2018-2019 University of Cincinnati

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Got my II Dec 12, it's scheduled fo the 8th, the last possible date and my only II so far lol. 71 LM IS for reference. Anyone else go to the mixer the night before/planning on going?

edit: Anyone get placed on the tier 1 WL yet? I figure they've got a few spots open left at this point in the cycle but not very many 🙁
My understanding is there is no tier 1, and hasn't been for a few years. Not sure how true that is.
For Interview Day, is there the MMI portion and then a one-on-one interview with Dr. Mallory Mingle?

No it's just an MMI (at least on my day that's all it was). Dr. Mallory Mingle just personally reads all the interviewees files (if I recall correctly).
Has any accepted student had a merit based scholarship offered to them?
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I emailed the admissions office and they said January 8th is the last interview date for MD applicants.
Yeah, just verified this unfortunately. They told me that everyone would receive a final decision soon. They also posted on their Instagram that they were done.
Has any accepted student had a merit based scholarship offered to them?

Yes, I was offered a merit scholarship a month after I was accepted at $10K/per year.

Does anyone know how much the diversity scholarship is here?

I was also recently offered a diversity scholarship for $10K/per year. The offer letter says this is the highest amount. However, Dr. Mallory said that the scholarship could increase depending on "how much money goes back into the pot" (i.e. after people decline acceptances.)
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Yes, I was offered a merit scholarship a month after I was accepted at $10K/per year.

I was also recently offered a diversity scholarship for $10K/per year. The offer letter says this is the highest amount. However, Dr. Mallory said that the scholarship could increase depending "how much money goes back into the pot" (i.e. after people decline acceptances.)
Is this after completing FAFSA?
Is this after completing FAFSA?

I completed my FAFSA back in early November. However, I don't think either of these scholarships requires a FAFSA/financial aid application.

Interesting, what did you all do to initiate the scholarship?

I'm pretty sure you are automatically considered for merit scholarships. Moreover, the "diversity" scholarship is just a merit scholarship through the Office of Diversity & Inclusion.
Not sure if anyone knows, but if we send an update letter during the ~2 week period when the committee is still reviewing materials post-interview, will they see it? I know they receive our materials a few days after the interview to begin in-depth review, but I wonder if they see updates after that point.
Not sure if anyone knows, but if we send an update letter during the ~2 week period when the committee is still reviewing materials post-interview, will they see it? I know they receive our materials a few days after the interview to begin in-depth review, but I wonder if they see updates after that point.

On my interview day, they told us to send in any updates before the following Tuesday since that was when our files would be sent to committee for review, which made it seem like if we wanted to have the update considered then we had to send it before committee review. Though I think sending an update certainly couldn't hurt if they haven't made a final decison yet and it might still be added to your file.
On my interview day, they told us to send in any updates before the following Tuesday since that was when our files would be sent to committee for review, which made it seem like if we wanted to have the update considered then we had to send it before committee review. Though I think sending an update certainly couldn't hurt if they haven't made a final decison yet and it might still be added to your file.
Thank you for the info! It's good to know they send materials out to committee a week after the interview. And I think you're right, it couldn't hurt.
Anyone know when the decisions come out for the 12/19 crew? I was expecting this week but that haven't posted on their social media about it and usually do a little before it seems. We were told to expect 5 weeks (4 weeks + an extra because of holidays) and this is 5 weeks out. Also, good luck to everyone else still waiting to hear!
Anyone know when the decisions come out for the 12/19 crew? I was expecting this week but that haven't posted on their social media about it and usually do a little before it seems. We were told to expect 5 weeks (4 weeks + an extra because of holidays) and this is 5 weeks out. Also, good luck to everyone else still waiting to hear!
I'm expecting we'll hear back this week. Maybe tomorrow or wednesday?
Seems like all the rejections have been pre-II so I guess us mid December people still have a chance
sorry above guys^.
Anyone waiting from 12/19 want to take one for the team and call them to ask when the next decisions will go out? kidding but not really...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they said during our interview day that they would be meeting today and sending out decisions by tomorrow at the latest! BUT would love to know an updated timeline
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they said during our interview day that they would be meeting today and sending out decisions by tomorrow at the latest! BUT would love to know an updated timeline
No they meet the Monday after you interview so the decision has already been made. For what it's worth, a friend of mine called them and they were able to give him a hint of decision.
For those of you who received a response today (pre-II rejections), did you have to access the Portal? Or was the decision directly stated in their email?

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For those of you who received a response today (pre-II rejections), did you have to access the Portal? Or was the decision directly stated in their email?

I got an email saying to check the portal for a decision.