2023-2024 Liberty University (LUCOM)

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Off of the waitlist! Just recieved the official A!
Congrats! If you don’t mind me asking when did you get waitlisted? and when did you complete the admission checklist?

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I received the official A as well, I got waitlisted Feb 2 and have all the checklist done besides the titers as well
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Waitlisted January 23rd! I have most of my admissions checklist completed just need positive titers for some vaccines.
How long did it take for your VA Child Abuse clearance to be processed after it was sent in by CastleBranch?
castlebranch still hasnt mailed my results and i sent it to them like a month ago. Is step 3 marked complete for you and if so how long did that take?
I mailed mine out January 29th, and it wasn't until Feb 8th or 9th until Step 3 was checked and it was mailed out again. They say after that it takes around 5 weeks to get processed. I would get in contact with CastleBranch. Maybe the university to let them know about the issue
I mailed mine out January 29th, and it wasn't until Feb 8th or 9th until Step 3 was checked and it was mailed out again. They say after that it takes around 5 weeks to get processed. I would get in contact with CastleBranch. Maybe the university to let them know about the issue
thank you!
I mailed mine out January 29th, and it wasn't until Feb 8th or 9th until Step 3 was checked and it was mailed out again. They say after that it takes around 5 weeks to get processed. I would get in contact with CastleBranch. Maybe the university to let them know about the issue
for anyone else wondering. i mailed my abuse papers to castlebranch on february 2nd and both step 3 and 4 were marked complete today (March 4th).
How long did it take for your VA Child Abuse clearance to be processed after it was sent in by CastleBranch?
Mailed to castle-branch 1/23/24, castlebranch mailed it to VA DDS 1/29/24, results uploaded from DDS 2/12/24.
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My VA Child Abuse Clearance just went through. Gotta finish up those online courses, get my lab work done, and then I'm golden. I would imagine they check weekly to see if applicants have their checklist done, hence why people only heard Monday and not since then. But who knows
Congrats to all the recent A's!! This is my only A so far after 7 interviews so depending on waitlist movement at other institutions, I'm preparing to move to Lynchburg. See yall in the fall!

Also is anyone on this thread a moderator for the LUCOM class of 2028 FB group? I requested to be a part of the group like over a week ago and the request is still pending verification. My name on FB doesn't exactly match my name on my AACOMAS application so idk if that has anything to do with it.
Congrats to all the recent A's!! This is my only A so far after 7 interviews so depending on waitlist movement at other institutions, I'm preparing to move to Lynchburg. See yall in the fall!

Also is anyone on this thread a moderator for the LUCOM class of 2028 FB group? I requested to be a part of the group like over a week ago and the request is still pending verification. My name on FB doesn't exactly match my name on my AACOMAS application so idk if that has anything to do with it.
Yeah, I would say it does. The admissions coordinator is the admin of the group.
Congrats to all acceptances! There was a 100% Match Rate for the Class of 2024 btw 🙂
Just heard about 100% match rate for the recent class. Thinking about signing the affidavit but not sure yet. I still have a few other schools but LUCOM is definately top 3 after all my interviews
Just heard about 100% match rate for the recent class. Thinking about signing the affidavit but not sure yet. I still have a few other schools but LUCOM is definately top 3 after all my interviews

Be sure to look into their “match list”. A lot of schools advertise this, but will have research years and SOAP positions count as matching. Other places get around this by saying “100% placement”.
Be sure to look into their “match list”. A lot of schools advertise this, but will have research years and SOAP positions count as matching. Other places get around this by saying “100% placement”.
In the interest of transparency I’m going to go ahead & say that it’s a 100% placement rate. The current class had ~10 people SOAP, all from competitive specialty applications like Rads, Anesthesia, OBGYN & Psych. Many of these were unexpected & the students had plenty of interviews, high grades, & publications. You would have no way of knowing by looking at a match list if a spot was a SOAP spot or not.
Just heard about 100% match rate for the recent class. Thinking about signing the affidavit but not sure yet. I still have a few other schools but LUCOM is definately top 3 after all my interviews
Same boat as you, only waitlisted at my other two options. Both are notorious for late decisions in the cycle, so to sign or not sign this affidavit has been the bane of my existence these past couple weeks.
Same boat as you, only waitlisted at my other two options. Both are notorious for late decisions in the cycle, so to sign or not sign this affidavit has been the bane of my existence these past couple weeks.
When did y’all receive the affidavit? I haven’t received it yet and I was accepted months ago
Anyone hear anything from the admissions committee lately? They haven't been responding to my emails.
This schools lack of communication has really just turned me off the past couple of months. No one responds to calls or emails or voicemails which is honestly pretty pathetic for a school that charged me 2 grand for the deposit but can’t even get back to me for questions. Can’t believe I chose to pay the deposit here over the other acceptances I had. Hopefully I get off the waitlist at the current schools I’m waiting on so I don’t have to see how bad this school gets with communication once we actually matriculate.
I thought they were communicative a few months ago, but now it feels like everything is shut down. Maybe they're just busy but who knows
I thought they were communicative a few months ago, but now it feels like everything is shut down. Maybe they're just busy but who knows
They've been busy with that match for the past couple of weeks. They are currently on spring break as well. I've had no problems communicating with the school, and they have been great.
This schools lack of communication has really just turned me off the past couple of months. No one responds to calls or emails or voicemails which is honestly pretty pathetic for a school that charged me 2 grand for the deposit but can’t even get back to me for questions. Can’t believe I chose to pay the deposit here over the other acceptances I had. Hopefully I get off the waitlist at the current schools I’m waiting on so I don’t have to see how bad this school gets with communication once we actually matriculate.
That’s kinda funny because I’ve had a completely different experience, they’ve been very communicative for me. I even emailed this morning and they replied same day
That’s kinda funny because I’ve had a completely different experience, they’ve been very communicative for me. I even emailed this morning and they replied same day
Interesting. Gonna try my LUPortal email and see if that makes a difference.
Still not hearing anything back. Anyone think its odd that even though I didn't get an acceptance offer yet I can still access the accepted student's page on their website. I also have the ability to pay that enrollment deposit...
I am wondering if someone can help answer this for me. If I were to not complete my castlebranch in time but still sign the affidavit, would they just wait till next year to ensure I get a spot if I am on the waitlist?
I am wondering if someone can help answer this for me. If I were to not complete my castlebranch in time but still sign the affidavit, would they just wait till next year to ensure I get a spot if I am on the waitlist?
It took me about 1 month to complete almost all the castlebranch requirements. If you started them now you would have plenty of time to complete everything just maybe not the hep B immunizations if you show a negative titer. If you email student health and ask for an extension they will give it to you. If your being proactive about it you will most likely get taken off the waitlist quite soon.
They just got back to me and said if you have all your CastleBranch stuff complete but are still waiting on titers, that shouldn't keep you getting an A. They also haven't moved anyone off the waitlist recently
Anyone else on the waitlist thinking about sending in the affidavit? seems like a big commitment but I get that we are nearing the end and others who signed it seem to be getting the A...Not trying to overthink it but just not sure if i want to drop other offers :/
Wish people would just post their gpa and mcat instead of the unhelpful LM score. I promise no one can dox u from ur stats

I’m glad you said this because I have been thinking it in every school post I see.

I also wish everyone just had their stats in their signature, so we could see what the “A” posts mean for chances and what they don’t.

Is the idea that people genuinely think adcom is going to spend hours on this forum and then decline them because they shared their experience?
To sort of build on the last two threads, I was in the same boat. I had three waitlists and struggled with whether to sign the affidavit for LUCOM. I ultimately did two days ago and submitted it and yesterday I got the acceptance call.
To sort of build on the last two threads, I was in the same boat. I had three waitlists and struggled with whether to sign the affidavit for LUCOM. I ultimately did two days ago and submitted it and yesterday I got the acceptance call.
I ended up not signing and returning it since I was on waitlists at other places (thank GOD it worked out). But I dont know how I feel about having to withdraw everything from other schools before being offered an acceptance. I would have considered it if it was more of a LOI where I would attend if fully accepted. But to decline everything else just to show LUCOM that i'm interested, and to still not possibly get in, was a stretch. Happy it worked out for you!!
On the affidavit it says “Please check in this box if you would like to be contacted to matriculate up until the week before orientation.” You only check this if you’re on the waitlist right ?
On the affidavit it says “Please check in this box if you would like to be contacted to matriculate up until the week before orientation.” You only check this if you’re on the waitlist right ?
I believe so. I was accepted, paid my deposit, and did the castlebracnch stuff so I am leaving it unchecked, because to me it does not apply as I have progressed through the admissions checklist.

Not a super big fan of the affidavit in general but I'm going to medical school either way so its not a big deal lol
Anyone sure how harshly they are gonna hold us to getting these titers in on time? Couple of mine came back negative, but I got boosted about a Month back. I know they're due Wednesday, and I sent them all my results and immunization documents. I guess they just wanna see that you're actively working on it? Can't get them redrawn for another few weeks yet
Anyone sure how harshly they are gonna hold us to getting these titers in on time? Couple of mine came back negative, but I got boosted about a Month back. I know they're due Wednesday, and I sent them all my results and immunization documents. I guess they just wanna see that you're actively working on it? Can't get them redrawn for another few weeks yet
As long as you are proactive and communicate with them, don't worry about it. I went past the due date too and it was fine. Same for other people
As long as you are proactive and communicate with them, don't worry about it. I went past the due date too and it was fine. Same for other people
Thank you, I appreciate the reply. Even when I have a med school acceptance I still find reasons to stress
im in my last semester and im kind of clocked out. does LUCOM care if we maintain our GPA or will i still be fine if I get like a C- or C? I didnt see anything specific in the handbook but I want to make sure I dont do anything too dumb. thanks!