2009-2010 The Commonwealth Medical College Application Thread

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Is everyone getting pumped for tomorrow?!

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So how was revisit day? I couldn't go because I live in CA and I'm still an undergrad taking classes. Can you all who went tell us oos people what we missed? Has anyone gotten their student portal login info yet?
did they say anything about the waitlist movement at the revisit day?
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did they say anything about the waitlist movement at the revisit day?

From what I gathered from the Q&A - people on the waitlist will be notified between May 15th and the first week of August!!! Waitlisted individuals may or may not receive a rejection (the woman was not really clear on this point) - I guess if you don't get pulled off the waitlist by the first week of August you can assume you have been rejected...lol...silent rejection bs.

It's going to be a long summer:laugh:...Good luck!

Edit: waitlist is reviewed periodically and is ranked, but when files are reviewed, and individual ranking, is only known to the admissions committee - you will not be able to find out where on the list you sit
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Is TCMC looking to have a heavily male populated medical school? I think I saw 3 girls at revisit day!
I also was unable to make it to revisit day.....what did they say in terms of fin aid?

Will there be any scholarships or federal aid? Or is it mostly private loans?
I also was unable to make it to revisit day.....what did they say in terms of fin aid?

Will there be any scholarships or federal aid? Or is it mostly private loans?

Glad you asked! The US Dept of Ed site visit team was at TCMC last week and the visit went really well. At the visit they looked at our ability to administer the Title IV program and whether we were set up correctly to offer federal student loans. the visit went really well and based on what they said at the end of the day we are cautiously optimistic that we will be able to offer federal loans to our students next year. (2010/2011 academic year) We should hear in the next 30 days or so. We know this is an issue there is a lot of interest around and will keep everyone informed.
Hey all-- has anyone that interviewed on April 9th (the last day for interviews,I think) heard from admissions yet? Any actual acceptances form that group, or only waitlist and rejection spots?
TCMC did not drug test us, but we needed a background check as well as child abuse clearance check.

However, you are in your regional campuses three weeks during year MS1. During this time you are in area hospitals, which each have their own policies regarding it. I think I had to get drug tested for Wyoming Valley Health Care System at the Wilkes-Barre campus just before Christmas break, but now that everything's more organized it might be earlier.

So now might be as good of a time to quit whatever you're doing to be safe, but you could probably wait too. Your call.
Just to give everyone a heads up, I received my financial aid letter today. So hopefully everyone else will get theirs soon!
Just to give everyone a heads up, I received my financial aid letter today. So hopefully everyone else will get theirs soon!

If you don't mind me asking, were there any scholarships included in the package? They've been kind of noncommittal about whether or not they will have any scholarship money for us, such as what the first year class got. Hopefully I'll get my letter tmrw.
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If you don't mind me asking, were there any scholarships included in the package? They've been kind of noncommittal about whether or not they will have any scholarship money for us, such as what the first year class got. Hopefully I'll get my letter tmrw.

I received a small amount of money from the school, but I wasn't expecting anything, so I was content. Something is most definitely better than nothing.
Withdrew my acceptance today, best of luck to everyone! :)
MBS 2010-11! I am so psyched about TCMC. Anybody else planning on the MBS program? Any thoughts from current MBS students?
I have written a few posts about the MBS program. They recently held their graduation on 5/1/2010. It was very tasteful, and kept to a reasonable time. Thirteen students graduated from this program. It is a very challenging program, and will definitely enhance your science background. I would PM me for some statistics, etc. I will be glad to update you further.
Hey all-- has anyone that interviewed on April 9th (the last day for interviews,I think) heard from admissions yet? Any actual acceptances form that group, or only waitlist and rejection spots?

I interviewed on that date as well. I was fortunate enough to have an acceptance and was impressed by the school overall. I like the idea that the school is new and the entering class will have a strong impact on the school's development. My favorite part of the school was the family program but my biggest concern is financial aid and residency matching. But living in Scranton is cheap, the school has new equipment, and it IS medical school. :)

Tpartymember, try sending updates or a letter of intent if you have not already. I believe there will be a lot of movement on the waitlist after May 15. If you live nearby, handing the letters to the admissions committee can make an impression on the school. Keep your hopes up and keep trying.

Since I still have the floor, I would like to share my interesting traveling experience. The morning of April 8th, I woke up at 5am for a 7am flight from LAX to AVP and there was a breech in security and the entire airport was closed until 10am. This consequently made me late for my transfer flight in Chicago and I was on stand by at the airport for another flight leaving at 10pm :eek:. I arrived at my hotel a little past 1am, but I was just so happy I didnt miss my interview that I didnt care :thumbup:

I woke up early (5am again), had breakfast and headed over to my interview. I had the opportunity to sit in one of the classes and I recognized a student from a newspaper article about the first entering class of TCMC. I introduced myself and the group of classmates nearest to me were extra-ordinarily friendly. I could not help myself to chat with them and in my excitement, I spilled coffee all over my suit, shirt, and tie. I normally dont drink coffee but I was still tired from my flight and needed that extra boost.

I thought it wasnt a huge stain, so I was very cool about the situation, even more so since the students reassured me that the stain was hardly noticeable. But when I had a chance to look at it, I noticed my entire collar was covered in coffee. I knew it wasnt going to effect my interview and I was going to spin it off as a joke, but I was extremely happy when one of the med students went through her purse and took out a tide white out. I was so thankful and after visiting the restroom, I was able to remove the stain COMPLETELY before my interview started.

The interview went well (got a little lucky since he mentioned a random article I happen to have read) and I took a tour around the east coast (lots of family and friends there) and got my acceptance while I was next to my mother, grandmother, and two aunts which was a very nice experience to have.

P.S. The Community surrounding Scranton are truly excited about TCMC and the increase of passionate doctors. They are really looking forward to an improvement in healthcare and they have high hopes for this particular medical school. The school is inspiring and encourages new innovations, but I hope there is enough funding and accreditation to make all the changes they want to provide. I also believe they are not fully accredited until the Class of 2013 have graduated and have passed the standards of the AAMC.

By the way, I noticed there wasn't a fb group for TCMC so I decided to make one-- CLICK HERE
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I'm withdrawing tomorrow. Hope one of you gets the spot!!!!:)
quick question..ive sent a few emails to Kelly Hopa, but haven't received any confirmation in return (im on the waitlist, just wanted to give them a few updates to my application)

is this who i should be sending my updates? should i have gotten a response or do i re-send it?

I just want to make sure a few things get added to my profile in case they decide to look at it again
Did the 1/2 tuition scholarships not come about?
This wait is killing me. Been on the waitlist since Sept. and am dying to hear some good news.
Withdrew my acceptance. Good luck to all those on the waitlist! :luck:
Accepted here to the M.D. program. Revisit day was great... will be joining the facebook group and looking forward to meeting some of you.
Just declined my seat, good luck to all the W/L folks!
Thanks WaitingSucks.

Has anyone heard of any waitlist action?
From what I have read on last year's thread, the waitlist will begin moving pretty soon (the school is new and therefore there is no pattern but we all love to guess these things). It seemed like the list started moving about a week after the 15th. I wish the best to all of you!
From what I have read on last year's thread, the waitlist will begin moving pretty soon (the school is new and therefore there is no pattern but we all love to guess these things). It seemed like the list started moving about a week after the 15th. I wish the best to all of you!

Has anyone been pulled off their waitlist?? o_O
I haven't heard of anything. I think it's pretty strange that there hasn't been any movement so far, when last year there was a lot of movement (~2/3 of the current class coming from the waitlist).
I haven't heard of anything. I think it's pretty strange that there hasn't been any movement so far, when last year there was a lot of movement (~2/3 of the current class coming from the waitlist).

I just called. They said there was minimal waitlist movement thus far, but there would probably continue to be movement for the next month and half.
Any news on the waitlist front?
I know of one MBS student who got in after the 5/15 date, but the rest are waiting to hear. My child is still hoping to get into TCMC. He received a big envelope today from them, was excited, then he opened it and it was the DVD of graduation. Still cool, but an acceptance would have been awesome. Guess we'll have to see what happens....
It's good to see that it's moving. I was fearing at first that they might have been overbooked. It's a bit frustrating not knowing where you on the waitlist. Has anyone had any luck in getting any additional info on how the waitlist works (e.g. in state vs out of state; demographic replacement, how often they meet, etc.)?
Did anyone else get a Certiphi background check request yesterday? I am wondering if it's a good sign. It could also be because I was accepted a while ago to the MBS program, but I also withdrew from the MBS a while ago as well...

Can any other waitlist acceptees confirm if a Certiphi email preceded an acceptance?
i got a background check as well but im also accepted at the mbs program too so no idea..
Did anyone else get a Certiphi background check request yesterday? I am wondering if it's a good sign. It could also be because I was accepted a while ago to the MBS program, but I also withdrew from the MBS a while ago as well...

Can any other waitlist acceptees confirm if a Certiphi email preceded an acceptance?

I actually got accepted this week! (so excited) :-]
I received the acceptance e-mail on Monday, the background check request by e-mail on Tuesday, and the letter in the mail on Wednesday.

I hope that helps, and I'm still holding out my hope for everyone else on the waitlist.
I just read the Dean's Blog on the TCMC website. I recommend reading it. I have been reading it for the past few years when I have time, and the posts are very insightful in terms of starting a medical school. This post has to do with choosing the first and second MD and MBS classes.
anyone hear of recent waitlist movement? Seems like it's been very minimal so far.
If you google "The Commonwealth Medical College" an article posted on standardspeaker.com dated July 6th states that the 2nd classes at TCMC are poised to begin. It states there are 65 MD students, and 46 MBS students; 70% of the MD class are PA residents. If you want to know what a TCMC MBS really gets you, privately message me.
If you google "The Commonwealth Medical College" an article posted on standardspeaker.com dated July 6th states that the 2nd classes at TCMC are poised to begin. It states there are 65 MD students, and 46 MBS students; 70% of the MD class are PA residents. If you want to know what a TCMC MBS really gets you, privately message me.

Maybe I'm looking too much into this, but the Facebook group for TCMC 2014 only has 29 members, which is less than half the class. Now, I realize that some don't have Facebook or just didn't join the group, but I'm thinking that there's a bunch of accepted students who still aren't fully committed to TCMC and holding out hope from other schools. We'll see what happens over the next few weeks though, good luck to my fellow waitlisters.
No...it's not my son, but another MBS student recently was accepted. Good news for the student, who spent a lifetime in the library, and worked really hard to get into TCMC. Congrats to the student. We are still hoping....
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