Should I take interview at LUCOM?

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Yeah....gonna stay away from the last couple posts.

OP, if you don't wanna go to LUCOM, don't. Let someone else who would want to go actually get the interview you would have had.

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Say what ever you want; Im a douchebag, I feel good about disrepecting others, etc...

I only boast about my own education so that I can provide justification for the things I say.
You may very well go to a top 15, but (judgeing by your avatar) you seem like URM, would you say your stats are very competitive? Otherwise, you shouldn't really be even considering lower end DO schools . Please correct me if im wrong, i do not want to make assumptions or seem racist.

I am ORM. I have worked hard to get where I am, and I have no problem being rude to clear out someone who's so ignorant that he or she can't understand that the education at LU is subpar, and LUCOM will not have anything favorable for it's students in terms of teaching you how to become a good doctor and gaining a good residency. Thus, it is not a good school.

So you talk about how you have worked hard and your proud of your education but your level of acheivement is Loma Linda (as from other posts). If you were such a good applicant, as you make it sound, then you should be at Harvard right now. Since you aren't I would stop talking and thinking so highly of yourself. Please come back down to Earth and understand that you aren't that different from the rest of us who are applying to med schools
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lol wow everyone got angry really quickly.
There are far worse things people say than what i have said. if it hurts someones feelings w/e
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lol wow everyone got angry really quickly.
There are far worse things people say than what i have said. if it hurts someones feelings w/e

You're a very insensitive person. You could have just apologized. But you have to get the last word in everything. I hope you turn out to be a good doctor since you're definitely lacking in other areas.
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You don't want to seem racist by saying something racist? I cannot even fathom the mindset behind this post. My MCAT is higher than yours and my graduate GPA is a 4.0. Please do NOT disrespect me on this forum because you think I'm a URM who just grazed on by while you "worked your ass off". That sense of entitlement and privilege will get you NOWHERE, even with your "multiple acceptances". I've worked just as hard as you if not harder, so don't go around assuming what you don't know.

FWIW, I didn't apply to Liberty and I wouldn't. I'm not defending Liberty, and that's not why I commented on your post. What I am against is the arrogant, egotistical, disrespectful posts you've been spewing out of your a$$hole on this forum. Sit the fck down with your holier than thou attitude.

But your are URM, no? Why isn't anyone calling me out for getting that fact right?
Grad gpa is easier than undergrad
how much higher of an mcat? Your username suggests your a reapp, which means something was not "right" in your app the first time. I never said mcat means EVERYTHING. But it does show some amount of your level of education. I also never stated that I was smarter than you, I only questioned your stats based on your username and why you were defending liberty.

You probably are smarter than me. I won't apologize for hurting anyones feelings though.
You're a very insensitive person. You could have just apologized. But you have to get the last word in everything. I hope you turn out to be a good doctor since you're definitely lacking in other areas.

ah ok. immature of me you are correct. I will not argue further, my point has been made.
Most people giving advice in this thread did not go to this school, or even one of its more liberal "cousins." They are repeating what they read somewhere, or what someone else told them - and too often, with a healthy dose of snarkiness because it's somehow okay to be really disrespectful as long as that disrespect is aimed at people who aren't like us. I mean, those ignorant fools, am I right?

I did attend such a place. I know those people, even if I am no longer one of them. It is a serious mistake to underestimate them.

I knew people there for whom the religious component of their time was super-important. They got what they wanted. I knew people who didn't honestly care about the religious component. They did what was required, and life went on. I knew people who didn't want a religious component, but got big scholarships there for other reasons. They did only what was required, and did not in any way engage that part of campus. All of them earned a degree and moved on with their lives, as did I.

Liberty shows every indication that it will allow its DO students to get what they want from their program. It will produce graduates who do well on COMLEX, and we will come across them in clerkships and residencies, and some of us will find that they are excellent physicians.

In other words, it will ultimately be like every other medical school - both good and bad physicians will come from it.

One other thing to consider - if it's the only opportunity you have, and you get an acceptance, and you turn it down, and next year more interviews come, you need to have a better reason than "I couldn't handle all the religion" when an adcom next year inquires about your previous application cycles.
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But your are URM, no? Why isn't anyone calling me out for getting that fact right?
Grad gpa is easier than undergrad
how much higher of an mcat? Your username suggests your a reapp, which means something was not "right" in your app the first time. I never said mcat means EVERYTHING. But it does show some amount of your level of education. I also never stated that I was smarter than you, I only questioned your stats based on your username and why you were defending liberty.

You probably are smarter than me. I won't apologize for hurting anyones feelings though.


MCAT doesn't show your education. It shows you can take a test.

Again, your dismissive attitude is alarming and I really hope it comes back to bite you in the butt when you offend a colleague, patient, or family.
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The mods on these boards are taking an early vacation I see.

It can only explain why a$$holes like breezy can continue to antagonize others
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But your are URM, no? Why isn't anyone calling me out for getting that fact right?
Grad gpa is easier than undergrad
how much higher of an mcat? Your username suggests your a reapp, which means something was not "right" in your app the first time. I never said mcat means EVERYTHING. But it does show some amount of your level of education. I also never stated that I was smarter than you, I only questioned your stats based on your username and why you were defending liberty.

You probably are smarter than me. I won't apologize for hurting anyones feelings though.
I'm not mad that you assumed I was URM from my avatar, which, for future reference, you probably shouldn't do. I'm mad that in assuming I was URM, you also implied that my stats were lower than yours. And now you look stupid. go ahead and use whatever bull**** you want to justify my application, but you just sound like a whiny little annoying child.

I REALLY need you to stop making assumptions. So now that I'm a reapp, my application was not "right"? Or how about maybe I applied late? Dude please shut the FCK up, it's like you actually want me to respect you less. Why do you keep trying to evaluate everything about me based off of my username and avatar? You sound fcking dumb. Grad GPA is easier than undergrad GPA? Huh!? Bruh you gotta stop.

Like I said in my previous post, I wasn't defending Liberty. I was defending the person that you felt the need to continuing bashing and exerting whatever false sense of egotistical pride you have. You could have said whatever you were trying to say without insulting someone else or their education, and certainly without bringing up your "top 50" school and how brilliant you are (would love to see where you're accepted, because if it's not a top 20, then you need to actually sit the hell down - you are NOT better than ANYONE). Like you don't sound any smarter by relaying that, you just sound like a tool who needs to constantly validate his worth by putting others down. And no, my feelings aren't the least bit touched by a dickhead pre-med who thinks he's God gift to the Earth. Cute attempt though.

Grow the fck up and stop harassing people on the Internet.
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Wait, didn't the real Prince of Medicine go to a Top 1 school?
....liberal "cousins." They are repeating what they read somewhere.....

Finally someone who punctuates within quotation marks!!! So weird and awkward but true.
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I will admit, SDN seems to be warming up a bit to LUCOM.
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I'm not mad that you assumed I was URM from my avatar, which, for future reference, you probably shouldn't do. I'm mad that in assuming I was URM, you also implied that my stats were lower than yours. And now you look stupid. go ahead and use whatever bull**** you want to justify my application, but you just sound like a whiny little annoying child.

I REALLY need you to stop making assumptions. So now that I'm a reapp, my application was not "right"? Or how about maybe I applied late? Dude please shut the FCK up, it's like you actually want me to respect you less. Why do you keep trying to evaluate everything about me based off of my username and avatar? You sound fcking dumb. Grad GPA is easier than undergrad GPA? Huh!? Bruh you gotta stop.

Like I said in my previous post, I wasn't defending Liberty. I was defending the person that you felt the need to continuing bashing and exerting whatever false sense of egotistical pride you have. You could have said whatever you were trying to say without insulting someone else or their education, and certainly without bringing up your "top 50" school and how brilliant you are (would love to see where you're accepted, because if it's not a top 20, then you need to actually sit the hell down - you are NOT better than ANYONE). Like you don't sound any smarter by relaying that, you just sound like a tool who needs to constantly validate his worth by putting others down. And no, my feelings aren't the least bit touched by a dickhead pre-med who thinks he's God gift to the Earth. Cute attempt though.

Grow the fck up and stop harassing people on the Internet.


Drop the mic and don't respond to the troll anymore. No matter how inflammatory the remarks
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I cannot recommend LUCOM, for reasons stated previously.

Hello all!

I hope all is well and let me first say is I am not looking for trolls...honest feedback here only please. I have pretty good stats ( for reference), and I have been extended an interview at LUCOM. I have major reservations about this. I am ok with a religious school, however, the fundamentalist principles and straight up rejection of established scientific thought by the undergraduate institution give me second thoughts as to pursuing it.

This may answer my own question, but as I applied later in the cycle I don't know if I should really even consider turning down interviews at this point. Let me know your thoughts as I am at a loss as to what to do.


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Wow...this thread. Its gone....places....:eyebrow:
You're a very insensitive person. You could have just apologized. But you have to get the last word in everything. I hope you turn out to be a good doctor since you're definitely lacking in other areas.

You see. Everyone always wants the last word. your advice should go both ways. Esp reapp2014helpme. The amount of namecalling and profanity she/he uses is just uncivil. But no, being insensitive is worse?
You see. Everyone always wants the last word. your advice should go both ways. Esp reapp2014helpme. The amount of namecalling and profanity she/he uses is just uncivil. But no, being insensitive is worse?

I understand what you're saying. But you did start it with your comment which was not meant to be racist but seemed like it. BUT, we all have to act civil here. Maybe we can just stop replying to each others comments and move on?
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Say what ever you want; Im a douchebag, I feel good about disrepecting others, etc...

I only boast about my own education so that I can provide justification for the things I say.
You may very well go to a top 15, but (judgeing by your avatar) you seem like URM, would you say your stats are very competitive? Otherwise, you shouldn't really be even considering lower end DO schools . Please correct me if im wrong, i do not want to make assumptions or seem racist.

I am ORM. I have worked hard to get where I am, and I have no problem being rude to clear out someone who's so ignorant that he or she can't understand that the education at LU is subpar, and LUCOM will not have anything favorable for it's students in terms of teaching you how to become a good doctor and gaining a good residency. Thus, it is not a good school.
Dude your superiority complex is painful. Tone it down a bit. Congrats on where you are right now, it's a SERIOUSLY awesome accomplishment, but getting into any medical is a seriously awesome accomplishment. Don't go bashing on students because they had lesser stats, we're all docs in the end.
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"Boy, that escalated quickly.. I mean, that really got out of hand fast."-- AM.
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I don't take anyone who made a conscious decision to go to Liberty seriously. In fact, I significantly question the leadership at COCA/AACOM for allowing them to have a medical school. Our profession requires empirical evidence and the scientific method, which Liberty has blatantly and repeatedly showed to not respect.

Get a better MCAT/GPA/Extracurriculars because going to Liberty shouldn't be an option.
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Go, get the acceptance, and use that confidence boost to take the weight off of your other interviews. I interviewed and was accepted at LECOM-B even though I had no desire to attend should I get another acceptance, as the atmosphere did not suit my personality. Still, having that acceptance in hand made my other interviews substantially less stressful since, worst case scenario, I knew I was still going to be a doctor no matter what the people currently interviewing me decided.
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I don't take anyone who made a conscious decision to go to Liberty seriously. In fact, I significantly question the leadership at COCA/AACOM for allowing them to have a medical school. Our profession requires empirical evidence and the scientific method, which Liberty has blatantly and repeatedly showed to not respect.

Get a better MCAT/GPA/Extracurriculars because going to Liberty shouldn't be an option.
hypothetically- if someone has a 3.5 and 21, is unable to raise their MCAT despite several attempts, and LUCOM is their only acceptance, would you still dissuade them from attending?

despite all the crap surrounding this school, it will still ultimately confer its students a medical degree, with which they can potentially enter into any specialty and practice the entire scope of medicine and surgery.
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hypothetically- if someone has a 3.5 and 21, is unable to raise their MCAT despite several attempts, and LUCOM is their only acceptance, would you still dissuade them from attending?

despite all the crap surrounding this school, it will still ultimately confer its students a medical degree, with which they can potentially enter into any specialty and practice the entire scope of medicine and surgery.

Yes I absolutely would say don't go. I believe @Goro said a low score like that correlates with being high risk for failing boards. They need to reconsider medical school as a whole if a 21 is the true ceiling.
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hypothetically- if someone has a 3.5 and 21, is unable to raise their MCAT despite several attempts, and LUCOM is their only acceptance, would you still dissuade them from attending?

despite all the crap surrounding this school, it will still ultimately confer its students a medical degree, with which they can potentially enter into any specialty and practice the entire scope of medicine and surgery.

You know wehn people say DO's can potentially enter into any specialty in any residency...and then there's reality which says no, harvard will not take a DO.

Well LUCOM will probably follow the same path, but way more extreme. Nobody except in the surronding area will accept their students for residency and I doubt anything but primary care for the majority. Maybe a couple of their students will shine but that will be bc of their own intelligence, not LUCOMS education.
Yes I absolutely would say don't go. I believe @Goro said a low score like that correlates with being high risk for failing boards. They need to reconsider medical school as a whole if a 21 is the true ceiling.

I am sure that there are people practicing now who recived a 21 on the mcat who are doing just fine practicing.

I don't care what yall say, whoever decideds to give me a chance at becoming a physician I will gladly take them up on it. There are so many people dying to get into ONE school. Beggars can't be choosers, and in the rat race of medical school applications, we are nothing but rodents, blindly taking any cheese the game throws out at us.
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The oncologist I worked with at Stanford, who I is the pediatric oncology chief there now, scored a 19 on the MCAT. Granted, she had a few limitations taking the MCAT, like not fully being able to understand English (she went to med school in PR). She's getting close to retirement, but the MCAT isn't everything.

I am sure that there are people practicing now who recived a 21 on the mcat who are doing just fine practicing.
I am sure that there are people practicing now who recived a 21 on the mcat who are doing just fine practicing.

I don't care what yall say, whoever decideds to give me a chance at becoming a physician I will gladly take them up on it. There are so many people dying to get into ONE school. Beggars can't be choosers, and in the rat race of medical school applications, we are nothing but rodents, blindly taking any cheese the game throws out at us.

I'm not saying everyone who gets a 21 is incapable of being a competent physician. I was simply stating that I read the data suggests those who score that low would be at high risk to fail boards.

If you wish to go to a school whose ideology defies our profession and science in general, go for it. I would rather put in the work and achieve a score that doesn't put me in that situation.

There's two ways to go about it. Become a medical school that happens to be on a religious campus (Campbell, Marian) or become a religious medical school. LUCOM has chosen the latter and that should worry prospective students.
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You know wehn people say DO's can potentially enter into any specialty in any residency...and then there's reality which says no, harvard will not take a DO.

Well LUCOM will probably follow the same path, but way more extreme. Nobody except in the surronding area will accept their students for residency and I doubt anything but primary care for the majority. Maybe a couple of their students will shine but that will be bc of their own intelligence, not LUCOMS education.
Ugh, harvard has taken DOs and they also have DOs as faculty....
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Ugh, harvard has taken DOs and they also have DOs as faculty....

You know what I meant. Stop taking everything I say at literal value. NYU IM does not take DO's at all, and I pulled out harvard as a random guess. There is some stigma from super competitive academic institutions agaisnt DO's and i can accept that - i am afterall, going to a DO school...

Likewise, I stand by my claim. I doubt many, if any, from LUCOM's match list will be impressive
I'm curious:
How is the QUALITY of teaching at LUCOM? How competent are their graduates?
How is the curriculum at LUCOM? Do they blatantly teach things such as "this is true because god says so?"
Lucom doctors believe in micro and macro evolution to explain microbial resistance. Insane!
*clears throat* Hi, yeah. The terms "micro" and "macroevolution" get thrown around a lot as if they aren't legit, perhaps due to them being improperly used by the likes of Ken Ham. However, they are valid terms. Microevolution describes changes in allele frequency based upon mutation, gene flow and genetic drift, along with selection which often cause phenotypical changes within a population, such as a population of birds who live in an area of high human vehicle traffic changing over a relatively short period of time to have shorter wings than others of the species so that they are more agile and can better avoid collisions with cars. Macroevolution, however, is the same process over a much greater period of time and is more associated with speciation.

Just clearing that up.
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*clears throat* Hi, yeah. The terms "micro" and "macroevolution" get thrown around a lot as if they aren't legit, perhaps due to them being improperly used by the likes of Ken Ham. However, they are valid terms. Microevolution describes changes in allele frequency based upon mutation, gene flow and genetic drift, along with selection which often cause phenotypical changes within a population, such as a population of birds who live in an area of high human vehicle traffic changing over a relatively short period of time to have shorter wings than others of the species so that they are more agile and can better avoid collisions with cars. Macroevolution, however, is the same process over a much greater period of time and is more associated with speciation.

Just clearing that up.

For the love of god. Come back with all your "legitimate" information after you status changes from pre-medical to medical...

And no, lucom doesn't count.
For the love of god. Come back with all your "legitimate" information after you status changes from pre-medical to medical...

And no, lucom doesn't count.

Excuse me but you're ALSO a pre med who has gone far and beyond any poster here regarding their "high status" and "multiple acceptances"...
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Please stop trying to attack me.
Excuse me but you're ALSO a pre med who has gone far and beyond any poster here regarding their "high status" and "multiple acceptances"...

Subjective and false.
I am accepted. He/She is not yet. End of story. Please stop trying to attack me.

Subjective and false.

So because you are accepted and J Senpai is not then he is not allowed to make an argument? Because that's what I got from that post.

Hmm perhaps subjective in that I can quote you from this thread showing you compare others against your multiple acceptances and higher quality top tier education.

I am not attacking you. I am defending other posters here who want to simply converse and you shut them down by comparing status.
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So because you are accepted and J Senpai is not then he is not allowed to make an argument? Because that's what I got from that post.

Hmm perhaps subjective in that I can quote you from this thread showing you compare others against your multiple acceptances and higher quality top tier education.

I am not attacking you. I am defending other posters here who want to simply converse and you shut them down by comparing status.
Subjective. do you know what that word means? It means you gathered my point was to be cocky and shove my accomplishments in the face of others. I was stateing them for the sake of argument, nothing to boost my "ego".

But you can't help but turn it into something else because you don't agree with it. Please refrain from continueing the heated argument that we all tried to end.
Subjective. do you know what that word means? It means you gathered my point was to be cocky and shove my accomplishments in the face of others. I was stateing them for the sake of argument, nothing to boost my "ego".

But you can't help but turn it into something else because you don't agree with it. Please refrain from continueing the heated argument that we all tried to end.


But that education though! Ok ok ok I'm done, I really couldn't resist. Bye!
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But that education though! Ok ok ok I'm done, I really couldn't resist. Bye!

Spelling on an online forum as a form of evidence about ones education is the worst possible kind.
*clap clap* good job. "ok ok ok" bye.
*clears throat* Hi, yeah. The terms "micro" and "macroevolution" get thrown around a lot as if they aren't legit, perhaps due to them being improperly used by the likes of Ken Ham. However, they are valid terms. Microevolution describes changes in allele frequency based upon mutation, gene flow and genetic drift, along with selection which often cause phenotypical changes within a population, such as a population of birds who live in an area of high human vehicle traffic changing over a relatively short period of time to have shorter wings than others of the species so that they are more agile and can better avoid collisions with cars. Macroevolution, however, is the same process over a much greater period of time and is more associated with speciation.

Just clearing that up.

I was just saying you can't believe in one and not the other
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Spelling on an online forum as a form of evidence about ones education is the worst possible kind.
*clap clap* good job. "ok ok ok" bye.
I always love seeing how a student who gets accepted, suddenly has the knowledge of an attending. SDN forums are amazing if they have that power
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How has this clown not gotten banned yet?!


I regret you posting as well

Just because you don't agree with my opinion, that doesn't warrant a ban.
But please, keep asking for one even though you have no basis.
I was just saying you can't believe in one and not the other
I know. I was just making a statement for the record that the two terms, though not super commonly used, are both valid because I've seen them both misused and misunderstood on SDN before. Apparently, as far as @breezy124 is concerned, you have to hold a med school acceptance to type definitions into a forum.

If he thinks I'm a lucom supporter he should read my signature. :rolleyes:
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Just because you don't agree with my opinion, that doesn't warrant a ban.
But please, keep asking for one even though you have no basis.

It has nothing to do with your opinion and everything to do with the way you treat others.
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