2023-2024 New York Medical College

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Oh. Yeah I got excited when you said that just now because I assumed that meant WL movement is on the horizon. Oh well. Strange that they only sent it to some people….
honestly in shock there still hasn’t been any movement. is there a chance they still do it today

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honestly in shock there still hasn’t been any movement. is there a chance they still do it today
I saw a really good explanation on it.

“Because every school is interconnected. Your school may not have pushed back their PTE deadline, but let’s say there’s a more desirable program in your state that has pushed theirs back. Since applicants haven’t dropped that acceptance, people at the program you want can’t drop their acceptance to go to that school. Therefore, your stuck until the majority of schools enforce PTE deadlines, which is looking like the second half of May.”

So for example, if Hofstra or Stony Brook (who both haven’t had WL movement as well) pushed off the PTE, people can still hold on to NYMC. If I were to bet, id guess that movement starts next week because I saw people on I think both threads of the aforementioned schools say that admissions told them movement should start for them next week.
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From Einstein thread:

“Not applying this year, but from a recent info session with Dean Kerrigan - likely WL movement later this week.”

So it seems that people from Einstein, Stony Brook, and I think Hofstra think that later this week is WL movement. Let’s hope NYMC follows suit.
I didn't get a response back when I confirmed I wanted to remain on the waitlist after receiving the original waitlist decision email. I just wanted to check if that is the case for others as well before sending them a follow up email.
I didn't get a response back when I confirmed I wanted to remain on the waitlist after receiving the original waitlist decision email. I just wanted to check if that is the case for others as well before sending them a follow up email.
I didn’t either and I am confirmed to be on the WL. They do not send a response to that as far as I know.
the number of people in the FB group really tells nothing...
kind of topic but would you be able to link me to the admitted students FB group? I am unable to find it anywhere and I wasn’t emailed it upon acceptance Thanks!!
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Also, if they only “highly recommend” using the PTE and CTE tool, then can’t people technically accept offers from multiple schools? If a person is unsure where they want to go yet, what’s stopping them from accepting and holding onto multiple offers?
Also, if they only “highly recommend” using the PTE and CTE tool, then can’t people technically accept offers from multiple schools? If a person is unsure where they want to go yet, what’s stopping them from accepting and holding onto multiple offers?
Deposit fee is $100. They have a CTE deadline, but its 21 days prior to the matriculation date. But yeah its just highly recommended, not sure why.
Hi all! Is there an admitted students facebook / GroupMe chat? I just got off the waitlist and have a couple of questions 🙂
quick question for those who got scholarships - do I have to CTE on AMCAS or do i just have to put down the $100 deposit?
Curious, did y’all who got off the WL get that email about confirming that you wanted to remain on the WL that Lovely2025 reported?
Anyone here know if scholarship offers apply if you enroll in a dual degree program? Tried calling their financial aid office but it's closed today
So do they reevaluate candidates each time they want to pull off WL? Considering sending a LOI here
If I were to guess based on absolutely nothing, I’d assume that they re-reviewed everyone’s apps going into May, and now have an internal ranking or grouping that they use because it can’t be that they go through EVERYONE’S apps over and over again.

What’s weird is that last year by this time they’ve had like 3-4 WL drops reported on SDN. There is a housing Facebook group that keeps fluctuating slightly, but there has been no reported movement on here so I’m inclined to believe that the people joining are people who were accepted before and just didn’t join the group yet (because it makes me feel better😂).

They are receptive to LOIs so may as well shoot your shot.
Nope. Does anyone want to call admissions and maybe see where they are at?
I called this morning with a few questions
- they’re receptive to LOI’s
- waitlist movement occurring. said applicants are continuously evaluated. was given no timeline on when “batches” will be moved
- movement can be now til day before classes (as with any school tbh)

Kinda the response i was expecting. I also called to make sure the changes to my application in my update letter were received by admissions which is the main reason i called. Just a waiting game from here tbh. Check sdn to see if someone else moved. Check you email to see if you moved. Seems like how it’s gonna be

Edit: the only other question you might wanna ask is how much more movement they expect, but i really doubt they’ll give you a clear answer regarding that imo
I called this morning with a few questions
- they’re receptive to LOI’s
- waitlist movement occurring. said applicants are continuously evaluated. was given no timeline on when “batches” will be moved
- movement can be now til day before classes (as with any school tbh)

Kinda the response i was expecting. I also called to make sure the changes to my application in my update letter were received by admissions which is the main reason i called. Just a waiting game from here tbh. Check sdn to see if someone else moved. Check you email to see if you moved. Seems like how it’s gonna be

Edit: the only other question you might wanna ask is how much more movement they expect, but i really doubt they’ll give you a clear answer regarding that imo
Thanks for the info! So basically same answers as when I called except WL movement has started. Did they mention if the class was full or not?

And I wonder if by “WL movement occurring” they mean it is still happening now, or if they are referring to that one wave we had 2 weeks ago.
Thanks for the info! So basically same answers as when I called except WL movement has started. Did they mention if the class was full or not?

And I wonder if by “WL movement occurring” they mean it is still happening now, or if they are referring to that one wave we had 2 weeks ago.
I can’t really say based on my brief convo. I interpreted just as they’re going through the process, so that could mean sending out A’s, reviewing apps, having meetings, or anything.

They did not say if the class was full, but again, movement happening implies it isn’t