2021-2022 Columbia (Vagelos)

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I haven’t gotten anything either, do they send it all at once?

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Congrats to all so far!!!! Just wondering how they update? Email to look at the portal?
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MEGA CONGRATS!!!! do u mind me asking if it came via email or if you had to log into the portal to see it?
They sent a very vague email that said a decision had been released in the portal
Does anyone know how long it takes for them to get all the A's out? It is already over? If not, is it like staggered over an hour vs over just a couple of hours vs an all-day thing? I guess at what point should we be worried lol. Also, have anyone from Bassett hear anything yet?
Does anyone know how long it takes for them to get all the A's out? It is already over? If not, is it like staggered over an hour vs over just a couple of hours vs an all-day thing? I guess at what point should we be worried lol. Also, have anyone from Bassett hear anything yet?
According to 2020-2021 thread, looks like calls were reported until 11:30, but that is just conjecture
Me every time I get an unrelated email notification
harry potter panic GIF
Have other peeps received WL/Rs by email/portal? I was assuming that, like many schools, no email = toast, but maybe here it just means they haven't gotten to you yet? That said, maybe they emailed all the accepted peeps first :/
Have other peeps received WL/Rs by email/portal? I was assuming that, like many schools, no email = toast, but maybe here it just means they haven't gotten to you yet? That said, maybe they emailed all the accepted peeps first :/
nothing yet on my end, but based on last year's thread it looks like they start sending WL/R decisions out in the afternoon
Hi, I had to take a break from the thread cuz my anxiety was jumpin but I looked away and came back just now - got the A via email, to "check portal", this email was received exactly at 11:11 AM EST! Interviewed in the very end of the last week of Jan - so almost, if not, the last portion of interviews.
Have other peeps received WL/Rs by email/portal? I was assuming that, like many schools, no email = toast, but maybe here it just means they haven't gotten to you yet? That said, maybe they emailed all the accepted peeps first :/
I received a waitlist update on the portal but may be different because I was also interviewing for Bassett.
Holding on to hope that they still have a wave of As to send out. Does anyone know what time WLs/Rs started coming out in the afternoon last cycle?