2021-2022 Medical College of Georgia

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Jan 21, 2016
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Has anyone gotten a secondary yet? I called early this month to ask a LOR question, and they mentioned they were focusing on ED first.
Does applying early in the cycle matter? I'm taking my MCAT at the end of the month and have been getting ~514 on the practice exams and have a 3.97 gpa. Just crawled through the thread from last application cycle and don't know quite what to think of it. Probably won't have an application in until september.
Does applying early in the cycle matter? I'm taking my MCAT at the end of the month and have been getting ~514 on the practice exams and have a 3.97 gpa. Just crawled through the thread from last application cycle and don't know quite what to think of it. Probably won't have an application in until september.
You should get your application in ASAP! Pre write secondaries as well so you can send them in as soon as you get them. Just definitely do it as early as possible.
Does applying early in the cycle matter? I'm taking my MCAT at the end of the month and have been getting ~514 on the practice exams and have a 3.97 gpa. Just crawled through the thread from last application cycle and don't know quite what to think of it. Probably won't have an application in until september.
Not having an mcat in until another two months and submitting in September will hurt you. I mean it’s not going to crush your chances but it’ll affect them
Does applying early in the cycle matter? I'm taking my MCAT at the end of the month and have been getting ~514 on the practice exams and have a 3.97 gpa. Just crawled through the thread from last application cycle and don't know quite what to think of it. Probably won't have an application in until september.
A lot of schools right now will let you submit applications without an MCAT score. Even secondary applications I believe. Most of them say they will let you submit scores from MCATs taken up until the end of September. They probably won't start reviewing your application until they get your MCAT score, but having everything else already submitted will really help you!!
Anyone know when MCG will begin sending secondaries?
Last year they started sending them beginning of August

Edit: Just checked and the exact date for RD last year was August 11. They did have some technical issues last year though, so it might come a little earlier this cycle.
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Essay prompts:
1. Please discuss your primary interest in attending the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. (300 words)
2. Please describe your motivation for becoming a physician. What contributions do you feel that you could make to the medical profession in the future? (300 words)
3. Please list any additional clinical experiences that are not included on your AMCAS application. Please include the physician’s name OR type of experience (i.e., Nursing, PA, EMT, E.R. Scribe, etc.) in the description column below along with the location, dates and total number of hours. If no additional experiences have occurred, please select "N/A."
4. The Admissions Committee regards the diversity of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of MCG. The Admissions Committee strongly encourages you to share personal challenges that you have overcome and that are unique to you. These challenges may include the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, region of residence with respect to its health professional needs, ties to MCG, culture, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or life and/or work experiences. Please discuss how such factors have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine. (300 words)
5. Please describe the geographical area in which you would most likely practice medicine and why. Please include the country, region, state, city and/or town in your response. (300 words)
6. Please explain any inconsistencies in your academic record. This may include below average course performance, grade trends, MCAT scores, etc. (300 words)
7. If applicable, indicate any special experiences, unusual factors or other information you have not already addressed in your application. (300 words)
8. Please explain any disruptions to your medical school application this cycle that the admissions committee should consider, as it relates to COVID-19 (Examples include: academics, volunteer/clinical experiences, personal life, etc.) (300 words)
Would someone post the website as to where the secondary submission is located? There were some problems similiar to FAU’s secondary with people or receiving. Don’t be a gatekeeper
Should I explain a W on my transcript in the “inconsistencies in academic record” question? I have had some explicitly ask to explain Ws but this one doesn’t so I’m not sure if I should just leave it out or explain it
RD & IS applicant, verified early last week received secondary shortly after.
just double checking-- do we need to do duet & snapshot too or just casper??
Would any IS applicants who have received secondaries mind sharing their stats? I know MCG typically sends out secondaries to higher stat applicants first and am just trying to gauge where they are currently with the process.
Would any IS applicants who have received secondaries mind sharing their stats? I know MCG typically sends out secondaries to higher stat applicants first and am just trying to gauge where they are currently with the process.
512 MCAT, 3.7 cGPA, 3.59 sGPA
Would any IS applicants who have received secondaries mind sharing their stats? I know MCG typically sends out secondaries to higher stat applicants first and am just trying to gauge where they are currently with the process.
518 MCAT, 3.94 cGPA, 3.93 sGPA
The MCG website says to email them if you don't get the secondary's within a couple days of your AMCAS release. I emailed them today and received the secondary email a couple of hours later. Go to the FAQ section of their website..
Would any IS applicants who have received secondaries mind sharing their stats? I know MCG typically sends out secondaries to higher stat applicants first and am just trying to gauge where they are currently with the process.
514, 4.0 GPA
Would any IS applicants who have received secondaries mind sharing their stats? I know MCG typically sends out secondaries to higher stat applicants first and am just trying to gauge where they are currently with the process.
I’m not a high stat applicant and I received mine . IS , 510 , 3.45
Personal challenge secondary essay--

would it be too risky to talk about a past of disordered eating and how I overcame that?

I know people often say to stay away from psychiatric stuff when talking about background in secondary essays... and my experience isn't that, but I still feel iffy writing about it in case its a red flag to adcoms
Personal challenge secondary essay--

would it be too risky to talk about a past of disordered eating and how I overcame that?

I know people often say to stay away from psychiatric stuff when talking about background in secondary essays... and my experience isn't that, but I still feel iffy writing about it in case its a red flag to adcoms
Personally, I wouldn't. Not everyone is so progressive and some adcoms may be concerned that when times get hard, your disordered eating may arise again.
Current MS1 here! Feel free to ask me questions -- good luck to everyone in the application process!
Current MS1 here! Feel free to ask me questions -- good luck to everyone in the application process!
Hi! Thank you for making yourself available to help and congrats! I am having trouble interpreting this question and was wondering how you approached it in your secondary to MCG:

The Admissions Committee regards the diversity of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of MCG. The Admissions Committee strongly encourages you to share personal challenges that you have overcome and that are unique to you. These challenges may include the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, region of residence with respect to its health professional needs, ties to MCG, culture, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or life and/or work experiences. Please discuss how such factors have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine.

The wording may have slightly changed from what it was when you applied, but I am hoping for some advice on how to tackle this question. It seems like a challenge essay, but some of the items listed (i.e. ties to MCG, life and/or work experiences) don't seem like they quite fit the "challenge" compartment. As a student with a highly privileged background who has not had challenges in my life resulting from any of the clearly delineated examples, I am wondering whether I should talk about my (rather minuscule) problems or if I should instead approach it from a diversity angle. It seems to conflate diversity and personal challenge, and in my life, I'm not sure how to combine the two.
Hi! Thank you for making yourself available to help and congrats! I am having trouble interpreting this question and was wondering how you approached it in your secondary to MCG:

The Admissions Committee regards the diversity of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of MCG. The Admissions Committee strongly encourages you to share personal challenges that you have overcome and that are unique to you. These challenges may include the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, region of residence with respect to its health professional needs, ties to MCG, culture, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or life and/or work experiences. Please discuss how such factors have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine.

The wording may have slightly changed from what it was when you applied, but I am hoping for some advice on how to tackle this question. It seems like a challenge essay, but some of the items listed (i.e. ties to MCG, life and/or work experiences) don't seem like they quite fit the "challenge" compartment. As a student with a highly privileged background who has not had challenges in my life resulting from any of the clearly delineated examples, I am wondering whether I should talk about my (rather minuscule) problems or if I should instead approach it from a diversity angle. It seems to conflate diversity and personal challenge, and in my life, I'm not sure how to combine the two.

Hello! That prompt looks pretty similar to what it was last year, but it looks like they're emphasizing personal challenges more this year than before. Last year this was our prompt (altered section is bolded):

"The Admissions Committee regards the diversity of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of the school. The Committee strongly encourages you to share unique, personally important, and/or challenging factors in your background, such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, region of residence with respect to its health professional needs, ties to MCG Medical College of Georgia, culture, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or life and/or work experiences. Please discuss how such factors have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine."

Even if you haven't had challenges in life from the specific examples listed, perhaps you have had other personal, unique challenges in your life/work experiences that you've learned a lot through. When I spoke to an MCG admissions officer last cycle, they seemed to emphasize writing about interactions with people of other cultures/backgrounds and what you learned (not necessarily just URMs). However, last cycle's prompt was broader to allow for unique, personally important, or challenging factors last cycle. It looks like they're really emphasizing the personal challenges aspect this year, so I would really try to approach it from that angle of diversity and personal challenge. As an example, perhaps you've run a baking business on the side in college and you could showcase the challenges of managing that well along with school/other activities. This is just my personal opinion since I'm not on the admissions committee but I think that could be a viable route to go through.
I understand submitting secondaries as soon as possible BUT for the "within two weeks" deadline, is that inclusive of the 14th day? For instance if I got a secondary invite August 10, would the deadline be August 23 or 24?
I understand submitting secondaries as soon as possible BUT for the "within two weeks" deadline, is that inclusive of the 14th day? For instance if I got a secondary invite August 10, would the deadline be August 23 or 24?
I applied ED but submitted my secondaries on that last day and had no issue.