****The Official USC Class of 2016 Acceptance Thread****

They say they don't know because often they cannot disclose that information for some unknown reason. I was informed at my interview that the next round of acceptances will be sent out on March 1st, which is today. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I heard that as well. They asked for my scrub size, they're probably too busy ordering scrubs for us.

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yes thats what I was told.. thats why I called in today to check ... I doubt they have send them out.. i rmr last year they were send around march 6th...
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yes thats what I was told.. thats why I called in today to check ... I doubt they have send them out.. i rmr last year they were send around march 6th...

hmm...we'll just have to wait and see then!
I interviewed on feb 14th as well.. haven't heard anything.. i don't think they have send out letters of acceptance to anyone from feb yet.. i called up some lady and she said she doesn't know... :( boo

Hey, has your status changed in portal or usc website? Mine hasn't changed yet from "interview":(
Hey, has your status changed in portal or usc website? Mine hasn't changed yet from "interview":(

When did u interview? Maybe they have not updated their portal yet :)
I interviewed Feb 14th and my status changed to Alternate / waitlist. vmtamu and toothhornet they lied to us haha
When did u interview? Maybe they have not updated their portal yet :)

I interviewed on Feb. 14th, but my status is still "invited for interview" on portal but mine also changed yesterday to "alternate/waitlisted" on their site.
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I interviewed on Feb. 14th, but my status is still "invited for interview" on portal but mine also changed yesterday to "alternate/waitlisted" on their site.
Good luck to you all. !
yes my status also changed to alternate/waitlisted on the portal so does this mean that they have already send out the next new 36 acceptance letters out?
My application status 2 days ago changed from *Interview* to "we have no records of your application." What is going on? I'm nervous and scared!!!
My application status 2 days ago changed from *Interview* to "we have no records of your application." What is going on? I'm nervous and scared!!!

Ryan said they are doing some maintenance work on the site, and that the application status site will be back by Tuesday.
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Does everyones AADSAS page under school decision say that they are wait listed for USC right now?
mine says waitlisted on the AADSAS site
AM teeth: when is your interview?

my status changed to "wait listed" too...what's going on?
So... my application status still says "Under Review", despite my having applied in the first batch back in June. Is this one of those 'silent rejections', or do I still have a legitimate chance at an interview?
Mine also has changed to Wait Listed on AADSAS.
I called around 1 o'clock and one of the interviewers had told me that they did not receive the list from the admissions committee yet. I honestly think that the best thing we can do is just enjoy and not even worry too much, whatever happens happens and we'll find out most likely within 10 days.
I know many of you all are either accepted to some places. Make sure you guys keep your deposit until you guys actually get in.

Good luck! wish you all could come join our class
my stats on portal changed to "Alternate/Wait Listed" :(
I was told in my interview that everyone who interviews with the school will have their status changed to wait list or alternate on the portal. Nobody needs to worry, this is just how their rolling admissions work.
does anyone know what the difference between alternate and alternate/wait-listed means on the USC portal? Did anyone that received an acceptance already had their status changed from alternate to alternate/waitlist or vice versa? or does it not matter at all?
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Please everyone who gets an email, post on here so we know that the decisions have gone out! Question: has anyone interviewed and gotten accepted in a later batch than the one immediately following their interview? Like, you interviewed back in October but didn't get in until January? I'm curious what my chances will be if I don't get in during this early March round. I interviewed on February 22nd.
Got the acceptance email about 20 minutes ago. 15 days to put down a $1000 deposit :(
when did you interview fujindesu? Btw Congratulations!!!
Can you please share you interview experiences? I am planning on applying next year.
Congratz Fujindesu!!..So do you think they are still giving out acceptances or is the third batch of acceptance out already and no more acceptance for this third batch?
Congratz Fujindesu!!..So do you think they are still giving out acceptances or is the third batch of acceptance out already and no more acceptance for this third batch?

I have no way of answering that question. But Brian did tell everyone that we should hear back around this week. I'm suprised that sdn has been so quiet, I would call tomorrow and find out I I'm you. Fill out that letter of interest that they sent out after interview if u haven't . Best of luck!
congratulations!!! kyoung415 and cort5654 when did you guys interview?
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Got my email during an exam lol .... Woohoo go Trojans
congratulations!!! when did you interview ci214105?
Congrats to all of you accepted!!! Did any of you interview on February 28th? I am getting some confusing info from the Office of Admissions. I talked to someone earlier today who said that it is possible that the Admissions Committee hasn't gotten to my application yet and that they'll be sending out another round in a couple of weeks. Then, I talked to a friend who also talked someone in admissions, and the person in the admissions office told her that *everyone* who has interviewed up until this point has been considered for this round of admission, even the late February ones.....Has anyone gotten an offer today who interviewed on February 27th or 28th? And does anyone know when the next round will go out? Thanks!!! I'm so nervous I won't get in. Again, congrats to all of you who did!
Just got my email today...see y'all in the Fall ...Am sooo excited ....I already planed for a whole month of vacation in April. Now I'm going to enjoy my last vacation before school starts...FYI, I interviewed on Feb 14 (V-day) yeahhhhhhhhh!!!!!:laugh::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::love:
Congrats to people who made it. Our future classmates and I are super excited for you all. If you guys decide to join our class of 2016 (Go Trojans!), please join our facebook group. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/320795784616062/

For those of you who didn't hear back today, don't give up yet! Keep your hopes up ↑ I believe they still have a couple more rounds of acceptance. This person was accepted in July, so cheer up! http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=748814

Fight ON!
I interviewed Feb 28th and got accepted today! So excited! Congrats everyone! Fight on!
Congrats to people who made it. Our future classmates and I are super excited for you all. If you guys decide to join our class of 2016 (Go Trojans!), please join our facebook group. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/320795784616062/

For those of you who didn't hear back today, don't give up yet! Keep your hopes up ↑ I believe they still have a couple more rounds of acceptance. This person was accepted in July, so cheer up! http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=748814

Fight ON!

Wow that's amazing Kentuckylover! When did you interview? Had you given up all hope when you got the call? What a great feeling. I did not hear back today and got really bummed, but your post gave me some hope so thank you.
Wow that's amazing Kentuckylover! When did you interview? Had you given up all hope when you got the call? What a great feeling. I did not hear back today and got really bummed, but your post gave me some hope so thank you.


Haha the person isn't me. It's some random person I found on SDN while I was doing some research about the school. I am going to be entering this summer (CLASS OF 2016). I interviewed back in Nov.(2011) and got in.

PM me if you have any question!

Good luck!
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