Hi all! Would like some quick input on while choosing between these two wonderful programs.
A bit more reputable from what I’ve gathered, original 5 DO and all that
Affiliated residency programs
In the Midwest (I grew up on the East Coast–particularly Florida–and I...
So, "hypothetically" if there were a new DO school opening in a MAJOR Metropolitan city (like, the #1 big city in the US, voted as such by Conde Nast for 8y running) in the coming years, what factors would make it attractive to potential students? Obviously the newness brings questions for...
P/F Pre-clinicals
Major research opportunities within the school
Excellent regional reputation
Established clinical sites and affiliated residencies
Great board scores
East Lansing would be a nice college town vibe.
~75% stay in Michigan or midwest
Schools in consideration:
PCOM South Georgia
PCOM Georgia
Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
Lincoln (Knoxville or Harrogate? Leaning more Knox, bc Harrogate is more rural. But also have heard horror stories about LMU-DCOM?)
MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine...
TouroCOM Middletown
Great match rates and board scores
Great rotation sites
More affiliated hospitals
Short distance to NYC
Apparently they'll change their curriculum so it's more systems-based
Flipped classroom might suit my learning style and help prepare me for boards
I'm trying to decide between 3 schools, waiting to hear back from 2 more. I am deciding between Noordacom, it is closer, I will be closer to family, LECOM, and NYITCOM. I also have some fam in NY. I visited noorda it is a nice school. I liked the people. They have research opportunities. I can...
Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.
Good luck to everyone applying!
Interview feedback:
Hello, I'm currently an M1 at a DO school and I was wondering if any DO students have successfully applied/completed clerkships in South Korea. Thanks in advance! Fwiw, I'm ethnically Korean and have family near Seoul.
Everyone told me they expected me to be a good candidate for at least 10 interviews or so. I only ended up with 3 (1 internal, 1 through a connection). and I am weighing my options for Plan B.
I go to a university program in the South, USDO. Steps 243/237, Level 3 pass. No obvious red flags (at...
Basically, I just got verified through AACOMAS a few days ago. Currently enrolled in a one year SMP (expected 2024). Female NJ resident, non-trad (graduated 2019), technically ORM.
cGPA 3.62 sGPA 3.57
MCAT 495→498 (127/123/124/124) (if I have to retake, it's not happening till next summer).
Hi everyone!
I'm currently a second year at a state school. I have determined that I want to practice psychiatry and was hoping to get some advice as to best build and tailor my resume. I am plan on taking Step and Comlex.
As of now, this is what I have going on:
Middle of the class...
Hi everyone!
I just received my acceptance email today for the SMP Bluefield/VCOM D.O. OMABS (Online Master of Arts in Biomedical Sciences). I've seen a few other discussions for the On-Campus MABS program and just thought I'd create this in case others are looking for some more updated info on...
What the title says. Scored in low 300s. Will need about a 100 point jump in 4 weeks to pass. Is it feasible? Should I apply to the match this cycle?
I'm planning on dual applying Peds/FM. What are the odds I'm able to get into a good Midwestern program?
Hello everyone, MS4 here!
I am applying this cycle for general surgery residency. I am planning to apply broadly, but I thought it would be great to know some places where other DOs have received interview invites from. Would current residents be kind enough to share where you received...
Dear Osteopathic Medical Student(s):
We are second-year medical students at Kansas City University working on an IRB-approved project that aims to gather information about the abortion educational offerings at medical schools. As part of this project, we would like to request your participation...
I have ~100 hours of hospice volunteering and ~110 hours of free clinic volunteering. But I have around 1300 hours as a paid medical assistant at a family practicel. Would this look bad for adcoms since my clinical volunteering is low?
Hi everyone,
I wanted to get advice on a rather particular situation I am in regarding choosing my schools for this cycle. This is my second year applying and I applied to both MD and D.O schools. Although I have not been met with any success for M.D schools, I am grateful to have 2 D.O...
Hey Everyone!
I'm a Canadian student with gpa 3.45 (increasing trend) with 500 hours of tutoring and DO shadowing. Am I competitive for DO medical schools? Which DO medical schools should I apply to? Please if someone could guide me it would be great.
Hello all. I've used SDN for years, but after an unsuccessful app cycle this year, I've decided to finally ask for some assistance. I only applied to a few schools last cycle, but I thought I would just give it a shot since I had AAMC Fee Assistance. In hindsight, I shouldn't have applied last...
Hey SDN,
I'm writing because I received a call from someone in the admissions office at NOORDA on 2/25/2022 and the person I spoke to was a male, had a monotone voice and informed me that they received my application and that it would be moved onto the admissions committee for review. They said...
I really need advice. Please help!
I have been blessed to be accepted to three osteopathic schools: LMU-DCOM, WVSOM, and TUNCOM. I am waiting to hear back from LECOM.
I did my post-bacc at EVMS and was interviewed by them and am on the "mid-tier" of their waitlist right now. EVMS is my top...
I'm going to be starting my first year this fall at a D.O. school and just wanted to get a sense of how to approach my interest in psychiatry. I have been working as a guardian advocate at a local mental health facility where I get to see some of the psychotherapy and clinical aspects of psych...
Grateful to have both so far but need help deciding. I already have a hunch that Rowan is better for me, but would like some advice.
- IS tuition (NJ Resident, ~41K a year)
- Research heavy (especially in neuroscience) which is a must for me, they have a combined DO/PhD program so I know...
Alright so I know any DO school that takes you is a good school and at the end of the day you get to practice medicine but what DO schools do you guys think is well reputable and has a good program, in terms of match rates, scores, etc. just curious as to how you guys would rank the schools
Hey guys,
Need thoughts. I only took COMLEX 1 (~600), no step 1. I really loved child psych, peds, and FM rotations.
-FM: Love that you can build relationships with adults and kids over time. Don't want to do many procedures or manage HTN and DM all day though...Long hours/exhausting? Some...
Hi all,
I'm a 3rd year osteopathic medical student who fell in love with Internal Medicine as a field but did not do so hot on COMLEX 1 and Step 1.
COMLEX 1 = 480
Step 1 = 204
I know these are not solid scores, but I want to do IM and ideally in a bigger city. I have no interest in pursuing...
I’m in a dilemma between picking a clinical rotation site for 3rd/4th year.
I have the option to go to a site that has a bunch of residents (almost all core) including EM residents but it’s really far from any family/friends. I’m 90% sure I want to pursue EM.
second location is about 15...
Hi Everyone! It feels surreal, but first time posting a WAMC thread & school list suggestion as an upcoming applicant for 2021’s application. I want to start by saying that I have been considering applying to DO Programs throughout the university; thank you in advance for all your support...
Hello, I could really use some knowledgeable insight to help me make my decision. I am planning on going the IM route for residency and would like to end up in or as close to DC as possible, as that’s where my partner will be. Not sure how much the school (in my case) impacts that possibility. I...
Hello, I wanted to know how this would impact Pre-DO students like me who plan to mainly go DO schools as non-trad reinventors. I know PE is still there but w/ Step 1 P/F and Step 2 gone how would I make the case of being competitive for say Rads or EM. I know it's way early thinking about this...
Hey guys, I'm extremely interested in applying to psych residencies this fall.
~600 COMLEX 1 and decent amount of psych experience
Do I have a shot given the increasing desirability of psychiatry? - Any advice?
Hello all,
I am currently a MS-2 (DO) who wants to apply to Internal Medicine or Neurology. My academic average is 90+ (while doing step 1/ COMLEX prep) and I should be able to get to a 240+ on Step One. My did a summer research elective that will give me 2 oral presentations; one local, one...
To preface, I’m aware my numbers are on shaky ground, so we can get that out of the way.
However, I think my numbers fall within some parameters for DO admission, especially when combined with my experiences.
I’m in my mid 20s and graduated college four-ish years ago. The 3.3 cGPA was...
I am curious what would be considered the 'top' psychiatry residency programs that have accepted DO students? I know University of Michigan, Cleveland Clinic, and Mayo Clinic have all had DO psych residents, but was curious if y'all knew of other strong programs that have accepted DO students...
Hey all, I posted a poll about a month ago to see where everyone was at. There’s been quite a bit of movement since then so just wanted to do an update.
If you previously participated in the last poll, I’d appreciate if you could participate in this one as well. It’s anonymous.
Just accepted to TOUROCOM linkage program which links to its Osteopath school, as well as Stonybrook Masters of biomedical sciences, and NYCPM. I have several years of research experiences at NYU Winthrop, 3 publications, many hours shadowing doctors, volunteer experiences, and a year scribing...
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