2016-2017 New York University Application Thread

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Got the call at like 7:40ish tonight - accepted! LizzyM ~76, OOS and interviewed in mid November

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I get that they want to make this special and exciting but jeez at what expense? This really sucks. I've been accepted to other schools both via phone call and via email and I swear I'd be equally honored and excited if an adcom member called me after I got the acceptance email rather than before. Hopefully they learn from this since it seems like this is the first year they're trying this out...also I know other schools do this too so obviously there is a method to this madness but I can't rationalize it from my perspective..idk I'll stop ranting but here's to another 24 hours of agony and self doubt!

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I get that they want to make this special and exciting but jeez at what expense? This really sucks. I've been accepted to other schools both via phone call and via email and I swear I'd be equally honored and excited if an adcom member called me after I got the acceptance email rather than before. Hopefully they learn from this since it seems like this is the first year they're trying this out...also I know other schools do this too so obviously there is a method to this madness but I can't rationalize it from my perspective..idk I'll stop ranting but here's to another 24 hours of agony and self doubt!

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It's legitimate torture. Especially as someone who has a lot of anxiety over little things, this is unbearable lol.

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I've accepted that I'm going to get waitlisted as it makes the wait much easier!
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I agree with previous posts tho, clearly decisions have been made, why not release all the decisions on Tuesday?
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It's legitimate torture. Especially as someone who has a lot of anxiety over little things, this is unbearable lol.

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Seriously. Premeds are some of the biggest worriers given the competitive nature of admissions, you'd think they wouldn't make it worse than it has to be haha.

We friends it's been real. I'm calling waitlist for me now. Hope I'm at least not rejected. That would make me feel like a social leper
Honestly people, just wait. If the Dean says that accepted applicants will be notified by Friday, he means the plan is by Friday. Doctors have lives and they can't just make ~5 minute phone calls whenever they feel like to every admitted applicant they're assigned to, let alone those that are more difficult to reach. If you look at other schools, like Rutgers RWJ, it's common for these calls to be stretched out over a couple of days which is annoying but is the reality.

I don't know if this anecdotal evidence is encouraging, but I know of 5 other people who are "highly qualified" for NYU / have gotten into "better" schools who haven't heard from NYU yet and I would be literally FLOORED if not a single one of them got in, which as of the first day-ish of phone calls has been the case.
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Honestly people, just wait. If the Dean says that accepted applicants will be notified by Friday, he means the plan is by Friday. Doctors have lives and they can't just make ~5 minute phone calls whenever they feel like to every admitted applicant they're assigned to, let alone those that are more difficult to reach. If you look at other schools, like Rutgers RWJ, it's common for these calls to be stretched out over a couple of days which is annoying but is the reality.

I don't know if this anecdotal evidence is encouraging, but I know of 5 other people who are "highly qualified" for NYU / have gotten into "better" schools who haven't heard from NYU yet and I would be literally FLOORED if not a single one of them got in, which as of the first day-ish of phone calls has been the case.
That's true
Considering they accept hundreds of students, I wonder if they'd even call all of them

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I hope this is all us today. Good luck fam.
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"Look to my coming, at first light on the third day. At dawn, look to the east"

-Gandalf with the NYU faculty
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they said that they are calling all the accepted ones. But one way or there, we will find out on Friday.
Got the call last night at around 8pm!
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So if faculty were just given lists of people to call, it is very possible they gave out all the calls already right? they dont HAVE to make calls today unless they haven't completed their lists
Hey guys, sorry if this has been settled before, but I have a question.
I still don't get this 40% post-interview acceptance rate I keep hearing about from US census. NYU gives out 1000 interview spots, for 125-135 seats (13%).
Could anyone provide a link supporting the 40% ?
Hey guys, sorry if this has been settled before, but I have a question.
I still don't get this 40% post-interview acceptance rate I keep hearing about from US census. NYU gives out 1000 interview spots, for 125-135 seats (13%).
Could anyone provide a link supporting the 40% ?

There are more acceptances than seats

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Hey guys, sorry if this has been settled before, but I have a question.
I still don't get this 40% post-interview acceptance rate I keep hearing about from US census. NYU gives out 1000 interview spots, for 125-135 seats (13%).
Could anyone provide a link supporting the 40% ?

Almost all (maybe all tbh) accept more students than the # of seats they have. Some students might choose to go elsewhere, so they want to make sure they give out enough acceptances to fill the seats they have. They can use past years data to get a rough idea of how many they should accept, how many will decline the offer, etc

So NYU might eventually give out ~400 acceptances (including the waitlist movement).
Hey guys, sorry if this has been settled before, but I have a question.
I still don't get this 40% post-interview acceptance rate I keep hearing about from US census. NYU gives out 1000 interview spots, for 125-135 seats (13%).
Could anyone provide a link supporting the 40% ?

pre US news rankings, they interview about 1092 and accept about 428
Hey guys, sorry if this has been settled before, but I have a question.
I still don't get this 40% post-interview acceptance rate I keep hearing about from US census. NYU gives out 1000 interview spots, for 125-135 seats (13%).
Could anyone provide a link supporting the 40% ?

It's on US news. Paywalled info so unless you are a subscriber you can't see it. Also keep in mind that not everyone they accept matriculates.

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Hey guys, sorry if this has been settled before, but I have a question.
I still don't get this 40% post-interview acceptance rate I keep hearing about from US census. NYU gives out 1000 interview spots, for 125-135 seats (13%).
Could anyone provide a link supporting the 40% ?

So they tend to accept between 300-400 just because of the crossover between other schools. They expect probably around a 1/3 matriculation rate (similar schools accept around 2.5-3x their class size), so maybe not 40%, but i would argue they accept around 350 out of 1000.
Still I feel as though accepting 400 people for 125 spots at a top tier school is kind of high.

NYUs ranking has been rising at a dramatic pace. But it certainly does not have the same reputation as the big shots like harvard, hopkins, stanford, etc. And you have to remember that the kids that get accepted at NYU are typically also the ones that get accepted at multiple top tier schools. In other words, if a student has an acceptance from Columbia or NYU, they are most likely going to choose columbia
So if faculty were just given lists of people to call, it is very possible they gave out all the calls already right? they dont HAVE to make calls today unless they haven't completed their lists
shh don't say that
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It is odd that no one has posted a call today though...
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So, I do MRI scans at my job, and I am so worried that I'm going to walk up to the magnet with my phone in my pocket (because it and I are of one everlasting union this week) and I'm going to fry it. And then they are going to call. And then I will spontaneously combust. #pre-medprobs
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So, I do MRI scans at my job, and I am so worried that I'm going to walk up to the magnet with my phone in my pocket (because it and I are of one everlasting union this week) and I'm going to fry it. And then they are going to call. And then I will spontaneously combust. #pre-medprobs

Don't accidentally kill someone at the magnet with a projectile phone :nailbiting:
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At least in this scenario you get the call! In all my imaginary scenarios, I'm outright rejected

So, I do MRI scans at my job, and I am so worried that I'm going to walk up to the magnet with my phone in my pocket (because it and I are of one everlasting union this week) and I'm going to fry it. And then they are going to call. And then I will spontaneously combust. #pre-medprobs
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