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For those of you struggling with the decision to accept the Vet Prep offer or not, feel free to PM me with any specific questions you have and I'd be more than happy to try and answer them. I started the Vet Prep semester in Aug 2013 so I'm sure many things may be different, but I can at least offer some pros/cons that you may not have considered. I know how disappointing the news is that you didn't receive straight admission. I was so confused about how I should feel- happy? Bummed? Relieved? I felt them all. I even considered lying to my family and friends about it being "real" vet school because I was embarrassed. Ultimately though they were all still so happy and excited for me. So if any of you want additional info from someone who went through vet prep and then got through vet school just fine, PM me!

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For those of you struggling with the decision to accept the Vet Prep offer or not, feel free to PM me with any specific questions you have and I'd be more than happy to try and answer them. I started the Vet Prep semester in Aug 2013 so I'm sure many things may be different, but I can at least offer some pros/cons that you may not have considered. I know how disappointing the news is that you didn't receive straight admission. I was so confused about how I should feel- happy? Bummed? Relieved? I felt them all. I even considered lying to my family and friends about it being "real" vet school because I was embarrassed. Ultimately though they were all still so happy and excited for me. So if any of you want additional info from someone who went through vet prep and then got through vet school just fine, PM me!

Thank you! I’m going to pm you I had some questions I emailed but never heard anything
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For those of you struggling with the decision to accept the Vet Prep offer or not, feel free to PM me with any specific questions you have and I'd be more than happy to try and answer them. I started the Vet Prep semester in Aug 2013 so I'm sure many things may be different, but I can at least offer some pros/cons that you may not have considered. I know how disappointing the news is that you didn't receive straight admission. I was so confused about how I should feel- happy? Bummed? Relieved? I felt them all. I even considered lying to my family and friends about it being "real" vet school because I was embarrassed. Ultimately though they were all still so happy and excited for me. So if any of you want additional info from someone who went through vet prep and then got through vet school just fine, PM me!

The more I think about it, the more I’m excited. I did tell my friends and coworkers I was accepted, I didn’t elaborate, because I WAS accepted, I know I’ll do great in vet prep. And as someone who only decided to apply to vet school 2 years ago, and work my butt off with pre-reqs and working in the emergency clinic, I’m pretty proud regardless! I’d love to know your experience so I’ll pm you!
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Has anyone else heard anything back from Ross after having their interview? I interviewed on the 1st of this month and I know my interviewer said I would hear back in 3-4 weeks...but this waiting is torture
Just finished my SKYPE interview and I think it went very well! She said I will hear back in about a month, so fingers crossed!!! if anyone has any questions about the interview lmk. it was very laid back. she mostly asked about my experience and how it affected me. She also asked about study habits that I have, and if I would change anything about how I studied in undergrad.
Just finished my SKYPE interview and I think it went very well! She said I will hear back in about a month, so fingers crossed!!! if anyone has any questions about the interview lmk. it was very laid back. she mostly asked about my experience and how it affected me. She also asked about study habits that I have, and if I would change anything about how I studied in undergrad.

good luck!!! A month Ugh.

Did you have an essay question to write? also, what did you say about your study habits lol???
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Has anyone else heard anything back from Ross after having their interview? I interviewed on the 1st of this month and I know my interviewer said I would hear back in 3-4 weeks...but this waiting is torture
Been waiting since December lol still haven’t heard
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good luck!!! A month Ugh.

Did you have an essay question to write? also, what did you say about your study habits lol???

my GPA is REALLLLY ****ty, but it has improved each semester. So I told her that what I used to do was start studying for exams like 3 days in advance and just cram it all in. Now, I prepare for each class by reading the chapter in the textbook, this helps me take better notes during class since I already have a background knowledge of what he/she is saying. Then, before bed each night i review what we learned that day and STAR anything I don’t fully understand yet.

I did not have to write an essay! (thank god lol)

thank you! good luck to you too!
Had my interview on the 2nd of this month, still waiting on Admissions, should I wait until the 3 week time that I was told call or should I try to call soon and move things along?
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Had my interview on the 2nd of this month, still waiting on Admissions, should I wait until the 3 week time that I was told call or should I try to call soon and move things along?
Same here, interviewed on the 1st! I just want to know already
I’ve been waiting since December!! Lol I’ve been bothering my interviewer but nothing yet
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I’ve been waiting since December!! Lol I’ve been bothering my interviewer but nothing yet
So I got an email today saying I was accepted lol woohoo so I’ll be starting in the fall! They also sent me a vet book to kind of get me started until the semester starts so I’m not super in the dark
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So I got an email today saying I was accepted lol woohoo so I’ll be starting in the fall! They also sent me a vet book to kind of get me started until the semester starts so I’m not super in the dark
What was your interview date? I was 11/28, still waiting
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What was your interview date? I was 11/28, still waiting

did they give you a timeline at the end of your interview? I interview on 1/16 and heard back in exactly 3 weeks. I would reach out to your interviewer and ask for an updated timeline.
All my check marks are FINALLY in! We had some miscommunication in regards to a transcript and whether or not it was a 'final' one.
So now, just waiting to hear about an interview invite!
I'm currently an alternate/waitlisted at Midwestern (IS), and have heard from several students they got pulled off last minute to attend. I'm trying to mentally prepare now for a possible acceptance to Ross. In which case, when would it be best to move for Fall 2018? How soon/late do I move, taking into account that I'm an alternate at Midwestern. Tuition wise, both are fairly expensive compared to other schools. I would prefer to be at Midwestern due to location (job, family, friends, etc.) But if I am granted an outright acceptance to Ross I'll 100% take it.
I'm just not exactly sure how to go about the proper waiting time for Midwestern while ensuring I'm prepared to move for Ross. Hoping for some help!
All my check marks are FINALLY in! We had some miscommunication in regards to a transcript and whether or not it was a 'final' one.
So now, just waiting to hear about an interview invite!
I'm currently an alternate/waitlisted at Midwestern (IS), and have heard from several students they got pulled off last minute to attend. I'm trying to mentally prepare now for a possible acceptance to Ross. In which case, when would it be best to move for Fall 2018? How soon/late do I move, taking into account that I'm an alternate at Midwestern. Tuition wise, both are fairly expensive compared to other schools. I would prefer to be at Midwestern due to location (job, family, friends, etc.) But if I am granted an outright acceptance to Ross I'll 100% take it.
I'm just not exactly sure how to go about the proper waiting time for Midwestern while ensuring I'm prepared to move for Ross. Hoping for some help!

Hey I had pretty much a month between acceptance and getting my visa and everything ready for Ross.

to Apply for Student Visa (I am trying to remember everything off the top of my head) you need a police letter/background report within past 6 months, bank statement with at least... 6000$ (Unless you are doing student loans), Health Check (Ross will send you a checklist form with all the up to date vaccinations), original birth certificate, photocopy of your passport. (I may be missing one or two things).

I think the main thing is police background check and medical stuff, which you can get it all ready in time and either send it over to Ross, or if you were crunched on time like me I just brought everything to the student housing office on campus when school started.

So don't worry you have a while before you really have to kick it in. Feel free to ask me any questions I can answer with my experience! :)
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Hey I had pretty much a month between acceptance and getting my visa and everything ready for Ross.

to Apply for Student Visa (I am trying to remember everything off the top of my head) you need a police letter/background report within past 6 months, bank statement with at least... 6000$ (Unless you are doing student loans), Health Check (Ross will send you a checklist form with all the up to date vaccinations), original birth certificate, photocopy of your passport. (I may be missing one or two things).

I think the main thing is police background check and medical stuff, which you can get it all ready in time and either send it over to Ross, or if you were crunched on time like me I just brought everything to the student housing office on campus when school started.

So don't worry you have a while before you really have to kick it in. Feel free to ask me any questions I can answer with my experience! :)

oh i coudl be wrong about the 6000$ i forgot exact amount
I just had my interview yesterday and my interviewer told me it would be about 3 weeks before a decision was made! I hope it is sooner than that!
All my check marks are FINALLY in! We had some miscommunication in regards to a transcript and whether or not it was a 'final' one.
So now, just waiting to hear about an interview invite!
I'm currently an alternate/waitlisted at Midwestern (IS), and have heard from several students they got pulled off last minute to attend. I'm trying to mentally prepare now for a possible acceptance to Ross. In which case, when would it be best to move for Fall 2018? How soon/late do I move, taking into account that I'm an alternate at Midwestern. Tuition wise, both are fairly expensive compared to other schools. I would prefer to be at Midwestern due to location (job, family, friends, etc.) But if I am granted an outright acceptance to Ross I'll 100% take it.
I'm just not exactly sure how to go about the proper waiting time for Midwestern while ensuring I'm prepared to move for Ross. Hoping for some help!
I knew people that got everything in order to move to St. Kitts in 2 weeks. It was hard and they had to do stuff in preparation literally every day, but it's doable. There is a full week of orientation before the semester starts and most people move down the weekend before that starts. Unless you're living off campus, there wouldn't be anywhere for you to stay with all your stuff before that (unless you stayed at a hotel or something) so I wouldn't move down there any earlier than you need to! If you were accepted to Ross I would just start getting prepared as soon as may lose out on some money if you end up getting off the Midwestern waitlist, but at least you won't be scrambling to make the big move to St. Kitts at the last minute.
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Received my skype interview invite for March 14th!!

I knew people that got everything in order to move to St. Kitts in 2 weeks. It was hard and they had to do stuff in preparation literally every day, but it's doable. There is a full week of orientation before the semester starts and most people move down the weekend before that starts. Unless you're living off campus, there wouldn't be anywhere for you to stay with all your stuff before that (unless you stayed at a hotel or something) so I wouldn't move down there any earlier than you need to! If you were accepted to Ross I would just start getting prepared as soon as may lose out on some money if you end up getting off the Midwestern waitlist, but at least you won't be scrambling to make the big move to St. Kitts at the last minute.

Thank you for the information! I have some new grad Rossies at my work that I plan on talking a bit more to in regards to preparations, the more I look into the school, the more I am excited about possibly being a student with them; am trying to get everything in order ASAP. I'm looking through their website to try to get as much information as I can. But I know asking students first hand can be more beneficial.
I also have 2 pets, a boxer and a cat, what has been your or classmates experiences in regards to bringing pets along? They're pretty much a requirement for me to bring due to not having any family/friends that could take them on, especially for that extended amount of time.
I know for the first semester I would have to live on campus, and then from there I would move off-campus. What are housing locations like off-campus, especially for pets?
During the time between semesters, what do students do around the island?
I also have 2 pets, a boxer and a cat, what has been your or classmates experiences in regards to bringing pets along? They're pretty much a requirement for me to bring due to not having any family/friends that could take them on, especially for that extended amount of time.
If they're a requirement for you to bring due to not having anyone to watch them for a semester, tell the admission administration that. I'm pretty sure they waived the requirement to live on campus 1st semester for people who were in a similar situation. I lived with 2 roommates that both brought dogs to the island, but they were able to have family watch their dogs during 1st semester.

I know for the first semester I would have to live on campus, and then from there I would move off-campus. What are housing locations like off-campus, especially for pets?
As I mentioned above, you don't necessarily have to live on campus if you have extenuating circumstances. There are lots of different housing locations off campus but I'm not sure what you mean by "especially for pets". But my guess is that you'll want somewhere with air conditioning at the very least. My roommates kept their dogs kenneled while we were at school and closed the door to the room they were in (all 4 dogs in 1 room), then turned the air conditioning on. Having the air condition on for the whole house every day while we were at school would have eaten through our money wayyyyy faster than just keeping them in one room kenneled so that's what they did. My cat...meh...I kept my ceiling fan on for him but I snagged him off the streets of St. Kitts so he was used to hot hot weather. There is a golf course that normally would allow for students to take their dogs on before/after the course was open as long as you are respectful and pick up after them. This varied from time to time depending on how the management was feeling and sometimes there would be random posts on the student page saying "oh we're not allowed on the gold course anymore" but then in 2 weeks you were allowed back on it :rolleyes: That's St. Kitts for you.

During the time between semesters, what do students do around the island?
They lime :)
But in all seriousness, lots of beach time, hiking, relaxing, seeing/doing things you wanted to do during the semester but never got to. They always create a "staycation" facebook page for those students that are staying so they can coordinate activities to do together.
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I’ve declined my seat for the Fall Semester. Hope one of you gets to start your journey in my place!
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has anyone had experience with bringings pets to St. Kitts??? like the rabies titers, cost, etc. any info helps!! thanks a bunch!
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Anxiously awaiting my decision for RUSVM Fall 2018. Interview was in early December and was told I should have a decision in 4 to 5 weeks. I emailed my interviewer last week and was told it shouldn't be more than another week or 2. A little frustrating that is has been 12 weeks now (not that I'm counting or anything), but after reading some of the other posts, it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one in this position.
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Anxiously awaiting my decision for RUSVM Fall 2018. Interview was in early December and was told I should have a decision in 4 to 5 weeks. I emailed my interviewer last week and was told it shouldn't be more than another week or 2. A little frustrating that is has been 12 weeks now (not that I'm counting or anything), but after reading some of the other posts, it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one in this position.

I'm also still waiting!! So you aren't alone haha :unsure:
Had my interview on 2/2 was told 2-3 weeks, called last week and they said ANOTHER 2 weeks! Honestly feel like they are one of the slowest schools to get a reply back. I just am confused why they would tell us a timeline and then just keep adding weeks.
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Had my interview on 2/2 was told 2-3 weeks, called last week and they said ANOTHER 2 weeks! Honestly feel like they are one of the slowest schools to get a reply back. I just am confused why they would tell us a timeline and then just keep adding weeks.
This goes for everyone waiting to hear about their status, not just you...I know it's frustrating, but don't forget Ross only has 1 admissions team for 3 admission periods a year. Unless you're applying for the May 2018 class (if you are, ignore all this because they should be getting back to you ASAP in that case) unfortunately the fall applicants tend to get put on the back burner while things are busy finalizing things for May. And this goes for any semester, not just fall in particular. I'm not saying it's ideal by any means, especially because everyone else applying for fall matriculation is hearing back around now, but those schools also don't have an incoming May class to try and get squared away while also working on the fall. If you are accepted, you will come to find out soon enough that your admission status is not the only thing that is slow...that is literally the motto of the island, "rush slowly" and it would do you a world of good to realize and accept it now :)
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I totally feel you on all of those accounts... I'm STILL finishing pre-reqs (biochem test tomorrow morning!), and I feel like I'm treading water. My Chem 1 grade expires in the fall, due to the "needs to be taken within the last 5yrs" rule, so regardless I'd have to retake that if I choose to apply next cycle. And then redo my GRE.

I have gotten some good messages about the vet prep program, it's a small class- 40-50 people, and everyone tends to do very well. You need to pass with 70% (fairly easy if you're focused!) and then you're guarenteed entrance into the next cycle class (so for me, I'd start officially Jan. 2019).

I haven't e-mailed Bill yet but did e-mail my interviewer with several questions and he got back to me instantly. I guess I need to know how long I have to make this decision. I want to do a folder review with my IS school and see if it's even doable to reapply, if they say that I need to fix a couple things - great. If they say I need to retake 7 classes and get 2,000 more hours of large animal experience, that's not doable, so maybe Vet Prep is my option? UGH!
I'm kind of in the same boat. I was accepted to Ross
All my check marks are FINALLY in! We had some miscommunication in regards to a transcript and whether or not it was a 'final' one.
So now, just waiting to hear about an interview invite!
I'm currently an alternate/waitlisted at Midwestern (IS), and have heard from several students they got pulled off last minute to attend. I'm trying to mentally prepare now for a possible acceptance to Ross. In which case, when would it be best to move for Fall 2018? How soon/late do I move, taking into account that I'm an alternate at Midwestern. Tuition wise, both are fairly expensive compared to other schools. I would prefer to be at Midwestern due to location (job, family, friends, etc.) But if I am granted an outright acceptance to Ross I'll 100% take it.
I'm just not exactly sure how to go about the proper waiting time for Midwestern while ensuring I'm prepared to move for Ross. Hoping for some help!
I'm in the same boat. I have been preparing for Ross (I'll accept if I don't hear from Midwestern by the cutoff date) but if I hear from Midwestern before classes start at Ross I'll go to Midwestern. I really like Ross and I know some really awesome vets from their program, including my dog's vet, but my family is in Tucson which is only a couple of hours away from Midwestern. It's hard being on a waitlist for a school your still interested in even though you've been accepted elsewhere because you don't know what will happen.
My interview is this Wednesday morning!! Skype and phone interview, give permission to wear headphones/headset if desired.
Any last minute advice?? I've read through the thread a bit, seems like it'll be more easygoing than my first vet school interview (this cycle with MWU).
My interview is this Wednesday morning!! Skype and phone interview, give permission to wear headphones/headset if desired.
Any last minute advice?? I've read through the thread a bit, seems like it'll be more easygoing than my first vet school interview (this cycle with MWU).

Make sure to go to your skype settings and allow calls from people not in your contacts just in case. they will likely add you right before though.
I have missed a skype interview this way in the past for a job, I sat there waiting and they were calling but it never went through.
Happily declined my seat for fall 2018! My best wishes for all of you anxiously waiting! Hope this helps.
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I got my acceptance letter Friday! (My interview was January 19 for people waiting to hear back) I got into the January 2019 but they still have room in the May class so I'm taking the weekend to decide if I could get everything ready in time to go! For anyone that is currently attending, how is the cell service? I'm trying to decide if it would be worth keeping my current plan. Verizon said that there is service on the island, but the most recent things I have been able to find were back in 2008 and they said there wasn't any service for most American phone companies. What do most people do for cell phone service there? Also I heard that pets are allowed in on campus dorms starting this May part of a pilot program has anyone else heard about that? Thanks!
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^Congrats on the acceptance! I interviewed around your time and am still waiting to hear back, but I am guessing the Fall semester is full up? did they offer you a "waitlist"? I heard that a waitlist meant you got pushed to a different semester, but after april 15th, would seats potentially open up?

AFAIK, T mobile has international coverage in st. kitts, I am switching to them anyway for cost reasons here in the US (current provider is too expensive). Though I have heard that some students just use the Wifi on campus/whatsapp and they offer a phone you can use to call home in a lobby though a NJ number.
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I got my acceptance letter Friday! (My interview was January 19 for people waiting to hear back) I got into the January 2019 but they still have room in the May class so I'm taking the weekend to decide if I could get everything ready in time to go! For anyone that is currently attending, how is the cell service? I'm trying to decide if it would be worth keeping my current plan. Verizon said that there is service on the island, but the most recent things I have been able to find were back in 2008 and they said there wasn't any service for most American phone companies. What do most people do for cell phone service there? Also I heard that pets are allowed in on campus dorms starting this May part of a pilot program has anyone else heard about that? Thanks!

According to the vet at my practice (she graduated January 2016), some people had international plans on their phones for emergencies, but most did not find it necessary, especially with the advent of iMessage and wifi. She had a simple cheap pre-payable island phone (I think it's mostly Vodaphone there) to communicate with school & classmates, but then had her cell service turned off on her iPhone & just used it on wifi. I did a similar thing while I studied abroad in Egypt in 2010, and it was pretty manageable. She also emphasized that wifi is pretty easily accessed on campus & in lots of cafes/restaurants, but her installed wifi at home was a bit spotty, so she scheduled times to have actual Skype conversations w/ friends and family but mostly texted/e-mailed.
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Just got the phone call for my acceptance into the January class!! and waitlisted for Sept class! :):):) SOOO EXCITED. I interviewed Feb 1st!
Just got the phone call for my acceptance into the January class!! and waitlisted for Sept class! :):):) SOOO EXCITED. I interviewed Feb 1st!
I interviewed on the 2nd! Patiently waiting, did you apply for fall or the January class?
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I interviewed on the 2nd! Patiently waiting, did you apply for fall or the January class?

I applied for the Fall class but it's full as of right now! So I could still get in off the waitlist once people start committing to a school but if not then I'm already accepted into the January class! I wish you luck! I'm sure you'll be hearing back very soon!
anyone that hear back recently know if the May semester is still open?
anyone that hear back recently know if the May semester is still open?
I was sent my interview e-mail yesterday and it said there were openings in the May class
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Does anyone know how long the semesters are at Ross? I can’t seem to find it on their website.
I believe the semesters are 3 and a half months, with two week breaks in between, year round. Here is the academic calendar

I was sent my interview e-mail yesterday and it said there were openings in the May class

Thank you, I'd be willing to do either, but may might be nice given that January is almost a full year away. Anyone given the option of may or Jan, which did you choose?
I’m applied for this upcoming May class and finally got everything worked out as of yesterday afternoon (all check marks except academic letters). How long did it take everybody to hear back about being invited for an interview? My GPA is a little low so I’m worried I won’t get that far. Im starting to freak out a little. Especially since May is coming up so quickly
I’m applied for this upcoming May class and finally got everything worked out as of yesterday afternoon (all check marks except academic letters). How long did it take everybody to hear back about being invited for an interview? My GPA is a little low so I’m worried I won’t get that far. Im starting to freak out a little. Especially since May is coming up so quickly

I applied for the September class, I heard back with an interview invite within an hour of having all my checks submitted.
My interview today mentioned seats are still open for May, but I opted to do Sept/Jan instead due to the closeness of May and I would just barely be done with my biochem class.
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I applied for the September class, I heard back with an interview invite within an hour of having all my checks submitted.
My interview today mentioned seats are still open for May, but I opted to do Sept/Jan instead due to the closeness of May and I would just barely be done with my biochem class.

For the Jan/sept waitlist, were you given your place on the wait list or is that not discolsed?
For the Jan/sept waitlist, were you given your place on the wait list or is that not discolsed?

I just did my interview today, I wasn't officially accepted/rejected. The interviewer just notified me of the seat situation and wanted to offer me to change my application class if I chose to do so.