2021-2022 Baylor

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GroupMe Here's a link for a groupme for those accepted/planning to go to Baylor. Can't wait to get to know y'all!

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Yeah I wouldn’t expect the next wave until the week before Christmas based on prior years. I know anyone would love to be surprised by an earlier call, but it’s easier just to tell yourself they aren’t calling anyone til then
I didn't know they did waves. Based on prior years, is there another wave after Christmas? or how many more waves are there?
Did anyone else not send thank you emails to their interviewers. I didn’t know if it was appropriate since their emails weren’t made readily available and I didn’t want to seem weird for having to dig to find their emails.
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They have not admitted a lot of the strong candidates yet.

Wouldnt be surprising to see Baylor requiring students to choose between Baylor and UTSW during match.
They have not admitted a lot of the strong candidates yet.

Wouldnt be surprising to see Baylor requiring students to choose between Baylor and UTSW during match.
What's the reasoning behind a school like Baylor being match-heavy, as opposed to UTSW/UTMB being pre-match heavy? I was never really able to wrap my head around why schools wouldn't prematch approximately the same # of students as IS seats in their class, because there doesn't seem to be any harm in doing so (w/ regards to overfilling the class).
They have not admitted a lot of the strong candidates yet.

Wouldnt be surprising to see Baylor requiring students to choose between Baylor and UTSW during match.
Regardless of if you prematch with both, you'd have to rank one #1 or #2
What's the reasoning behind a school like Baylor being match-heavy, as opposed to UTSW/UTMB being pre-match heavy? I was never really able to wrap my head around why schools wouldn't prematch approximately the same # of students as IS seats in their class, because there doesn't seem to be any harm in doing so (w/ regards to overfilling the class).
Those of you who aren’t Texans might not know, but Baylor has not been in TMDSAS until this year and so for them, there is no track record of being “prematch heavy” or not.
Why should they hand out a lot of offers early when they can wait to assess their entire pool of candidates?
What's the reasoning behind a school like Baylor being match-heavy, as opposed to UTSW/UTMB being pre-match heavy? I was never really able to wrap my head around why schools wouldn't prematch approximately the same # of students as IS seats in their class, because there doesn't seem to be any harm in doing so (w/ regards to overfilling the class).
They have followed the process of interviewing and admitting the strongest candidates early but they didnt now for the first tmdsas year. So we have to see their new process.
any point in sending a letter of intent post-ii? i remember the dean saying they don't need anything else from us at this point, but i'd absolutely die to go here. lol
any point in sending a letter of intent post-ii? i remember the dean saying they don't need anything else from us at this point, but i'd absolutely die to go here. lol
I emailed a letter of intent to the deans after the first wave, since I didn't get a call. I'm hoping that will help me when the second wave comes. Also one of the deans replied to my email this morning, so I was really excited
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Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted!! I was wondering if you all are IS getting pre-match offers?
Does BCM prematch till end of January?
There will likely be another round; I interviewed in December and I am pretty sure they said how there would be a wave of A's (which ended up being today) before an additional wave in which us December interviewees could be considered for admission.
With another round of A's in, does anyone else think that Baylor is opting to be match heavy or at least waiting until they interview all candidates by January as wysdoc mentioned to figure out who to accept? Do they interview until late or mid-january (since prematch deadline is the 29th)? It seems like there will be one more wave before that deadline (suggested by @elusive_pepperjack and @Kracin I think), and then you have the Match (Feb. 18- March 5).

Granted, not everyone accepted is on SDN and not everyone accepted would post about it. The class size is usually 184, so with only 6-7 A's reported here, would it make sense that they are doing the opposite of UTSW by being match heavy? Or is it too early to tell?
With another round of A's in, does anyone else think that Baylor is opting to be match heavy or at least waiting until they interview all candidates by January as wysdoc mentioned to figure out who to accept? Do they interview until late or mid-january (since prematch deadline is the 29th)? It seems like there will be one more wave before that deadline (suggested by @elusive_pepperjack and @Kracin I think), and then you have the Match (Feb. 18- March 5).

Granted, not everyone accepted is on SDN and not everyone accepted would post about it. The class size is usually 184, so with only 6-7 A's reported here, would it make sense that they are doing the opposite of UTSW by being match heavy? Or is it too early to tell?
I vaguely remember from the post-interview survey that the last interview date listed was mid-late January, which makes sense w/ TMDSAS rules where pre-match offers can go out until Jan 29 (as listed here for anyone who wants to affirm.) Given it's their first year on TMDSAS, it's probably hard to tell where Baylor will fall in terms of pre-match offers vs. match day offers.
With another round of A's in, does anyone else think that Baylor is opting to be match heavy or at least waiting until they interview all candidates by January as wysdoc mentioned to figure out who to accept? Do they interview until late or mid-january (since prematch deadline is the 29th)? It seems like there will be one more wave before that deadline (suggested by @elusive_pepperjack and @Kracin I think), and then you have the Match (Feb. 18- March 5).

Granted, not everyone accepted is on SDN and not everyone accepted would post about it. The class size is usually 184, so with only 6-7 A's reported here, would it make sense that they are doing the opposite of UTSW by being match heavy? Or is it too early to tell?

I’m also wondering this. Most schools accept 2-3x the number of their class, but Baylor’s prematch numbers seem absurdly low. Unless a huge batch comes in January, then it’s shaping up to be very match heavy.
Congrats to all those accepted! Remember to join the GroupMe to connect with other accepted students🙂 GroupMe
Are there any Canadian applicants who got interviews/acceptances from Baylor? If so could you please share your stats. Thank you.
Does anyone know the best way to get in touch with Baylor to ask a question/schedule a conversation? In the past, emailing them has proved tricky to get a real response, and the responses I did get maybe didn't seem like they fully understood my points. I'm hoping that maybe with a pre-match they may be more communicative, since they said to feel free to reach out with questions? I have a tricky pre-req situation that I need to get ironed out before my last semester, and I'm really hoping to get in touch with them to do so!
Does anyone know the best way to get in touch with Baylor to ask a question/schedule a conversation? In the past, emailing them has proved tricky to get a real response, and the responses I did get maybe didn't seem like they fully understood my points. I'm hoping that maybe with a pre-match they may be more communicative, since they said to feel free to reach out with questions? I have a tricky pre-req situation that I need to get ironed out before my last semester, and I'm really hoping to get in touch with them to do so!
They probably won't reply until the first week of January, but put the reason for your email in the subject line:
" Accepted student Azn2021, time-sensitive question on prerequisite course" or something like that.
In the text of your email you can ask that the appropriate person call you to discuss, if that will make things more direct.
They probably won't reply until the first week of January, but put the reason for your email in the subject line:
" Accepted student Azn2021, time-sensitive question on prerequisite course" or something like that.
In the text of your email you can ask that the appropriate person call you to discuss, if that will make things more direct.
Thank you so much!! That sounds like a great idea, I’ll definitely try it out!
^^ wondering the same thing and deciding whether or not to send an LOI at this point
Yeah I think I might send one tomorrow it wouldn’t hurt. What do y’all think would be good to include in the letter. I don’t have anything meaningful to update them with so should I just give some specific reasons (personal and academic) I want to go to the school?
Yeah I think I might send one tomorrow it wouldn’t hurt. What do y’all think would be good to include in the letter. I don’t have anything meaningful to update them with so should I just give some specific reasons (personal and academic) I want to go to the school?
That's what I'm doing! Mostly talking about why it's a good fit for me and why I'm a good fit for the school. Are you uploading yours to the portal or emailing it? I didn't see an option for LOIs on the document upload tab, just updates/deferment request/interview thank you note/additional documents
Mm jjn
That's what I'm doing! Mostly talking about why it's a good fit for me and why I'm a good fit for the school. Are you uploading yours to the portal or emailing it? I didn't see an option for LOIs on the document upload tab, just updates/deferment request/interview thank you note/additional documents
I have no idea who to send it to tbh. I was just gonna annoy a bunch of people on this thread and see where they sent theirs lmao
Did anyone interview this past week/did adcom say anything about when potential offers would be sent out?