Serial/Criminal Minds WW - Game Thread

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If that's the best you've got, I'd love an explanation for my wolfiness

you're wrong, but if you're village, I hope you can at least explain what your reasoning is
It's things I previously mentioned and the hedging on Bob when he was in danger that bothers me. This last one is less slam dunk but I noticed Bob's self-prez was posted after the deadline despite him seeming up-to-date on things.

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From VCA, bob looks incompatible to me with Cubs, also likely Cray and Mel, unless there’s a lot of bussing going on.

vis at one pointed voted immediately after bob pulled into lead and put me into a tie with bob, which could appear protective. But later moved off of me putting bob back in the lead. Never got on the bob wagon though so not necessarily incompatible, especially if a role claim was already being discussed and they thought that might shift things (or thought bob was going down and wanted distance).

AM has stayed off bob the whole game.

I don't need to analyze my own VCA to know my alignment but I recognize that my voting is also technically compatible
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It's things I previously mentioned and the hedging on Bob when he was in danger that bothers me. This last one is less slam dunk but I noticed Bob's self-prez was posted after the deadline despite him seeming up-to-date on things.
So why didn’t you vote Bob? Or should I say why couldn’t you since you seemed in agreement with the vote?
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So why didn’t you vote Bob? Or should I say why couldn’t you since you seemed in agreement with the vote?
I'm rarely a fan of everyone voting the same candidate unless it *olo. It skews VCA. Then at the end I was conflicted about Bob's claim.
What’s a gleaner? Receives random pieces of info?
I think so? When I had the modification of glean in my noob game, the info went into the writeup rather than my PM. So I fragmented info makes sense.
I'm rarely a fan of everyone voting the same candidate unless it *olo. It skews VCA. Then at the end I was conflicted about Bob's claim.
I dunno, from everything I remember you always want things consolidated into one or two wagons. Never paid attention to when it was ylo or not but I know you’ve called me out for one-offing in the past not at ylo.
I dunno, from everything I remember you always want things consolidated into one or two wagons. Never paid attention to when it was ylo or not but I know you’ve called me out for one-offing in the past not at ylo.
No, I'm actually pretty against either/or except in rare situations.
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Did a bit of an ISO on Bob, here's a bunch of random quotes i found interesting. The whole review made me feel a lot better about cubs, if they're packmates they put on quite a show. Also better about cray. a smidge better about AM but she's still deep in my POE. Worse about Visc and I need to do an ISO there
Yeet cray

unsubs have been disproportionately lurking and I'm going here until the trend reverses. Too many village getting sacrificed without added content from wolves to catch them
makes me feel better about cray

Cubs: (sorry. Deleting alley posts is messing up my quotes.)
Im good with a 4-way. 3 of them to me are sketchy enough to go.

This seriously scares me and worries me. Esp on D1. It’s hard enough to find one person sus enough to vote. Much less 4. At least based off of any reliable evidence
cubs sus

That wagon doesn’t look good. Since I was voting cray. Stagg coming in late. And Samac jumping on and recruiting another. I will have to look at that group and who benefitted from that movement. And recruiting another at that point seemed unnecessary. Like it was trying to hide that she was the last person to move on to the wagon
This is the kind of thing I would say as a wolf if I knew there were no wolves in the leading wagons (Samac, Cray, Myself, Mel were tied most of that day, Alley ultimately yeeted).

I find it weird that cray is getting village read with minimal posts. And recent history of wolves lurking. Maybe bc wolfcray wouldn’t lurk but that is just enough to be neutral.
again makes me feel better about cray

Visc-seems to be hunting. And maybe some tests, just guessing
MKG- sounds most village. Just would like more content to feel even better. Not sure why ppl seem to have lower
Genny- seems like village Genny
Mel- hard to read but seems to be hunting and testing as well. Would be higher but too dang wolfy. Will inch his way down if it doesn’t get better
Pleasy and TME- neither hasn’t stuck out to me. Probably more bc I can’t ever keep all players in my head. Maybe they should be lower bc flying under radar. At least mine
AM- diff read but nothing stands out that I look for as wolfAM
Samac- up and down. Don’t know what to think. All over the place. Throw in last day vote and maybe lower
Cubs- almost voted him out the gate D2. But now I’m wavering bc something feels wrong if he is wolfing.
Cray- just landed. And hasn’t really done anything to climb out of POE and lurkers yet. Will have to update this
Stagg- I guess this is norm for stagg? But I vowed to push these until trend has reversed. Seems to be comfortable with level of lurking.
reads mostly pretty vague. colors mine.
Not a lot of posts but makes great sense and puts it into words that really struck me as village. It was feels as I have went through. MKG has always been in the background for me (kinda like TME and pleasy this time). Sticking out as logical this game gives me warm village feeling.
I can't remember who this quote was about will go back and check
Cubs has bad look for 4 way tie comment. For saying it was joke when clearly not. And a third reason I would have to look back to remember. Then him saying I always vote early when I’ve been notorious for voting late seems like blatant lie/misinformation.

So if Mel has Cubs as number one villager, he must know something. I’d leave it at that. Or he is packmate.
again, cubs sus. also light mel sus.
You seem to press me more when I’m not voting early. When I’m absent you seem to be pushing more quickly. I have been away for longer periods this game and I expect AM posts pushing me when I get on. I haven’t seen it as much as it seems you normally do. My replies have had less replies from you and less getting the last word
engagement with AM
I started the day looking at TME but have been less certain with more recent posts. Mel voting there doesn't comfort me.

Cray- most village. Good posts since no show. Likely not absent if playing wolf (correct me if she does that as wolf)
Stagg- I need to look closer at the claim but it felt like a sincere reveal and true. I will keep healthy level of paranoia until proof
Mel- need to check some ideas on him
TME/Cubs-moving in opposite directions. Cubs down and TME up. I need to check out some ideas on others after read through, reply, then I will try to commit
Again, coloring mine. conveniently doesn't actually say anything about the people I'm most interested in (Visc, AM)
I didn't have specific examples. If I put "feels like good hunting, good posts, good logic" (which is true) then I get flamed for vague statements. She has been village to me most of the game. She has the village from start feel that makes me feel confident (but still keep an eye to make sure the person isn't going for deep wolf)
this is about visc i think. i don't like this
I like this from visc and she has had many like this. If you want specifics for visc, this is one. It is very village perspective. Village wouldn’t mind being hypocritical but wolves would try to avoid it (you would at least think they would)
again, village reading visc
I agree on cray.

Why about visc makes her wolfy (as she is strong village to me)? What about AM?
seems interested in opinions on visc (but also AM)
I don't think it is helpful for me to ask about me. I'm hunting and already know I'm village. If you want to vote me I think you will for different reasons than any made up narrative. Speaking of, Cubs had multiple false narratives that I disproved with actual posts. And his reply when proven wrong was no reply. I think you have shown your compatibility with my main wolf read, Cubs. You didn't question any of his false narratives. You haven't really taken stock in my reads of him. And you haven't pressured me the way I imagine you would with someone that was YOUR wolf read. I think you are following cubs blindly. Evidence- you have him as most village and me as most wolf. Do you ever get pocketed like this, or is this your first time? (or is there another reason you are openly sheeping?)

I defended what seemed like code speak between you and cubs bc I don't think anyone would do that. I did think that would be a convenient way for a wolfpack to distance themselves... by asking that open question. It was pointless to ask. What would he possibly say? Yes? It seemed to be theatrics or for show. I have just been watching this and holding off while considering who is compatible with Cubs and you seem to be answering that.

I ask about visc and AM bc I want to make sure I don't tunnel off on one idea only. I can see AM. But visc kinda blew my mind. Your evidence was lackluster and is not helping me move her down.
again, lots of cubs sus. again, keeps village reading visc
You think he did? I think I would remember if mi amore voted me as wolf (but maybe not).

Why wouldn't it make a difference? I was talking about cubs too. Would you even be open to cubs being a wolf or deepwolf? Have I made zero points that you like or agree with? You seem close minded to other wolf possibilities. I'm trying to be open minded bc I don't know any thing for sure and keep my head on a swivel. I'm not even as sure as you are about cubs being village

Did you vote him either of those days? *runs off to check yet again*
more cubs sus. can't remember who this quote was directed at
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Some selected Visc ISO. does a fair amount of defending Bob, but there's some parts of last nights vote I have a harder time reconciling with them as packmates. overall icky feeling but more investigating to do

Huh. Tbh samac has been pinging me most so far, based just on feels/tone mostly, but I wonder if she would openly retaliatory yeet… I feel that early on especially, a good offensive is a good defense, so I’m not ruling it out
pushing samac
I feel like it’s the heightened sensitivity we have (or at least I have) to when someone votes or suspects us for reasons that are lacking vs when they do the same to other people. Much like I don’t expect you to be out here solving the game because it’s D1, I don’t expect alley’s suspicions to be well-reasoned and her vote to be based on tons of evidence. She comes out of the gate strong to get discussion started rather than wait for evidence to come before accusing anyone, which I appreciate because it does get the content started. This is what I expect of village alley. I don’t remember wolf alley well, but I associate it more with village alley than wolf alley
defending alley
Her posts for the first few pages gave me a feeling of like… hollowness. It felt not like she was less excited about the theme, but like she was trying to imitate her typical excitement and chaotic good energy. Then there was alley’s entry to the thread, and her late (as in after she’d already posted content, not as in late in the cycle) salt yeet, and I was like “wow something about this feels so village alley in exactly the way that people are going to jump all over her and try to get her misyeeted”, and then lo:
again pushing samac
Maybe I’m a sucker but this explanation for the alley vote rings too sincere to me. I still don’t believe alley’s wolfing, personally.

Unvote samac
this feels kind of like she backed down a bit too easily
Hedgey and echoey. Not hedgey in the way of “reasoning through both sides of how something could fit someone being wolf or village, and thinking through possible counterpoints to her points” which I expect of village TME and is what always gets her called hedgey, but hedgey in the way of “making an observation and not taking any kind of stand on it”.

These two posts feel like performing “look everyone I am here, just for reals raring to go wolfhunt I just can’t yet because not everyone’s here, and also btw look at these people who are not”

This pinged me as “saying something just to say something that would count as content” as well as “throwing around easy sus”. I don’t feel cray’s activity level D1 is at all AI.
reads on me. obviously i don't like them
It feels ballsywolfy and tricksywolfy in a way that lines up with what I’ve been warned about wolf Mel to basically naked vote someone D1 and say you have “good reason” not to say why. But if he’s got some grand village plan I’d be sad to interrupt it by yeeting him D1, so I’m staying off that vote for today
hedgey (pot kettle, i know)
I might have missed it, but why is Bob wolfy to you?
asking about bob
I feel like genny is always excited about ties, and iirc that was just a 2-way tie, whereas your reaction to the idea of ending in a 4-way tie didn’t strike me as typical of you.
some cubs sus
The more I reread the more I’m talking myself out of my wolf read on cubs. He feels weird, but not in the direction he has as a wolf. His play last night felt “sloppy” (not meaning to offend, can’t think of a better way to say it) and I expect him to push more to avoid that kind of spewing thoughts as a wolf. His wolf spew is usually emotional manipulation and jokes, whereas I feel like as a villager he is more likely to let himself stream-of-conciousness undeveloped thoughts on the game.
backing down again
I wouldn’t count on it. When you have a small pack especially, ties emerging close to close can be pretty terrifying to try to mess with in defence of a packmate. Plus there was some vote movement around close, so I wouldn’t say everyone was happy with the tie.
again, feels like something that i might say as a wolf if no wolves were on the board. in retrospect we know bob wasn't on the board. but to be fair i posted similar thoughts
I can't remember who "you" is in this POE list. bob is comfortably nestled in there but not in a dangerous spot
Interesting catch. I feel like AM and Bob are bad at reading each other, so I’m a bit skeptical that he apparently has specific wolf AM tells now
verrrry mild sus on bob
Ehhh. I can see a wolf making a lot of other bull****, lazy reasons to throw suspicion on someone other than having to call them out on something they’re doing themself. Why remind village of the idea that lowposting=wolfy just to throw suspicion on one villager?
this was directed at plz about stagg
I can see the logic of this but I have doubts that mkg would use that method to try to get votes moving. It was a really unexpected and distracting suggestion, and I feel it drew attention away from the usual last-minute deliberation and waffles. More of a “I’m fine with the status quo” wolf move than anything.
now talking about the D1 vote as if no wolves were on the board

I’m having trouble understanding this paragraph, sorry, can you rephrase?
interaction with bob
I’ll be honest, this reads to me like “here’s somewhere that he didn’t explain his logic. Wolfy” and “here’s somewhere he did explain his logic in more detail, I’ll give a village point to make it clear I’m being Fair and Balanced”. The fact that the villagest thing found (his reasoning on voting Cray over “considering him and Bob in a pack” (did not happen. Twisting her words) and “inconsistent reasoning” (like I said in another post, I don’t see it as logically inconsistent at all, so could also be twisting)) is, to me, the main point against him being village makes it hard for me to see this ISO as sincere. I’m keeping in mind that confirmation bias might be colouring how I’m reading it, though.
to plz, mild defense of mel?

Yeah honestly this reads as a very logical progression as a villager, with the typical wavering and not always 100% linear progression I expect. Cubs’ attacking Bob here for pulling reads out of nowhere and retaliatory wolfreading cubs is decidedly reminding me of greatest idea sk!cubs who kept rewriting history to say that shorty was making obviously fake reads and railroaded isos and that everyone was faking wolfreads of or unfairly wolfreading him
such villagey opinion of bob, sussing cubs
Not really. It seems NAI for both of you, or at least NAI to me. Maybe those who’ve played more with Mel (I’ve only seen him wolf as a convert when I was also wolfing) can see something in it, but to me it just looks like he jokingly brought up a scenario that crossed his mind but didn’t actually want to pursue it. I don’t really see the wolf strategy in that, since he wasn’t “jokingly” saying “oh hey what if xyz framed me hmmm maybe we should vote them”, it was just a nonactionable hypothetical. Unless it’s a joke that he would be unlikely to make as a villager for some reason, I don’t see how it’s AI.
calling AM/Mel interaction NAI
This sparks Fear
this is to samac, who was pushing bob
Idk I’m having trouble thinking things through atm but this post just pinged me on a gut level
again, samac pushing bob
Is your wolf read of AM influenced by your wolf read of me, or just vice versa?
seems very interested in samac's read on her
If you’re not wolf reading him, why would you be especially interested to see who would be willing to vote for him?
interested in my read on bob

I see what you’re saying but it makes sense to me with him a) reportedly being busy so having less time for joking around and b) having gotten sus in previous games for having high fluff to content
defending bob
I’m considering. Something about the momentum building on TME and the response feels like there’s not a pack protecting her. Not that I’d expect much from probably just 1 packmate or obviously if she’s solo sk, but I don’t think I have a great history of reading her.

Unvote TME
this is where i start having a hard time with vis/bob as w/w, because this move put bob back in the lead
Wait I wasn’t on Bob am I having a stroke
also wondering what the heck happened here. wondering if there was wolfchat discussion of a bus? or just brain fart
I added an extra “unvote Bob” because I was debating whether to vite Bob, cubs, or TME and what prompted the vote was me believing Bob’s claim
i'm not actually sure when vis started considering voting bob, when most recent quotes seemed to be defending him
Apparently misread like wild, especially if AM is the second wolf, to my village meta.
Because wolves don’t just point a neon arrow to their partners in their reads and they try to make them not stick out as vastly different from their reads of villagers. Haven’t reread anything yet, but I’d be suspicious of people who had pretty same-y notes in Bob’s readslist.
trying to distance herself from Bob's reads list?
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What are you smoking? I don’t bus someone who wasn’t even on the board. I was one of the first people to say he was sketchy and actively pushed him when no one else was. This is literally the worst analysis I’ve ever seen.
Second to only yours in continuing to push misvoting me. You really think I'd leave you alive this long to push this hard on myself and Bob if we were the pack? Since when have I tried as a wolf to leave you alive as a villager with the whole correct POE and pushing hard, and not campaigned hard for your misyeet if for some reason I wasn't going to just NK you? When do I not just NK you when you aren't sketch enough to get traction?

Your tunnel on me makes no sense. Samac was the only person that really was standing between myself and getting yeeted - you think I would kill her when I'm the last or next to last wolf? Arguably she was being widely village read and wasn't a good misyeet target, but if I'm the last wolf being solidly village read, what does it matter if she wasn't going to vote me? I don't need her voted off in such a case. I'm very aware some villagers need to be taken to end game for a win. I had a lot more to gain with her alive.

And before anyone says I killed samac just so I could say that, consider how often as a wolf I kill my so-called "buddies." @TelemarketingEnigma may recall, unless it was a pack with alley, I even label players village reading me or another wolf as "buddy" or "ally" in wolf chat and am loathe to kill them unless circumstances really demand it.

At best you're literally not using your brain, at best your a wolf.
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I get to claim the village cred of being the push to make it happen. You’ve also been up my butthole as wolfy for days and didn’t push that hard either.

Just sayin, you’re next down the list.
Very comfortable with samac's arguments and following her POE.

AM is also not above night killing those that sus her on thread and taking her chances there.
Contingency vote Cray

I like this vote and I need this egg cracked to move on. If I’m right then woo, if I’m not, then I’m okay being wrong. We have enough breathing room with 1 maybe 2 wolves left that I’m willing to risk a misvote for info.
Why not do something productive with this breathing room? Like work with the village bloc, which to this point did include myself and samac? It's the whole reason I voted bob even though I admitted I wasn't sold on his yeet, because I was trying to work with what seemed like village consensus.

I just can't believe how I'm wolfier to you than other Bob supporters like Visc or AM.
At this point, Vis or AM would be much easier misyeets if Mel is the last wolf, so I dont see how its advantageous to him to waste his would be last days going after someone no one is going to vote for. He could just go along with the crowd and then at the end if they flipped village mention how he was right about cray from the beginning.

Also, please no more mention's of my wife's butthole.
Maybe makes sense, unless that's what a wolf Mel wants you to believe. I have literally written essays on what makes fake wolf tunneling a supreme technique, especially if you can strike a balance of pretending to still be wolf hunting and eval'ing other players. Mel is good enough to do so.

I haven't voted there because I'm trying not to be retaliatory, and feel that I kinda suck this game, but maybe suck less if I'm trying to sheep the right people (like what happened with Bob).
People I wouldn’t vote for: Cubs, Stagg, Myself, maybe TME
People that I could be convinced to vote for: Samac, AM, Visc
People that need to go: Cray
Nice read on samac btw

Can you explain how in the Bob yeet her actions were consistent with a wolf partner? I know she's dead and flipped, but this question is pertinent to your thought processes.
Day Three

Awaiting trial is @samac , who was "probably loner and cannot keep a job," a vanilla villager.

Driving the train doesn't set its course. The real job is laying the track


Awaiting trial is @Stagg737 , who was "an extreme narcissist, bordering on having a God complex," village gleaner.

Death comes to us all; we can only choose how to face it when it comes.

6 players remain
1. @Crayola227
2. @Animal Midwife
6. @TelemarketingEnigma
7. @cubsrule4e
8. @Viscernable
11. @Melchizedek

Locked Up:
12. @alleycat03 - in good physical condition - vanillager
4. @Zenge142 - displays extreme levels of disorganization - vanillager
13. @mkg323 - has ample time and means to carry out their crimes - village blocker
5. @genny - Jason Gideon - 3p serial killer
9. @vetschoolsletmeinplease - likely try to insert themselves into the investigation - vanillager
3. @samac - probably a loner and cannot keep a job - vanillager
7.7. @Stagg737 - an extreme narcissist, bordering on having a God complex - village gleaner

On the Lam:
10. @BobLoblaw78 - Penelope Garcia - WOLF hacker

1. @SportPonies
2. @MOOSEygoosey

1. smol @supershorty
2. @Lawpy
3. @Dinashadow
4. @Barkley13
5. @Zeppelyn

It is now Day 4. Vote deadline is TOMORROW, 11/18/21 at 10pm EST (9pm CST/8pm MST/7pm Fantasyland).

~Table of Contents~
Something ironic about the profiles of samac and Stagg being what they got as their roles. Samac being so gregarious and Stagg "having a God complex" lol
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TME (1) - AM
Bob (1) - samac
(1) - Alley
(1) - Cray
Samac (1) - Cubs
Bob(0) -
Alley (2) - Cray, Samac
Mkg (1) - Vis
Zenge (1) - Alley
Cray (1) - Bob
Mkg (0) -
Samac (2) - Cubs, Vis
Cray (2) - Bob, Mel

Samac (1) - Cubs
Genny (1) - Mkg
TME (2) - AM, Vis
Samac (2) - Cubs, genny

Mkg (1) - TME
Alley (1) - Cray
[8:35] Mel (1) - samac
[8:39] Mel (2) - samac, zenge
[9:03] VSLIMPBIZKIT (1) - Stagg
[9:18] Zenge (0) -
AM (1) - Alley
[9:56] Mel (1) - Zenge
Cray (3) - Bob, Mel, Samac
[9:56] VSLIMPBIZKIT (0) -
Alley (2) - Cray, Stagg
[9:58] Cray (2) - Bob, Mel
Alley (3) - Cray, Stagg, Samac

~ Saturday ~
[11:52] cubs (1) - samac
[12:25] Stagg (1) - AM
[1:30] Samac (1) - cubs

[2:33] Cubs (0) -
[2:43] Mel (1) - VSILOVEYOU
[6:29] MKG (1) - genny

~ Sunday ~
[10:14] TME (1) - Vis
[10:37] TME (2) - Vis, Stagg

[1:47] Samac (0) -
---- Bob (1) - Cubs
[2:32] Vis (1) - samac
[3:23] Samac (1) - mel
[3:26] Mkg (2) - genny, TME
[3:53] Stagg (2) - AM, Mkg

[4:25] Samac (0) -
---- Cray (1) - Mel
[6:19] Stagg (3) - AM, Mkg, Bob
[6:29] TME (1) - Vis
---- Bob (2) - Cubs, stagg
[7:02] Mkg (3) - genny, TME, Cray
[9:00] Cray (0) -
---- VSILOVEYOU (1) - Mel
[9:36] Mkg (2) - genny, TME

~ [9:53] Stagg’s seer claim ~
[9:59] Stagg (2) - Mkg, Bob
---- Mkg (3) - genny, TME, AM

~ Monday ~
[12:48] TME (1) - Mel
[3:14] Cubs (1) - Bob

~ Tuesday ~
[11:21] TME (2) - Mel, AM
[2:11] Bob (1) - samac
[3:35] TME (1) - AM
—— Cray (1) - Mel
[5:19] AM (1) - TME
[6:37] Bob (2) - samac, cubs
[6:51] TME (2) - AM, Vis

[8:33] Cray (0) -
—— Bob (3) - samac, cubs, Mel
[8:37] TME (3) - AM, Vis, Stagg

[8:37] TME (2) - AM, Stagg
[9:24] AM (0) -
—— Bob (4) - samac, cubs, Mel, TME
[9:28] Bob (5) - samac, cubs, Mel, TME, Cray

~ Bob role claim ~
[9:45] Bob (4) - samac, cubs, Mel, Cray
—— Mel (1) - TME
[9:52] Cubs (1) - Bob, Vis
[9:53] TME (1) - AM
—— Bob (5) - samac, cubs, Mel, Cray, Stagg
[9:53] Bob (4) - samac, cubs, cray, stagg

—— AM (1) - Mel
[9:55] Bob (3) - cubs, Cray, Stagg
—— AM (2) - Mel, samac
[9:55] AM (1) - samac
—— Bob (4) - cubs, Cray, Stagg, Mel
[9:58] AM (0) -
—— Bob (5) - cubs, Cray, Stagg, Mel, samac
~ Vote Close ~
So Bob was ready to let Cray fry D1. I don’t know why he’d leave his vote there as it was at close if Cray were his partner.
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Nice read on samac btw

Can you explain how in the Bob yeet her actions were consistent with a wolf partner? I know she's dead and flipped, but this question is pertinent to your thought processes.
Because she didn’t start I push bob until after I’d been yelling about him for days. It felt like a “well looks like bob is going down today so I might as well push him and get the cred”
I want to see how this feels.

Unvote cray
Vote cubs
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Because she didn’t start I push bob until after I’d been yelling about him for days. It felt like a “well looks like bob is going down today so I might as well push him and get the cred”
I want to see how this feels.

Unvote cray
Vote cubs
if you're claiming credit for pushing bob early, do you think cubs was faking his D2 push on Bob? Bob wasn't ever a leader on D2, and then samac was first to vote there on D3 with cubs following. I'm not sure I see that as "bob is going down today". If anything, you were the one who voted in that position
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if you're claiming credit for pushing bob early, do you think cubs was faking his D2 push on Bob? Bob wasn't ever a leader on D2, and then samac was first to vote there on D3 with cubs following. I'm not sure I see that as "bob is going down today". If anything, you were the one who voted in that position
You’re damn right I’m claiming credit. D1 no one ended their vote on him, I was the first one D2 to raise alarms about him and even said specifically why he was sketchy af and spent all of D2 pushing him and telling people I would vote there, nobody wanted to vote with me so I stayed on my top wolf read.

It’s the reason why I’ve had Cubs at village today. I still don’t think he’s a wolf I just need to turn my reads upside down for a minute to see if I feel comfortable with the right-side up versions.
Did a bit of an ISO on Bob, here's a bunch of random quotes i found interesting. The whole review made me feel a lot better about cubs, if they're packmates they put on quite a show. Also better about cray. a smidge better about AM but she's still deep in my POE. Worse about Visc and I need to do an ISO there
makes me feel better about cray

cubs sus

This is the kind of thing I would say as a wolf if I knew there were no wolves in the leading wagons (Samac, Cray, Myself, Mel were tied most of that day, Alley ultimately yeeted).

again makes me feel better about cray

reads mostly pretty vague. colors mine.

I can't remember who this quote was about will go back and check

again, cubs sus. also light mel sus.

engagement with AM

Again, coloring mine. conveniently doesn't actually say anything about the people I'm most interested in (Visc, AM)

this is about visc i think. i don't like this

again, village reading visc

seems interested in opinions on visc (but also AM)

again, lots of cubs sus. again, keeps village reading visc

more cubs sus. can't remember who this quote was directed at
I kinda forgot how much Bob pushed me at the beginning, lol.
You’re damn right I’m claiming credit. D1 no one ended their vote on him, I was the first one D2 to raise alarms about him and even said specifically why he was sketchy af and spent all of D2 pushing him and telling people I would vote there, nobody wanted to vote with me so I stayed on my top wolf read.

It’s the reason why I’ve had Cubs at village today. I still don’t think he’s a wolf I just need to turn my reads upside down for a minute to see if I feel comfortable with the right-side up versions.
This is blatantly not how the voting went D2. Both cubs and stagg ended D2 on bob. Had you voted there you could have put him into the tie with Mkg and Stagg. you started D2 on samac, moved to cray, then moved to plz. you were never in any wagon.
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So Bob was ready to let Cray fry D1. I don’t know why he’d leave his vote there as it was at close if Cray were his partner.
That day, what are the chances I was lying about my us appt and all that? So Bob would have known I wasn't around at deadline to help try to preserve myself. Makes him leaving his vote on me even more dangerous and not just for show, if your wolf partner can't be around to help fight the bus, then the bus is fully committed to be ridden to death.

And makes no sense as well that it was a case of expecting me to be too busy to play the game at all moving forward given my play after (ie it wasn't like "hey bus me for cred I can't play this game" because I've been consistently playing if too busy to camp at deadline. And being able to camp at deadline is hardly the prerequisite for it being appropriate for a player to sign up and play. So I won't apologize if I can't always be on at deadline.)
Want to do more to eval other players rather than rant about myself.

I am torn because up to now for everyone alive, I can see good arguments for why any given playet is or is not wolfy.
And having said that, AM being stuck on only one player is bothering me.

Mel only being able to come off me to Cubs, his village read, also bothering me.

Visc's posts are really good to me and make sense, but TME makes a good case on her.

But then AM makes a good case on TME.

Do we see why I'm in circles right now? Just when I think, "yeah, voting this player makes the most sense" someone posts something making a better case for someone else or pointing out bob interactions or VCA that makes me question.
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And having said that, AM being stuck on only one player is bothering me.

Mel only being able to come off me to Cubs, his village read, also bothering me.

Visc's posts are really good to me and make sense, but TME makes a good case on her.

But then AM makes a good case on TME.

Do we see why I'm in circles right now? Just when I think, "yeah, voting this player makes the most sense" someone posts something making a better case for someone else or pointing out bob interactions or VCA that makes me question.
from having wolfed with me, do you really think i would kill samac if I were wolfing
she was village reading me hardest of anyone
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I gotta say mel, i'm not impressed by this incredibly strong bob push. it's there, but it doesn't look to me like you ever actually wanted to go there

I still like AM or Vis over you for wolf, but i don't love this

True town read -no one atm
AM, Visc
TME, cubs, genny
Stagg, cray, mkg
Samac, VSECRET - I’d vote between these two today.
i'll give you that this seems deeper in a list than i'd put my packmate early game, but i wouldn't call it a push
S:N feels off and I’m not seeing much independent thought in the few pushes he’s made.
in response to vis asking why bob is wolfy
@V-TWINENGINE what are your thoughts on bob, Stagg, and visc?

Genny, Visc, AM
TME, mkg
Stagg, VLCPLAYER - neutral
Samac, Bob

Vote Samac
pushed bob a little wolfier but again is voting for samac
Cubs, AM, Mkg, TME
Genny, Visc
Cray + Samac or Bob
rearranged the bottom three a bit
Unvote Samac
Vote Cray

Cray's logic doesn't track.

She was considering bob and I in a pack, but I've been loud about bob being wolfy, I usually go for the sweep and wouldn't bus unnecessarily.

The whole post about stagg and VSLMIP was just circular logic. Her point about stagg and why he shouldn't be considered wolfy by VSLMIP, could be applied directly to her reason for giving VSLMIP sketch points.

IDK Cray feels different this game. I'm okay with this vote.

Could also go for a bob vote or samac vote, I feel like there is a wolf there.
"could go for" is not a strong push
For the record I'm putting bob in my top 3 NOT for his usual bob-humor-mistranslated sketchiness.
D1, he sat on the Cray vote with me when there was a tie and didn't really make a push or a move anywhere. His initial cray reasoning was meh, and his reads since then have felt like he was sheeping village. The hedge on the "not mel YET" is cringe, like he's literally waiting to see what the overall consensus is on me so he can sheep that too.
this is the strongest push out of everything. for the record, both cubs and stagg were already voting for bob by this point
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@Animal Midwife how many times have I actually bussed a packmate (not including miz in that one speed game) I legit don’t know.
Because she didn’t start I push bob until after I’d been yelling about him for days. It felt like a “well looks like bob is going down today so I might as well push him and get the cred”
I want to see how this feels.

Unvote cray
Vote cubs
This is BS, plus You keep acting like I had nothing to do with the Bob yeet either; as well as trying to shade me over me “not questioning” your village read on me. So what happened to that? From top village read to yeet candidate. I wasn’t even able to check in sooner than I had yesterday or my Bob vote would have been in earlier as I was already sold on that. Strange stuff man.
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You’re damn right I’m claiming credit. D1 no one ended their vote on him, I was the first one D2 to raise alarms about him and even said specifically why he was sketchy af and spent all of D2 pushing him and telling people I would vote there, nobody wanted to vote with me so I stayed on my top wolf read.

It’s the reason why I’ve had Cubs at village today. I still don’t think he’s a wolf I just need to turn my reads upside down for a minute to see if I feel comfortable with the right-side up versions.
So why weren’t you on Bob with me and Stagg D2 instead of screwing around with VSVILLAGE?
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I gotta say mel, i'm not impressed by this incredibly strong bob push. it's there, but it doesn't look to me like you ever actually wanted to go there

I still like AM or Vis over you for wolf, but i don't love this

i'll give you that this seems deeper in a list than i'd put my packmate early game, but i wouldn't call it a push

in response to vis asking why bob is wolfy

pushed bob a little wolfier but again is voting for samac

rearranged the bottom three a bit

"could go for" is not a strong push

this is the strongest push out of everything. for the record, both cubs and stagg were already voting for bob by this point
Yes this. See bold. He may have started the rumblings day 1 but he certainly didn’t follow through.
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Because she didn’t start I push bob until after I’d been yelling about him for days. It felt like a “well looks like bob is going down today so I might as well push him and get the cred”
I want to see how this feels.

Unvote cray
Vote cubs

Wait…. Are you just triggered by the bloody cheese grater I sent you?? :rofl:
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You said you’d consider voting midwife also. Thoughts at this point?
idk I stand by what I said when you asked about a bob-AM pack yesterday. I didn't see a whole lot of interaction between them early game which is a stark contrast to wolf!AM's interactions with wolf!genny in donuts. I'm not opposed, but I myself feel like Visc has more damning interactions with Bob re: bob's reads that I looked through last night and some of the stuff TME pointed out.
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how many more waffles can I pull off on KD's birthday before she finally decides to mod-kill me :thinking:
  • Hmm
  • Haha
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idk I stand by what I said when you asked about a bob-AM pack yesterday. I didn't see a whole lot of interaction between them early game which is a stark contrast to wolf!AM's interactions with wolf!genny in donuts. I'm not opposed, but I myself feel like Visc has more damning interactions with Bob re: bob's reads that I looked through last night and some of the stuff TME pointed out.
Why vote me? Simple reaction? Looking for someone else’s reaction? You weren’t even considering me, so just curious.
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Why vote me? Simple reaction? Looking for someone else’s reaction? You weren’t even considering me, so just curious.
It’s the reason why I’ve had Cubs at village today. I still don’t think he’s a wolf I just need to turn my reads upside down for a minute to see if I feel comfortable with the right-side up versions.
  • Hmm
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