
  1. PsycheDrJ

    Professional Personal Statement Editing Service

    It's crunch time and I have written several drafts for my personal statement and other essays for the Texas application. I'm a perfectionist and would feel significantly better turning my drafts over to an experienced professional to fine tune them or tell me I need a complete reboot and guide...
  2. S

    Advertisement MCAT Prep (523 score), App Help & Editing

    I'm offering tutoring services for the MCAT as well as application consulting as I have some free time before med school starts. I'm a recent graduate from an Ivy league school with a 523 MCAT. I'm headed to a top-tier med program and just finished the whole application process, so I can also...
  3. MD_Odyssey

    Should I quit my job as a pharm tech to work as a scribe if I am pre-med?

    Currently, I work as a pharm tech. But I am thinking it would be more advantageous in helping to get into medical school if I attempt to get a job as a scribe. Does having a pharm tech cert have any positive on a med school app? Thoughts/advice? Also, i am pretty sure I will have to take a wage...
  4. F

    Help with Schools (MD and DO)

    Hey guys. So I am new to this site and would appreciate some advice on adjusting my list of schools. Help with Schools: MCAT:507 (I took it twice and this is my second score; first score was a 502). GPA: 5.6 (Science should be ~5.57 but I am not 100% sure there) Work: Scribe in a community...
  5. chemdoctor

    Does a post-bacc or grad degree increase chances?

    So, I'm a freshman and looking to graduate early right now. I'll be class of 2019, though I was supposed to be 2020. So, I'm thinking if a post-bacc or a grad degree would be the best course of action? I don't want to apply to med school next year, so that's not an option. I had some...
  6. F

    Need Advice on Institutional Action

    Hi everyone, Thanks for the input. This is really stupid but not sure what to do. My senior year I lived alone in on-campus housing and had a little fish tank in my room (literally an old tide-pods container with one little fish). It was found during a random room check, my fish was...
  7. C

    How to handle the stress

    Hi all, As I'm sure many of you have experienced or are experiencing, I'm dealing with the fear of not getting into medical school. It is May and I am on 3 waitlists and feeling hopeless and noticing every mistake I made along the way and feeling more sad every day about this. From my research...
  8. K

    Electives - which will help if any?

    So I'm trying to decide on electives for my senior year of college because I have a little wiggle room with credits. I'm wondering if I should just take whichever class interests me or if any of these will actually help with medical school (and admissions) and/or the MCAT. Options are...
  9. Z

    Undergraduate Acceptance Decision for Pre-Med

    Would anybody be able to tell me the advantages and disadvantages of each of the following schools in regards to program quality, academic rigor, and research opportunities for an aspiring pre-med student? In the long run, which of the following schools would help me the most with medical school...
  10. h23

    Clinical Experience Question/Dilemma

    Hey so I need some advice here. I haven't seen anyone post about this and I don't know if I'm freaking out for nothing, but I've been working in a pediatric clinic for a while now and managed to rack up about 4000 hours of clinical experience working there. The problem is that my mom is the only...
  11. therapist2be

    Other OT-Related Information Helpful Pre-made Spreadsheet for Sorting Your Grad School Info

    Hey everyone, Just wanted to let you guys know about a cool resource I found today after trying to make my own spreadsheet but realizing it was too tedious for me. I know most you are already done with applying but for those of you applying later this year and are trying to sort out everything...
  12. B

    Disciplinary Probation

    Hello everyone! So, the day before my first day of college (freshman year), the only person I knew at this school told me to come with her to a dorm, and there ended up being alcohol. I didn't drink, and I left with her and a couple of her friends about 2 hours later. I ended up getting an...
  13. EatingPsych17

    Anticipating interviews...

    Good afternoon! While I wait to hear back from the schools I have applied to (both PhD and PsyD), I thought I might distract myself by preparing for possible interviews. I am prepared to answer questions about my educational, research, and clinical experiences, as well as read bios and articles...
  14. CalendarJ


    Hey All, I'm a second-year undergraduate. I'm looking into doing MD/PhD, so research is a big part of my life right now (and hopefully will continue to be). Anyways, I've been writing much more than I used to. Lots of personal statements/questions for scholarship apps and internships and even...
  15. psydstudent2020

    Applying to internships

    I am currently a PsyD student and am preparing to apply for internships. My goal is to obtain an APA accredited internship, of course. I know that internships look for fit, but I'm wondering what pieces are involved in this. For instance, is the experience I'm obtaining from my practicums making...
  16. M

    What programs/work and how many hours are recommended for a strong applicant?

    As of now, I am about 5 credits away from ending my sophomore year of college. Because I took some time off of school, I plan to receive my BA in the fall of 2018 or winter of 2019 (normally, I would've finished undergrad in the spring of 2018). I plan to apply for medical school around this...
  17. O


    Hi, i'm currently a junior in honors biochem undergrad wanting to apply to med school my senior year and I've been thinking about doing academic reprieve on a semester/year (my sophomore year) because of serious health issues I had. I was extremely sick due to an autoimmune problem and I have...
  18. P

    Application Question!!!

    Hi, I have a quick question about pharmacy school applications. These are my stats: PCAT: 96 composite (98 in Biology, 96 in Reading, 88 in Quant, and 86 in Chemistry with a 3 in Writing). GPA: 4.0 Work Experience: I have been working for Walgreens as a certified technician since May 2016 and...
  19. J

    Create your own medical school? Ideal medical school?

    I wanted to know if you could create your own medical school( US/ Canada based) what would the admission criteria be ? Location/s ( you can have more than one if you want)? Lowest GPA needed for admission? Will you take the MCAT as means for admission? Can wave MCAT in lieu or other types of...
  20. colormecolorful

    So When Should I be Getting Interview Invites?

    So here's the deal. I applied to 15 schools and completed secondaries for 9 of them by the end of August. Now it's October 1 and I've only gotten one interview. When should I be freaking out? Some people say end of October, others say to stick it out until April. What's everyone's opinion?
  21. D

    Calculus for Pharmacy School Applications?

    One of my top pharmacy schools that I'm applying to says that it's mandatory to complete all pre-requisites by the time you complete your undergrad with a C or better. I received a C- in Calculus I, one of the pre-reqs, but I'm not sure how strictly schools follow that rule. I don't have time to...
  22. R

    Thoughts on my diversity essay topic?

    For my diversity essay topic I'm thinking of writing about a near death experience. Last year I travelled to Panama as part of a volunteer medical team. While we were there we went swimming in a water hole in the middle of the jungle. One of my team members couldn't swim so he started to drown...
  23. M

    Would it be weird to use my med center email on my applications?

    I currently work at my top choice school and have an email there. I haven't been using it since everything is set up on my other email. Would it be weird to use this email when applying to that school? Would it benefit me? What about when applying to all other schools? Would it work against me...
  24. C

    Quick Secondary Question

    Hello all, I recently have been inundated with secondary applications and I have quick question. I have come across various essays that ask me to explain a challenging experience and how I overcame it. I have went through an illness during my sophomore year of undergrad that hurt my grades...
  25. M


    Hello! I am currently working on my applications for MOT programs. I had taken A&P 1/2 back in 2013 but got Cs because I focused on work too much and didn't take the time to study like I should have! Completely my fault. I am retaking these classes over summer right now, but they are so...
  26. Alienman52

    School with Secondaries on their Website

    Howdy all, I was thinking that we could make a thread with a list of schools who have their secondaries on their website, so that people who've applied to these schools dont just wait around for nothing. I'd hope that most of these schools would email applicants saying that their primary has...
  27. E

    Retaking MCAT - should I submit apps now or after I receive new score

    I am in need of some solid advice - as I do not have much confidence in my premed advisors on campus considering there hasn't been a single one here for more than 6 months as a premed advisor. I took my MCAT in April, and received a low score (498 - yikes), a score not good enough to get into...
  28. pinkrosie88

    Secondaries and Interviews

    Hey guys! I had a quick question, I applied a week ago and it was my first time. I was planning on heading out of the country for maybe 3 weeks and was wondering if that would be a good idea. I know interviews are kinda soon (or are they?) but could you guys give me some input of what I should...
  29. ayothen

    Should I use different letters of rec?

    I've received all letters of rec for medical school applications for this term BUT I recently got my MCAT score and it wasn't so good (500, GPA 3.02) I'm thinking of applying to some SMPs or similar programs and they need letters of rec as well, BUUUT their applications are due next year...
  30. TruthSpeaker01

    Smug and Condescending

    It really bothers me how some med students or residents are when they address aspiring med students in these forums who have below average GPAs because of whatever reason, but are sincere about turning their fortunes around by being more academically inclined , doing post-baccs and SMP's, doing...
  31. F

    Just took DAT, need some advice on what to do next.

    Hey guys, I just took my DAT today and scored a TS 18 AA 19. I bombed the PAT/QR (13 and 14) and got scored Bio 18 GC 17 OC 21 RC 26 I'm leaning towards taking the DAT again to score way higher on PAT/QR which I admittedly did bad on because I barely looked at it and obviously need to bump...
  32. TheFutureFatMan

    The Ghost Rejection

    I had the privilege to interview at one of the best osteopathic programs in the country this cycle, and last. (for obvious reasons I won’t name the school) The outcome of this process has left me with a lot of considerations regarding the process of applying to medical school. Last cycle I was...
  33. A

    Is against AMCAS policy for MD applicants to use paid consulting services for apps?

    I am wondering if it is against any rules if applicants use a paid consulting service to have people proofread and edit their medical school applications and provide them with advice and whatnot as they apply? It may be a nice way to earn some extra cash and help people with their applications...
  34. A

    Feedback pleaseeee

  35. Spectreman

    32 years old, about to apply.

    I'm working on my applications, and would appreciate some insight on where I stand. My under-grad is truly horrendous in every objective sense. I took about ten years to get my bachelors, went through academic probation and suspension. I have 9 failing grades on my transcripts, multiple W's...
  36. N

    Just decided on medical school...

    Hello! I am a sophomore at UC Irvine. Gpa around 3.8 in psychology major. Luckily I love sciences and have taken chem/bio/physics courses as my electives so I will have med school prerequisites done when I graduate. I just decided to go for medical school. I have always wanted to but was a bad...
  37. F

    DAT in 25 days!!!

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to say that I am F R E A K I N G out over the DAT. I have a 3.8 GPA, over 500+ hours of volunteer work in dental/underserved work, attended an AMAZING dental mission trip, and have great letters of recommendation. The only thing left in the game is the DAT. I...
  38. D

    Best Chances for Out of State Acceptances

    Hi everyone! I'm sure someone has asked this before but I'm having a hard time finding any answers - I'm trying to find information about average out of state acceptance rates / number of out of state students per graduating class for US veterinary colleges but so far, I've been unsuccessful...
  39. G

    Any use in MS of public health before applying to MD?

    I am increasingly interested in studying epidemiology and conducting prevention studies in various communities as a Master's Program before applying to medical school. Is there any true advantage to this aside from having this as something that sets me apart from the general applicant for...
  40. E

    PhD/PsyD Application for Fall 2017

    Hi All, I thought I'd start a forum for the Next application cycle and see what programs people are planning on applying to. I'm interested in Clinical Psychology PhD programs and have a long list of schools I will be applying to. UG GPA- 3.5 UG Research was 3rd Author - 2 yrs of Experience...