2016-2017 Virginia Commonwealth University Application Thread

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did anyone anyone leave the lapses question blank? I do not have any gaps in my undergraduate education but I have a some weak grades my freshmen and sophomore year that I could talk about?

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did anyone anyone leave the lapses question blank? I do not have any gaps in my undergraduate education but I have a some weak grades my freshmen and sophomore year that I could talk about?
I left it blank. I didn't take a gap year and dont have any weak grades, so I really had nothing to put :shrug:
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did anyone anyone leave the lapses question blank? I do not have any gaps in my undergraduate education but I have a some weak grades my freshmen and sophomore year that I could talk about?
I left it blank. I just thought this was to talk about time taken off from school, like a semester or something.
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I left it blank. I didn't take a gap year and dont have any weak grades, so I really had nothing to put :shrug:
did anyone anyone leave the lapses question blank? I do not have any gaps in my undergraduate education but I have a some weak grades my freshmen and sophomore year that I could talk about?
I left it blank and I don't think it meant gap year either. It was gaps during undergraduate education.
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I agree with all of you. I am going to leave it blank as well. Thank you for the reassurance!!!
Submitted! My last secondary! Well, unless Vandy or UCSF make a terrible mistake.

Now....we wait....
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For anyone needing help on the secondary, I've listed some good talking points :

  • Wakefield's study shows significant relationship between MMR vaccination and the development of autism spectrum disorders in children ("We identified associated gastrointestinal disease and developmental regression in a group of previously normal children, which was generally associated in time with possible environmental triggers." - Wakefield, AJ FRC. "Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children". 1998.)
  • Experts suggest current vaccination schedule is overly saturated and should be cut down
  • Polio prevelancy is down nationwide 99% since 1988. Why are we even vaccinating for a disease that doesn't exist anymore?
  • HPV vaccines lead to increased sexual activity among teenagers and should only be given if the parents support pre-marital sex/expect a promiscuous teenager.
  • In general, science has been shown to be ineffective in producing vaccines (eg. lack of HIV/AIDS, cancer "cure" vaccines, etc.)
For your tone, I'd suggest you be stern, border-line condescending towards the mother. After all, you did just get into medical school and she's bothering you during your previous pre-medical school free time.

Good luck everyone! Excited to start med school with all of you in the fall.
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I don't think I'll finish this secondary within the magical 'two week' turnaround period (and not due to laziness either haha) Will that be a huge red flag if I turn it in maybe 16 days after I got the secondary versus 14?
For anyone needing help on the secondary, I've listed some good talking points :

  • Wakefield's study shows significant relationship between MMR vaccination and the development of autism spectrum disorders in children ("We identified associated gastrointestinal disease and developmental regression in a group of previously normal children, which was generally associated in time with possible environmental triggers." - Wakefield, AJ FRC. "Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children". 1998.)
  • Experts suggest current vaccination schedule is overly saturated and should be cut down
  • Polio prevelancy is down nationwide 99% since 1988. Why are we even vaccinating for a disease that doesn't exist anymore?
  • HPV vaccines lead to increased sexual activity among teenagers and should only be given if the parents support pre-marital sex/expect a promiscuous teenager.
  • In general, science has been shown to be ineffective in producing vaccines (eg. lack of HIV/AIDS, cancer "cure" vaccines, etc.)
For your tone, I'd suggest you be stern, border-line condescending towards the mother. After all, you did just get into medical school and she's bothering you during your previous pre-medical school free time.

Good luck everyone! Excited to start med school with all of you in the fall.
wow... lmao
Yeah this is really not a hard secondary - don't overthink it! Just show that you would be kind and also know what you are talking about.
For anyone needing help on the secondary, I've listed some good talking points :

  • Wakefield's study shows significant relationship between MMR vaccination and the development of autism spectrum disorders in children ("We identified associated gastrointestinal disease and developmental regression in a group of previously normal children, which was generally associated in time with possible environmental triggers." - Wakefield, AJ FRC. "Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children". 1998.)
  • Experts suggest current vaccination schedule is overly saturated and should be cut down
  • Polio prevelancy is down nationwide 99% since 1988. Why are we even vaccinating for a disease that doesn't exist anymore?
  • HPV vaccines lead to increased sexual activity among teenagers and should only be given if the parents support pre-marital sex/expect a promiscuous teenager.
  • In general, science has been shown to be ineffective in producing vaccines (eg. lack of HIV/AIDS, cancer "cure" vaccines, etc.)
For your tone, I'd suggest you be stern, border-line condescending towards the mother. After all, you did just get into medical school and she's bothering you during your previous pre-medical school free time.

Good luck everyone! Excited to start med school with all of you in the fall.
hahaah! Everyone this person was obviously being sarcastic...
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For anyone needing help on the secondary, I've listed some good talking points :

  • Wakefield's study shows significant relationship between MMR vaccination and the development of autism spectrum disorders in children ("We identified associated gastrointestinal disease and developmental regression in a group of previously normal children, which was generally associated in time with possible environmental triggers." - Wakefield, AJ FRC. "Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children". 1998.)
  • Experts suggest current vaccination schedule is overly saturated and should be cut down
  • Polio prevelancy is down nationwide 99% since 1988. Why are we even vaccinating for a disease that doesn't exist anymore?
  • HPV vaccines lead to increased sexual activity among teenagers and should only be given if the parents support pre-marital sex/expect a promiscuous teenager.
  • In general, science has been shown to be ineffective in producing vaccines (eg. lack of HIV/AIDS, cancer "cure" vaccines, etc.)
For your tone, I'd suggest you be stern, border-line condescending towards the mother. After all, you did just get into medical school and she's bothering you during your previous pre-medical school free time.

Good luck everyone! Excited to start med school with all of you in the fall.
This made me laugh
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Not at all, but to be completely honest this was one of the most simple secondaries I received so you should try to submit it within the next few days. Your response to the prompt should just be genuine, conversational and informed - no need to cite sources or get technical (you are at a neighborhood social gathering, not a conference)

Ohhh what. I had sources to cite and that was the only thing holding me up because i didnt want to use old data or something. Lol i can churn it out fast if i dont need to cite 4 sources or something. Lol awk
Submitted! My last secondary! Well, unless Vandy or UCSF make a terrible mistake.

Now....we wait....

Congrats on finishing all your secondaries, I also just finished all of mine today! :)
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Has anyone received a status update apart from under review by the sub-committee?
I completed my secondary and assigned my letters last night, but I cannot find any application status section to check the status of my application and LORs. When is the status going to appear?
I completed my secondary and assigned my letters last night, but I cannot find any application status section to check the status of my application and LORs. When is the status going to appear?

It takes a few days for your secondary to be marked as complete on the portal.
Congrats! Would you mind sharing stats and completion dates??

Yea - completed 7/26 (which is insane turnaround but they said it's because FMSTAT apps are looked at by a subgroup of fam docs)

Stats~ 67-69 LizzyM but strong interest in family med (obviously) haha
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Yea - completed 7/26 (which is insane turnaround but they said it's because FMSTAT apps are looked at by a subgroup of fam docs)

Stats~ 67-69 LizzyM but strong interest in family med (obviously) haha

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W O W. I am impressed with that turnaround! I have similar stats to you and I had some interest in fmSTAT. Now I am wondering if I should have applied to it.
W O W. I am impressed with that turnaround! I have similar stats to you and I had some interest in fmSTAT. Now I am wondering if I should have applied to it.

Yea I had no idea. Anyway, good luck with your app no matter what!
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Just making sure I didn't do anything wrong.

I do not have a hold for mcat or for grades correct? Those paragraphs are just saying reasons for an applicant to be placed on hold, but not for me right?

So basically, my file is complete and is NOT on hold of any sort.
Just making sure I didn't do anything wrong.

I do not have a hold for mcat or for grades correct? Those paragraphs are just saying reasons for an applicant to be placed on hold, but not for me right?

So basically, my file is complete and is NOT on hold of any sort.

Yep, you're all good.. You'll get another email in a few days saying you're under review
Has anyone received a status update apart from under review by the sub-committee?
Did you mean the complete and will be reviewed? Or is there a status specifically for under review? Do you mind sharing when you were complete? Just to get an idea of how long it took to go under review :) thanks
Did you mean the complete and will be reviewed? Or is there a status specifically for under review? Do you mind sharing when you were complete? Just to get an idea of how long it took to go under review :) thanks

Sorry! I meant the "complete and will be reviewed" status. Last year, VCU used a number of status updates once reviewed. Just curious if anyone had received one of those yet.

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I turned in my secondary recently. How do we check our status? And how long does it take for VCU to mark us as complete? I didn't receive any email from them after I sent my secondary application.
I turned in my secondary recently. How do we check our status? And how long does it take for VCU to mark us as complete? I didn't receive any email from them after I sent my secondary application.

VCU will send you a complete email. Some people waited like 4 days or something to receive it but i got it in like 2 days!
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Sorry! I meant the "complete and will be reviewed" status. Last year, VCU used a number of status updates once reviewed. Just curious if anyone had received one of those yet.

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Hey, yeah, I have the following message on my portal:
The Committee's file review indicates that they are very interested in your candidacy. We are trying to interview all candidates at your priority score interviewed as soon as possible if we have an adequate number of interview slots. Please anticipate an e-mail from us regarding a possible interview date.

Lol at the overuse of "interview" in second sentence though.

I think I was complete around 7/18?

I did not get an email about this change though. I just randomly went on to their portal earlier this week and found that message on the home page.
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Hey, yeah, I have the following message on my portal:
The Committee's file review indicates that they are very interested in your candidacy. We are trying to interview all candidates at your priority score interviewed as soon as possible if we have an adequate number of interview slots. Please anticipate an e-mail from us regarding a possible interview date.

Lol at the overuse of "interview" in second sentence though.

I think I was complete around 7/18?

I did not get an email about this change though. I just randomly went on to their portal earlier this week and found that message on the home page.
Wow! Well, essentially congrats to you! Would you mind sharing stats?
I turned my app in Jun, and I still haven't heard back about completion or anything. Should I be worried? My portal isn't updated to show items that I know were completed so I am worried maybe that might be a misunderstanding.
Wow! Well, essentially congrats to you! Would you mind sharing stats?

Thank you! Hopefully, I'll get the email about the interview date soon.

Stats - 3.7/35. I'm a reapplicant from the 2015 cycle. Same stats, but more meaningful ECs and (I hope) better LoRs.
Thank you! Hopefully, I'll get the email about the interview date soon.

Stats - 3.7/35. I'm a reapplicant from the 2015 cycle. Same stats, but more meaningful ECs and (I hope) better LoRs.
Well hopefully you snag this interview and kill it! A person with your stats deserves to be accepted to a medical school, so hopefully you will be!
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what are the requirements for LOR? I know MSAR says 3-5 letters so does that mean the usual 2 science and 1 non science + 2 others if you want?
Random but does anybody know if you can go on like a self-led tour of this school?

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Just received this update today.
Your File Review is now complete. If you are granted an interview, you will receive a status update on your applicant portal. Please do not call the Admissions Office requesting special dates.
How different is it from the one below.

The Committee's file review indicates that they are very interested in your candidacy. We are trying to interview all candidates at your priority score interviewed as soon as possible if we have an adequate number of interview slots. Please anticipate an e-mail from us regarding a possible interview date.

If any one could shed some light on the difference between the two, I know VCU uses a lot of different updates.
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has anyone been rejected from vcu pre-secondary? i was really excited when i got one, but now i'm thinking htey're sending them to everyone. kind of a bummer
Just received this update today.
Your File Review is now complete. If you are granted an interview, you will receive a status update on your applicant portal. Please do not call the Admissions Office requesting special dates.
How different is it from the one below.

The Committee's file review indicates that they are very interested in your candidacy. We are trying to interview all candidates at your priority score interviewed as soon as possible if we have an adequate number of interview slots. Please anticipate an e-mail from us regarding a possible interview date.

If any one could shed some light on the difference between the two, I know VCU uses a lot of different updates.

When were you complete?
Just received this update today.
Your File Review is now complete. If you are granted an interview, you will receive a status update on your applicant portal. Please do not call the Admissions Office requesting special dates.
How different is it from the one below.

The Committee's file review indicates that they are very interested in your candidacy. We are trying to interview all candidates at your priority score interviewed as soon as possible if we have an adequate number of interview slots. Please anticipate an e-mail from us regarding a possible interview date.

If any one could shed some light on the difference between the two, I know VCU uses a lot of different updates.
Hmm, well it seems that you are still in consideration rather than essentially getting an interview for sure. I am glad that they are somewhat transparent! Good luck!
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Just received this update today.
Your File Review is now complete. If you are granted an interview, you will receive a status update on your applicant portal. Please do not call the Admissions Office requesting special dates.
How different is it from the one below.

The Committee's file review indicates that they are very interested in your candidacy. We are trying to interview all candidates at your priority score interviewed as soon as possible if we have an adequate number of interview slots. Please anticipate an e-mail from us regarding a possible interview date.

If any one could shed some light on the difference between the two, I know VCU uses a lot of different updates.
Weird. I don't recall that status being part of last year's review process.
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Just received this update today.
Your File Review is now complete. If you are granted an interview, you will receive a status update on your applicant portal. Please do not call the Admissions Office requesting special dates.
How different is it from the one below.

The Committee's file review indicates that they are very interested in your candidacy. We are trying to interview all candidates at your priority score interviewed as soon as possible if we have an adequate number of interview slots. Please anticipate an e-mail from us regarding a possible interview date.

If any one could shed some light on the difference between the two, I know VCU uses a lot of different updates.
Maybe not as promising as the other update, but it seems they are still interested! Did you receive an email for this update or just see it in the portal?
Just received this update today.
Your File Review is now complete. If you are granted an interview, you will receive a status update on your applicant portal. Please do not call the Admissions Office requesting special dates.
How different is it from the one below.

The Committee's file review indicates that they are very interested in your candidacy. We are trying to interview all candidates at your priority score interviewed as soon as possible if we have an adequate number of interview slots. Please anticipate an e-mail from us regarding a possible interview date.

If any one could shed some light on the difference between the two, I know VCU uses a lot of different updates.
The first sounds like a HOLD and the second is a interview invite. When did your status change/when were you complete?
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My status has said that my file is now complete and will be reviewed for about two weeks now. A reason to be worried or maybe they just haven't gotten to mine yet?
My status has said that my file is now complete and will be reviewed for about two weeks now. A reason to be worried or maybe they just haven't gotten to mine yet?
Same as mine. Mine has been complete since 7/16.