For those of you who were rejected, are on the waitlist, or know someone in that situation let me share some unsolicated motivational stuff.
First time I applied to MU I was "status unchanged" until the very end where I was finally rejected. I was heartbroken. It felt like all the work I had put in meant nothing and that I was failure. I was in a hole for a good month. However, I decided to say "no" to MUs rejection and applied again. I talked to lots of people, did lots of thinking, and fixed the things on my application that I felt needed to be and could be fixed. I reapplied that summer, interviewed in the 2nd week and was accepted in the first month. I just found out this morning that I matched into my speciality of choice. I should have matched last year but I had to take a year off for personal reasons. But I'm here, I matched, and in 2 months I'll be graduating.
I say this to give those of you who may need it hope. Not getting accepted is devasting, but it is not the end unless you choose for it to be the end. There were many times I thought it was the end, but I chose to not let it be. Take some time to recover and if you decide you want to apply again seek out all the advice you can (hopefully from trusted sources) on what you can do better next time. You may not end up being accepted to Mizzou, but if you want to be a doctor you can do it.
To end, let me share one of my favorite quotes: "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."
Good luck to you all.