2022-2023 Liberty University (LUCOM)

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For any current students, what does Liberty do to help with board prep? Is there any board study time built in to the schedule? Do they incorporate board style questions into your daily/weekly curriculum? What resources do they provide? Thanks!

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For those who interviewed and never received a call and never saw a decision in your myLu portal. I just got a waitlist email from LUCOM after interviewing on 9/16 and being told we would know our decision by the end of september. So don't assume you've been rejected unless you've been told explicitly through email. Wishing for the best for everyone
Same. Got email this morning
For any current students, what does Liberty do to help with board prep? Is there any board study time built in to the schedule? Do they incorporate board style questions into your daily/weekly curriculum? What resources do they provide? Thanks!
We got Kaplan last year, classes before that got combank. Dedicated for level 1 is 4-6 weeks, level 2 is much longer depending on if you start rotations in July or august. I will have 12 weeks of dedicated, but I’m not taking that much.

I took the 4 weeks of dedicated for level 1, took it in June and started rotations in July. Some people needed extra time and took the exam in July and started rotations in august, and it hasn’t been a big deal.

Spring of 2nd year there’s a capstone course which has boards review built in, and the school gives 2 COMSAEs, one in January and one in April.
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II some minutes ago. The email went into my promotion folder. Glad I saw it on time. The next available interview date is 2nd week of March. I’m so glad and thankful to have received this invite. I pray it turns to an Acceptance after my interview in March.
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Anyone know where we can find previous COMLEX/USMLE scores for students?
Anyone know what the campus tour is like? Should I dress professionally?
Anyone know what the campus tour is like? Should I dress professionally?
It’s pretty casual & will be led either by a student ambassador or a member of staff. I think they try to get you some face time with current students if possible, so if you’re interested in asking them questions try to avoid the weekend after thanksgiving or winter break for your dates (Dec 16th is our last day).

I’ve seen everything from suits to sweats to very ripped up jeans.LUCOM’s official dress code is business casual once you’re a student though, so you can’t go wrong with slacks & a nice shirt or sweater.
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It’s pretty casual & will be led either by a student ambassador or a member of staff. I think they try to get you some face time with current students if possible, so if you’re interested in asking them questions try to avoid the weekend after thanksgiving or winter break for your dates (Dec 16th is our last day).

I’ve seen everything from suits to sweats to very ripped up jeans.LUCOM’s official dress code is business casual once you’re a student though, so you can’t go wrong with slacks & a nice shirt or sweater.

Thanks! That’s good to know, I’m touring the school today!
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It’s pretty casual & will be led either by a student ambassador or a member of staff. I think they try to get you some face time with current students if possible, so if you’re interested in asking them questions try to avoid the weekend after thanksgiving or winter break for your dates (Dec 16th is our last day).

I’ve seen everything from suits to sweats to very ripped up jeans.LUCOM’s official dress code is business casual once you’re a student though, so you can’t go wrong with slacks & a nice shirt or sweater.
Thank you! That’s what I figured.
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Has anyone from the October interviews still not heard or gotten any acceptances? It's been a while now...
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Does anyone know where I can find a list of what equipment we need to purchase? Or if there is a particular color of scrubs we need?
Does anyone know where I can find a list of what equipment we need to purchase? Or if there is a particular color of scrubs we need?
No particular scrub color, wear what you want but the first year you’ll only be using scrubs for anatomy lab, so I don’t recommend spending a lot on them because you may not be able to get the smell out when you’re done. You’ll be given a lab coat and white coat at orientation.

For equipment there’s a session during orientation and you can buy it all as a package then for about $900, or you can bring your own. You’ll need a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff & gauge, ophthalmoscope, otoscope (or the combo optho/oto heads with the single base), insufflation bulb, reflex hammer & tuning forks for Neuro exams, & a bag to keep it all in. Dissection kits aren’t necessary, I never used mine, and the school has tons of dissection tools.

The equipment kit that you can purchase through the school’s vendor is all Welch Allen, and it’s guaranteed for life, so there’s that.
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No particular scrub color, wear what you want but the first year you’ll only be using scrubs for anatomy lab, so I don’t recommend spending a lot on them because you may not be able to get the smell out when you’re done. You’ll be given a lab coat and white coat at orientation.

For equipment there’s a session during orientation and you can buy it all as a package then for about $900, or you can bring your own. You’ll need a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff & gauge, ophthalmoscope, otoscope (or the combo optho/oto heads with the single base), insufflation bulb, reflex hammer & tuning forks for Neuro exams, & a bag to keep it all in. Dissection kits aren’t necessary, I never used mine, and the school has tons of dissection tools.

The equipment kit that you can purchase through the school’s vendor is all Welch Allen, and it’s guaranteed for life, so there’s that.
Thank you! That's really helpful information.
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Would any current students be able to share what a typical week looks like for you? Lecture, studying, free time, etc. Anything and everything would be appreciated. :)
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Any from October interviews hear back yet? Still waiting 🙃. It’s been almost 2 months.
Any from October interviews hear back yet? Still waiting . It’s been almost 2 months.

I interviewed on 9/30 and heard back 10/31. If you haven’t heard back yet, I’d shoot Admissions and email. If they don’t answer via email, give them a call
Does anyone know what the Castlebranch check-in dates mean? There are two dates that were sent but one is early January.
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I think it means the drug test and stuff are due by the first date and the final transcripts, immunizations, etc are due by that second date?
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Such a confusing email!
I emailed for clarification

2 things
#1: the titers AND vaccines records are required just like castle branch states. The form dosent state that, but they do want exactly as listed in castle branch.

#2: The HARD due date is March 1st. But because they require titers, they said to get this started ASAP incase you need a repeat vax and a re-collected titer.
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I emailed for clarification

2 things
#1: the titers AND vaccines records are required just like castle branch states. The form dosent state that, but they do want exactly as listed in castle branch.

#2: The HARD due date is March 1st. But because they require titers, they said to get this started ASAP incase you need a repeat vax and a re-collected titer.
Thank you!! So the check in dates in the email are just what they recommend we complete some of the task by?
I emailed for clarification

2 things
#1: the titers AND vaccines records are required just like castle branch states. The form dosent state that, but they do want exactly as listed in castle branch.

#2: The HARD due date is March 1st. But because they require titers, they said to get this started ASAP incase you need a repeat vax and a re-collected titer.
About the hard due date: if you start a vaccine series (like Hep B) and need an extension, or can’t get a vaccine due to shortages, just email LUCOM. They’re nice about that kind of stuff, but get it done on time if you can.
can any current students explain how rotations work? Are they mainly done in the surrounding area or does the school also have connections to other hospital systems?
can any current students explain how rotations work? Are they mainly done in the surrounding area or does the school also have connections to other hospital systems?
As with most DO schools, they have rotations at sites that are not directly affiliated with the school. Below is a link to their rotation sites.

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can any current students explain how rotations work? Are they mainly done in the surrounding area or does the school also have connections to other hospital systems?
OMS-3, there are several rotation sites in Virginia, and sites in Mississippi, Texas, Illinois, & Pennsylvania. One site is local and takes about 50-ish students, 50-ish are spread across the other VA sites, and 50-ish go out of state. There’s a lottery system to determine who goes where, and they take exemption requests for couples to stay together, students with kids or working spouses, or health issues that require certain locations.

All students take the following 3rd year core rotations: IM 1/2, surgery, psych, OBGYN, FM1/2, OMM, EM, peds. All rotations are 4 weeks except OMM & EM, which are 2 weeks each. There’s a shelf exam (COMAT) at the end of each rotation.

4th year you set up for yourself, and is a combo of away rotations for residency & electives.
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Curious about research opportunities? I’m heading in the maternal medicine/pulmonary critical care direction.
Curious about research opportunities? I’m heading in the maternal medicine/pulmonary critical care direction.
Excellent question to ask on interview day. I was only involved in a little research there, but I do know they are building the research dept, they offer a research year now between 2nd & 3rd year, they’ve created their own online journal, host a research day each year, and provide opportunities to present at local & national conferences.

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accepted students, how do you rank this school on your DO list? I am extremely grateful to have gotten in, but now I have to decide between lucom and wcucom and i am confusion
I have been accepted at KCU, RVU (Rocky), Marian, PCOM (Georgia), waitlisted at CUSOM, and one MD decision that I will find out in about a month. I will be visiting these schools in early January, but right now having not scene the schools in person I would choose between KCU, LUCOM, and Marian. I will let you know post visit thoughts. If it makes you feel better, I have talked to a couple 3rd-4th year students and no major concerns of liberty as of date.
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Any current students floating out there that I could ask a few questions to?
Anyone know what types of specialty rotations are included in 3rd year?
Anyone know what types of specialty rotations are included in 3rd year?
IM 1 & 2 (4 wks each)
Peds (4 wks)
Psych (4 wks)
OBGYN (4 wks)
FM 1 & 2 (4 wks each)
OMM (2 wks)
EM (2 wks)
Surgery (4 wks)

3rd year starts in July and ends in March.
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Join the LUCOM Class of 2027 Facebook group if you've been accepted!

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Is LUCOM still.interviewing? I submitted secondary three weeks ago and I know it's late but just wondering if there is any chance? Also, would update letters be useful?
Is LUCOM still.interviewing? I submitted secondary three weeks ago and I know it's late but just wondering if there is any chance? Also, would update letters be useful?
Submitted my app in July and just got II! So they still are
If you don’t mind sharing, please what interview dates are available?
I could choose from March 6th, April 3rd or April 6th. All virtual. 10 spots for march, 15 for April 3rd and 5 for April 6th.
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Just received II, will be declining!
I also just received an II, and I’ve had other acceptances from schools so I’ll be declining as well. Is there an official way to let them know you want to be removed from consideration, or did you just let the 14 days run out? I could try emailing them, but I’ve emailed them in the past and I’ve gotten no response, so I’m not sure if they’ll see it.
I have been accepted at KCU, RVU (Rocky), Marian, PCOM (Georgia), waitlisted at CUSOM, and one MD decision that I will find out in about a month. I will be visiting these schools in early January, but right now having not scene the schools in person I would choose between KCU, LUCOM, and Marian. I will let you know post visit thoughts. If it makes you feel better, I have talked to a couple 3rd-4th year students and no major concerns of liberty as of date.
what are your stats if you don't mind sharing?