2022-2023 Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW)

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withdrew my A from mke :) best of luck everyone!

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Did people get off the waitlist? Just wondering why the jump in Facebook members
current students join the new class's group as well to advertise student groups, housing, etc. Don't use those numbers as a guide for WL movement
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WL movement is happening everyone . A today.
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Per an email they sent me on May 12th, they said my email would be created by May 19th. So on the 20th I emailed the MCW IT people because I hadn't received it, and they said 'by the end of this week' ie by tomorrow the 26th...but still nothing

FWIW I was accepted later in the cycle so maybe everybody who was accepted later is still waiting?
Per an email they sent me on May 12th, they said my email would be created by May 19th. So on the 20th I emailed the MCW IT people because I hadn't received it, and they said 'by the end of this week' ie by tomorrow the 26th...but still nothing

FWIW I was accepted later in the cycle so maybe everybody who was accepted later is still waiting?
Yea. Doesn’t hurt to follow up. Especially since you’ll need that email to get some things done prior to the start of class
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Did anyone send an update letter, does it help with moving off the waitlist?
Did anyone send an update letter, does it help with moving off the waitlist?
I’m going to assume by now if you sent one it wouldn’t help bc my understanding from their email a few weeks ago was that they were going to review apps again and it looks like WL movement is happening so they would have done reviews by now.
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Got the A this morning too! IS, sent a letter of update/intent mid April and an extra letter of rec early May.
Is there an accepted students group me or facebook page?
There's 332, but not sure how many are current students or administration
When do new student start and what is the link to the Facebook page