate list?? Im confused
The people that interviewed Friday were for the DSEP program. I typed in the wrong program when I asked my question today this morning. So its not PSEP. Its DSEP.
I just got wait listed. So I suppose I'm an alternate to the alternate?
Have any in-state applicants been accepted from the waitlist?
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Just got an email about being on the alternate list today around 10am.
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Did you interview there or is that without interview?
I got the email at the same time - I am instate and interviewed. If you haven’t interviewed, I believe that you are out of luck at this point seeing as the class is full and they have alternate lists for OOS and IS.
I never interviewed, so I'm rejected.
I got the email at the same time - I am instate and interviewed. If you haven’t interviewed, I believe that you are out of luck at this point seeing as the class is full and they have alternate lists for OOS and IS.
The Marquette Rejection Attack has begun!
So are spots officially all taken? Did anyone get accepted off the alternate pool? Facebook group has 134 members..
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So are spots officially all taken? Did anyone get accepted off the alternate pool? Facebook group has 134 members..

There are many people on the FB page who are already dental students, just so you know.
I realize no one has replied to this thread for a while but... does it seem like there's a chance of someone dropping there spot for whatever reason (I've been waitlisted)?
Our immunizations and stuff were due a few days ago. I assume the only way spots would open up is if someone didn’t complete the required documentation and gets dropped (if that’s possible) or someone gets cold feet
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