2021-2022 Liberty University (LUCOM)

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Is anyone interviewing this Thursday (10/28)? If so, have you received information regarding the interview day/schedule.
I am! I got the info on 10/21

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Hi guys! Congrats to all of you who have been accepted 🙂 I'm interviewing this Thursday and was curious about the interview and what to expect. Any info helps and thanks in advance!
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For those who received interview links, which email do they send this to?
I haven’t received a secondary. Does this mean rejection?
I haven’t received a secondary. Does this mean rejection?
When did you submit your primary and what are your stats? I submitted primary 9/4 during my cycle, received a secondary in December, interviewed in early February and was accepted less than a week later.

It could mean you're rejected, but it could also mean that you submitted late, you're in a later application pile, they're waiting on something from you, you might need to call or send an update, etc. There are too many variables to say definitively at this point that you are rejected.
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Interviewed Friday the 29th. Got a call from Ben today but was at work and couldn't take it 🙁 Said he looks forward to talking with me about my future or something and that I should receive an email by tomorrow morning. I am hoping that is good news !!
Interviewed Friday the 29th. Got a call from Ben today but was at work and couldn't take it 🙁 Said he looks forward to talking with me about my future or something and that I should receive an email by tomorrow morning. I am hoping that is good news !!
It is!! Calls are only for acceptances so congrats!
It is!! Calls are only for acceptances so congrats!
I was expecting him to tell me that over voicemail specifically, that's why I was concerned it was maybe for something else I tried calling back a few times haha
BTW for those with recent interview invites, try to occasionally check the schedule dates. I received my invite on 10/15 and the only date was 12/16. I refreshed the page a bunch over the next day and someone canceled and I was able to interview on 10/29. Just a tip
I emailed them at the beginning of October because I submitted my secondary early august and never received a complete email, and they emailed back "we are in the process of reviewing applications you will hear from us in the next two weeks" but this was about a month ago now. Should I email them again? I don't want to be annoying but I really like Liberty and am concerned my app isn't being processed correctly
No don't email them again, I emailed too many times and called and they got annoyed.
I was expecting him to tell me that over voicemail specifically, that's why I was concerned it was maybe for something else I tried calling back a few times haha
They won't explicitly say that you were accepted in a voicemail. They'll just leave a message to return their call, but they don't call for waitlists or rejections.
I emailed them at the beginning of October because I submitted my secondary early august and never received a complete email, and they emailed back "we are in the process of reviewing applications you will hear from us in the next two weeks" but this was about a month ago now. Should I email them again? I don't want to be annoying but I really like Liberty and am concerned my app isn't being processed correctly
I never received a complete email during my cycle either. I would wait a little longer before reaching out again.
is it possible to get waitlisted or rejected and receive a call from this school?
they said on my interview that they dont call if you are rejected, I would check your email - specifically the liberty portal / liberty email they gave you
Pls tell me you heard back by now, praying for you
Lol thank you. I got two missed calls from them. Unfortunately my voice mail doesn’t work so I don’t have a voice message.

I’ve been trying to call back all day but I believe they’re busy as they’re unable to answer.

Edit: Hey guys there’s actually a way to check online if you’re accepted before the email. On the MYLU app signed into your account, there should be this thing called ASIST.

If you clic on that and click on application status after, it will tel you where your application is at. Mine says I was accepted today!!! So happy and grateful!!
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Can anyone give a run down of what to expect on interview day? Are we sent a schedule of the day? If yes, when is that normally sent? With that too, are we told in advance who we are interviewing with?
Does anyone know which option do you need to choose when you select background check/drug test etc. Two of them are identical (include drug test, background, child abuse, compliance, and HIPAA) do we need to select the one that says "OMSI"?
Anybody know the post ii acceptance rate here? Interviewing in early December!
I am interviewing in 3 days but I haven't received any instructions for the interview. Is this normal? I emailed them yesterday but no reply yet
Thank you
I am interviewing in 3 days but I haven't received any instructions for the interview. Is this normal? I emailed them yesterday but no reply yet
Thank you
Call them up by tomorrow and check ur spam box. A lot of people got them like 1-2 days before. I got mine like 10 days prior.
Has anyone tried using the CastleBranch link to set up their student health and physical, drug screen and immunization and titers? How does it work?
Is anyone concerned with the handling of the sexual assault cases on campuses? From what I’ve read, there’s been a lot of victim blaming by the staff and negligence towards assailants.
How does the interview work? Is it a traditional 30 minute with 1 interviewer?
II received earlier this morning. Dates available until the end of January.
In the itinerary email I see that LUCOM wants a solid wall background behind you. How strict is this because I have a desktop in my loft with my interview setup, but no solid wall behind me. Is this going to be a problem? Did anyone else interview with no wall behind them and they didn't care about it?
In the itinerary email I see that LUCOM wants a solid wall background behind you. How strict is this because I have a desktop in my loft with my interview setup, but no solid wall behind me. Is this going to be a problem? Did anyone else interview with no wall behind them and they didn't care about it?
Rule following is important for medical schools for obvious reasons. I did the wall however not everyone in my cohort did. N=1 but I received an A. I’d do the wall if you can.
In the itinerary email I see that LUCOM wants a solid wall background behind you. How strict is this because I have a desktop in my loft with my interview setup, but no solid wall behind me. Is this going to be a problem? Did anyone else interview with no wall behind them and they didn't care about it?
Please do not stress over this too much. If you have an area with a blank wall, use it, but otherwise just make sure the area you use is free of distracting items, clutter, etc. Focus on making the area you have look as professional as you can.