2015-2016 Albert Einstein College of Medicine Application Thread

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Has anyone heard back from housing or the biochem course since applying to them?
Housing yes.

For the biochem course, I got a "thank you" but not a confirmation of acceptance.

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Can anyone please post the secondaries for this school, I went back to the 2014-2015 thread but couldn't really find it. I found a bunch of yes/no questions with 100 word decsriptions and I am assuming that they are not the secondaries as most of my answers to them would be a No.
Can anyone please post the secondaries for this school, I went back to the 2014-2015 thread but couldn't really find it. I found a bunch of yes/no questions with 100 word decsriptions and I am assuming that they are not the secondaries as most of my answers to them would be a No.
I can't find my secondary right now but that was probably it. It was just some simple questions and then they wanted explanations for a few things, like if you have any gaps in education, and maybe if you have taken online classes.
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I can't find my secondary right now but that was probably it. It was just some simple questions and then they wanted explanations for a few things, like if you have any gaps in education, and maybe if you have taken online classes.
ok that sounds like it, thanks!
Can anyone please post the secondaries for this school, I went back to the 2014-2015 thread but couldn't really find it. I found a bunch of yes/no questions with 100 word decsriptions and I am assuming that they are not the secondaries as most of my answers to them would be a No.
For the most part you will answer "no" to most questions (if I remember correctly there was like 30 of them). The ones that apply to you require either 100 or 200 word answers. It is one of the simplest secondaries you will get.
does anyone know about movement at Einstein off the regular waitlist? if anyone has gotten over the regular waitlist in the past, can you please share any advice/insight?
does anyone know about movement at Einstein off the regular waitlist? if anyone has gotten over the regular waitlist in the past, can you please share any advice/insight?

Taking a look at previous years, Einstein's regular waitlist doesn't generally get much movement. I believe there have only been a handful that have posted about getting off the regular waitlist. However, those who were accepted of the list showed a lot of interest in attending the school (calling, emailing, etc).

Disclaimer: I do not work for Admissions, so the above statements are entirely my own and are simply an observation based on these forums for the past few years.

Hope it helps
Can someone speak on the housing situation. For example 3 students are in a 2 bedroom but from what I remember, everyone had their own room.
Can someone speak on the housing situation. For example 3 students are in a 2 bedroom but from what I remember, everyone had their own room.

So everyone is guaranteed housing. That being said, if you already live in New York or somewhere close by you can choose not to live at Einstein. We have a good number of "commuters" at the school. If you decide to live at Einstein you are randomly assigned to an apartment (however on the housing application they ask if you have any preferences, ie. you don't want to live with someone who smokes, watches TV late at night, and I believe (please don't quote me on this) you can also ask to be paired with someone, maybe someone you know who has been accepted). Everyone gets their own room.

For some reason housing floor plans state that there is a studio, one bedroom, and two bedroom. In reality the one bedroom is a two bedroom and the two bedroom is a three bedroom. They apparently made this change a couple of years by putting up additional walls but didn't update the housing plans. This means that some apartments have a larger living room than others.

Hope it helps
Hi everyone! I am on the regular waitlist and have not yet heard about my "final decision". Is it at all possible that I could get an acceptance this late in the game? I have sent many emails/updates over the past few months.
Hi everyone! I am on the regular waitlist and have not yet heard about my "final decision". Is it at all possible that I could get an acceptance this late in the game? I have sent many emails/updates over the past few months.
It seems very unlikely if you are not on the high priority list. But possible.
Has anyone not heard from housing yet, because I haven't?? I haven't received a housing assignment, nor what move-in days are for students not taking the biochem course. Does any know what the specific move-in days are? I need to let my boss know what my last day will be.
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Has anyone not heard from housing yet, because I haven't?? I haven't received a housing assignment, nor what move-in days are for students not taking the biochem course. Does any know what the specific move-in days are? I need to let my boss know what my last day will be.
I think they are sending housing info to the biochem people first.

The orientation info on the website uses dates from last year, but I would guess that it starts around the 11th so you could plan to stop working a few days before that.
Has anyone not heard from housing yet, because I haven't?? I haven't received a housing assignment, nor what move-in days are for students not taking the biochem course. Does any know what the specific move-in days are? I need to let my boss know what my last day will be.

You should call housing and tell them about your situation. I'm sure they'll help you out. I did a similar thing to find out when to have a mattress delivered.
I saw that the financial aid office had some deadlines that already passed, so if I were accepted off HPWL, would I still be able to receive financial aid and/or loans?
Does anyone know if there are ATMs in the campus buildings? if so, what banks are they affiliated with?
I saw that the financial aid office had some deadlines that already passed, so if I were accepted off HPWL, would I still be able to receive financial aid and/or loans?
Yes, but your fin aid package would almost certainly be much smaller than you would hope. A lot of money has already been allocated by this point in the cycle, so you're receiving from what's left.
I was wondering where I could find contact information for my roommates. I got my housing package with the names of my roommates, but there isn't much info other than that. I couldnt find them on facebook either.
I was wondering where I could find contact information for my roommates. I got my housing package with the names of my roommates, but there isn't much info other than that. I couldnt find them on facebook either.
It says on the sheet that you can call to get your roommates' phone numbers.
Is anybody considering deferring their acceptance from here?
Requests for deferral are not considered after May 1, even if a letter of acceptance is awarded after then (from their website).
Never mind. I just called and "all assignments will be going out next week."
I hear a lot of the time that med school is like high school socially with cliques and such. How's the social scene at Einstein? Interview day seemed amazing in terms of giving off the impression of a true community feel. Maybe because of the living situation on campus? Can any students comment

There are cliques but unlike in high school where people pretty much confine themselves to their group of friends, everyone knows each other fairly well at Einstein so its great

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Any non-biochem people still waiting on your apartment assignment?

I was holding off on buying my plane ticket until I'm 100% sure that August 12 is the move-in day, but I might just buy it soon anyways to keep the flight cost down.
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Any non-biochem people still waiting on your apartment assignment?

I was holding off on buying my plane ticket until I'm 100% sure that August 12 is the move-in day, but I might just buy it soon anyways to keep the flight cost down.
The 12th is move in day, unless you have a reason to think that your date will be different. If you're not taking the biochem course, then I'd recommend buying that ticket.
Any non-biochem people still waiting on your apartment assignment?

I was holding off on buying my plane ticket until I'm 100% sure that August 12 is the move-in day, but I might just buy it soon anyways to keep the flight cost down.
All the assignments have gone out. You should definitely call housing (ask for Keisha). She'll scan and email your packet if you ask nicely!
The 12th is move in day, unless you have a reason to think that your date will be different. If you're not taking the biochem course, then I'd recommend buying that ticket.

All the assignments have gone out. You should definitely call housing (ask for Keisha). She'll scan and email your packet if you ask nicely!

Will do, thanks!
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Just throwing in a question- not sure if its the right forum.
I read a cpl places on sdn that Albert Einstein has begun to show a preferance to non traditional students- is that true?
Is there a screening process here? Do they discriminate if you are retaking classes after applying like retaking chem 1 after taking chem 2, orgo 1 and 2? (Just to improve grade in chem 1)
sorry this is so late but the answer is YESSSS!! I had C's in gen chem, did not retake and was interviewd.